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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Please direct queries to the Editorial Office (see link on right hand side)


Bridges the gap between the theory and practice of image processing.

Covers real-time image processing systems and algorithms for industrial, medical, consumer electronics, portable and embedded device applications

Presents practical, low-cost, and real-time architectures for image processing systems as well as tools, simulation and modeling for real-time image processing algorithms and their implementations.

Although there are many journals addressing the subject of image processing, the Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (JRTIP) is the only one that is solely dedicated to the real-time aspect of image and video processing.


It is often the case that an image processing algorithm is developed and proven theoretically sound, presumably with a specific application in mind, but its practical applications and the detailed steps, methodology, and trade-off analysis required to achieve its real-time performance are never fully explored. JRTIP is thus intended to bridge the gap between the theory and practice of image and video processing, serving the greater community of researchers, practicing engineers, and industrial professionals who deal with designing, implementing or utilizing real-time image and video processing systems.


The real-time aspect is critical in many real-world devices or products such as mobile phones, digital still/video/cell-phone cameras, portable media players, personal digital assistants, high-definition television, video surveillance systems, industrial visual inspection systems, medical imaging devices, vision-assisted intelligent robots, spectral imaging systems, and many other embedded image or video processing systems.


Topics covered in the journal include:


Real-time image and video processing algorithms

Real-time embedded image/video processing systems

Real-time image and video processing hardware and architecture including FPGA, DSP, GPU, GPP, ASIC, System-on-Chip (SoC), and System-in-a-Package (SiP) implementations

Real-time software optimizations and related design paradigms for image/video processing

Real-time hardware/software co-design for image and video processing

Real-time image and video processing applications including digital, cell-phone, and smart cameras, machine vision, industrial inspection, surveillance and security, image and video compression for transmission and for database storage and retrieval, biomedical imaging, spectral imaging, etc.


The editorial board consist of a dedicated team of experts from academia and industry who have played a major role in promoting the area of real-time image and video processing. The Editors-in-Chief and more than half of the board members have an established track record in this area. They bring several years of experience from their previous involvement with the journal Real-Time Imaging (RTI), which preceded JRTIP publishing real-time image and video processing papers.


Abstracted/Indexed in: 

Academic OneFile, ACM Digital Library, Cabell's, Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology, EI-Compendex, Gale, Google Scholar, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, OCLC, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), SCOPUS, Summon by Serial Solutions, VINITI - Russian Academy of Science

Instructions to Authors

Legal requirements 

The author(s) guarantee(s) that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright owners, that the rights of third parties will not be violated, and that the publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.

Authors wishing to include figures or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.


Editorial procedure 

Authors should submit their manuscripts to Editorial Manager online to facilitate even quicker and more efficient processing. Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial processing and reviewing times and shortens overall publication times.

Please log directly onto www.editorialmanager.com/jrtip/

Upload your manuscript following the on-screen instructions.


If you face any problems while submitting your manuscript, please contact:

Editorial Manager: randy.cruz@springer.com



Manuscript preparation 

General remarks

All manuscripts are subject to copy editing.


Title page

The title page should include:

- The name(s) of the author(s)

- A concise and informative title

- The affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s)

- The e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the communicating author


Abstract. Each paper must be preceded by an abstract presenting the most important results and conclusions.

Keywords. 3 to 5 keywords should be supplied after the Abstract for indexing purposes.

Abbreviations should be defined at first mention in the abstract and again in the main body of the text and used consistently thereafter.



The list of References should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications should only be mentioned in the text.

If available the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) can be added at the end of the reference in question.


Ward, J., Robinson, P.J.: How to detect hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhosis. Eur Radiol 14, 29 – 36 (2002) DOI 10.1007/s00330-002-1450-y

A paper published online but not yet in print can be cited using the DOI :

Ward, J., Robinson, P.J.: How to detect hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhosis. Eur Radiol (2002) DOI 10.1007/s00330-002-1450-y

Citations in the text should be identified by numbers in square brackets, and the list of references at the end of the paper should be both alphabetized under the first author's name and numbered. References by the same author or team of authors should be listed in chronological order.


1. Kami E., Schanz W.: Diagonal quotient surfaces. manuscripta math. 93, 67-108 (1997)

2. Neukirch J.: Algebraische Zahlentheorie. Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer 1992


Illustrations and Tables

All figures (photographs, graphs or diagrams) and tables should be cited in the text, and each numbered consecutively throughout. Lowercase letters (a, b etc.) should be used to identify figure parts. If illustrations are supplied with uppercase labeling, lowercase letters will still be used in the figure legends and citations.

Figure legends must be brief, self-sufficient explanations of the illustrations. The legends should be placed at the end of the text.

Tables should have a title and a legend explaining any abbreviation used in that table. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data).

Publication of color illustrations is free of charge.



Authors should make their proof corrections on a printout of the pdf file or use the online correction facilities provided with the proof. They should check that the text is complete and that all figures and tables are included. After online publication, further changes can only be made in the form of an Erratum, which will be hyperlinked to the article. The author is entitled to formal corrections only. Substantial changes in content, e.g. new results, corrected values, title and authorship are not allowed without the approval of the responsible editor. In such a case please contact the Editor-in-Chief before returning the proofs to the publisher.


Offprints, Free copy 

25 offprints of each contribution are supplied free of charge. If you wish to order additional offprints you must return the order form with the corrected proofs.

Editorial Board


Nasser Kehtarnavaz
University of Texas at Dallas, USA


Matthias F. Carlsohn
Engineering and Consultancy for
Computer Vision & Image Communication, Germany


Advisory Board

A. Bovik
University of Texas at Austin, USA


E. Dougherty
Texas A&M University


B. Fishbain
University of Southern California, USA


A. Jaakko
Tampere Univerity of Technology, Finland


R. Mehrubeoglu
Texas A&M University


J. Madeiras Pereira
INESC-ID, Portugal


L. Perroton
, France


T. Sikora
Technische Universität Berlin, Germany


A. Stork
Fraunhofer IGD, Germany


T. Tan
National Lab of Pattern Recognition, China


S. Wang
Kodak Research Laboratories, USA


Editorial Board

M. Akil
Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs en Electronique et Electrotechnique, France


A. Amer
Concordia University
, Canada


M. Atiquzzaman
University of Oklahoma, USA


M. Budagavi
Texas Instruments Inc., USA


L. da Fontoura Costa
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil


P. Dang
Intel Corporation, USA


R. Davies
University of London, UK


M. Felsberg
Linköping University
, Sweden

S. Goma
Qualcomm, USA


P. Graebling
École nationale supérieure de physique de Strasbourg, France

C. Grecos
University of West Scotland, UK


G. Iannizzotto
University of Messina, Italy


R. Koch
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany


L. Lo Bello,
University of Catania, Italy


R. Lukac
Epson Canada Ltd, Toronto, Canada


E. Nakamura
Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan


P. Nesi
University of Florence, Italy


A. Nunez
University of Las Palmas Gran Canaria, Spain


A. Omondi
University of Teesside, UK


A. J. Plaza
University of Extremadura, Spain


V. Ponomaryov
Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico


F. Porikli
Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, USA


L. Salgado
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain 


J. Santos
European Commission, Belgium


M. Shirvaikar
University of Texas at Tyler, USA


A.  Skodras
Hellenic Open University, Greece

S. Stilkerich
EADS Corporate Research Centre, Germany


S. Suthaharan
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA


E. Veklerov
University of California at Berkeley, USA


L. Yaroslavsky
Tel Aviv University
, Israel


L. Zhang
Communications Research Centre Canada, Canada



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