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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Inter-Research is pleased to announce the founding of a new journal: Aquaculture Environment Interactions (AEI).


The journal serves as a multi-disciplinary, international forum for primary research studies on the diverse interactions between aquaculture and the environment.


Dr Tim Dempster (SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture, Norway) and Dr Marianne Holmer (University of Southern Denmark) have been appointed Editors-in-Chief.


AEI articles are included in the Science Citation Index Expanded(SCI(E)) and Current Contents: Agriculture, Biology + Environmental Sciences. The first volumes will be published with Open Access, at no cost to the authors.

Instructions to Authors

Submitted manuscripts must (1) not be submitted simultaneously to any other publication outlet; (2) be original; (3) have been approved by all authors and institutions involved; (4) meet ethics guidelines (see below). If the manuscript has previously been submitted to another publication outlet, this should be disclosed and a rationale for its submission to AEI provided. Submission of a manuscript implies agreement to Inter-Research terms of publication, including transfer of copyright to Inter-Research and the online posting of a prepress abstract.


Submissions should consist of: (1) a cover letter with a brief description of the main goals and findings contained in the manuscript, and the response to reviews if the submission is a revision, (2) the manuscript itself. Acceptable electronic formats are Adobe pdf and MS-Word. Pages and lines should be numbered. All fonts must be embedded in the file, which must not contain any security settings. Manuscripts should be submitted in a single file that contains all text, tables, and figures. Total file size should be no more than 5 MB. High quality figure files needed for production will be requested if necessary later when the ms is accepted.


All manuscripts must be submitted via the AEI editorial office, either online, by email, or by post. Authors are invited to specify their preference for an Editor, and to suggest 3 to 5 referees.


1. Online manuscript submission system: click here AUTHOR GATEWAY


2. Email submission: editorial office (aei-submissions@int-res.com). Attach 2 separate files, preferably as pdf (1: the cover letter, which may include a list of potential reviewers, and which must include the response to reviews if the submission is a revision; and 2: the manuscript).


3. By post: to Inter-Research, Nordbünte 23, 21385 Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany. Include 1 hard copy and/or a CD.





Manuscripts are critically evaluated by at least 3 reviewers. The Editor decides on acceptance, revision, or rejection.


Titles of accepted manuscripts are added to 'Forthcoming publications' on the IR Web site, together with a prepress abstract. Articles are published within a few days after corrected proofs have been returned by the corresponding author. Orders for offprints must be made when returning the proof (use the form provided). A copy of the journal volume or number, and offprints ordered will be mailed to the corresponding author after an issue is printed.




Please consider the following when preparing your ms. Consult recent IR publications as a general guide.


Once a ms has been accepted, upload or send it as a word-processing file (e.g. MS Word, not pdf or TeX), with separate figure files. Large files (>1 MB) can be uploaded to our ftp site (ftp.int-res.com), which can be freely accessed (please inform us if you upload anything).


Manuscript length


The target length of Research Articles is approximately 10 printed pages (about 6000 words).


Cover page


Title: Avoid 'A', 'An', 'The', 'On', etc. at the beginning; the title should have not more than 100 characters (ca. 15 words, 2 lines in print), and 150 characters at most. Compare:

'A novel method for the production of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific to an envelope protein (28kDa) of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) of shrimp and detection of WSSV by MAb-based antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay'

(236 characters, 37 words)


'Detection of white spot syndrome virus of shrimp by means of monoclonal antibodies specific to an envelope protein'

(114 characters, 19 words).


Provide a running head with 3 to 6 words; e.g. 'Detection of shrimp WSSV'.


Authors and addresses: If a ms has several authors from different institutions:


use superscript numerals for identification;

provide the address of each author's institution, including present address(es) if applicable. Include zip or postal code but not street address or box number

use * to refer to a footnote that identifies the corresponding author and provide her/his e-mail.


Abstract: Limit length to 250 words. Provide concise information on your work and its principal results. Avoid literature cites, series of data, or meaningless clauses such as 'the results are discussed'.


Key words: Supply 3 to 8 key words, listed in order of importance.




Please use numbered pages and lines, 12 point font, and double spacing. Do your very best to use correct English grammar, spelling and punctuation; if you are not a native English speaker, you should have the text edited by someone who is, before sending the ms to IR. You may also wish to consult a 'How to' book such as Day & Gastel (2006) How to write and publish a scientific paper, 6th edn (Greenwood Press, Westport, CT).


Verbosity: Please eliminate verbiage; example:

'This speed was chosen because past studies by Miller (1995) and Smith (1998) have shown this to be slightly greater than the maximum sustained swimming speed.'


'This is slightly greater than the maximum sustained swimming speed (Miller 1995, Smith 1998).'


Genus and species names must be in italics; write the genus name in full at first mention in each paragraph and abbreviate whenever mentioned again in the same paragraph. When referring to a species, do not use the genus name alone, unless you have previously defined it that way; be precise when using 'sp.' (singular) and 'spp.' (plural).


Sequence data: Full information is required when molecular methods are used. The sequences of novel primers must be given. Novel nucleotide or protein sequences must be deposited in the GenBank, EMBL or DDBJ databases and an accession number obtained.


Abbreviations: Define abbreviations and acronyms in the 'Abstract' and at first mention in the main text, and thereafter use only the abbreviation / acronym.


Equations and units: Use standard SI units. Relations or concentrations (e.g. mg per l) must be given as 'mg l-1' (not mg/l). Variables are usually italicised (except for Greek letters). Italicisation should be consistent in normal, superscript and subscripted text. Leave one blank space on either side of '=', '>', ± etc. where these denote equalities or inequalities.

Example: 'p < 0.05, r2 = 0.879' (not 'p<0.05, r2=0.879'); but: 'we studied organisms of size <0.5 µm'


Figures and tables


Figures: Please consult Guidelines to Authors on Figure Preparation.

Figures, tables, and their captions should be self-explanatory; e.g. abbreviations and acronyms must be defined again here. If a figure or table provides data on biological species, its legend should begin with the full Latin name of that species. For table footnotes, use superscripted lower case letters; asterisks can be used to indicate statistical significance.


Literature cited


All quoted literature must be listed, and all listed literature must be quoted.


Periodicals: Use standard abbreviations according to 'BIOSIS Serial Sources'. You can download a list of journal abbreviations from www.int-res.com/misc/journallist.txt or use the bibliographic database software 'EndNote' . You can obtain styles for IR journals at www.endnote.com/support/enstyles.asp or download here.


How to cite from AEI (example):

Dempster T, Holmer M (2009) Introductory editorial. Aquacult Environ Interact 1:1–5

Books: Write the title of the book in lower case, and give the publisher and place of publication. In the case of book series, give the series editor as well. Example:

Hanski I (2005) The shrinking world: ecological consequences of habitat loss. In: Kinne O (ed) Excellence in ecology, Book 14. International Ecology Institute, Oldendorf/Luhe

Papers from books, conference reports, symposium proceedings, etc.: Give the title of the chapter, the editor(s) and title of the volume, the publisher and place of the publisher (not the location where the conference was held), and the pages of the chapter. The date of the cite must be the year of publication (not the year in which the conference was held). Example:

West TL, Amrose WG (1992) Abiotic and biotic effects on population dynamics of oligohaline benthic invertebrates. In: Colombo G, Ferrari I, Ceccherelli VU, Rossi R (eds) Marine eutrophication and population dynamics. Proc 25th Eur Mar Biol Symp. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensburg.

Dissertations: Write the title in lower case, 'MS / PhD thesis / dissertation', and give the university and its location. Example:

Eve TM (2001) Chemistry and chemical ecology of Indo-Pacific gorgonians. PhD dissertation, University of California, San Diego, CA

Websites: Permanent databases such as FishBase, GenBank, or climatological sources may be included in the Literature Cited list; the date accessed must be given. URLs for printed publications also available online may be included with their citations. Other website references should only be cited in the body text. Example:

Froese F, Pauly D (2009) FishBase. Accessed 13 Jan. www.fishbase.org


Electronic supplements


Material in a format unsuitable for inclusion within the article (overlong tables, video clips, mathematical derivations, etc.) may be published on the Inter-Research web-site as an electronic supplement, with a direct link from the online article. Supplementary Material must be closely integrated with the article itself and should not be misused as a convenient way of disseminating large amounts of extra information that would be better presented in a separate article or in an online repository. It must be carefully prepared, as it will not go through the full prepublication process of checking and copyediting. Inclusion of material in the electronic supplement is at the discretion of the Editors.





Research published in IR journals must have been conducted in accordance with institutional, national and international guidelines concerning the use of animals in research and/or the sampling of endangered species.





Individuals listed as authors must: (1) agree to be listed; (2) have contributed to the research reported; (3) approve the submitted version of the manuscript.





Scientific information appearing in IR journals has been rigorously refereed, carefully quality-improved, and professionally selected by our editorial staff. These publications, and all parts thereof, are therefore protected by copyright. This covers the exclusive rights of the publisher to sell, reproduce (by any means, including photographic or electronic), distribute (including via photocopies, reprints, or electronic means), and store (on microfilm, in electronic data bases, on video disks, etc.) this material.

The acceptance regulations of a manuscript for publication automatically include the consent of the author(s) to transfer the copyright to the publisher. Permission for exceptions to these rules must be obtained in writing from the publisher at the time of manuscript submission. In the USA, photocopies may be made for personal or in-house use beyond the limitations stipulated under Section 107 or 108 of U.S. Copyright Law.  




Publisher, editors, reviewers and authors do not accept any legal responsibility for errors, omissions or claims, nor do they provide any warranty, express or implied, with respect to information published in IR journals.

Editorial Board


Tim Dempster

Department of Zoology

University of Melbourne

3010 Victoria, Australia



Centre for Research-based Innovation in Aquaculture Technology (CREATE)

SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture

7465 Trondheim, Norway


Marianne Holmer

Institute of Biology

SDU-Odense University

Campusvej 55

5230 Odense M, Denmark




Matthias Seaman




John Austin



Production Manager: Melanie Overbeck. Assistants to the Editors: Marita Bruns, Matthias Dirbach, Catherine Fesefeldt, Angela Fromm, Bernhard Fromm, Linda Froome-Döring, Ivor George, Thorben Gutknecht, Sandra Hammer, Hans Heinrich Janssen, Konstantin Kambach, Lars Litwin, Justin Mellersh, William Neel, Christine Paetzold, Claire Pritchard, Simone Ritter, Florian Schlenker, Timothy St.Clair, Ian Stewart, Natalie Striepe, Nicole Taros, Simone Thiemann


Inter-Research, Nordbünte 23 (+5, 28, 30),

21385 Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany

Tel (+49) (0)4132 7127, Fax (+49) (0)4132 8883

Email: ir(at)int-res.com, Internet: www.int-res.com


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