

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

John Wiley & Sons and the Teratology Society are pleased to announce a new journal, Birth Defects Research . This new journal is a comprehensive resource of original research and reviews in fields related to embryo-fetal development and reproduction. Birth Defects Research draws from the expertise and reputation of two current Wiley journals, and introduces a new forum for reviews in developmental biology and embryology. The new journal consists of three parts:

Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology , formerly published as Teratology

Part B: Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology , formerly published as Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis

Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews


Abstracting and Indexing Information

BIOBASE: Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (Elsevier)

Biological Abstracts (Thomson Reuters)

BIOSIS Previews (Thomson Reuters)

Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA/CIG)

CAS: Chemical Abstracts Services

Chemical Abstracts Service/SciFinder (ACS)

CSA Biological Sciences Database (CSA/CIG)

CSA Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management Database (CSA/CIG)

Current Contents: Life Sciences (Thomson Reuters)

EMBASE (Elsevier)

Embiology (Elsevier)

HEED: Health Economic Evaluations Database (Wiley-Blackwell)

IBIDS: International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (NIH)

Index Medicus/MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM)

Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Thomson Reuters)


Reference Update (Thomson Reuters)

Science Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)

Science Citation Index Expanded™ (Thomson Reuters)

SCOPUS (Elsevier)

VINITI (All-Russian Institute of Science & Technological Information)

Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)  

Instructions to Authors

Birth Defects Research Part A offers authors the option of immediate Open Access for a fee. For details please go to Funded Access


NIH Public Access Mandate
For those interested in the Wiley-Blackwell policy on the NIH Public Access Mandate,
please visit our policy statement

Online Submission:
Manuscripts should be submitted online at
http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/bdr-wiley. Check for an existing account. If you are submitting for the first time, and you do not have an existing account, create a new account.

Submit manuscript, tables, and figures as separate files. You do not need to mail any paper copies of your manuscript. At the end of a successful submission, a confirmation screen with manuscript number will appear and you will receive an e-mail confirming that the manuscript has been received by the journal. If this does not happen, please check your submission and/or contact tech support at

Manuscript Formats:
Only manuscripts in English will be considered. They should be organized as follows: title page, abstract, key words, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments, literature cited,table and figure legends. The title page must include: title, full name of author(s), complete affiliations for all authors, grant information and grant numbers, a running title not to exceed 45 characters and spaces, and the name, address, phone and fax number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author. The abstract should not exceed 250 words and should be formatted to serve in lieu of a concluding summary. It should concisely state the significant findings without reference to the rest of the paper. Append three to eight key words at the end of the abstract.

Original Article : Manuscripts in this category describe the results of original research conducted in the broad area of congenital defects. The manuscript should be presented in the format of Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. The abstract should be structured as follows: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions (250-word limit).

Brief Report: Narrower in scope than Original Articles, Brief Reports may present results of studies involving small sample sizes,introduce new methodologies, report new developments, or describe preliminary results that are experimentally well documented. The Methods should be sufficiently detailed to permit replication of the work. Results and Discussion should be separate sections. Brief Reports should not exceed 2000 words of text, 2 tables or figures, and 25 references. The abstract should follow the same form (structured) and word length (not >250 words) as required for Original Articles.

Review: Review articles focus on topics of broad scientific interest to investigators in the area of birth defects research. Although such articles are usually solicited by the Editors, the journal will consider author-initiated proposals. Please contact the editorial office if you wish to propose a review article.

Case Report: These articles may describe one or more cases of a unique or rare clinical syndrome. The abstract for a Case Report should be structured as Background, Case(s), and Conclusions. The text should use the following format: Introduction, Case Report, and Discussion. The Discussion is expected to place the subject(s) of the Case Report in the context of the published literature on the same or related birth defect and to discuss the possible pathogenesis of the malformation.

Hypothesis: These articles present new data that lead to a specific hypothesis warranting further research (see BDRA 67 (3):149-153,2003 and 67(6):403-408, 2003 for examples). The format of Hypothesis articles should follow those outlined for original articles.

Teratogen Update: These articles review in detail the epidemiology, animal data, pharmacokinetics, toxicokinetics, or mechanism of action of a particular teratogenic agent or group of agents,e.g.,anticonvulsants. These in-depth articles are usually solicited by the Teratogen Update Editor, but the journal will consider proposals from potential authors.

Guidelines: These articles set forth guidelines related to the understanding and prevention of birth defects (see BDRA 67 (3):193-201,2003 for an example). Guidelines should be formatted with the same organization as original articles.
Workshop Summary: Summaries of workshops with a focus on birth defect-related topics will be considered. Authors interested in submitting such a summary should contact the editorial office.

Commentary: These are typically solicited by the Editor and are published in the same issue as the article that is the focus of the commentary.

Correspondence: Letters to the Editor must refer to an article that appeared within the previous 2 months. The text of the letter should be brief (not >500 words), and the letter may include 1 table or figure and 10 references. No new data may be presented. Letters to the Editor will be sent to the authors of the initial article for response. If accepted, both letters will be published in the same issue.

Book review: Books referred to the journal for possible review will be screened by the Book Review Editor for broad appeal to the general readership. Authors should include several suggestions for experts in the field who would be highly qualified to review the book.

Literature Cited:
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Literature Cited is to be arranged alphabetically in the following style: Author's name (or names), year of publication, complete title,volume,and inclusive pages.
Journal : Hather BM, Hikida RS. 1988. Properties of standard avian slow muscle grafts following long-term regeneration. J Exp Zool 246:115-123.
Book Chapter : Gilmour ML, Rouse ST, Heilman CJ, Nash NR, LeveyAI.1998. Receptor fusion proteins and analysis. In: Ariano MA, editor.Receptor localization. New York: Wiley-Liss. p 75-90.
Book :Sternberger LA. 1986. Immunocytochemistry. 3rd ed.New York:John Wiley & Sons.

Text references should be arranged chronologically by author’s name followed by year of publication: . . . studies by Smith (1983) reveal
. . . studies by Hamburger and Hamilton (1951) reveal
. . . an earlier report (Schoenwolf, 1988)
. . . earlier reports (Chang and Leblond, 1975; Schoenwolf, 1988)

When references are made to more than one paper by the same author, published in the same year, they are to be designated in the text as (White,1993a,b) and in the literature list as follows:
Kelley RO. 1970a. An electron microscopic study of mesenchyme during development of interdigital spaces in man. Anat Rec 168:43-54.
Kelley RO. 1970b. Fine structure of apical, digital and interdigital cells during limb morphogenesis in man. In: Proceedings of the VIIth International Congress of Electron Microscopy. Vol. III: p 381-382.

Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references.

Figure specifications:
Tables and Figures must be uploaded as separate files when submitting a manuscript. They are not to be included in the main manuscript file.
Illustrations should be in TIFF format. The minimum requirements for proper resolution are:
300 DPI/PPI for halftones (CMYK/Grayscale; figures that contain pictures only without text labeling or lines);
600 DPI/PPI for combination halftones (figures that contain pictures with text labeling and/or thin lines);
1200 DPI/PPI for monochrome (figures that are entirely black and white; line graphs are an example).

Color figures:
Authors are encouraged to submit color illustrations when the color conveys essential scientific information. All color figures will be reproduced in full color in the online edition of the journal at no cost to authors. A charge of $500.00 per page will be billed to authors to cover the cost of print reproduction. One or more pages of complimentary color may be granted bythe Editor.

Photographs Permission:
If your submission contains ANY identifiable patient images or other protected health information, you MUST provide documented permission from the patient (or the patient's parent, guardian, or legal representative) before the specific material will be circulated among JOURNAL editors, reviewers and staff for the purpose of possible publication in BDRA. The documented permission may be supplied as supplemental material uploaded with the submission or emailed to the editorial office at
bdra@wiley.com Manuscripts submitted without the appropriate documented permission will not be processed until those materials have been received by the editorial office. A consent form to publish identifiable photos can be found in the SPECIAL FEATURES box.

All authors will be asked to sign a copyright transfer agreement, which transfers copyright to the publisher. No published material may be reproduced or published elsewhere without written consent of the publisher and author. Signed copyright transfer agreements should be sent to the production editor
jrnlprodbdra@cadmus.com or via fax (717-738-9478 or 717-738-9479).

Proofs and Reprints:
The corresponding author will receive one set of PDF page proofs via E-mail for review. Reprints may be ordered at

Address all editorial correspondence to:
Diana M. Juriloff, Editor
Department of Medical Genetics
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia Canada
Phone: (604) 822-8634

Editorial Board

Diana M. Juriloff
Department of Medical Genetics
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


D E P U T Y    E D I T O R
Muriel J. Harris
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


A S S O C I A T E     E D I T O R S

Christina D. Chambers
San Diego, California


Andrew J. Copp
London, England


Richard H. Finnell
Houston, Texas


Jan M. Friedman
Vancouver, BC, Canada


Robert Greene
Louisville, Kentucky


Bengt A. J. K llén
Lund, Sweden


Jeff C. Murray
Iowa City, Iowa


Gary M. Shaw
Oakland, California


Kohei Shiota
, Japan


Susan M. Smith
Madison, Wisconsin


Michel Vekemans
, France


Martha M. Werler
Boston, Massachusetts



Harold Kalter (1968-1976)

Thomas W. Sadler (1993-1997)

Philip E. Mirkes (2003-2007)

Robert L. Brent (1977-1992)

Lewis B. Holmes (1998-2002)


Case Report Editor
Edward Lammer
Oakland, California


Teratogen Update Editor
Kenneth L. Jones
San Diego, California


Book Review Editor
Janine E. Polifka
Seattle, Washington


Teratology Society 2010-2011 Publications Committee

Michael G. Narotsky, Ph.D., Chair
L. David Wise, Ph.D., Vice Chair
Michael A. Schellpfeffer, M.D., M.S., Past Chair
John M. Rogers, Ph.D., President
Suzan L. Carmichael, Ph.D., Member
Anthony M. DeLise, Ph.D., Member
Norbert Makori, D.V.M., Ph.D., Member
Terence R. S. Ozolins, Ph.D., Member
Tacey E.K. White, Ph.D., Member
Diana M. Juriloff, Ph.D., BDRA Editor
George P. Daston, Ph.D., BDRB Editor
Rocky S. Tuan, Ph.D., BDRC Editor
Colette E. Bean, Wiley Representative
Kevin Jeannette, Wiley Representative


Teratology Society Council 2011 - 2012

John M. Graham, Jr M.D., Sc.D., President;
Edward W. Carney, Ph.D., Vice President;
Elaine Z. Francis., Vice President-elect;
John M. Rogers, Past President;
Mary Alice Smith, Ph.D., Secretary;
Wafa A. Harrouk, Ph.D., Treasurer;
Sonja A. Rasmussen, M.D., M.S., Councilor;
Tacey E.K. White, Ph.D., Councilor;
Eias A. Zahalka, Councilor;
Gloria D. Jahnke, D.V.M., M.S., D.A.B.T., Public Affairs Committee Chair;
L. David Wise, Publications Committee Chair;


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