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出版频率:Continuous publication

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Arthritis Research & Therapy is an international, peer-reviewed online journal, publishing original research, reviews, commentaries and reports. The major focus of the journal is on cellular and molecular mechanisms of arthritis, musculoskeletal conditions and systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases and translation of this knowledge into advances in clinical care. Original basic, translational laboratory and clinical research is considered for publication along with results of therapeutic trials.


Following publication in Arthritis Research & Therapy, the full-text of each article is deposited immediately and permanently archived in PubMed Central, the US National Library of Medicine's full-text repository of life science literature, and also in repositories in e-Depot, the National Library of the Netherlands' digital archive of electronic publications. Arthritis Research & Therapy is included in PubMed and all major bibliographic databases. A complete list of indexing web services that include BioMed Central's journals can be found here.


Arthritis Research & Therapy is tracked by Thomson Reuters (ISI) and has an impact factor of 4.36

Instructions to Authors

Any manuscript, or substantial parts of it, submitted to the journal must not be under consideration by any other journal. In general, the manuscript should not have already been published in any journal or other citable form, although it may have been deposited on a preprint server. Information on duplicate/overlapping publications can be found here. Authors are required to ensure that no material submitted as part of a manuscript infringes existing copyrights, or the rights of a third party.

Correspondence concerning articles published in Arthritis Research & Therapy is encouraged. A 'post a comment' feature is available on all articles published by Arthritis Research & Therapy. Comments will be moderated by the editorial office (see our Comment policy for further information) and linked to the full-text version of the article, if suitable.


Editorial standards

BioMed Central is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and endorses the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) Policy Statement on Geopolitical Intrusion on Editorial Decisions.


Ethical guidelines

Submission of a manuscript to Arthritis Research & Therapy implies that all authors have read and agreed to its content, and that any experimental research that is reported in the manuscript has been performed with the approval of an appropriate ethics committee. Research carried out on humans must be in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration, and any experimental research on animals must follow internationally recognized guidelines. A statement to this effect must appear in the Methods section of the manuscript, including the name of the body which gave approval, with a reference number where appropriate. Informed consent must also be documented. Manuscripts may be rejected if the editorial office considers that the research has not been carried out within an ethical framework, e.g. if the severity of the experimental procedure is not justified by the value of the knowledge gained.

For all articles that include information or clinical photographs relating to individual patients, written and signed consent from each patient to publish must also be made available if requested by the editorial staff.

Arthritis Research & Therapy's publisher, BioMed Central, has a legal responsibility to ensure that its journals do not publish material that infringes copyright, or that includes libellous or defamatory content. If, on review, your manuscript is perceived to contain potentially libellous content the journal Editors, with assistance from the publisher if required, will work with authors to ensure an appropriate outcome is reached.

The involvement of scientific (medical) writers or anyone else who assisted with the preparation of the manuscript content should be acknowledged, along with their source of funding, as described in the European Medical Writers Association (EMWA) guidelines on the role of medical writers in developing peer-reviewed publications. If medical writers are not listed among the authors, their role should be acknowledged explicitly.


Standards of reporting

Arthritis Research & Therapy supports initiatives aimed at improving the reporting of biomedical research. We recommend authors refer to the EQUATOR network website for further information on the available reporting guidelines for health research, and the MIBBI Portal for prescriptive checklists for reporting biological and biomedical research where applicable. Authors are requested to make use of these when drafting their manuscript and peer reviewers will also be asked to refer to these checklists when evaluating these studies. Checklists are available for a number of study designs, including randomized controlled trials (CONSORT), systematic reviews (PRISMA), observational studies (STROBE), meta-analyses of observational studies (MOOSE), diagnostic accuracy studies (STARD) and qualitative studies (RATS). For authors of systematic reviews, an additional file, linked from the Methods section, should reproduce all details concerning the search strategy. For an example of how a search strategy should be presented, see the Cochrane Reviewers' Handbook.

For mutation nomenclature please use the guidelines suggested by the Human Genome Variation Society, and the recommended gene name by consulting the appropriate genetic nomenclature database, e.g., HUGO for human genes, and the International Committee on Standardized Genetic Nomenclature for Mice. We encourage the use of standardized terms for human phenotypes, such as those proposed by the Elements of Morphology working group (see: http://research.nhgri.nih.gov/morphology/index.cgi).

Authors from pharmaceutical companies, or other commercial organizations that sponsor clinical trials, should adhere to the Good Publication Practice guidelines for pharmaceutical companies, which are designed to ensure that publications are produced in a responsible and ethical manner. The guidelines also apply to any companies or individuals that work on industry-sponsored publications, such as freelance writers, contract research organizations and communications companies.

Arthritis Research & Therapy also supports initiatives to improve the performance and reporting of trials, part of which includes prospective registering and numbering of clinical trials. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) has implemented the World Health Organisation (WHO) definition of clinical trials which states that a clinical trial is any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes. This definition includes phase I to Phase IV trials.

Authors of protocols or reports of such clinical trials, where the primary purpose of the research is to understand the causes, development and effects of disease or to improve preventative, diagnostic or therapeutic interventions, must register their trials prior to submission in a suitable publicly available registry. In addition to accepting registration in any of the five existing registries (http://www.icmje.org/faq.html), the ICMJE will accept registration of clinical trials in any of the primary registers that participate in the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform.

The trial registration number should be included as the last line of the manuscript abstract.


Data and materials release

Submission of a manuscript to Arthritis Research & Therapy implies that readily reproducible materials described in the manuscript, including all relevant raw data, will be freely available to any scientist wishing to use them for non-commercial purposes. Nucleic acid sequences, protein sequences, and atomic coordinates should be deposited in an appropriate database in time for the accession number to be included in the published article. In computational studies where the sequence information is unacceptable for inclusion in databases because of lack of experimental validation, the sequences must be published as an additional file with the article.

Any 'in press' articles cited within the references and necessary for the reviewers' assessment of the manuscript should be made available if requested by the editorial office.


Nucleotide sequences

Nucleotide sequences can be deposited with the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ), European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL/EBI) Nucleotide Sequence Database, or GenBank (National Center for Biotechnology Information).


Protein sequences

Protein sequences can be deposited with SwissProt or the Protein Information Resource (PIR).

The accession numbers of any nucleic acid sequences, protein sequences or atomic coordinates cited in the manuscript should be provided, in square brackets with the corresponding database name; for example, [EMBL:AB026295, EMBL:AC137000, DDBJ:AE000812, GenBank:U49845, PDB:1BFM, Swiss-Prot:Q96KQ7, PIR:S66116].

The databases for which we can provide direct links are: EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database (EMBL), DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ), GenBank at the NCBI (GenBank), Protein Data Bank (PDB), Protein Information Resource (PIR) and the Swiss-Prot Protein Database (Swiss-Prot).


Mass spectrometry

Mass spectrometry data should be supplied in the mzML format recommended by the HUPO Protein Standards Initiative Mass Spectrometry Standards Working Group guidelines (http://www.psidev.info/index.php?q=node/80). We also recommend that the data is deposited in the ProteomeExchange (http://proteomexchange.org/) though the PRIDE website (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride/), and protein interaction data can be submitted to members of the IMEx consortium (http://disber.net/imexdrupal/).



Protein structures can be deposited with one of the members of the Worldwide Protein Data Bank. Nucleic Acids structures can be deposited with the Nucleic Acid Database at Rutgers. Crystal structures of organic compounds can be deposited with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre.


Chemical structures and assays

Structures of chemical substances can be deposited with PubChem Substance. Bioactivity screens of chemical substances can be deposited with PubChem BioAssay.


Microarray data

Where appropriate, authors should adhere to the standards proposed by the Microarray Gene Expression Data Society and must deposit microarray data in MIAME-compliant format in one of the public repositories, such as ArrayExpress, Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) or the Center for Information Biology Gene Expression Database (CIBEX).


Computational modeling

We encourage authors to prepare models of biochemical reaction networks using the Systems Biology Markup Language and to deposit the model with the BioModels database, as well as submitting it as an additional file with the manuscript.



We encourage authors to deposit copies of their plasmids as DNA or bacterial stocks with Addgene, a non-profit repository, or PlasmID, the Plasmid Information Database at Harvard.


Appeals against rejection

If authors are not satisfied with the decision made on their manuscript, they should contact the Editorial Office with their appeal; additional advice on the manuscript will be sought where appropriate. Authors who have appealed against a rejection but remain concerned about the editorial process can refer their case to COPE.


Competing interests

Arthritis Research & Therapy requires authors to declare any competing financial or other interest in relation to their work. All competing interests that are declared will be listed at the end of published articles. Where an author gives no competing interests, the listing will read 'The author(s) declare that they have no competing interests'.


Plagiarism detection

Arthritis Research & Therapy's publisher, BioMed Central, is a member of the CrossCheck plagiarism detection initiative. In cases of suspected plagiarism CrossCheck is available to the editors of Arthritis Research & Therapy to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. CrossCheck is a multi-publisher initiative allowing screening of published and submitted content for originality.


Citing articles in Arthritis Research & Therapy

Articles in Arthritis Research & Therapy should be cited in the same way as articles in a traditional journal. Because articles are not printed, they do not have page numbers; instead, they are given a unique article number.


Article citations follow this format:

Authors: Title. Arthritis Res Ther [year], [volume number]:[article number].

e.g. Roberts LD, Hassall DG, Winegar DA, Haselden JN, Nicholls AW, Griffin JL: Increased hepatic oxidative metabolism distinguishes the action of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor delta from Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma in the Ob/Ob mouse. Arthritis Res Ther 2009, 1:115.

refers to article 115 from Volume 1 of the journal.

Editorial Board


Peter Lipsky Charlottesville, Virginia, United States of America

Ravinder Maini London, United Kingdom


Associate Editors

Gerd-Rudiger Burmester Charite University Hospitel, Germany

Daniel Clauw University of Michigan Medical School, United States of America

Jean-Michel Dayer Geneva, Switzerland

Michael Doherty Academic Rheumatology City Hospital, United Kingdom

Gary Firestein UCSD School of Medicine, United States of America

Steffen Gay University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland

Mary B Goldring Hospital for Special Surgery, United States of America

Jorg Goronzy Stanford University School of Medicine, United States of America

John Harley Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, United States of America

Rikard Holmdahl Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Nancy E Lane University of California at Davis Medical Center, United States of America

Martin Lotz The Scripps Research Insititute, United States of America

Eric L Matteson Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, United States of America

Pierre Miossec University of Lyon, France

Nancy Olsen Penn State Hershey Medical Center, United States of America

Mikkel Østergaard Copenhagen University Hospital at Hvidovre, Denmark

David Pisetsky Duke University Medical Center, United States of America

William Robinson Stanford University School of Medicine, United States of America

Kenneth Saag University of Alabama at Birmingham, United States of America

Georg Schett University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany

Hendrik Schulze-Koops Klinikum der Universität München - Campus Innenstadt, Germany

Josef Smolen Vienna, Austria

Wim van den Berg  University of Nijmegen, Netherlands

Walther van Venrooij University of Nijmegen, Netherlands

Tim Vyse Imperial College, United Kingdom


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