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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Improving quality and safety has never been higher on the agenda, so this is a timely opportunity to transform the journal into an essential read for those interested in improving quality. BMJ Quality & Safety will provide a rich mix of news, opinion, debate and research for academics, clinicians, healthcare managers and policy makers. It will encourage the science of improvement, debate, and new thinking on improving the quality of healthcare.

Led by a patient-focused editorial team with a view towards helping all team members improve their knowledge with the overall goal of improving patient care now.

The new look journal will integrate the academic and clinical aspects of quality and safety in healthcare by encouraging academics to create evidence and knowledge valued by clinicians and clinicians to value using evidence and knowledge to improve quality.

Instructions to Authors

All material submitted is assumed to be submitted exclusively to the journal unless the contrary is stated. Submissions may be returned to the author for amendment if presented in the incorrect format.

Please note that only the article text (from first word of main text to the last word in reference list) will be used to typeset your article.

All other data (known as the metadata), such as article title, author names and addresses, abstract, funding (etc) statements will be taken from the fields you have filled in at submission, so you must ensure that these are up to date and accurate. 

Cover letter
Your cover letter should inform the Editor of any special considerations regarding your submission, including but not limited to:
1.    Details of related papers published or submitted for publication.

Copies of related papers should be submitted as “Supplementary files not for review” to help the Editor decide how to handle the matter.
2.    Details of previous reviews of the submitted article.

The previous Editor's and reviewers' comments should be submitted as Supplementary material along with your responses to those comments. Editors encourage authors to submit these previous communications - doing so may expedite the review process.
3. Indication as to whether any of your article (for example, appendices, large tables) could be published as Web only files rather than in the print version of the article. Please label any files for online publication only with this designation. 

Title page
The title page must contain the following information:
1.    Title of the article.
2.    Full name, postal address, e-mail, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author.
3.    Full names, departments, institutions, city and country of all co-authors.
4.    Up to five keywords or phrases suitable for use in an index (it is recommended to use MeSH terms).
5.    Word count - excluding title page, abstract, references, figures and tables.  

Please note: If any of this information is repeated in the final Word document it will be removed by the typesetters and replaced with the information from the submission system. Therefore please check the metadata on ScholarOne Manuscripts carefully and make any changes before submitting the final version of your Word document.

List of the information taken from submission system only:

• Article type
• Title
• Author names
• Author affiliations, and corresponding author’s full details
• Abstract (where applicable)
• Keywords
• Study approval
• Patient consent
• Funding statement
• Competing interests
• Contributor statement
• Trial Registration number (for clinical trials) 

Manuscript format
Please note, this instruction is for submission only.

 The manuscript must be submitted in Word. PDF format is not accepted.

The manuscript must be presented in the following order:
1. Title page.
2. Abstract (or summary for case reports) (note: references not allowed in abstracts or summaries).
3. Main text (provide appropriate headings and subheadings as in the journal. We use the following hierarchy: BOLD CAPS, bold lower case, Plain text, Italics).
4. Tables should be in the same format as your article (ie Word) and not another format embedded into the document. They should be placed where the table is cited and they must be cited in the main text in numerical order.
5. Acknowledgments, Competing interests, Funding.
6. Reference list.

Appendices (these should be Web only files  to save space in the print journal; if so, please ensure you upload appendices as Web Only files and ensure they are cited in the main text as such.)

Images must be uploaded as separate files (view further details in Figures/illustrations) All images must be cited within the main text in numerical order.

Do not use the automatic formatting features of your word processor such as endnotes, footnotes, headers, footers, boxes etc. Please remove any hidden text. 

Statistical analyses must explain the methods used.
Guidelines on presenting statistics.
Guidelines on RCTs: CONSORT, QUORUM, MOOSE, STARD, and Economic submissions.

Abbreviations and symbols must be standard and SI units used throughout except for blood pressure values which are reported in mm Hg.

Whenever possible, drugs should be given their approved generic name. Where a proprietary (brand) name is used, it should begin with a capital letter.
Acronyms should be used sparingly and fully explained when first used.

View more detailed style guidelines.


Colour images and charges

If you wish to publish colour figures in print you will be charged a fee that will cover the cost of printing. The journal charges authors for the cost of reproducing colour images on all unsolicited articles, see the journal web pages for cost information. Alternatively, authors are encouraged to supply colour illustrations for online colour publication and black and white publication in the print. This is offered at no charge. 

File type

Ideally, submit your figures in TIFF or EPS format. We can also accept figure files of the following types: BMP, EMF, EPI, GIF, JPEG, PDF, PNG,PNG8, PNG24, PNG32, PS, PSD, SVG, WMF.

Resolution requirements apply (9cm across for single column, 18cm for double column):

1. For B/W, the format should be either TIFF or EPS. The resolution should be in 300 DPI.

2. For 4-colour, the format should be either tiff or eps in CMYK. The resolution should be 300 DPI.

3. For line-art, vector format is preferable. Otherwise, the resolution should be 1200 DPI.

During submission, when you upload the figure files label them with the correct File Designation: for example Mono Image,for black and white figures, and Colour Image for colour figures.

Histograms should be presented in a simple, two-dimensional format, with no background grid.

Figures are checked using automated quality control and if they are below standard you will be alerted and provided with suggestions in order to improve the quality.

All images should be mentioned in the text in numerical order and figure legends should be listed at the end of the manuscript.

Please ensure that any specific patient/hospital details are removed or blacked out.

NOTE: we do NOT accept figures which use a black bar to obscure a patient’s identity.

Online only material

Additional figures and tables, methodology, references, raw data, etc may be published online only to link with the printed article. If your paper exceeds the word count you should consider if any of the article could be published online only as a "data supplement". These files will not be copyedited or typeset.

All data supplement files should be uploaded using the File Designation: "Web only files".

Please ensure any data supplement files are cited within the text of the article.

Multimedia files

You may submit video and other files to enhance your article (video files should be supplied as .avi, .wmv, .mov .mp4 or .H264). When submitting video files, ensure you upload them using the File Designation “Video Files”.

Using material already published elsewhere

If you are using any figures, tables or videos that have already been published elsewhere you must obtain permission from the rightsholder (this is usually the publisher and not the author) to use them and add any required permission statements to the legends.

Tables should be submitted in the same format as your article (Word) and not another format embedded into the document. They should appear where the table should be cited, cited in the main text and in numerical order. Please note: we cannot accept tables as Excel files within the manuscript.

If your table(s) is/are in Excel, copy and paste them into the manuscript file.

Tables should be self-explanatory and the data they contain must not be duplicated in the text or figures.

Authors are responsible for the accuracy of cited references: these should be checked against the original documents before the paper is submitted. It is vital that the references are styled correctly so that they may be hyperlinked.

Citing in the text

References must be numbered sequentially as they appear in the text. References cited in figures or tables (or in their legends and footnotes) should be numbered according to the place in the text where that table or figure is first cited. Reference numbers in the text must be given in square brackets immediately after punctuation (with no word spacing)—for example,[6] not [6].

Where more than one reference is cited, separate by a comma—for example, [1, 4, 39]. For sequences of consecutive numbers, give the first and last number of the sequence separated by a hyphen—for example, [22-25]. References provided in this format are translated during the production process to superscript type, which act as hyperlinks from the text to the quoted references in electronic forms of the article.

Please note, if your references are not cited in order your article will be returned to you before acceptance for correct ordering.

Preparing the reference list

References must be double spaced (numbered consecutively in the order in which they are mentioned in the text) in the [slightly modified] Vancouver style (see example below). Only papers published or in press should be included in the reference list. (Personal communications or unpublished data must be cited in parentheses in the text with the name(s) of the source(s) and the year. Authors should get permission from the source to cite unpublished data.).

References must follow the [slightly modified] Vancouver style:

12 Surname AB, Surname CD. Article title. Journal abbreviation Year;Vol:Start page–End page.

Use one space only between words up to the year and then no spaces. The journal title should be in italic and abbreviated according to the style of Medline. If the journal is not listed in Medline then it should be written out in full.

Check journal abbreviations using PubMed.

List the names and initials of all authors if there are 3 or fewer; otherwise list the first 3 and add et al. (The exception is the Journal of Medical Genetics, which lists all authors.)

Example references:

Journal article

13 Koziol-Mclain J, Brand D, Morgan D, et al. Measuring injury risk factors: question reliability in a statewide sample. Inj Prev 2000;6:148–50.

Chapter in book

14 Nagin D. General deterrence: a review of the empirical evidence. In: Blumstein A, Cohen J, Nagin D, eds. Deterrence and Incapacitation: Estimating the Effects of Criminal Sanctions on Crime Rates. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences 1978:95–139.


15 Howland J. Preventing Automobile Injury: New Findings From Evaluative Research. Dover, MA: Auburn House Publishing Company 1988:163–96.


16 Roxburgh J, Cooke RA, Deverall P, et al. Haemodynamic function of the carbomedics bileaflet prosthesis [abstract]. Br Heart J 1995;73(Suppl 2):P37.

Electronic citations

Websites are referenced with their URL and access date, and as much other information as is available. Access date is important as websites can be updated and URLs change. The "date accessed" can be later than the acceptance date of the paper, and it can be just the month accessed. See the 9th edition of the AMA Manual of Style for further examples.

Electronic journal articles

Morse SS. Factors in the emergency of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis 1995 Jan-Mar;1(1). www.cdc.gov/nciod/EID/vol1no1/morse.htm (accessed 5 Jun 1998).

Electronic letters

Bloggs J. Title of letter. Journal name Online [eLetter] Date of publication. url

eg: Krishnamoorthy KM, Dash PK. Novel approach to transseptal puncture. Heart Online [eLetter] 18 September 2001. http://heart.bmj.com/cgi/eletters/86/5/e11#EL1

Check your citation information using PubMed.

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)

DOIs are a unique string created to identify a piece of intellectual property in an online environment; particularly useful for articles which have been published online before appearing in print (and therefore the article has not yet been assigned the traditional volume, issue and page number reference). The DOI is a permanent identifier of all versions of an article, whether raw manuscript or edited proof, online or in print. Thus the DOI should ideally be included in the citation even if you want to cite a print version of an article.

How to cite articles before they have appeared in print

1. Alwick K, Vronken M, de Mos T, et al. Cardiac risk factors: prospective cohort study. Ann Rheum Dis Published Online First: 5 February 2004. doi:10.1136/ard.2003.001234

How to cite articles once they have appeared in print

1. Vole P, Smith H, Brown N, et al. Treatments for malaria: randomised controlled trial. Ann Rheum Dis 2003;327:765–8 doi:10.1136/ard.2003.001234 [published Online First: 5 February 2002.

More comprehensive guidance about DOIs.


Supplementary files
Supplementary material

You may submit supplementary material which may support the submission and review of your article. This could include papers in press elsewhere, published articles, appendices, video clips (please see Multimedia files instructions), etc.

All supplementary material files should be uploaded using the File Designation: Supplementary material

Online only material

Additional figures and tables, methodology, references, raw data, etc may be published online only to link with the printed article. If your paper exceeds the word count you should consider if any of the article could be published online only as a "data supplement". These files will not be copyedited or typeset.

All Appendices should be considered Online only material.

All data supplement files should be uploaded using the File Designation: Web Only files.

Please ensure any data supplement files are cited within the text of the article.

Multimedia files

You may submit video and other files to enhance your article (video files should be supplied as .avi, .wmv, .mov .mp4 or .H264). When submitting video files, ensure you upload them using the File Designation “Video Files”.

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief
Kaveh G Shojania
Competing interests >>
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada

Editor Emeritus
David P Stevens
Dartmouth Medical School
New Hampshire, USA
Associate EditorsJim Battles
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Rockville, USA

Chaim Bell
St. Michael's Hospital
Toronto, Canada

Ken Catchpole
University of Oxford
Oxford, UK

Dave Davis
Association of American Medical Colleges
Washington, USA

Bryony Dean Franklin
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust / School of Pharmacy University of London
London, UK

Mary Dixon-Woods
University of Leicester
Leicester, UK

Julie Johnson
University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia

Uma Kotagal
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, USA

Rebecca Lawton
University of Leeds
Leeds, UK

Claire Lemer
Barnet and Chase Farm NHS Trust
London UK

Kathryn McDonald
Stanford School of Medicine
Stanford, USA

Kathryn McPherson
Auckland University of Technology
Auckland, New Zealand

Greg Ogrinc
White River Junction, United States

Sumant Ranji
University of California San Francisco
San Francisco, USA

Ann Tourangeau
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada

Douglas Wakefield
University of Missouri-Columbia
Columbia, USA
Advisory BoardFrank Davidoff
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Boston, USA

Paul Batalden
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Dartmouth, USA

Boel Andersson Gäre
Linköping University
Jönköping, Sweden

Philippe Michel
Pessac, France

Duncan Neuhauser
Case Western Rerserve University
Ohio, USA

Piera Poletti
Padova, Italy

William Runciman
Australian Patient Safety Foundation
Adelaide, Australia

Richard Thomson
Newcastle Medical School
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Charles Vincent
Imperial College
London, UK

Robert Wachter
University of California
San Francisco, USA

Ross Wilson
Centre for Healthcare Improvement
St. Leonards, Australia


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