

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN) will publish original manuscripts involving high quality clinical research relevant to the broad area of clinical nephrology, hypertension, organ transplantation and critical care. Accepted articles will be judged by peer review to be relevant to the clinical care of patients. Among the areas to be emphasized include clinical outcome studies, natural history of renal diseases, chronic kidney disease, dialysis, hypertension, cardiovascular disease in the context of renal dysfunction, diagnostic/therapeutic interventions in renal disease and critical care medicine. CJASN's content will also include solicited review articles, special features, as well as educational materials focused on all clinical aspects of nephrology. Epidemiological studies and evidence-based medicine will be given high priority while realizing that in certain areas of nephrology information that is less rigorous in terms of quality of evidence is available. CJASN will strive to become a major vehicle for the American Society of Nephrology to communicate with its members and will work in close coordination with JASN and the Nephrology Self-Assessment Program (NephSAP) of the American Society of Nephrology.


Contact Information
Bonnie O'Brien, Managing Editor
CJASN Editorial Office
3324 W. University Avenue, PMB #269
Gainesville, Florida 32607
Phone: 352-335-1100
Fax: 352-335-8100


Indexing/abstracting services: The Journal is currently included by the following services in print and/or electronic format: Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, PubMed's MEDLINE, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), and Scopus.

Instructions to Authors

Submit your manuscript through Manuscript Central or from www.cjasn.org, click on "Submit Your Manuscripts Online." Type your existing login/password or click on "Create an Account." Be careful not to create more than one account for yourself. Whether you are submitting a manuscript or reviewing a manuscript, you will use the same account information. You may make changes to the account at any time. Once you are logged in, you will see the different centers to which you have access. Click on "Author Center" and follow the instructions. The corresponding author must have e-mail access. Printed submissions are not accepted.


Manuscript Length
Regular Articles should not exceed 3000 words (excluding figures, tables, and references). The word count must be noted on the title page of the manuscript.

Subjects appropriate for the Journal include but are not restricted to:

Acid-Base disturbances

Acute renal failure

Chronic kidney disease

Clinical hypertension

Cardiovascular disease in the context of renal dysfunction

Critical care nephrology

Epidemiology in clinical outcome trials

Fluid and electrolyte disorders


Hereditary and genetic diseases

Mineral metabolism and metabolic bone disease

Pancreas and islet cell transplantation for diabetes

Pancreas transplantation

Pediatric nephrology

Peritoneal dialysis

Renal failure in the context of non-renal organ or bone marrow transplant recipients

Renal pathology including clinicopathologic correlations

Renal pharmacology

Renal transplantation

Manuscript Checklist

Title Page



Running title

Subject of manuscript (categories)

Authors' full names

Corresponding author's address, phone, fax, e-mail


Word Count (exclude references, figures and tables)



Abstract - Structured, less than 250 words.



Materials and Methods




References - CJASN Style (less than 50)

Tables (all cited)

Figures and Legends (all cited)

1. The use of abbreviations is discouraged. Any abbreviations used must be defined in the abstract.
2. The abstract should be less than 250 words. It should consist of four paragraphs labeled:

a. Background and objectives
b. Design, setting, participants, & measurements
c. Results
d. Conclusions

1. The fee for publishing color figures is $600.00 per printed journal page. Authors are responsible for the cost of color pages. (Figures submitted in color will be printed in color.)

2. Figures must be cited in the text, in numerical order using Arabic numerals.

3. In the event that your manuscript is accepted, the Editorial Office will require you to upload your figures as EPS or TIFF files. They will also need to have passed Rapid Inspector. Therefore, while any type of file may be embedded within the manuscript file, it is recommended that graphics be prepared using a program which can save files in a format that can ultimately be saved and submitted as EPS or TIFF. Graphics should be saved in CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) rather than RGB (red, green, blue).

The resolution specification for TIFF and EPS files is 1200 dpi for monochrome, figures that are black and white only and line shots; 300 dpi for gray/CMYK or color photographs, and 600 dpi for combinations, such as photographs labeled with letters or other markings.

4. For additional information on submitting graphics or if you have questions regarding specifications for figure files, please visit Cadmus Knowledgeworks.

Reference Formats
References should be listed in order of their appearance in the article. There is a limit of 50 references per manuscript. List all authors for each article cited. Journal names should be abbreviated according to the BIOSIS list of serials.

Journal articles, books and abstracts:
1. Nangaku M, Pippin J, Couser WG: Complement membrance attack complex (C5b9) mediates interstitial disease in experimental nephritic syndrome. J Am Soc Nephrol 10: 2323-2332. 1999

2. May RC, Mitch WE: Pathophysiology of uremia. In: The Kidney, 5th ed., edited by Brenner BM, Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1996, pp 2148-2169

3. Yoo KH, Norwood VF, Chevalier RL: Regulation of angiotensin II AT1 and AT2 receptors in neonatal unilateral urethral obstruction [Abstract]. J Am Soc Nephrol 6: 1035, 1995

Review Process
It is the policy of the Journal to expedite manuscript review. Authors will receive within 3 days an acknowledgment that their manuscript has been forwarded to an Associate Editor and appropriate reviewers. Manuscripts that are judged by the Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editors to fall below the top 50% of manuscripts submitted to the Journal, or that fail to satisfy technical requirements, may be promptly returned to the authors without further review.

Submitting a Revised Manuscript
If you received a decision letter on your submission that indicated CJASN was interested in your manuscript if revisions are made, you can Create a Revision by clicking on your Corresponding Author Center, then click on Manuscripts with Decisions. You will then click Create a Revision on the specific manuscript. You may then follow the prompts to continue submission of the revised version.

Expedited Reports
Authors who believe their findings are of unusual interest or importance to nephrology are invited to submit a more succinct report to be considered for accelerated review and publication in the category Expedited Reports. The goal of Expedited Reports is the rapid publication of new findings of unique importance in clinical research or that lead to a new direction in research.

Papers submitted to Expedited Reports should not exceed 2,000 words, 3 figures and 50 references. Abstracts should not exceed 150 words, Materials and Methods should be condensed to the essentials required for review, and the Results and Discussion sections may be combined. Manuscripts should otherwise meet the criteria listed above for submission to CJASN. Letters of submission must contain a succinct description of why the paper should be considered for publication as an Expedited Reports. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned without further review.

Paper submitted to Expedited Reports will be peer reviewed through the usual process and considered for publication only if they are acceptable with no, or very minor, revisions thus removing the usual time required for revisions. They will be published in the next available issue following acceptance.

Manuscripts not selected for publication as an Expedited Report may be expanded and submitted as regular papers.

Policy on Scientific Misconduct
The American Society of Nephrology (ASN) journals uphold the highest standards of peer review and academic publishing. The work of authors and reviewers contributes to our common aim of understanding the latest advances in basic, clinical and translational research. In very rare instances editors receive notification or allegations of misconduct related to studies submitted to ASN journals, and our process for responding to such notification is detailed below.

Concerns raised prior to publication:

If the authors do not respond satisfactorily (or at all) to the concerns raised, or if the Editor-in-Chief is presented with evidence that indicates serious concerns regarding the conduct of the study, the Editor-in-Chief will notify the Chair of the Publications Committee and will determine a course of action, in part determined by applicable laws, which may include any or all of the following:

a) rejecting the manuscript; and/or
b) prohibiting future submissions from the authors of the manuscript for a specified period of time;
c) obtaining an advisory opinion from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE);
d) reporting their concerns to the authors' institutions
e) reporting their concerns to the funding agency
f) reporting their concerns to the Office of Research Integrity or other authorized investigative agency.

If the matter has been deemed serious enough to warrant the attention of the Publications Committee, the Publications Chair will keep the ASN President informed of all developments.

Concerns raised subsequent to electronic and/or print publication:

If questions are raised by a reader regarding a published study, and the Editor-in-Chief agrees, the journal will notify the author(s) and request a response to the stated concerns. (Such concerns include but are not limited to questions regarding plagiarism, duplicate publication, access to data, and integrity of data or undeclared conflicts of interest.) In most instances these concerns are readily resolved and involve honest errors or differences in interpretation rather than any intent to deceive.

If the authors do not respond satisfactorily (or at all) to the concerns raised, or if the editors are presented with evidence that indicates serious concerns regarding the conduct of the study, the Editor-in-Chief will notify the Chair of the Publications Committee and determine a course of action, in part determined by applicable laws, which may include any or all of the following:

a) reporting their concerns to the authors' institutions;
b) prohibiting future submissions from the authors of the manuscript for a specified period of time;
c) obtaining an advisory opinion from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE);
d) reporting their concerns to the funding agency;*
e) reporting their concerns to the Office of Research Integrity or other authorized investigative agency;*
f) publishing a statement of concern in the journal;
g) issuing a retraction;
h) notifying any other publication involved (in the case of duplicate publication or plagiarism)

Authors will be asked during the submission process to indicate that neither the manuscript nor any significant part of it is under consideration for publication elsewhere, or has appeared elsewhere in a manner that could be construed as a prior or duplicate publication of the same or very similar work. Abstracts are not considered prior publication, but should be cited in the Acknowledgements section. Should there be a possibility of doubt concerning such prior publications, the title page and abstract of such material should be included with the submitted paper.

With regard to authorship credit, ASN journals have adopted the criteria recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) in the October 2005 update of the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals:

"Authorship credit should be based on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published. Authors should meet conditions 1, 2, and 3."

Also, as recommended by the ICMJE, "all contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an acknowledgments section." The ASN requires that all those who have participated in the writing of a paper be acknowledged by name and affiliation. Note the full text of the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals.


In addition, with regard to contributors, ASN journals have adopted the following statement of editorial policy from the "Information for Authors" of the Annals of Internal Medicine: "Medical writers and industry employees can be legitimate contributors, and their roles, affiliations, and potential conflicts of interest should be described when submitting manuscripts. These writers should receive acknowledgment on the byline or in the acknowledgments section in accord with the degree to which they contributed to the work reported in the manuscript. The Editors consider failure to acknowledge these contributors ghostwriting, and ghostwriting is unacceptable."

Note that the ASN reserves the right to retract articles that do not meet the above criteria for authorship.

CJASN Authors are asked to divulge any relationships with pharmaceutical firms or other entities (such as employment contracts, consultancy, advisory boards, speaker bureaus, membership of Board or Directors, stock ownership) that could be perceived to represent a financial conflict of interest, or to declare that no financial conflict of interest exists.

Financial conflict of interest statements will be published at the end of the text of the article.


Declaration of Helsinki. For all clinical experimentation described in the manuscript, CJASN requires that authors state in the methods section their adherence to the Declaration of Helsinki. A statement that informed consent was obtained must also appear in the manuscript. For the full text of the Declaration of Helsinki, Click Here.


Copyright. Authors will be required to click on a check box during the submission process. By clicking on this check box, the corresponding author agrees that in consideration of the American Society of Nephrology's (ASN) taking action in reviewing and editing this submission, the author(s) hereby transfer(s), assign(s), or otherwise convey(s) all copyright ownership to the ASN in the event that this work is published by the ASN in any format.

Permission to Reprint. If you are using material from any previously published articles, letters of permission from the publisher and/or author must be faxed to the Editorial Office (352-335-8100).


Randomized Controlled Trials.CJASN encourages authors submitting reports of randomized controlled trials to click here to review the CONSORT Statement. The CONSORT Statement includes recommendations, a checklist of items that should be included in a comprehensive report, and a participant-flow diagram. Reports of randomized controlled trials may be delayed in review if CONSORT guidelines are not followed.


Requirement for Registration of Clinical Trials
We require, as a condition of consideration for publication, registration in a public trials registry. Trials must register at or before the onset of patient enrollment. This policy applies to any clinical trial starting enrollment after January 1, 2006. For trials that began enrollment before this date, we require registration by April 1, 2006, before considering the trial for publication.

We define a clinical trial as any research project that prospectively assigns human subjects to intervention or comparison groups to study the cause-and-effect relationship between a medical intervention and a health outcome. Studies designed for other purposes, such as to study pharmacokinetics or major toxicity (e.g. phase 1 trials) are exempt.

We do not advocate one particular registry, but registration must be with a registry that meets the following minimum criteria:

Accessible to the public at no charge.

Searchable by standard, electronic (internet-based) methods.

Open to all prospective registrants free of charge or at minimal cost.

Validates registered information.

Identifies trials with a unique number.

Includes information on: the investigator(s), research question or hypothesis, methodology, intervention and comparisons, eligibility criteria, primary and secondary outcomes measured, date of registration, anticipated or actual start date, anticipated or actual date of last follow-up, target number of subjects, status (anticipated, ongoing or closed) and funding source(s).


Registries that currently meet these criteria include:

The registry sponsored by the US National Library of Medicine (www.clinicaltrials.gov)
The International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number registry (www.controlled-trials.com)
The Cochrane Renal Group registry (www.cochrane-renal.org/trialsubmissionform.php)
The National (UK) Research Register (www.update-software.com/national/)
European Clinical Trials Database (


Accepted Manuscripts
After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the authors will need to upload a final set of files as a revised manuscript. The text and tables will need to be sent as a Word Document (one file) and the figures as either a TIFF or EPS file. Please use
Rapid Inspector. This pre-flight program will check graphics for compliance and printer requirements. If your graphic fails, Rapid Inspector will suggest methods to correct the problem. Manuscripts submitted to CJASN with failed graphics will be charged a $25.00 Failed Figure Fee and returned to the author for correction.


Embargo Policy
All information regarding the content and publication date of accepted manuscripts is strictly confidential. Information contained in or about accepted articles cannot appear in print, on radio or television, or in electronic form, or be released by the news media, until after 5 pm ET on the day the article appears in the Publish-before-Print page on the CJASN website, or on the day the published version of CJASN is mailed, whichever comes first.

For information about publication dates for specific articles, please call Bob Henkel at 202 557-8360 or e-mail bhenkel@asn-online.org.


Manuscripts will be copyedited, and electronic proofs will be made available for author approval. Authors will be notified by e-mail when their proofs are ready. Download, print, read, correct, and return the proofs within 48 hours. Be sure that all the editor's or printer's queries are answered. Only minor corrections are permitted.


Publication Fees
Page Charges: Authors will be charged $70.00 per manuscript page.

Color Charges: Authors will be charged $600.00 per color (Figures submitted in color will be printed in color.) page.


Failed Figure Charges: As of the January 2006 issue of CJASN, authors will be charged $50.00 per failed figure.


Invited reviews and editorials will be exempt from these charges.

Authors from institutions in countries with a gross national product (GNP)per capita below $3,000 will not be charged for pages or color figures. To view a list of eligible countries please visit http://www.who.int/hinari/eligibility/en/index.html


Authors of articles published in the CJASN will receive reprint order forms with the page proofs. Alternatively, reprints may be ordered via Cadmus Professional Communications. Contact
Menna Burgess, Reprint Account Manager,at burgessm@cadmus.com or call 410-943-3147.


Pricing includes the purchase of reprints by the author(s) for personal use only. Non-authors can purchase reprints via Sheridan Content Services. Contact Hope Robinson at 800-635-7181 ext. 8065 or e-mail: Hope Robinson .


The statements and opinions contained in the articles of the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology are solely those of the individual authors and contributors and not of the American Society of Nephrology. The appearance of advertisements in the Journal is not a warranty, endorsement or approval of the products or services advertised or of their safety. The American Society of Nephrology disclaims responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas or products referred to in the articles or advertisements.

Editorial Board


William M. Bennett

Portland, OR


Deputy Editors      

Harold I. Feldman

Philadelphia, PA

Mohamed H. Sayegh

Boston, MA


Managing Editor    

Bonnie O'Brien

Gainesville, FL


Editorial Assistant  

Margie Marksthaler

Portland, OR

Associate Editors


Acute Renal Failure

Paul M. Palevsky

Pittsburgh, PA


Chronic Kidney Disease Giuseppe Remuzzi

Bergamo, Italy


Diabetic Nephropathy   

Sharon G. Adler

Los Angeles, CA


Epidemiology/Clinical Trials  

Gary C. Curhan

Boston, MA



Patrick Parfrey

St John's, Canada


GN/Interstitial Nephritis Gerald B. Appel

New York, NY



Lisa M. Guay-Woodford

Birmingham, AL


Hypertension   Friedrich C. Luft

Berlin, Germany


Mineral Metabolism      

Tilman B. Drueke

Amiens, France



Flavio Vincenti

San Francisco, CA

International Editors


Asia Pacific   

Masafumi Fukagawa

Kanagawa, Japan


Australia  Gavin J. Becker

Melbourne, Australia


Central/South America  

Emmanuel A. Burdmann

Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Brazil



Giuseppe Remuzzi

Bergamo, Italy

Liaison Editors


Clinical Conferences     

Ajay K. Singh

Boston, MA



Charles E. Alpers

Seattle, WA


Renal Pharmacology     

Mark A. Perazella

New Haven, CT


Editorial Board


Kevin Abbott

Washington, DC

Deborah B. Adey

Burlington, VT

Rajiv Agarwal

Indianapolis, IN

Enver Akalin

Bronx, NY

Tadao Akizawa

Wakayama, Japan

Michael Allon

Birmingham, AL

Arif Asif

Miami, FL

Adel Bakr

Mansoura, Egypt

Brendan Barrett

St. John's, Canada

Jeffrey S. Berns

Philadelphia, PA

Daniel G. Bichet

Montreal, Canada

Roland C. Blantz

San Diego, CA

Geoffrey Block

Denver, CO

Daniel C. Brennan

St. Louis, MO

Ursula Brewster

New Haven, CT

Klemens Budde

Berlin, Germany

Vito M. Campese

Los Angeles, CA

Marcelo Cantarovich

Montreal, Canada

Anil Chandraker

Boston, MA

Lakhmir S. Chawla

Washington, DC

Glenn M. Chertow

San Francisco, CA

Kirpal S. Chugh

Chandigarh, India

Arthur H. Cohen

Los Angeles, CA

Edward Cole

Toronto, Canada

Gabriel Contreras

Miami, FL

Rosanna Coppo

Torino, Italy

Ricardo Correa-Rotter

Mexico City, Mexico

Ana Maria Cusumano

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Gabriel M. Danovitch

Los Angeles, CA

Elias David-Neto

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Paul E. de Jong

Groningen, The Netherlands

Laura M. Dember

Boston, MA

Meguid El Nahas

Sheffield, United Kingdom

Arnold Felsenfeld

Los Angeles, CA

Fernando C. Fervenza

Rochester, MN

Steven Fishbane

Mineola, NY

Robert N. Foley

Minneapolis, MN

Barry I. Freedman

Winston-Salem, NC

Eli A. Friedman

Brooklyn, NY  Gian Marco Ghiggeri

Genoa, Italy

Richard E. Gilbert

Toronto, Canada

Thomas A. Golper

Nashville, TN

Jared Grantham

Kansas City, KS

Josep M. Grinyo

Barcelona, Spain

Peter Gross

Dresden, Germany

Jean-Pierre Grunfeld

Paris, France

Mitchell L. Halperin

Toronto, Canada

Lee A. Hebert

Columbus, OH

Takashi Igarashi

Tokyo, Japan

Bernard G. Jaar

Baltimore, MD

Marshall M. Joffe

Philadelphia, PA

Kirsten L. Johansen

San Francisco, CA

Bruce Julian

Birmingham, AL

Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh

Los Angeles, CA

John A. Kellum

Pittsburgh, PA

Paul L. Kimmel

Washington, DC

Robert Kleta

Bethesda, MD

Joel D. Kopple

Torrance, CA

Stephen M. Korbet

Chicago, IL

Andrzej Krolewski

Boston, MA

Rajiv Kumar

Rochester, MN

Craig B. Langman

Chicago, IL

Martine Leblanc

Montreal, Canada

Adeera Levin

Vancouver, Canada

Julie Lin

Boston, MA

Jill S. Lindberg

Metairie, LA

Charmaine E. Lok

Toronto, Canada

Gerard M. London


Ulrich Luft

Tucson, AZ

Johannes F.E. Mann

Munchen, Germany

Marilda Mazzali

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Rajnish Mehrotra

Torrance, CA

Sergio Mezzano

Valdivia, Chile

Sharon Moe

Indianapolis, IN

Patrick Nachman

Chapel Hill, NC

Andrew Narva

Bethesda, MD

Cynthia Nast

Los Angeles, CA     Allen Nissenson

El Segundo, CA

Ali J. Olyaei

Portland, OR

Stephan R. Orth

Bad Aibling, Germany

Biff F. Palmer

Dallas, TX

Beth Piraino

Pittsburgh, PA

Lorraine Racusen

Baltimore, MD

Emilio Ramos

Baltimore, MD

Edward A. Ross

Gainesville, FL

Piero Ruggenenti

Bergamo, Italy

John D. Scandling

Palo Alto, CA

Nestor Schor

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Antonio Carlos Seguro

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Ruud de Sevaux

Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Mehmet S. Sever

Istanbul, Turkey

Fuad Shihab

Salt Lake City, UT

Jean-Claude Souberbielle

Paris, France

Theodore I. Steinman

Boston, MA

Peter Stenvinkel

Stockholm, Sweden

Lynda A. Szczech

Durham, NC

Harold M. Szerlip

Augusta, GA

Stephen C. Textor

Rochester, MN

Ravi I. Thadhani

Boston, MA

James A. Tumlin

Charlotte, NC

Katherine Tuttle

Spokane, WA

Wim Van Biesen

Ghent, Belgium

Anitha Vijayan

St. Louis, MO

Angela YM Wang

Hong Kong, China

Suzanne Watnick

Portland, OR

Jan J. Weening

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Jose R. Weisinger

Caracas, Venezuela

Mark Williams

Boston, MA

Kunihiro Yamagata

Tsukuba, Japan

Norishige Yoshikawa

Wakayama, Japan

Luis Yu

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Carmine Zoccali

Reggio Cal, Italy


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