

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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版本:Science Citation Index
出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Arthritis Care & Research , the Official Journal of the Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals, is a peer-reviewed publication for health professionals interested in the rheumatic disorders. AC&R publishes original articles concerning clinical problems and research relevant to the care of rheumatic disorders as well as articles analyzing economic, educational, and social issues.


Indexed / Abstracted in

HEED: Health Economic Evaluations Database (Wiley-Blackwell)

Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts should be submitted online at:
http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/acr .

Editorial office contact information :
Patricia A. Katz, PhD and Edward Yelin, PhD, Editors
Arthritis Care & Research Editorial Office
Mailing address: UCSF, Box 0920, San Francisco, California 94143-0920
Courier Address: UCSF, 3333 California Street, Suite 270, San Francisco, California 94118
Tel: 415-476-9028; Fax: 415-476-9030


Articles are accepted for publication on the condition that they are submitted to this journal only. Articles should pertain to the field of rheumatic disease.


Arthritis Care & Research is an official journal of the American College of Rheumatology and the Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals, a division of the College. Arthritis Care & Research is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes both original research and review articles that promote excellence in the clinical practice of rheumatology. Relevant to the care of individuals with arthritis and related disorders, major topics are evidence-based practice studies, clinical problems, practice guidelines, health care economics, health care policy, educational, social, and public health issues, and future trends in rheumatology practice.


Format and organization

Manuscripts not in compliance with the following instructions may be subject to a delay in the review process.


Submit all new manuscripts online. Launch your web browser and go to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/rheumjournal . Check for an existing account. If you are submitting for the first time, create a new account. Follow all instructions. At the end of a successful submission, a confirmation screen with manuscript number will appear and you will receive an e-mail confirming that the manuscript has been received by the journal. If this does not happen, please check your submission and/or contact tech support at edsupport@wiley.com .


Submit manuscript and all figures as one file if possible. You do not need to mail any copies.


An electronic cover letter should accompany the manuscript. Note in cover letter what type of manuscript is enclosed (Original Article, Case Report, CPCs, Brief Report, Review Article, or Letter to the Editor). Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted or is not simultaneously being submitted elsewhere, and that no portion of the data has been or will be published in proceedings or transactions of meetings or symposium volumes. The publication of data in abstracts, and presentation in oral or poster sessions at meetings, do not constitute previous publication. Indicate any financial support or other benefits from commercial sources for the work reported on in the manuscript, or any other financial interests that any of the authors may have, which could create a potential conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest with regard to the work. Corresponding author should include address, telephone number, fax number, and E-mail address if applicable.


Type all pages of the manuscript, including those containing references, tables, and figure legends, double space in 12-point type, with 1- to 1½-inch margins. Number all sheets in succession, including references, tables, and figure legends. Title page is page 1. On the first page, type the title, name(s) of the author(s) and their major degrees, grant supporter(s), address for reprint requests, and corresponding author's telephone and fax numbers and E-mail address. Also indicate the word count for the manuscript (not including abstract, references, tables, and figure legends). The word and table/figure limits are outlined for each manuscript type below. Also on the first page, again indicate any financial support or other benefits from commercial sources for the work reported on in the manuscript, or any other financial interests that any of the authors may have, which could create a potential conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest with regard to the work.


Original Articles

Definition: Original Articles are descriptions of original research that adds to the body of knowledge in arthritis and the rheumatic diseases.


On the second page of Original Articles include an abstract of fewer than 250 words. The abstract should be divided into the following sections: Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.


On the third page, begin the introduction (no heading is necessary). Follow this plan of organization: Materials and Methods (or Patients and Methods), Results, Discussion, References, Tables, and Figure Legends.


Original Articles should not exceed 3,800 words from introduction through discussion (not including references, tables, and figure legends). The total number of tables and figures combined may not exceed 6, and the number of references may not exceed 50.


Clinicopathologic Conferences (CPC)

Definition: CPCs emphasize new ideas in medical science that shed light on the approach to diagnosis, disease management, or an emerging aspect of pathophysiology. The editors welcome queries about cases that might be appropriate subjects for CPCs, and invite submissions of CPCs.


No abstract is necessary. On the second page, begin the case presentation using the following headings (as applicable): Case Presentation (history of the present illness, past medical history, social and family history, review of systems, physical examination, laboratory evaluation) Case Summary, Differential Diagnosis, Discussion, the Patients' Course, Final Diagnosis


Case Reports

Definition: Case Reports are reports of single cases that contribute to the body of knowledge of rheumatic diseases by reporting in-depth observations, descriptions of new procedures, techniques, devices, educational programs, or equipment that may reveal etiopathogenetic mechanisms of a broader significance, or by presenting a concise discussion of an infrequently encountered problem that emphasizes a particular clinical point not generally available in the literature. Emphasis will be placed on the scholarship of discussion. On the second page begin the introduction (no heading is necessary). After the introduction, include a description of the case followed by a general discussion. Case Reports should not exceed 2,500 words from introduction through references. The total number of table and figures combined may not exceed 3, and the number of references may not exceed 15.


Brief Reports

Definition: Brief reports are short articles of original research consistent with the mission of Arthritis Care & Research to publish articles relevant to clinical care and public policy for people with rheumatic diseases.


Brief reports should not exceed 2,500 words from introduction through references. On the second page, include an abstract of fewer than 250 words. The abstract should be divided into the following sections: Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. The total number of tables and figures combined may not exceed 3, and the number of references may not exceed 15.


Review Articles

Definition: Review Articles are discussion of clinical, economic, or basic science issues involved in arthritis care and research.

Review Articles should not exceed 3,800 words from introduction through references. The total number of tables and figures combined may not exceed 3. This category does not apply to Systematic Reviews. Please submit Systematic Reviews as Original Articles and follow the format for Original Articles.


Letters to the Editor

Definition: Letters to the Editor should be limited to commentaries on previous articles published in Arthritis Care & Research and issues affecting rheumatology and the American College of Rheumatology. Letters that are commentaries on previous articles must be submitted within 6 months after publication of the article. Length of Letters to the Editor should be no more than 2 pages, including references. Only 1 table or figure may accompany a Letter to the Editor.


Compliance with research ethics standards

Research carried out with human subjects must be in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration (http://www.wma.net/e/policy/b3.htm). A statement to this effect must appear in the Methods section of the manuscript, including the name of the body that gave approval.

Clinical research studies must be registered with the appropriate national body. Compliance with Open Access regulations required by funding bodies, such as the National Institutes of Health, is required.

As of January 1, 2007, all prospective, interventional studies (be they initiated before or after that date [but not including trials that were completed before that date]) must be registered at either http://www.clinicaltrials.gov or http://www.controlled-trials.com in order to be considered for publication in Arthritis Care & Research. For studies initiated after January 1, 2007, registration must occur before the first patient is enrolled. In addition to prospective studies of drugs, biologic agents, and devices, this requirement will include prospective investigations of prevention strategies, screening procedures, diagnostic algorithms, health promotion approaches, behavioral interventions, and health care economics. Phase I clinical trials, those that do not involve a concurrent control group, retrospective reviews, studies designed only to generate pharmacokinetic data, and observational studies that do not involve interventions are not included in the policy at this time.

The journal reserves the right to subject any submitted text or figures to electronic scrutiny to ensure that text has not been plagiarized and images have not been inappropriately manipulated.



Images should be submitted with the manuscript in one of the following formats: tif (preferred), .eps, .xls, or .doc.

Each figure must contain no more than 4 panels. A multiple-panel figure should be printed on 1 page; i.e., Figures 1A, 1B, and 1C should be on 1 page not 3 pages. Each figure must be small enough that it can be reduced such that the figure, including the legend below it, will occupy no more that half of a journal page (i.e., 3 1/4 inch width x 8 1/2 inch height or 7 inch width x 4 1/2 inch height. Lettering and symbols on figures should be large enough, and shading distinct enough, to remain readable after the figure is reduced.

Lengthy descriptions of methods should appear in the Methods section of the article and not in figure legends.

Although the letter of a multiple-part figure may be printed directly on the figure, the main figure number should not be (i.e., for Figure 2A, an "A" may appear on the figure, but "2" may not); the number will appear in the text of the figure legend.

Obtain releases from any patients whose pictures will be printed in the journal. Blinders on the eyes are not a substitute for patient's permission.

An article may include one page of color at no charge to the author. For subsequent pages of color, the author will be billed $500 per page.



Type tables entirely in double space. Do not include any vertical lines in tables. Include horizontal lines below the title and headings and above the table footnotes only; there should be no horizontal lines separating the individual lines of data in the table body. Limit the width of each table (number of columns) such that it will fit in portrait (not landscape) orientation on a journal column (3¼ inches) or page (7 inches) and will not exceed the height of the page. Refer to current issues of the journal for further guidance regarding table style.


Tables with sections (e.g., Table 1a, Table 1b) are not acceptable and will be handled as two separate tables unless the information can be logically combined into one table with one set of headings.


Provide each table with an explanatory title so that it is intelligible without specific reference to the text. Provide each table column with an appropriate heading. Indicate clearly any units of measure on a table. Lengthy descriptions of methods should appear in the Methods section of the article and not in table footnotes.



Compile references numerically according to the order of the citation. Use abbreviations for titles of medical periodicals that conform to those in Index Medicus.

In 1997, the journal changed its reference style to conform to the style suggested in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals. All references should be in this style, which can be found in the article " Uniform Requirements for manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" (N Engl J Med, January 23, 1997, pp 309-15). For a standard journal reference, the Uniform Requirements style is as follows: Mattey DL, Hutchinson D, Dawes PT, Nixon NB, Clarke S, Fisher J, et al. Smoking and disease severity in rheumatoid arthritis: association with polymorphism at the glutathione S-transferase M1 locus. Arthritis Rheum 2002;46:640-7.


Assignment of reviewers

Authors are asked to suggest potential reviewers of their manuscript. If there are individuals they would prefer not to review their manuscripts, they may also indicate.


Related manuscripts/duplicate publication

If the authors are aware of any related manuscript that has been or will be published by or submitted to another journal or to Arthritis Care & Research (e.g., another manuscript resulting from the same study), a copy of the other manuscript should be sent along with the one that is being submitted for publication in Arthritis Care & Research .


Articles are received only for exclusive publication in Arthritis Care & Research with the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere (in part or in full, in other words or in the same words, in letter or article form, or otherwise), are not at the time of submission under consideration by another journal or other publication, and will not be submitted elsewhere unless rejected by Arthritis Care & Research . Publication of preliminary data in the form of an abstract generally is not considered duplicate publication unless the abstract exceeds two pages in length and/or is cited in PubMed.


If an author violates this requirement or engages in other similar misconduct, the Editor may, in addition to rejecting the manuscript, impose a moratorium on the acceptance of new manuscripts from the author and, if the misconduct is deemed sufficiently serious, may refer the matter to the author's academic institution or hospital and/or the appropriate state or local disciplinary body.


Disclosure of interest/copyright transfer

At the time a manuscript under consideration is sent for revision, the corresponding author must obtain the journal's Disclosure of Interest forms. The corresponding author should have each individual author fill out the form to disclose information about financial support and consulting activities that might be interpreted as constituting a possible conflict of interest for the study. The corresponding author must collect the completed forms from all authors and compile the information on authors' financial support and consulting activities, as well as information on each author's role in the study, on one form to be submitted to the journal editorial office along with the revised manuscript. The Editor will decide whether any of this information constitutes a possible conflict of interest, or the appearance thereof, and should be divulged in a footnote.

The Disclosure of Interest form described above also contains a section in which, in accordance with the 1978 Copyright Law, authors are requested to sign a copyright transfer statement.


Author corrections on proofs

The corresponding author will be provided with page proofs and asked to check for errors and editorial queries. Although the correction of editorial and typographical errors will be made without charge, the cost of excessive additional alterations may be charged to the author.

Authors are requested to return corrected proofs and accompanying forms within 72 hours. Publication of the article may be delayed if the proofs are not sent back on time.


Page charges

A $70.00 per page charge will be assessed for publication in Arthritis Care & Research . Page charges are waived for Members of the Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals (ARHP).

Instructions for payment will be sent to authors along with the proofs. In extreme cases of inability to pay, the page charge may be reduced or waived. There is no page charge for solicited articles or letters to the editor. There is no page charge if the first author or corresponding author has been a member of ARHP (Association of Rheumatollogy Health Professionals) for at least 3 years, or less than 3 years have passed since their first faculty appointment. Questions regarding the page charge should be directed to the Managing Editor, Arthritis Care & Research , 2220 Lake Boulevard NE, Atlanta, GA 30319-5312.

Editorial Board


Patricia P. Katz, PhD
Edward H. Yelin, PhD
University of California, San Francisco


Associate Editors

Leonard H. Calabrese, DO, Cleveland
Loreto Carmona, MD, PhD, Madrid
Agustin Escalante, MD, San Antonio
Marian T. Hannan, MPH, DSc, Boston
Daniel Lovell, MD, MPH, Cincinnati
Carol A. Oatis, PT, PhD, Glenside
Richard H. Osborne, PhD, Melbourne
John H. Stone, MD, MPH, Boston
Michael M. Ward, MD, MPH, Bethesda


American College of Rheumatology Journal Publications Committee

George C. Tsokos MD, Chair, Boston
Hermine Brunner, MD, MSc, Cincinnati
James. J. Irrgang, PhD, PT, ATC, Pittsburgh
Elena Losina PhD, Boston
Ann M. Reed, MD, Rochester
Laura Robbins, DSW, New York
William Robinson, MD, PhD, Stanford


Editorial Staff

Nancy J. Parker, Managing Editor, Atlanta
Maggie Parry, Manuscript Editor, Atlanta
Lauren Vogelbaum, Manuscript Editor, Atlanta
Rachel Whittaker, Manuscript Editor, Atlanta
Belinda Wong, MPH, Assistant Editor, San Francisco


Editorial Board

Graciela S. Alarcon, MD, MPH, Birmingham
Aslam Anis, PhD, Vancouver
Hermine I. Brunner, MD, MSc, Cincinnati
Patricia E. Carreira, MD, Madrid
Rowland W. Chang, MD, MPH, Chicago
Robin Christensen, MSc, PhD, Copenhagen
Philip J. Clements, MD, MPH, Los Angeles
Karen H. Costenbader, MD, MPH, Boston
Leslie Crofford, MD, Lexington
Dorothy D. Dunlop, PhD, Chicago
John M. Esdaile, MD, MPH, Vancouver
Brian Feldman, MD, Toronto
David T. Felson, MD, MPH, Boston
G. Kelley Fitzgerald, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Pittsburgh
Liana Fraenkel, MD, MPH, FCRP(C), New Haven
Stuart Gansky, PhD, San Francisco
Allan Gelber, MD, MPH, PhD, Baltimore
Monique A. M. Gignac, PhD, Ontario
Miguel Gonzalez-Gay, MD, Lugo
Gillian A. Hawker, MD, Toronto
John E. Hewett, PhD, Columbia
Sarah Hewlett, PhD, RN, Bristol
Rana S. Hinman, BPhysio (Hons), PhD, Melbourne
Gary S. Hoffman, MD, Cleveland
Meenakshi Jolly, MD, Chicago
Joanne M. Jordan, MD, MPH, Chapel Hill
Laura Julian, PhD, San Francisco                     

Elizabeth W. Karlson, MD, Boston
Jeffrey N. Katz, MD, MS, Boston
Susan E. Klepper, PhD, PT, New York
Dianne Lacaille, MD, Vancouver
Robert B. M. Landewé, MD, Maastricht
Michael P. LaValley, PhD, Boston
Linda Li, BSc(PT), MSc, PhD, Vancouver
Elena Losina, PhD, Boston
George Luta, PhD, Washington , DC
Kaleb D. Michaud, PhD, Omaha
Louise Murphy, PhD, Atlanta
Susan L. Murphy, ScDOTR, Ann Arbor
Michael Nevitt, PhD, MPH, San Francisco
Pantelis Panopalis, MD, Montreal
Fernando Perez-Ruiz, MD, PhD, Baracaldo
Janet L. Poole, PhD, OTR, Albuquerque
Karen L. Smarr, PhD, Columbia
Daniel H. Solomon, MD, PhD, Boston
Maria Suarez-Almazor, MD, PhD, Houston
Deborah PM Symmons, MD, Manchester
Allan Tennant, PhD, Leeds
Brett Thombs, PhD, Montreal
Carol A. Wallace, MD, Seattle
Fred Wolfe, MD, Wichita
Anthony Woolf, MBBS, FRCP, Truro
Bin Zhang, SD, Boston
Yuquing Zhang, DSc, Boston


Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals

David Haag, MSM, CAE, Executive Director

2009-2010 Executive Committee

Linda S. Ehrlich-Jones, PhD, RN, President, Chicago
Nadine T. James, RN, MSN, PhD, President-Elect, Hattiesburg
Susan E. Klepper, PhD, Secretary-Tresurer, New York
Benjamin J. Smith, PA-C, Education Chair, Thomasville
Jennifer M. Hootman, PhD, Research Chair, Atlanta
Jan Richardson, PT, PhD, Practice Chair, Durham
Kamala M. Nola, PharmD, Governement Affairs Represenatitve, Nashhville
Pamela J. Degotardi, PhD, Membership and Nominations Chair, Flushing
James A. Jenkins, PhD, Member-at-Large, Los Angeles
Kimberly F. Kimpton, PT, Invited Guest, Centennial


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