

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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版本:Science Citation Index
出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The CANCER site is a full-text, electronic implementation of CANCER , an Interdisciplinary International Journal of the American Cancer Society, and CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY. The print and online versions of the journal are published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


The site offers access to current issues since 1997 of CANCER including CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY in HTML format, with embedded links to figures and tables, as well as CrossRef™ links, which take users to cited articles that may have been published by a different publisher. There is unrestricted access to tables of contents, abstracts, and general information about CANCER and CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY, as well as to other Wiley journals. The full-text is available to all subscribers following registration .


The CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY section targets these areas:

analytic cytopathology

fine-needle aspiration

gynecologic cytopathology


molecular diagnostics


Indexed / Abstracted in

HEED: Health Economic Evaluations Database (Wiley-Blackwell)

Instructions to Authors

Since January 5, 2009, the American Cancer Society and the journal Cancer Cytopathology have moved to a new web-based manuscript submission and peer review tracking system, ScholarOne Manuscripts. All new submissions to the journal should be made via Cancer Cytopathology's ScholarOne Manuscripts website:

ScholarOne Manuscripts

Information on how to submit via Manuscript Central is available here:

ScholarOne Manuscripts

If you submitted a manuscript to Cancer Cytopathology prior to January 5, 2009, please continue using Rapid Review until a final decision is rendered for your paper.

Please contact the Cancer Cytopathology Editorial Office at 404-327-6411or cancercyto@cancer.org if you have any questions about submitting your manuscript online.

Mission and Scope of the American Cancer Society and CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY: The National Board of Directors of the American Cancer Society adopted the following mission statement November 9, 1994: 'The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy, and service.' CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY is a peer-reviewed publication of the American Cancer Society integrating scientific information from cytopathology and a variety of related disciplines and from worldwide sources for all oncologic specialties. The objective of CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of clinically applicable information among cytopathologists and related oncologic disciplines concerned with the etiology and course of human cancer. CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY accomplishes this objective by publishing original articles, as well as other scientific and educational documents, that support the mission of the American Cancer Society by facilitating the transfer of knowledge from the laboratory to the bedside; contributing to cancer prevention, early detection, diagnosis, cure, and rehabilitation; and diminishing suffering from cancer.


Length Limitations

Papers that grossly exceed the length limitations as described in this guide will not be considered for review.

• Original Articles: scientific reports of the results of original clinical research. The text is usually limited to 6000 words (25 double-spaced pages); including the abstract, references, figures, and tables. Abstracts are limited to 250 words.

• Accelerated Publications: A concise and timely presentation of significant data. The text should not exceed more 2400 words, and no more than 20 references, and a total of 4 figures and tables should be included. A manuscript submitted as an Accelerated Publication will receive expedited peer review and publication. The Editor must approve the expedited review.

• Contemporary Issue: This type of article presents a point of view of general interest.

• Cytotechnologists' Perspective: This presents a topic of particular interest to cytotechnologists.

• Review Articles: A review article must be a timely in depth treatment of an issue.

• Editorials: Opinions of recognized leaders in oncologic specialties. Editorials are generally solicited by the Editor and are related to a manuscript in the same issue. Length should not exceed 2400 words with no more than 20 references.

• Commentary: Presents a point of view of general interest not related to an article in the same issue of CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY.

• Communications: Are published on selected topics from organizations such as the American Cancer Society, the Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons, and the American Joint Committee on Cancer.

• Tributes: Highlight the accomplishments of distinguished individuals for their contributions to oncology.

• Correspondence: Commentaries related to papers previously published in CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY. Letters must be submitted within three months of the online publication date of the article discussed in order to be considered. The authors of the original publication will be given the opportunity to respond in the same issue of CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY. Letters and responses must not exceed 400 words in length, must be limited to three authors and five references, and should not have tables or figures. Financial associations or other potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed.

• Case reports of single cases will not be considered. Authors may submit a mini-review of the literature that includes illustrative cases.


Electronic submission

All manuscripts must be submitted electronically using CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY's ScholarOne Manuscripts Web site available at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cancercyto. Manuscripts may not be submitted by e-mail. Submit text files as .DOC, .DOCX, or .RTF file formats. Other file formats are not permitted and should be converted to .DOC or .DOCX. In addition to submitting online, authors are required to mail or FAX the following to the CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY Editorial Office: the 'Authorship Responsibility, Financial Disclosure, and Copyright Transfer Agreement' form signed by all authors; any permissions that may have been obtained for figures or tables; any permissions required for patient consent. Please include the manuscript ID on all correspondence (example: CNCY-10-0000).

The following items are required to be included with the online submission:

• Cover letter that includes the statement 'All authors have read and approved the manuscript' as well as any additional information that may impact the review process

• Manuscript category (eg, Editorial, Review Article, Original Article, etc.)

• The anatomic site or general topic best suited for the original article

• Corresponding author's complete contact information to include address, phone number, and e-mail address. Any changes to this information must be sent immediately to the CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY Editorial Office and be updated at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cancercyto

• Informed consent: A statement is required with any report of investigations involving human subjects confirming that informed consent was obtained from the subject(s) and/or guardian(s). Provide this statement in the cover letter and state clearly in the manuscript that informed consent was obtained

• If possible, reviewer suggestions that include names, addresses, phone number, and e-mail addresses


General Style

Prepare the manuscript using American spelling and grammar. Use the following sources as guidelines for manuscript preparation and style:

• Matters of spelling, capitalization, punctuation, hyphenation, reference format, and general style: AMA Manual of Style, 10th ed.1

• Citing cancer stages: American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging Manual, 7th ed.2 or UICC TNM Classification of Malignant Tumors3

• Histologic classification of tumors: World Health Organization International Histological Classification of Tumours4

• Drug naming: USP Dictionary of USAN and International Drug Names, 20095

• Chemical terms: Naming and Indexing of Chemical Substances for Chemical Abstracts6

• Terms relating to diseases, operations, and procedures: ICD-O-3: International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, 3rd ed.,7 Physicians' Current Procedural Terminology: CPT, 2009,8 and SNOMED International9

• Presenting statistical material: Cancer Treatment Reports10

• Abbreviating journal titles in references: List of Serials Indexed for Online Users11

• Units of measure: Systéme International (SI) or metric system.

Manuscript Format

The following components are required for a complete manuscript: cover letter, title page (including all disclosure and support statements), abstract, text, references, figure legends, publication quality figures, and tables. Include page numbers on the document, beginning with the title page as page number 1. Please use standard 10- or 12-point font size. Title page The following items are required on the title page:

• Manuscript title

• Running title: a short version of the title (up to 40 characters)

• Each author's name, academic degrees, and affiliation (limited to 10 authors). Note that all affiliations must be translated into standard English

• Complete mailing address, telephone, facsimile, and e-mail for correspondence and reprints

• Total number of each: 1) text pages, including title page, references, and figure legends; 2) tables; and 3) figures

• Sources of support that require acknowledgment and/or financial disclosure statements. Please be sure to indicate whether any grants are from the NIH

• Condensed abstract for use in the Table of Contents: two concise sentences that state the significant conclusion(s) or message of the manuscript (not required for In Memoriam or Correspondence)

• Abstract: Original and Review Articles must contain an abstract of approximately 250 words. Original Articles must have four specified subtitles: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion(s). Abstracts are not required for In Memoriam, Editorials, Commentaries, Communications, or Correspondence. Abstracts published in CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY are submitted to the International Cancer Research Data Bank (ICRDB), supported by the National Cancer Institute. This facilitates broad circulation of cancer-related abstracts. If the ICRDB edits an abstract significantly, it is indicated by a notation 'modified.' Authors are hereby made aware of this procedure in advance of submitting a manuscript to CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY

• Keywords: 4 to 10 key words or terms to be used as index terms. Use terms from the medical subject headings list of http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/11


Use generic name (or generic name followed by trade name in parentheses), manufacturer and their location (city and country).


Use only standard abbreviations and spell out all abbreviations at first use in the text followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.1

Appendices and Supplemental Materials

Supplemental materials presented as appendices are not permitted. These materials must either be placed within the manuscript or eliminated. CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY does not review or publish supplemental materials online. If you include additional information, your paper may be delayed pending verification of intent to publish.

Classification and staging

AJCC/UICC TNM Classification and Stage groupings are to be used. If another staging system is stated, the AJCC/UICC TNM equivalent must also be given.2,3 The stage grouping is a combination of the individual T, N, M classifications (eg, Breast Carcinoma Stage IIA is T2 N0 M0. Please note IIA is the stage. T2 N0 M0 is a combination of T, N, M classifications that satisfy the criteria for Stage IIA.). Reference to any T, N, M component is a classification and not a stage (eg, the T2 classification); it is not correct to state the classification as a stage (eg, the T2 stage). When a stage or classification is used in the manuscript, a reference citing the staging system must be provided. The first time a stage is used it must be accompanied by the T, N, M and the verbal translation of the numerical identifier (eg, Breast Carcinoma Stage IIA [T2 N0 M0]): tumor more than 2 cm but not more than 5 cm in greatest dimension [T2], no regional lymph node metastasis [N0], no distant metastasis [M0]).


If using EndNote (recommended), the CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY reference style can be downloaded at www.interscience.wiley.com/jendnotes/. For assistance, using EndNote, contact endnote@isiresearchsoft.com or visit www.endnote.com/support.


Submit references per the following instructions:

• List references double-spaced in a separate reference section immediately following the text.

• Verify all references prior to submission.

• Use the American Medical Association Manual of Style, 10th ed.1 for reference format style and List of Serials Indexed for Online Users11 for standard journal abbreviations (examples to follow).

• Number references sequentially in the order cited in the text; do not alphabetize.

• Do not cite personal communication, unpublished observations, and submitted manuscripts. Reference to a paper accepted but not yet published can be listed as 'in press.' 'In press' references must be updated by the authors as soon as publication data are available.

• Provide names of all authors in a reference when there are six or fewer; if there are seven or more authors, list only the first three, followed by 'et al.'

Reference types. Following are requirements and examples for common reference types:

• Journal references include the specified information listed in the following order - authors, article title and subtitle, journal abbreviation, year, volume number in Arabic numerals, and inclusive pages.

Example: 1. Cohn KH, Ornstein DL, Wang F, et al. The significance of allelic deletions and aneuploidy in colorectal carcinoma: results of a 5-year follow-up study. Cancer. 1997;79:233-244.

• Book references include the following: authors, title, edition (if other than the first), volume (if more than one), city, publisher, and year. When referencing a book chapter, the order changes as follows: authors of the chapter, title of the chapter, 'In:', editors/authors of the book, title of the book, edition (if there are more than one), volume (if there are more than one), city, publisher, year, and inclusive pages of the chapter.

Example: 2. Givan AL. Flow cytometry: first principles. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001.

Example: 3. Luketich JD, Ginsberg RJ. Diagnosis and

staging of lung cancer. In: Johnson BE, Johnson DH, editors. Lung cancer. New York: Wiley-Liss, Inc., 1995: 161-173.

• Electronic sources should include the type of medium (such as 'computer program' or 'CD-ROM'), the version used, and the supplier. References to online sources should include the type of medium (such as 'serial online' or 'monograph online'), the date of that specific reference (if applicable), the uniform resource locator (URL), and the date that the source was accessed. A source accessed online should always be referenced accordingly, even if it is also published in printed form.

Example: 4. Nakamura S, Yao T, Aoyagi K, Ikda M, Fujishima M, Tsuneyoshi M. Helicobacter pylori and primary gastric lymphoma: a histopathologic and immunochemical analysis of 237 patients. Cancer [serial online] 1997;79:3-11. Available from URL: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/cancer [accessed Dec 1, 1998].

Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their references and for correct text citation.


• Submit double-spaced on separate pages in the word processing program used. Tables imported from spreadsheet programs (eg, Microsoft Excel) should be left in table format and not converted to text. Gridlines should be retained.

• Do not embed tables as graphic files. They cannot be edited by the publisher.

• Limit tables to those that adequately and concisely present findings without redundancy.

• Cite all tables in the text. Number tables consecutively, using Arabic numerals, in the order cited in the text. The table number is followed by a brief descriptive title.

• Do not use vertical rules. Horizontal rules are used only to separate headings.

• Include table number, 'continued,' and table subheadings on each page if a table exceeds one manuscript page.

• Define all abbreviations used in the table in table footnotes.

• Tables submitted as supplemental materials or appendices will be eliminated.• Obtain written permission to reproduce previously published tabular material. Credits for the reproduced work are included as a footnote to the table and must include author(s), title, either publisher and city (and country, if other than US) or periodical name, volume, page, and year. Signed permission forms must be sent to the CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY Editorial Office upon submission.

Figures and legends

• Submit only publication-quality figures.

• Call out all figures in the text. Number all figures sequentially with Arabic numerals in the order cited in the text.

• Provide double-spaced legends on a separate page to include the figure number and a brief description of the figure.

• For typeface within figures, use 6 pt to 12 pt Arial or Helvetica font.
• Gray shading in figures may not reproduce well for publication and should be avoided. Do not use overall background shading in figures. Do note use gray-shaded bars in graphs--use bars with solid, open, or hatched fill. Avoid fine lines and very small type and symbols in figures. Lines should be reasonably dark and type and symbols should be easily read if the figure is reduced for publication.

• Obtain written permission to reproduce previously published figures. Credits for the reproduced work are included in the figure legend and must include author(s), title, either publisher and city (and country, if other than US) or periodical name, volume, page, and year. Signed permission forms must be sent to the CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY Editorial Office upon submissions.

• Submit photographs only as TIFF or EPS file formats. JPEG or GIF files are not permitted.

• Submit line art (eg, charts and graphs) as TIFF or EPS files. JPEG or GIF files are not permitted.

• Do not embed figures in word processing programs (eg, Microsoft Word).

• Mask any patient identification in photographs; otherwise, a signed permission statement is required (please see Permissions section).

• Figures submitted as supplemental materials or appendices will be eliminated.

Note: Color figures are published in print and online free of charge at the discretion of the editor.


Should possible scientific misconduct or dishonesty in research submitted for review be suspected or alleged, CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY reserves the right to forward any submitted manuscript to the sponsoring or funding institution or to other appropriate authorities for investigation. CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY recognizes the responsibility to ensure that the question is appropriately pursued, but does not undertake the actual investigation or make determinations of misconduct. The author will be notified if CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY forwards any manuscript or materials to the sponsoring or funding institution.


CrossCheck is a multipublisher initiative to screen published and submitted content for originality. Cancer Cytopathology uses iThenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. To find out more about CrossCheck visit http://www.crossref.org/crosscheck.html.


Authorship responsibility, financial disclosure, and copyright transfer

Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content. Authorship credit should be based only on substantial contributions to 1) Conception and design, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and 3) Final approval of the version to be published. All three conditions must be met.12 Each author must read and sign the statements on:

1. Authorship responsibility, criteria, and contributions

2. Financial disclosure

3. Either copyright transfer or US Government employment.

The corresponding author is responsible for collecting the signatures of all authors. The signed forms must be sent to the CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY Editorial Office upon manuscript submission.

Manuscripts drafted or written, in whole or part, by individuals not listed as authors will not be considered for publication unless those contributions are clearly and accurately included in the acknowledgement section of the paper and all sources for funding those activities are disclosed in the acknowledgements and on the author financial disclosure forms.

Cancer Cytopathology's "Authorship Responsibility, Financial Disclosure, and Copyright Transfer Agreement" for is available here. Signatures of every authors are required. Please include the manuscript ID on the form (example: CNCY-10-0000).

Group Authorship

The number of authors on a manuscript should not exceed 10. Manuscripts exceeding this limit will be returned without review. However, group authorship may be used in any of the following three formats as appropriate:

1. Authorship may be attributed to an entire group (eg, Pediatric Oncology Group) when all members of the group meet the criteria for authorship previously outlined. In this case, the name of the group is located on the title page in the place of authors; each member of the group is listed in a footnote and his/her authorship acknowledged. Each member of the group must sign the 'Authorship Responsibility, Financial Disclosure, and Copyright Transfer Agreement' form.

2. The names of up to 10 authors may be listed on the title page, followed by the name of the group (eg, Jane E. Doe, John L. Smith, Mark F. Jones, and the Pediatric Oncology Group) when the individual authors, as well as all members of the group, meet the criteria for authorship previously outlined. In this case, group members are listed in a footnote and their authorship acknowledged. Each member of the group must sign the 'Authorship Responsibility, Financial Disclosure, and Copyright Transfer' form.

3. When specified authors assume responsibility for an entire group (eg, Jane E. Doe, John L. Smith, Mark F. Jones for the Pediatric Oncology Group), only the specified authors must meet the criteria for authorship previously outlined. All members of the group may be listed in a footnote but are not acknowledged as authors. In this case, the corresponding author must state in the cover letter that she/he has written permission from each group member to list her/his name as a member of the group.

CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY's 'Authorship Responsibility, Financial Disclosure, and Copyright Transfer Agreement' form is available online at http://www.interscience.wiley.com/cancercyto.

National Institutes of Health Grantees Wiley-Blackwell will post the accepted version of articles by NIH grant-holders to PubMed Central upon acceptance by the journal on the authors' behalf. The accepted version is the version that incorporates all amendments made during peer review, but prior to the publisher's copy-editing and typesetting. This accepted version will be made publicly available 12 months after publication. The NIH mandate applies to all articles based on research that has been wholly or partially funded by the NIH and that are accepted for publication on or after April 7, 2008.

NIH authors should be aware that the lead author/primary investigator will receive an e-mail request once Wiley-Blackwell has posted the files of their accepted manuscript to the NIH Manuscript Submission system to approve the upload for display on the PubMed Central system. This is a requirement of their grant/affiliation.

Simultaneous Submission and Online Posting

CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY will not consider papers that are simultaneously submitted elsewhere or have been published (to include online). If a manuscript is posted to an author's Web site (or their institution's site), it must be taken down prior to submission.

Manuscripts cannot be posted online until after the paper has been published in CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY and only if permission has been granted by the publisher and the article properly cited.


Use of previously published or copyrighted material

Information reproduced from another source must be properly cited. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining written permission from the appropriate authors and/or copyright holders to use previously published or copyrighted material. Signed permission statements from the copyright holder for both print and online reproduction must be sent to the CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY Editorial Office upon manuscript submission. Permission statements also must be obtained from at least one author when citing unpublished data, in press articles, and/or personal communications. Permission forms may be obtained by contacting the CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY Editorial Office or online at www.interscience.wiley.com/cancercyto.

Photographs with identifiable patients

In photographs, sonograms, CT scans, etc., the physical identification of a patient should be masked whenever possible. If a patient is identifiable, written permission to use the photograph must be obtained from the patient or guardian and sent to the CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY Editorial Office upon manuscript submission. Clearly state in the manuscript that informed consent has been obtained.

Randomized Controlled Trials

Reports of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) must state explicitly how the comparison groups were generated, so that readers will be able to assess the method of randomization. In the title, pre´cis, and abstract, specify that the manuscript is a report of an RCT. Prior to submitting an RCT manuscript, authors should refer to the CONSORT checklist.13

Reports of Diagnostic Tests

Authors of reports of diagnostic tests are encouraged to submit the STARD flow diagram and checklist.14

Embargo Policy

Once submitted, contributions cannot be discussed with the media until one week before the publication date. Accepted articles are embargoed from reporting by all media until 12:01 A.M. (EST) on the date of issue. Authors who discuss their work with the media prior to publication must ensure that the media representatives know the embargo policy and the

embargo date. Authors arranging their own publicity on their articles are advised to notify the CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY Editorial Office in advance. The Editorial Office does not provide embargo dates to authors arranging their own publicity.

Appeal Requests

Authors who wish to request reconsideration of a rejected manuscript should contact the Editorial Office at cancercyto@cancer.org. Requests must include the manuscript ID (CNCY-10-0000) and a detailed description of why the authors believe the paper should be reconsidered. Please be aware that appeal requests will only be permitted for the most deserving manuscripts due to space limitations.

Appeal requests will be evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief to determine if an appeal will be permitted. If the appeal is allowed, instructions will be provided on how to resubmit your paper. Authors should not resubmit their rejected paper without prior approval from the Editors and the Editorial Office.

Please note that the Editorial Office will only consider requests sent directly to cancercyto@cancer.org. Requests that are sent elsewhere will not be considered.


Proofs to Authors

Page proofs for accepted manuscripts are sent via e-mail to the corresponding author from the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The corresponding author must return all proof corrections within 48 hours and limit changes to corrections of typographical errors and errors in the presentation of data. Note: Changes are not permitted once a paper has been published online as Early View. Any serious corrections after publication can be submitted for approval as an erratum. Correspondence regarding proofs should be directed to CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY Production Editor, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River St., Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, USA. Telephone: (201) 748-5847; Facsimile: (201) 748-6825; E-mail: cncrprod@wiley.com.


A form for ordering reprints is forwarded to the corresponding author with the page proofs. To request additional forms, contact the Reprints Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River St., Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, USA. Telephone: (201) 748-8771; Facsimile: (201) 748-6021; E-mail: cwoods@wiley.com.


© 2009 American Cancer Society. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, except as permitted under section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the publisher, or authorization through the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Transactional Reporting Service, provided that the base fee of $10.00 per copy is paid directly to CCC, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA, ISSN 0008-543X/09/$10.00. For authorization for other kinds of copying, contact Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River St., Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, USA. Telephone: (201) 748-6011; Facsimile: (201) 748-6008; E-mail: permreq@wiley.com; Website: http://www.wiley.com/go/permissions.

Communications to the Publisher

For business inquiries, subscription information, orders, or subscriber changes of address, contact John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River St., Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, USA; or call (201) 748-6995 (toll-free 1-800-511-3989); Facsimile: (201) 748-6021; E-mail: subinfo@wiley.com.


1. AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors. 10th ed. New York: Oxford University Press; 2007.

2. Edge SB, Byrd DR, Compton CC, Fritz AG, Greene FL, Trotti A, eds. American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging Manual. 7th ed. New York: Springer, 2009.

3. Sobin L, Gospodarowicz M, Wittekind C, eds. UICC TNM Classification of malignant tumors. 7th ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009.

4. World Health Organization. International histological classification of tumours. 2nd ed. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1969-1981; Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1988-Present.

5. USP Dictionary of USAN and International Drug Names, 2009. Rockville, MD: U.S. Pharmacopeia, 2009.

6. Chemical Abstracts Services. Naming and indexing of chemical substances for chemical abstracts, 2007. Columbus, OH: Chemical Abstracts Services, 2008.

7. ICD-O-3: International classification of diseases for oncology. 3rd ed. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2000.

8. Physicians' current procedural terminology, 4th ed.: CPT, 2009. Chicago: American Medical Association, 2008.

9. Cote RA, Rothwell DJ, Beckett RS, Palotay JL, eds. SNOMED international: the systematized nomenclature of human and veterinary medicine. 4 vols. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists, 1993.

10. National Cancer Institute. Cancer treatment reports. Washington, DC: National Cancer Institute, 1985;69:1-3.

11. National Library of Medicine. List of serials indexed for online users. Available from URL: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/lsiou.html [accessed March 23, 2010].

12. International Committee ofMedical Journal Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. Available from: URL: http://www.icmje.org [accessed March 23, 2010].

13. Moher D, Schultz KF, Altman D, for the CONSORT Group. The CONSORT statement: revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel-group randomized trials. JAMA. 2001;285:1987-1991.

14. Bossuyt PM, Reitsma JB, Bruns DF, et a. for the STARD Group. Towards complete and accurate reporting of studies of diagnostic accuracy: the STARD initiative. Clin Chem. 2003;49:1-18. Available from URL: http://www. clinchem.org/cgi/content/full/49/1/1/ [accessed March 23, 2010].

All correspondence for the journal should be sent to the following address. Please include the manuscript ID with all correspondence (example: CNCY-10-0000):


Editorial Office

American Cancer Society

250 Williams Street NW

Atlanta, GA 30303-1002

Phone: (404) 327-6411

FAX: (404) 551-5650

E-mail: cancercyto@cancer.org

Editorial Board


Celeste N. Powers, MD, PhD


Associate Editors   

Michael B. Cohen, MD
Terence J. Colgan, MD
Ritu Nayar, MD


Editorial Staff 

Esmeralda Galán Buchanan, Journals Director
Carissa A. Gilman, Managing Editor
Jin Kim, Assistant Managing Editor
Daniel Nadolny, Production Assistant
Anita Bell Neal, Editorial Assistant
Sarah Tipsin, Editorial Assistant


Advisory Board     

Syed Z. Ali, MD
Raheela Ashfaq, MD
Manon Auger, MD
Zubair W. Baloch, MD, PhD
Ricardo H. Bardales, MD
Barbara D. Benstein, PhD
Christine Bergeron, MD, PhD
George Birdsong, MD
Leonard Bloom, MPH
Julia A. Bridge, MD
Ricardo Cajulis, MD
David Chhieng, MD, MBA, MSHI
Edmund S. Cibas, MD
Douglas P. Clark, MD
Diane D. Davey, MD
Catherine I. Dumur, PhD
Hormoz Ehya, MD
Tarik M. Elsheikh, MD
Isam A. Eltoum, MD, MBA
William C. Faquin, MD, PhD
Patricia A. Fetsch, MT (ASCP)
Armando C. Filie, MD
Anton Hopman, PhD
Lydia P. Howell, MD
David B. Kaminsky, MD, FIAC
Kusum Kapila, MBBS, MD, FRCPath
Ruth L. Katz, MD
Tado K. Kobayashi, PhD
Gladwyn Leiman, MBBCh, FIAC, FRCPath
Britt-Marie E. Ljung, MD
Sue Ellen Martin, MD, PhD
Chris J.L.M. Meijer, MD, PhD     

Dina R. Mody, MD
Ann T. Moriarty, MD
Robert Y. Osamura, MD
Christopher N. Otis, MD
Ibrahim Ramzy, MD
Andrew Renshaw, MD
David L. Rimm, MD, PhD
Dorothy L. Rosenthal, MD, FIAC
Beatriz A. Salvagno, MD
Miguel A. Sanchez, MD
Torill Sauer, MD
Suzanne Selvaggi, MD
Mark E. Sherman, MD
Mary K. Sidawy, MD
Nour Sneige, MD
Mark H. Stoler, MD
László Vass, MD, PhD, FIAC
Philippe Viehl, MD, PhD
G. Peter Vooijs, MD, PhD, FIAC
Paul E. Wakely, Jr., MD
Helene G. Wiener, MD, PhD
David C. Wilbur, MD
Eva M. Wojcik, MD
Bin Yang, MD, PhD
Grace C. H. Yang, MD
Nancy A. Young, MD, FCAP
Maureen F. Zabowski, MD


Editor Emeritus
William J. Frable, MD


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