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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Up-to-date information on breast cancer

The official journal of the Japanese Breast Cancer Society

Contributes to progress in the field, in basic or translational research and also in clinical research

Develops a new focus and new perspectives for all who are concerned with breast cancer

The official journal of the Japanese Breast Cancer Society, Breast Cancer publishes articles that contribute to progress in the field, in basic or translational research and also in clinical research. It develops a new focus and new perspectives for all who are concerned with breast cancer.

Breast Cancer presents original articles describing clinical, epidemiological studies and laboratory investigations regarding breast cancer and related diseases. It features editorials, review articles, original articles, case reports, and short papers. The journal provides the best of up-to-date information on breast cancer, presenting readers with high-impact, original work focusing on pivotal issues.


Abstracted/Indexed in: 

Academic OneFile, EMBASE, Expanded Academic, Google Scholar, Health Reference Center Academic, Highbeam, IBIDS, OCLC, PubMed/Medline, SCOPUS, Summon by Serial Solutions

Instructions to Authors

Breast Cancer, the official journal of the Japanese Breast Cancer Society, publishes articles that contribute to progress in the field, in basic or translational research and also in clinical research, seeking to develop a new focus and new perspectives for all who are concerned with breast cancer. The journal welcomes all original articles describing clinical and epidemiological studies and laboratory investigations regarding breast cancer and related diseases. The journal will consider five types of articles: editorials, review articles, original articles, case reports, and rapid communications. Although editorials and review articles will principally be solicited by the editors, they can also be submitted for peer review, as in the case of original articles. The journal provides the best of up-to-date information on breast cancer, presenting readers with high-impact, original work focusing on pivotal issues.

All papers, which must be written in English, will be subject to review, and the quality of the English text will be thoroughly reviewed. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not have been published or submitted elsewhere in substantially similar form or content, nor can they be submitted elsewhere during the processing for publication by Breast Cancer. However, translations of manuscripts from other languages, if they meet all the conditions stipulated in “Vancouver style” (Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, available on-line at http://www.icmje.org/), may be considered for publication. Copyright of articles published in Breast Cancer is owned by the Japanese Breast Cancer Society.

Before submitting work for publication, authors whose first language is not English should seek the assistance of a colleague who is a native speaker of English and is familiar with the field of work.

Although the editors and referees make every effort to ensure the scientific accuracy of published manuscripts, the final responsibility rests with authors, not with the journal, its editors, the society, or the publisher.

Prerequisites for publication 

A copy of the certification form included in each issue must be submitted to the journal’s editorial office by uploading it as a PDF file or by fax (+81-3-6831-7010) at the same time you submit your manuscript via Editorial Manager.

IMPORTANT: Upon receipt of Certification for Manuscript Submission , manuscripts are officially recognized as submissions.

How to submit 

Authors should submit their manuscripts online. Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial processing and reviewing time and shortens overall publication time. Please go directly to the site https://www.editorialmanager.com/brca and upload all your manuscript files following the instructions given on the screen. Please use the Help option to see the most recently updated system requirements.

Author accounts

Authors entering the journal’s Editorial Manager site can either create a new account or use an existing one. When you have an existing account, use it for all your submissions; you can track their status on the same page.

If you have forgotten your username and password, please click the link “Send Username/Password” and enter your e-mail address. You will then receive an automatically generated e-mail with your username and password. Alternatively, please create a new account and then follow the instructions given on the screen.

Getting started

Once you have logged into your account, Editorial Manager will lead you through the submission process in an orderly, step-by-step process. If you cannot finish your submission in one visit, you can save a draft and re-enter the process later at the same point for that manuscript.

While submitting your electronic manuscript, you will be required to enter data about your manuscript. These include full title, author names and affiliations, and other information, as listed below under Manuscript preparation. Support for special characters is available.

Uploading files

Main Documents: Main documents of articles should be uploaded in rich text format (.rtf) or as Microsoft Word documents (.doc).

Tables: Use the table functions of your word-processing program, not spreadsheets, to create tables. Tables may be uploaded separately from the main document or inserted into the main document.

Figures: Common graphic files such as GIF, JPEG, EPS, and TIFF are supported. Please upload figures that are satisfactory for the review process and for printing according to Artwork guidelines described in the end of this instruction.

After the components of the article have been uploaded in this manner, the system will convert the files to PDF format. You can view the result of the conversion with Adobe Acrobat Reader. You will also be notified by e-mail that your submission was successful.

At any point during this process, there are Help buttons available to see frequently asked questions.

If the total size of the files exceeds the file volume (10 MB) for online submission, reduce the resolution of large files for initial submission.

Keeping track

After submission, you may return and monitor the progress of your submission through the review process.

Ethics policy 

Manuscripts submitted for publication must contain a statement to the effect that all human studies have been approved by the appropriate ethics committee and have therefore been performed in accordance with the ethical standards laid down in the 1964 declaration of Helsinki and all subsequent revisions. It should also be stated clearly in the text that all persons gave their informed consent prior to their inclusion in the study. Details that might disclose the identity of the subjects under study should be omitted. The editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with the above-mentioned requirements. The author will be held responsible for false statements or failure to fulfill the above-mentioned requirements.

Potential conflict of interest 

All authors are required to disclose any financial relationship with a biotechnology manufacturer, a pharmaceutical company, or other commercial entity that has an interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript, according to the Breast Cancer Clinical Research Conflict of Interest Disclosure Policy (http://www.jbcs.gr.jp/english/Bccrcidp_e.html). The manuscript must be accompanied by the “Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement” which can be obtained at http://www.jbcs.gr.jp/english/Bccrcidp_e.html.

Patient anonymity and informed consent 

It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that all patients’ anonymity and privacy be carefully protected and to verify that any investigation with human subjects reported in the manuscript was performed with informed consent.

Secondary publication 

Manuscripts submitted for secondary publication meeting the conditions specified in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, available on-line at http://www.icmje.org/, will be considered for publication, but attempts at duplicate publication ignoring those conditions will be treated severely.

Manuscript preparation 

Manuscripts must be double-spaced or the equivalent, with ample margins on all sides. In general, original articles should not exceed 6 printed pages (the main text should be approximately 16 double-spaced manuscript pages, or less). Articles exceeding 6 printed pages will be published under exceptional circumstances with a charge to the authors. Case reports and rapid communications should not exceed 4 printed pages (11 double-spaced manuscript pages) and 2 printed pages (5 manuscript pages), respectively. All manuscripts should be divided into the following sections: (1) Title page, (2) Abstract, (3) Introduction, (4) Materials and Methods (or Patients and Methods), (5) Results, (6) Discussion, (7) Acknowledgments, (8) References, (9) Figure Legends and Tables. All sections should start on a new page, all pages being numbered consecutively.

Review articles should contain a maximum of 4,000 words and 75 references.

Only case reports with new findings that have significant clinical impact on the field or that are likely to change clinical practice, methods, or approaches will be accepted for publication. Authors should avoid the following: describing rare cases or conditions without adding new findings; describing a combination of different tumors without providing new information; or describing the outstanding impact of an existing clinical practice without providing an explanation of its efficacy. Case reports in which the patient’s diagnosis remains uncertain following initial treatment will not be considered for publication.

Editorials are intended to convey opinions or comments relevant to breast cancer in all its aspects. Editorials are usually, but not always, solicited; unsolicited editorials will be considered for publication. Editorials should be approximately 1,200 words in length, excluding references and footnotes.

Title page

The title page should include:

• The name(s) of the author(s)

• A concise and informative title

• The affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s)

• The e-mail address, telephone, and fax numbers of the corresponding author


For original papers only, the abstract should be structured. The primary purpose of this format is to concisely present the data contained in the manuscript in an easily understood and comprehensive summary. The format should consist of four paragraphs, each with an introductory heading: 1) Background, comprising a short paragraph describing the present status of the field and the purpose of the study; 2) Methods, consisting of the plan and/or methods used in formulating the study; 3) Results, with a concise summary of the essential features verified by the data; and 4) Conclusions, with a brief description of the objective findings of the study. The structured abstract should be approximately 250 words in length.


Please provide not more than 5 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes.


Text formatting

For submission in Word

• Use a standard, plain font (e.g., 12-point Times Roman) for text.

• Use the automatic page-numbering function.

• Do not use field functions.

• Use tab stops or other commands, not the space bar, for indents.

• Use the table function, not spreadsheets, to make tables.

• Use the equation editor or MathType for equations.

Note: If you use Word 2007, do not create equations with the default equation editor but use MathType instead.

Heading levels

Please use no more than three levels of displayed headings.

Abbreviations and acronyms

Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.


Generic names of drugs and pesticides are preferred; if trade names are used, the generic name should be given at first mention.


Footnotes on the title page are not given reference symbols. Footnotes to the text are numbered consecutively.


Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section before the reference list. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.


The list of References should include only works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications and unpublished works should be mentioned only in the text, parenthetically. Do not use footnotes or endnotes as a substitute for a reference list.

Citation in text

Citations in the text should be identified by numbers in square brackets. Some examples:

1. Negotiation research spans many disciplines [3].

2. This result was later contradicted by Becker and Seligman [5].

3. This effect has been widely studied [1-3, 7].

Reference list style

Journal article

Please list all authors when six or fewer; when seven and more, list six and add et al.

1. Morimoto T, Itoh S, Ishida T. Mass screening for breast cancer using physical examination in Japan (in Japanese with English abstract). Jpn J Breast Cancer 1992;7:63–8.

2. Nomura Y, Miura S, Koyama H, Enomoto K, Kasumi F, Yamamoto H, et al. Relative effect of steroid hormone receptors on the prognosis of patients with operable breast cancer. Cancer 1992;69:154–64.

Journal article with DOI (and with page numbers)

3. O’Mahony S, Rose SL, Chilvers AJ, Ballinger JR, Solanki CK, Barber RW, et al. Finding an optimal method for imaging lymphatic vessels of the upper limb. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2004;31:555–63. doi:10.1007/s00259-003-1399-3.

Book chapter

4. Harris JR, Hellman S. Natural history of breast cancer. In: Harris JR, Hellman S, Henderson IC,

Kinne DW, editors. Breast diseases. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott; 1991. p. 165–81.


• All tables should be numbered using Arabic numerals.

• Tables should be cited in the text in consecutive numerical order.

• For each table, please supply a table title. The table title should explain clearly and concisely the components of the table.

• Identify any previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference at the end of the table title.

• Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lowercase letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body.


• All figures should be numbered using Arabic numerals.

• Figure parts should be denoted by lowercase letters. If illustrations are supplied with uppercase labeling, lowercase letters will still be used in the figure legends and citations.

• Figures should be cited in the text in consecutive numerical order.

• For each figure, please supply a figure legend (caption).

• All elements in the figure should be identified in the legend.

• Identify any previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference at the end of the legend.

• For more information about preparing illustrations, please refer to the artwork guidelines available at the end of this document.

Electronic supplementary material 

If electronic supplementary material (ESM) is submitted, it will be published, as received from the author, in the online version only. ESM may consist of

• information that cannot be printed: animations, video clips, sound

recordings, etc.

• information that is more convenient in electronic form: sequences, spectral data, etc.

• large amounts of original data, additional tables, illustrations, etc.

The text must make specific mention of any ESM in a citation, similar to that for figures and tables (e.g., ‘‘. . . as shown in Animation 3.’’).

For details on formats and other information, please follow the link

(http://www.springer.com/12282) to the specific instructions for electronic supplementary material.

Instructions for Letters to the Editor 

Letters to the Editor commenting on articles published previously in the journal or expressing views on topics relevant to breast cancer will be published at the editors’ discretion.

Please note the following:

1) Letters must be typewritten and double-spaced or the equivalent with ample margins on all sides.

2) Letters must not exceed 500 words in length, not including references.They must not include more than five references and are limited to one table or figure. Letters will not be acknowledged.

3) Signatures of all authors are required (by fax is acceptable), but authorship is limited to three persons.

4) Letters referring to a recent journal article must be received within two months of its publication.

5) Any conflict of interest should be declared in a covering letter.

After acceptance 

During the production phase the following issues must be clarified:

Open Choice

In addition to the normal publication process (whereby an article is submitted to the journal and access to that article is granted to customerswho have purchased a subscription), Springer now provides an alternative publishing option: Springer Open Choice. A Springer Open Choice article receives all the benefits of a regular subscription-based article, but in addition is made available publicly through Springer’s online platform SpringerLink. We regret that Springer Open Choice cannot be ordered for already published articles. For further information,

see Springer Open Choice at ttp://springer.com/openchoice.

Copyright transfer

Authors will be asked to transfer copyright of their articles to the Japanese Breast Cancer Society. This will ensure the widest possible protection and dissemination of information under copyright laws. Open Choice articles do not require transfer of copyright as the copyright remains with the author. In opting for open access, authors agree to the Springer Open Choice License.


Offprints can be ordered by the corresponding author.

Color in print

Online publication of color illustrations is free of charge. For color in the print version, authors will be expected to make a contribution toward the extra costs (¥110,000 for the first and ¥60,000 for each additional page). Otherwise the figures will be printed in black and white. Please note that, in such cases, it is authors’ responsibility to prepare figures to be illustrative enough to convey the necessary information even after they are converted into black and white.


Authors are informed by e-mail that a temporary URL has been created from which they can obtain their proofs.

The purpose of the proof is to check for typesetting errors and the completeness and accuracy of the text, tables, and figures. Substantial changes in content, e.g., new results, corrected values, title, and authorship, are not allowed without the approval of the Editor.

Online First

An article will be published online after receipt of the corrected proofs.This is the official first publication citable with the DOI. After release of the printed version, the article can also be cited by issue and page numbers. After online publication, further changes can be made only in the form of an Erratum, which will be hyperlinked to the article.

Artwork guidelines 

Electronic figure submission

• Supply all figures electronically.

• Indicate what graphics program was used to create the artwork.

• For vector graphics, the preferred format is EPS; for halftones,

please use TIFF format.

• MS Office files are also acceptable.

• Use of double-byte characters should be avoided.

• Vector graphics containing fonts must have the fonts outlined or embedded in the files.

• Name your figure files with ‘‘Fig’’ and the figure number, e.g., Fig1.eps.

Line art

Definition: Black and white graphic with no shading.

• Do not use faint lines and/or lettering, and check that all lines and lettering within the figures are legible at final size.

• All lines should be at least 0.1 mm (0.3 pt) wide.

• If provided as scanned images or bitmap images, line drawings should have a minimum resolution of 1200 dpi.

• Vector graphics containing fonts must have the fonts outlined or embedded in the files.

Halftone art

Definition: Photographs, drawings, or paintings with fine shading, etc.

• If any magnification is used in the photographs, indicate the

magnification by using scale bars within the figures themselves.

• Halftones should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

Combination art

Definition: A combination of halftone and line art, e.g., halftones containing line drawing, extensive lettering, color diagrams, etc.

• Combination artwork should have a minimum resolution of 600

Color art

• Color art is free of charge for online publication.

• If black and white is to be shown in the print version, make sure that the important information will remain visible. Many colors are not distinguishable from one another when converted to black and white. A simple way to check this is to make a photocopy to see if the necessary distinctions between the different colors are still apparent.

• If the figures are to be printed in black and white, do not refer to color in the legends.

• Color illustrations should be submitted as RGB (8 bits per channel).

Figure lettering

• To add lettering, it is best to use Helvetica or Arial (sans-serif fonts). Use lowercase letters to denote figure parts.

• Keep lettering consistently sized throughout your final artwork, usually about 2–3 mm (8–12 pt).

• Variation in type size within an illustration should be minimal, e.g., do not use 8-pt type on an axis and 20-pt type for the axis label.

• Avoid effects such as shading, outline letters, etc.

• Do not include titles or captions in illustrations.

Figure placement and size

• When preparing figures, size figures to fit within the column width.

• Figures should be 39 mm, 84 mm, 129 mm, or 174 mm wide and not higher than 234 mm.

Editorial Board


Shinzaburo Noguchi
Osaka University, Osaka


Deputy Editors-in-Chief
Masafumi Kurosumi
Saitama Cancer Center
, Saitama

Junichi Kurebayashi
Kawasaki Medical School, Kurashiki


Editors Emeriti
Yasuo Nomura
Oikawa Hospital, Fukuoka

Masakuni Noguchi
Kanazawa Medical University, Kanazawa

Masahiro Hiraoka
Kyoto University, Kyoto

Associate Editors
Minoru Fujimori
Tokyo Medical University Ibaraki Medical Center, Ibaraki

Jun Horiguchi
Gunma University, Maebashi

Yoshinori Ito
Cancer Institute Hospital, Tokyo

Hiroko Kawashima
Kanazawa University, Kanazawa

Izo Kimijima
Northern Fukushima Medical Center, Fukushima

Tadashi Kobayashi
The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo

Takuya Moriya
Kawasaki Medical School, Kurashiki

Kinji Nishiyama
Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases, Osaka

Shin-ichi Tsuchiya
Nippon Medical School, Tokyo

Hitoshi Tsuda
National Cancer Center, Tokyo

Takayoshi Uematsu
Shizuoka Cancer Center Hospital, Shizuoka

Editorial Consultants
J. Patrick Barron
Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo

Seth M. Sullivan
Cushing Memorial Hospital

Editorial Board
Suminori Akiba
Kagoshima University, Kagoshima

Futoshi Akiyama
The Cancer Institute of Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research, Tokyo

Yuichi Ando
Nagoya University Hospital, Nagoya

Kouji Arihiro
Hiroshima University, Hiroshima

Hiroyoshi Doihara
Okayama University Hospital, Okayama

Hirofumi Fujii
Jichi Medical University
, Shimotsuke

Ritsuko Fujimitsu
Fukuoka University, Fukuoka

Tomoyuki Fujita
Tokyo Medical University Ibaraki Medical Center, Ibaraki

Takashi Fukutomi
Aichi Medical University
, Aichi

Naoya Gomi
Cancer Institute Ariake Hospital, Tokyo

Shunsuke Haga
Tokyo Women?s Medical University Daini Hospital, Tokyo

Masafumi Harada
University of Tokushima, Tokushima

Masato Hareyama
Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine, Sapporo

Hideyuki Hashimoto
Chiba Foundation for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Chiba

Shinichi Hayashi
Tohoku University, Sendai

Yuichi Iino
Gunma University, Maebashi

Hirohisa Imai
National Institute of Public Health, Saitama

Yoshinari Imashiro
Kawasaki Medical School, Kurashiki

Kouki Inai
Hiroshima University, Hiroshima

Kenichi Inoue
Saitama Cancer Center
, Saitama

Minoru Irahara
University of Tokushima, Tokushima

Kenichi Ito
Shinshu University, Nagano

Hirotaka Iwase
Kumamoto University, Kumamoto

Takusi Iwase
Cancer Institute Ariake Hospital, Tokyo

Kenichi Jingu
St. Mary?s Hospital, Kurume

Kumiko Karasawa
Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo

Masahiro Kashiwaba
Iwate Medical University, Morioka

Noriyuki Katsumata
National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo

Yukio Koibuchi
Takasaki General Medical Center, Takasaki

Katsumasa Kuroi
Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital, Tokyo

Ichiro Maeda
St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Kawasaki

Hironobu Minami
Kobe University Hospital, Kobe

Yasuo Miyoshi
Hyogo College of Medicine, Nishinomiya

Shuichi Monzawa
Akashi Municipal Hospital, Akashi

Isamu Morishima
Tsukuba Medical Center
, Tsukuba

Hirofumi Mukai
National Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwa

Hiroshi Nakahara
Breastopia Namba Hospital, Miyazaki

Katsumasa Nakamura
Kyushu University Hospital
at Beppu, Beppu

Seigo Nakamura
St. Luke?s International Hospital, Tokyo

Hideki Nakanishi
University of Tokushima, Tokushima

Kiyoshi Namba
Breastopia Namba Hospital, Miyazaki

Kunio Odagiri
Yokohama-Aobadai Clinic, Yokohama

Etsuyo Ogou
Kurume University, Kurume

Masahiko Oguchi
Cancer Institute Ariake Hospital, Tokyo

Yasuyo Ohi
Sagara Hospital, Kagoshima

Tomohiko Ohta
St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Kawasaki

Noriaki Ohuchi
Tohoku University, Sendai

Tomohiko Okawa
Tokyo-West Tokushukai Hospital
, Akishima

Shinzi Oono
National Kyushu Cancer Center, Fukuoka

Shouzou Oosumi
Shikoku Cancer Center Hospital, Matsuyama

Tetsunari Oyama
Gunma University
, Maehashi

Toshiaki Saeki
Saitama Medical School Hospital
, Saitama

Shinya Saito
Okayama University, Okayama

Shigehira Saji
Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital, Tokyo

Bunzo Sato
Nissay Hospital, Osaka

Yuka Sawai
Kaizuka City Hospital
, Kaizuka

Tsuneaki Seki
Tokyo Teishin Hospital, Tokyo

Kenji Sekiguchi
S1. Luke's International Hospital, Tokyo

Eiichi Shiba
Osaka Breast Clinic, Osaka

Tadahiko Shien
Okayama University Hospital, Okayama

Naoto Shikama
Shinshu University, Nagano

Chikako Shimizu
National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo

Hiroshi Sonoo
Kawasaki Medical School, Kurashiki

Masato Suzuki
Teikyo University Chiba Medical Center, Ichihara

Takashi Suzuki
Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai

Toshio Tabei
Saitama Cancer Center
, Saitama

Shinya Tahara
Kobe University, Kobe

Tomoo Tajima
Tokai University
, Isehara

Toshimi Takano
Toranomon Hospital, Tokyo

Shigemitsu Takashima
Shikoku Cancer Center Hospital, Matsuyama

Yuichi Takatsuka
Kansai Rosai Hospital, Amagasaki

Fumiyoshi Takayama
Ichinose Neurosurgery Hospital
, Matsumoto

Hiroyuki Takei
Saitama Cancer Center
, Saitama

Kazuo Tamura
Fukuoka University, Fukuoka

Kenji Tamura
National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo

Akira Tangoku
University of Tokushima, Tokushima

Takao Taniya
Futaba Breast Clinic, Kanazawa

Eriko Tohno
of Tsukuba, Tsukuba

Satoshi Toyoshima
Kitakyushu Municipal Medical Center, Kitakyushu

Mitsuhiro Tozaki
Kameda Medical Center
, Kamogawa

Koichiro Tsugawa
St.Luke's International Hospital, Tokyo

Ken Uchida
The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo

Ei Ueno
University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba

Shinobu Umemura
Tokai University
, Isehara

Hajime Uno
Harvard School of Public Health, USA

Toru Watanabe
Hamamatsu Oncology Center, Hamamatsu

Hidetake Yabuuchi
Kyushu University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Fukuoka

Shogo Yamada
Tohoku University, Sendai

Rin Yamaguchi
Kurume University Medical Center, Kurume

Shigeru Yamamoto
Yamaguchi University Graduate School
of Medicine, Yamaguchi

Naohito Yamamoto
Chiba Cancer Center, Chiba

Jun-ichi Yamashita
Public Health Center
Okazaki City Medical Association, Okazaki

Takashi Yamashita
Cancer Institute Ariake Hospital, Tokyo

Hidemitsu Yasuda
International Medical Center of Japan, Tokyo

Hiroki Yoshida
Kagoshima University, Kagoshima

Masataka Yoshimoto
International University of Health and Welfare, Tokyo

Sachiko Yuen
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto

International Editorial Board
Roy H. Ashikari
New York Medical College

Charles E. Cox
The University of South Florida, USA

Monica Fornier
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

Adrian L. Harris
University of Oxford, UK

Gabriel N. Hortobagyi
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA

Benita S. Katzenellenbogen
University of Illinois, USA

Manfred Kaufmann
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Germany

David Krag
University of Vermont, USA

Shahla Masood
University of Florida, USA

Monica Morrow
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

Helen A. Pass
Lawrence Hospital Center

Richard M. Rainsbury
Royal Hampshire County Hospital
, UK

Laszlo Tabar
Falun Central Hospital
, Sweden

Keun-Young Yoo
Seoul National University
, Korea



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