

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Innate immunity is a growing research area that has attracted considerable attention over the last decade. It includes both passive and active mechanisms that prevent and combat infections. Despite the increasing interest in innate immunity, there has so far been no explicit forum devoted exclusively to this important and rapidly expanding field.

The 'Journal of Innate Immunity' is a new bimonthly journal that aims to cover all aspects within the area of innate immunity, including evolution of the immune system, molecular biology of cells involved in innate immunity, pattern recognition and signals of 'danger', microbial corruption, host response and inflammation, mucosal immunity, complement and coagulation, sepsis and septic shock, molecular genomics, and development of immunotherapies.

The journal publishes original research articles, short communications, reviews, commentaries and letters to the editors. A fast peer-review process from submission of the manuscript to a final decision is guaranteed!


Listed in bibliographic services, including Pubmed/MEDLINE

Instructions to Authors

The 'Journal of Innate Immunity' is a bimonthly published journal that aims to cover all aspects within the area of innate immunity, including evolutionary aspects, pathogen-host cell molecular interactions, host response and inflammation, complement and coagulation, microbial corruption of innate immunity, molecular genomics, development of vaccines and immune therapies. The journal features original papers (Research Articles, Clinical Investigations), Mini Reviews, Letters to the Editors, Rapid Communications and Short Communications.


Criteria for acceptance are quality, originality, and clarity. The 'Journal of Innate Immunity' will not consider papers that are either preliminary or purely descriptive. Reports on clinical cases are accepted only if they provide novel insight into unresolved problems of innate immunity.




Only original papers written in English are considered. Manuscripts (the preferred word-processing package is MS-Word) should be submitted online


Online Manuscript Submission 


Heiko Herwald, Ph.D.

S. Karger AG

Editorial Office 'Journal of Innate Immunity'

P.O. Box

CH-4009 Basel (Switzerland)

Tel. +41 61 306 13 57

Fax. +41 61 306 14 34





All manuscripts must be accompanied by a covering letter signed on behalf of all authors. Assurance should be given that the manuscript is not under simultaneous consideration by any other publication. Presentation of manuscripts should conform with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (see N Engl J Med 1997;336:309–315).


All manuscripts are subject to editorial review. Submission of an article for publication implies the transfer of the copyright from the author to the publisher upon acceptance. Accepted papers become the permanent property of 'Journal of Innate Immunity' and may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the publisher.


It is the authors' responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce illustrations, tables, etc. from other publications.




In addition to regular papers, every issue of the journal will have a special section with a thematic focus. Contributions to these special topic sections are very welcome and authors are asked to contact the Editors-in-Chief or the responsible guest editors before submitting a manuscript in order to avoid clashes with other pending papers.


All articles will undergo an indepth peer-review process.


Original Paper (Research Article / Clinical Investigation): Submitted manuscripts should be fully documented reports of original research. They must describe significant and original observations. The normal maximum length of an original paper is 10 printed pages, i.e. approximately 30 manuscript pages (font 12, double spacing) including title page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, References, Figure Legends, Figures and Tables. The number of references should not exceed 40.


Mini Review: Potential authors are asked to contact the editors before submitting their papers in order to avoid clashes with other pending reviews.


Letter to the Editor: Letters to the Editor concerning articles published in 'Journal of Innate Immunity' may be submitted for publication. They should not be more than one printed page in length. If accepted, the authors of the articles concerned will be given the opportunity to reply.


Short Communication: The general arrangement for Short Communications is the same as for research papers. The text should also be divided into separate sections formally entitled introduction, methods, results, discussion. These should not be more than 3 printed pages in length including an abstract of up to 50 words.




Title page: The first page of each paper should indicate the title, the authors' names, the institute where the work was conducted, and a short title for use as running head.


Full address: The exact postal address of the corresponding author complete with postal code must be given at the bottom of the title page. Please also supply phone and fax numbers, as well as an e-mail address.


Key words: For indexing purposes, a list of 3–10 key words in English is essential.


Abstract: Each paper needs an abstract of up to 200 words describing background, methods, results and conclusions.


Footnotes: Footnotes should be avoided. When essential, they are numbered consecutively and typed at the foot of the appropriate page.


Tables and illustrations: Tables and illustrations (both numbered in Arabic numerals) should be prepared on separate pages. Tables require a heading and figures a legend, also prepared on a separate page. For technical reasons, figures with a screen background should not be submitted. When possible, group several illustrations on one block for reproduction ( max. size 180 x 223 mm) or provide crop marks. Each illustration must be labelled with its number and the author's name. Electronically submitted b/w half-tone and color illustrations must have a final resolution of 300 dpi after scaling (final size), line drawings one of 800–1,200 dpi. Figure files should not be embedded in a document file but submitted separately (for detailed instructions, see Online Submission Instructions).


Color Illustrations


During the review process, the decision will be made as to which color illustrations of a manuscript can be reproduced free of charge. Authors will be informed of this at the time of acceptance of their paper.




In the text identify references by Arabic numerals [in square brackets]. Material submitted for publication but not yet accepted should be noted as 'unpublished data' and not be included in the reference list. The list of references should include only those publications which are cited in the text. Do not alphabetize; number references in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. The surnames of the authors followed by initials should be given. There should be no punctuation other than a comma to separate the authors. Preferably, please cite all authors. Abbreviate journal names according to the Index Medicus system. (Also see International Committee of Medical Journal Editors: Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. N Engl J Med 1997;336:309–315 www.icmje.org). Authors using EndNote® may choose the format setting for Intervirology for the correct format of References.




(a) Papers published in periodicals: Vilhelmsson M, Johansson C, Jacobsson-Ekman G, Crameri R, Zargari A, Scheynius A: The malassezia sympodialis allergen Mala s 11 induces human dendritic cell maturation, in contrast to its human homologue manganese superoxide dismutase. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2007;143:155–162.


(b) Papers published only with DOI numbers: Theoharides TC, Boucher W, Spear K: Serum interleukin-6 reflects disease severity and osteoporosis in mastocytosis patients. Int Arch Allergy Immunol DOI: 10.1159/000063858.


(c) Monographs: Matthews DE, Farewell VT: Using and Understanding Medical Statistics, ed 4, revised. Basel, Karger, 2007.


(d) Edited books: Park BK, Sanderson JP, Naisbitt DJ: Drugs as haptens, antigens, and immunogens; in Pichler WJ (ed): Drug Hypersensitivity. Basel, Karger, 2007, pp 55–65.




Published research must comply with the guidelines for human studies and animal welfare regulations. Authors should state that subjects have given their informed consent and that the study protocol has been approved by the institute’s committee on human research and thus meets the standards of the Declaration of Helsinki in its revised version of 1975 and its amendments of 1983, 1989, and 1996 [JAMA 1997;277:925–926]. Information suitable to reveal the subject’s identity is to be avoided. Further, they should also state that animal experiments conform to institutional standards. Copies of these guidelines and policy statements must be available for review by the editors if necessary.


Conflict of Interest


All forms of funding and support, including that from companies, and any potential competing financial interests should be acknowledged in the cover letter to the editor when applicable. The statement has to be listed at the end of the article.


Article Length


The normal maximum length of an original paper is limited to 10 printed pages, i.e. approximately 28 manuscript pages (font 12, double spacing) including figure legends, figures and tables. The number of references should not exceed 30. Short Communications should not be more than 11 manuscript pages including 20 references and 3 figures/tables.


Page Charges


There are no page charges for 5 or fewer printed pages, which is equal to approx. 14 manuscript pages including references, figures and tables. Each additional complete or partial printed page is charged to the authors at CHF 325.00.


Digital Object Identifier (DOI)


S. Karger Publishers supports DOIs as unique identifiers for articles. A DOI number will be printed on the title page of each article. DOIs can be useful in the future for identifying and citing articles published online without volume or issue information. More information can be found at www.doi.org


Author's ChoiceTM


Karger's Author's ChoiceTM service broadens the reach of your article and gives all users worldwide free and full access for reading, downloading and printing at www.Karger.com. The option is available for a one-time fee of CHF 3,000.00, which is a permissible cost in grant allocation. More information can be found at www.karger.com/authors_choice.


NIH-Funded Research


The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) mandates under the NIH Public Access Policy that final, peer-reviewed manuscripts appear in its digital database within 12 months of the official publication date. As a service to authors, Karger submits the final version of your article on your behalf to PubMed Central (PMC) immediately upon publishing. It usually receives a PMCID within approximately a month and will appear in PMC after 12 months. For those selecting our premium Author's ChoiceTM service, the usual embargo will be overriden, accelerating the accessibility of your work. More details on NIH's Public Access Policy are available here.




Karger permits authors to archive their pre-prints (i.e. pre-refereeing) or post-prints (i.e. final draft post-refereeing) on their personal or institution's servers, provided the following conditions are met: Articles may not be used for commercial purposes, must be linked to the publisher's version, and must acknowledge the publisher's copyright. Authors selecting Karger's Author's ChoiceTM feature, however, are also permitted to archive the final, published version of their article, which includes copyediting and design improvements as well as citation links.


Video Files


Video files for the 'Journal of Innate Immunity' enhance the online versions. The printed journal remains the archival version. Since it does not contain video files, the latter can only be supplements which improve the reader's understanding of the paper. In the printed version they should be replaced by a 'typical' figure. For further information, please refer to the Online Submission Instructions.


Copy Editing


All manuscripts accepted for publication by Karger are subject to copy editing. Changes introduced by the copy editor and/or questions will be marked in the manuscript so please be sure to check the proofs against the manuscript. The copy edited manuscript will be returned along with the proofs.




Unless indicated otherwise, proofs are sent to the first-named author and should be returned with the least possible delay. Alterations made in proofs, other than the correction of printer's errors, are charged to the author. No page proofs are supplied.


E-pub First


All articles are published electronically ahead of print with a DOI number and are supplemented later with the definite reference of the printed version. The articles become available immediately after the authors' approval to print, with the added advantage of being citable much earlier than previously. Authors can influence the time of appearance by promptly returning the proofs.




An order form and a price list are sent with the proofs. Orders submitted after the release of an article in print are subject to considerably higher prices.

Editorial Board


H. Herwald, Lund
A. Egesten, Lund

Editorial Board

B. Beutler, La Jolla, Calif.
N. Borregaard, Copenhagen
V. Brinkmann, Berlin
G.D. Brown, Aberdeen
E. Crouch, St. Louis, Mo.
B. Dahlbäck, Malmö
S. Gordon, Oxford
J. Hoffmann, Strasbourg
M. Hornef, Hannover
T. Kaisho, Yokohama City
J.D. Lambeth, Atlanta, Ga.
G. McFadden, Gainsville, Fla.
E. Medina, Braunschweig
A. Mowat, Glasgow
P.M. Murphy, Bethesda, Md.
V. Nizet, La Jolla, Calif.
J.E. Pease, London
J. Potempa, Krakow
C.S. Reiss, New York, N.Y.
J.A. Russell, Vancouver, B.C.
D. Schneider, Stanford, Calif.
J.-M. Schröder, Kiel
C. Speth, Innsbruck
A.N. Theofilopoulos, La Jolla, Calif.
U. Theopold, Stockholm
J.A.G. van Strijp, Utrecht
M.A. Williams, Research Triangle Park, N.C.
V. Witko Sarsat, Paris
M.A. Zasloff, Washington, D.C.


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