

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版频率:Continuous publication

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Information and communication technology are integral to all areas of health care, from organisational management to the delivery of patient care and health promotion. In this fast-moving arena, Health Informatics Journal provides an international forum for the exchange of practice, innovation and research. Representing the interdisciplinary nature of health informatics, the journal publishes peer reviewed contributions from the fields of informatics and telematics, the health professions, computer science, engineering and management.


A free subscription to Health Informatics Journal is included as part of the membership to The British Medical Informatics Society. For further details about the society and how to become a member go to www.bmis.org.


The Editor is keen to discuss papers on any subject relevant to healthcare informatics, but especially welcomes contributions on e-health, electronic patient records, e-learning in healthcare, web-based information services; support for clinical decision-making, knowledge management, quality control, evidence-based practice, modeling of healthcare service usage; healthcare applications of mobile and pervasive technologies, assistive technology; evaluation and use of healthcare IT, design and development methodologies for healthcare IT, security and confidentiality; future developments in technologies and applications.


For more information on contributing to Health Informatics Journal, please email the Editor, Rob Procter: rnp@inf.ed.ac.uk


Abstracting/Indexing in:

Academic Search Premier

 British Education Index

 British Nursing Index

 Business Source Corporate

 Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature CINAHL


 Educational Research Abstracts Online

 EMBASE/Excerpta Medica


 Health & Social Care Abstracts (former Health Service Abstracts) - Ceased May 2004

 Health Source

 Journal Citation Reports Social Sciences

 Library Information Science Abstracts



 Social Sciences Citation Index

 Vocational Search

Instructions to Authors



1. Health Informatics Journal is an international peer reviewed journal. Representing the interdisciplinary nature of health informatics, Health Informatics Journal welcomes contributions of original research or original contributions to the existing literature on health informatics. When submitting papers for consideration, please attach a letter confirming that all authors have agreed to the submission, and that the article is not currently being considered for publication by any other paper or electronic journal.

2. Each paper submitted, if considered suitable by the Editor, will be refereed by at least two anonymous referees, and the editor may recommend revision and re-submission.

3. Length of papers. Your manuscript should ideally be between 3000 and 4000 words long. Please also supply an abstract of 100-150 words, and up to five keywords, arranged in alphabetical order.

4. In order to protect the identity of children, families and staff, authors should use pseudonyms and remove any information leading to identification of any of the individuals described in the study.

5. Your paper submission (written in English) needs to be typed using double spacing, with generous left- and right-hand margins (at least 3 cm) but without right justification. It should be prepared using an RTF compatible word processing package such as Word.

6. Your title page should give: one first name as well as the surname and any initials for each author; a maximum of four degrees/qualifications for each author and the current relevant appointment only; authors' accurate postal addresses; daytime telephone, fax and email numbers.

7. Quotations. Lengthy quotations (over 40 words) should be displayed and indented in the text.

8. American or UK spellings may be used. Please indicate italics by underlining and use single quotation marks. Dates should be in the form `9 May 1995'. Delete points from `USA' and other such abbreviations.

9. Tables. You should present tables in your manuscript typed double-spaced on separate sheets and should contain only horizontal rules. Each table needs a short descriptive title above it. Column headings should clearly define the data presented. If necessary, suitably identified footnotes should be included below. Take care to include all the units of measurement. The table needs to be cited in the text.

10. Figures. Line drawings should be presented as camera-ready copy on glossy paper (b/w, unless to be reproduced - by arrangement - in colour) and, if possible, on disk as EPS files (all fonts embedded) or TIFF files, 800dpi - b/w only.

Computer-generated tints (made up of dots) should be avoided as these do not reproduce well - instead, please use solid black and white and cross-hatching only. For scanning, photographs should preferably be submitted as clear, glossy, unmounted b/w prints with a good range of contrast or on disk as TIFF files, 300dpi.

11. Reference list. References should be listed in Vancouver style and numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. In the text, enclose reference numbers in square brackets.

[1] Fowkes F G R, Fulton P M. Critical appraisal of published research: introductory guidelines. BMJ 1991; 302: 1136-40.

References to Internet materials should be treated as other references in the text. In the reference list, they should be dated and sufficiently identified for readers to be able to find the material unambiguously e.g.:

[2] Borrey D, Spencer H OMR vs. Image based marks recognition competing technologies for the same market? http:/www.visionshape.com 1997 January

12. Language and terminology. Jargon or unnecessary technical language should be avoided, as should the use of abbreviations (such as coded names for conditions). Language that might be deemed sexist or racist should be avoided.

13. Abbreviations. As far as possible, please avoid the use of initials, except for terms in common use. Please provide a list, in alphabetical order, of abbreviations used, and spell them out (with the abbreviations in brackets) the first time they are mentioned in the text.

14. The corresponding author will receive page proofs for checking. Authors will be given a set number of accesses to their article on SAGE Journals Online, similar to the set number of paper offprints they currently receive, with the ability to print off a set number of copies of their article, as well as the opportunity to purchase additional paper copies if they wish. We will continue to send complimentary copies of the journal in which their articles appear, in addition to the online access to pdfs.

16. All papers submitted to Health Informatics Journal are subject to peer review by members of a carefully appointed editorial board.

The journal operates a conventional single-blind reviewing policy in which the reviewer’s name is always concealed from the submitting author.

17. Electronic submissions. Authors should email their submission, including all figures and tables and a covering email, to:

Rob Procter

Editor, Health Informatics Journal

Email: hijeditor@inf.ed.ac.uk

English Language Editing Services: Please click here for information on professional English language editing services recommended by SAGE.

Editorial Board


Rob Procter                        University of Manchester, UK


Associate Editor:                

P.A. Bath                            University of Sheffield, UK


Editorial Board:      

Laurence Alpay      TNO Quality of Life, The Netherlands

Ellen Balka     School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Panagiotis D Bamidis     Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Ann Blandford       UCLIC, London

Ian Bowns     Centre for Health Information Management Research, University of Sheffield, UK

Benita Cox     Business School, Imperial College Science,Tech & Medic, UK

Guy Dewsbury      "The Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery,King's College

London, London, UK"

Chris Dowd   School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Sheffield, UK

Barry Eaglestone    University of Sheffield, UK

Trisha Greenhalgh        Centre for Health Sciences, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, UK

Jane Grimson        Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Mark Hartswood   Edinburgh University, UK

Flis J Henwood     University of Brighton, UK

Terry Hinton Educational Studies, University of Surrey, UK

Matthew Jones      Judge Institute of Management, University of Cambridge, UK

Stephen Kay   Health Informatics Research Environment, University of Salford, UK

Bill McGuiness      Centre for Graduate Studies in Clinical Nursing, Monash University, Clayton, Australia

Mark Pijl Zieber     University of Lethbridge, Canada

Paula M. Procter   School of Nursing & Midwifery, University of Sheffield, UK

A L Rector     University of Manchester, UK

Mark Rouncefield CSCW Research Centre, Department of Computing, Lancaster University, UK

Aziz Sheikh    Primary Care Research & Development, Centre for Population Health Sciences: GP Section, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

Richard O. Sinnott        University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland

Roger Slack   School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK

Frank Sullivan       Community Health Sciences, University of Dundee, UK

Mike Tatlow   Division of Professions Allied to Medicine, South Bank University, London, UK

Paul Taylor    University College London, UK

James Wafula        Queen Elizabeth Hospital, London, UK

Keith Ward     University of Huddersfield, UK

Andrew Webster    University of York, UK


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