

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Genome Biology and Evolution (GBE) publishes leading original research at the interface between evolutionary biology and genomics. Papers considered for publication report novel evolutionary findings that concern natural genome diversity, population genomics, the structure, function, organisation and expression of genomes, comparative genomics, proteomics, and environmental genomic interactions. Major evolutionary insights from the fields of computational biology, structural biology, developmental biology, and cell biology are also considered, as are theoretical advances in the field of genome evolution. GBE’s scope embraces genome-wide evolutionary investigations at all taxonomic levels and for all forms of life — within populations or across domains. Its aims are to further the understanding of genomes in their evolutionary context and further the understanding of evolution from a genome-wide perspective.


GBE is owned by the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE). Motivated by the continued growth of the field, SMBE conducted a grass-roots survey in 2007 to investigate the needs of the field regarding new publication outlets. The survey elicited a resounding response from members of SMBE and other scientists in the fields of genomics and molecular evolution. The key findings from that survey were that the field wanted an on-line only journal that was devoted specifically to the areas of genome evolution and comparative genomics and that was published under an Open Access model. The response of SMBE was to launch GBE in order to serve those needs of the field. The SMBE meeting attracts about 800 participants each year. As a reflection of the rapid growth of genomic technologies, about half of the science presented at each SMBE meeting is about genomics. With the help of the evolutionary expertise that is gathered in SMBE, GBE is positioned and designed to set the highest standards for papers in the growing field of evolutionary genomics.


Abstracting and Indexing

GBE is covered by the following services:

Biochemistry & Biophysics Citation Index®
Biological Abstracts
Biotechnology Citation Index®
CAB Abstracts
Chemical Abstracts
Current Contents® /Agriculture, Biology, and Environmental Sciences
Current Contents® /Life Sciences
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Elsevier BIOBASE - Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (CABS)
Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®)
The Standard Periodical Directory
Zoological Record

Instructions to Authors

Genome Biology and Evolution (GBE) publishes leading original research at the interface between evolutionary biology and genomics. Papers considered for publication report novel evolutionary findings that concern natural genome diversity, population genomics, the structure, function, organisation and expression of genomes, comparative genomics, proteomics, and environmental genomic interactions. Major evolutionary insights from the fields of computational biology, structural biology, developmental biology, and cell biology are also considered, as are theoretical advances in the field of genome evolution. GBE’s scope embraces genome-wide evolutionary investigations at all taxonomic levels and for all forms of life—within populations or across domains. Its aims are to further the understanding of genomes in their evolutionary context and further the understanding of evolution from a genome-wide perspective.



If English is not your first language, before submitting your manuscript you may wish to have it edited for language. This is by no means a mandatory step, but may help to ensure that the academic content of your paper is more fully understood by journal editors and reviewers. Language editing does not prejudice the decision concerning acceptance or rejection of your manuscript.

If you would like information about one such service please click here. There are other specialist language editing companies that offer similar services and you can also use any of these. Authors bear any and all costs associated with such services.



GBE is an open access journal and depends upon open access publication fees for its operation. For every accepted paper submitted on or after 04 Jan 2010, there will be an open access fee of $1000 (plus VAT or other taxes applicable in your country). GBE does not apply any additional charges, for example, colour or excess pages. All accepted papers are freely available to everybody online, upon publication, without the barrier of paid subscription to access them.


If you are working in a developing country (as defined in the list at http://www.oxfordjournals.org/access_purchase/developing_countries_list.html) and are thus unable to pay the open access fee, please contact the Editor-in-Chief.



Manuscripts are submitted electronically. To submit your manuscript to GBE, please visit the GBE submission portal at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/gbe and follow the instructions to log in.

Submission of a paper implies that it reports unpublished work and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If previously published tables, illustrations or more than 200 words of text are included in the submission, then the copyright holder's written permission must be obtained and copies of any such permission letters must be enclosed with the paper.

To contact the editorial office, please send an



Manuscripts that are within the scope of the journal are peer reviewed. Those not meeting the journal's scientific standards and those outside the journal’s scope are declined and returned to the authors. GBE has a strong commitment to the rapid handling of submissions. Authors can expect a first decision on their submission within four to six weeks.



Revised manuscripts should be submitted within two months of the author's receipt of the referees' reports. Revised manuscripts returned after two months will be considered as new submissions and may be subject to re-review. Authors should notify the editorial office as soon as possible if revisions will require longer than two months.



All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship. The order of authorship should be a joint decision of the co-authors. Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content. Authorship credit should be based on substantial contribution to conception and design, execution, or analysis and interpretation of data. All authors should be involved in drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content. All authors must have read and approved the final version of the manuscript, assurance of which should be given in the covering letter.



At the stage of online submission, GBE’s policy requires that each author reveal any financial interests or connections, direct or indirect, or other situations that might raise the question of bias in the work reported or the conclusions, implications, or opinions stated - including pertinent commercial or other sources of funding for the individual author(s) or for the associated department(s) or organisation(s), personal relationships, or direct academic competition. When considering whether you should declare a conflicting interest or connection please consider the conflict of interest test: Is there any arrangement that would embarrass you or any of your co-authors if it was to emerge after publication and you had not declared it? It is the Corresponding author’s responsibility to ensure that all authors adhere to this policy. If the manuscript is published, Conflict of Interest information will be communicated in a statement in the published paper.



For accepted manuscripts, authors are sent page proofs by the publisher. Please provide an e-mail address to enable page proofs to be sent as PDF files via e-mail. To avoid delays in publication, proofs should be checked immediately for typographic errors and returned to the production office by fax or e-mail within 2 working days. Essential changes of an extensive nature may be made only by insertion of a Note Added in Proof. Page charges are not levied. Authors are, however, charged for extensive changes made in proof and for special items such as colour plates.



GBE considers the following kinds of manuscripts:

Genome Reports

Research Articles



Starting in the fall of 2010, GBE has a new category of papers: Genome Reports.

Genome Reports are focused papers, usually of about 1500 words, that publish the main evolutionary message of new genome sequences as they become submitted to GenBank.

Nearly every new genome sequence harbours an important advance in evolutionary understanding. The Genome Reports section at GBE is the premier forum to deliver that information directly to the genome evolutionary community in a rapid and efficient publication of the genome sequence. While the focus of Genome Reports will be new genome sequences, submissions to Genome Reports may also contain specifically focused comparative analyses of previously published genomes that contain a substantial and novel insight of broadest evolutionary significance.

Genome Reports should be formatted according to the guidelines given for Letters to GBE below. Authors should keep in mind that the Genome Reports section will focus specifically on matters of evolutionary significance.

Of course, GBE continues to welcome longer and more detailed manuscripts that report more fully on the evolutionary aspects of a new genome sequence. These should be submitted as a standard Research Article.

Research Articles should be divided into the following sequence of headed sections: Abstract, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, and References. The total length of the main text (excluding references) should not exceed 10,000 words. Up to 10 items (tables or figures) may be included. Limit the number of references to 100, preferably fewer. Include supplementary material only where necessary and make sure that the supplementary material is supplied in a suitable format that can be readily accessed by all interested parties.

Letters should be begin with Abstract, followed by the main text, which may contain up to four informative subheaders, followed by a Material and Methods section, Acknowledgements, and References. The total length of the main text (excluding references) should not exceed 3,000 words. Up to 6 items (tables or figures) may be included. Limit the number of references to 50. Include supplementary material only where necessary and make sure that the supplementary material is supplied in a suitable format that can be readily accessed by all interested parties.

Reviews can be solicited by the editors or can be suggested by prospective authors, who should contact the Editor-in-Chief with a roughly two-page outline summarizing the scope and content. The total length of the main text (excluding references) should not exceed 15,000 words. Reviews should have an abstract of 250 words or less, followed by a concise introduction, section headers as needed and a concluding summary. Reviews in GBE should present a balanced and up-to-date view of developments within their scope. Supporting graphics and tables are encouraged. Textboxes may be used to explain important concepts to the non-specialist reader. Supplementary materials should be avoided where possible. Limit the number of references to 200. Like Letters and Research Articles, Reviews will be subject to peer review.



General Format

Prepare your manuscript text using a Word processing package (save in .doc or .rtf format). Remember to number each page. Use double spacing (space between lines of type not less than 6 mm) throughout the manuscript and leave margins of 25 mm (1 inch) at the top, bottom and sides of each page. Please avoid footnotes. Type references in the correct order and in GBE style (see below). Type without hyphenation, except for compound words. Type headings in the style of the journal. Use the TAB key once for paragraph indents. Where possible use Times for the text font and Symbol for the Greek and special characters.

Use the word processing formatting features to indicate strong Bold, Italic, Greek, Maths, Superscript, and Subscript characters. Clearly identify unusual symbols and Greek letters. Differentiate between the letter O and zero, and the letters I and l and the number 1. Mark the approximate position of each figure and table.

Check the final copy of your paper carefully, as any spelling mistakes and errors may be translated into the typeset version.

Sections of the Manuscript

Title: The title should accurately advertise the paper’s content and contain 150 characters or less including spaces.

Authors and affiliations: Provide the name and institutional address of all authors, match addresses to names using superscript numbers.

Corresponding author: The name of the author to whom all correspondence is to be addressed should be indicated with an asterisk in the author line and specified as follows:

*Author for Correspondence: John Smith, Department of Science, University of Somewhere, Anytown, USA, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address

Data deposition: Supply all accession numbers for the relevant databases. New sequence data must be deposited in GenBank/DDBJ/EMBL. Any sequence alignments used must be made avalable as supplemental information or by the corresponding author upon request.

Abstract: The first page of the manuscript should begin with the abstract, which should be a concise summary of the paper. Avoided reference citations in the Abstract; if mentioned, the full reference must be given. The Abstract should contain 250 words or less.

Key words: Up to six key words should be given below the abstract. Key words facilitate retrieval of articles by search engines, web directories and indexes; therefore, terms that are too general should be avoided. The selected key words should not repeat words given in the title. The aim is to assist potential readers to find the article by clearly and specifically describing its subject matter, including aspects of methodology or the theoretical framework.

References: Published articles and those in the press (state the journal that has accepted them, provide a doi where possible) may be included. In the text a reference should be cited by author and date. Do not place text other than the author and date within the parenthesis. No more than two authors may be cited per reference; if there are more than two authors use et al. in the text. In the references, list all authors if the author total is five authors or less, with more than five list the first author (only) followed by et al. At the end of the manuscript the citations should be typed in alphabetical order, with the authors' names, year, paper title, journal, volume number, inclusive page numbers, and name and address of publisher (for books only). The name of the journal should be abbreviated according to the World List of Scientific Periodicals. References should therefore be listed as follows:

Cagan RH, Rhein LD. 1980. Biochemical basis of recognition of taste and olfactory stimuli. In: van der Starre H, editor. Olfaction and Taste VII. Oxford: IRL Press. p. 35-44.

Marshall DA, Moulton DG. 1981. Olfactory sensitivity to alpha-ionone in humans and dogs. Chem Senses. 6:53-61.

van der Starre H, editor. 1980. Olfaction and Taste VII. Oxford: IRL Press.

Avoid personal communications and mention of unpublished data.

Tables: Tables should be prepared on separate sheets and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. They should be self-explanatory and include a brief descriptive title. They should be of such a size that they fit easily onto a journal page, the type area of which is 234 (height) x 185 mm (double column width) or 89 mm (single column width). Footnotes to tables indicated by lower case letters are acceptable, but they should not include extensive experimental details.

Illustrations: All illustrations (line drawings and photographs) must be referred to in the text (as Figure 1 etc.) and should be abbreviated to 'Fig. 1.' only in the figure legend. At online submission, you will be required to submit images electronically in one of the following formats: .jpg, .gif, .tif, .pdf or .eps.

Each figure should be on a separate page and should be submitted at roughly final magnification. Use sans serif fonts such as Arial or Helvetica in figures. Use uniform font size in each figure whenever possible and recall that labels should never smaller than 6 pt at final magnification.

Electronic submission of figures: Save figures at a resolution of at least 300 pixels per inch at the final printed size for colour figures and photographs, and 600 pixels per inch for black and white line drawings. Colour art must be submitted in CMYK rather than RGB format. Authors should be satisfied with the colours in CMYK (both on screen and when printed) before submission. Please also keep in mind that colours can appear differently on different screens and printers. Failure to follow these guides could result in complications and delays. For useful information on preparing your figures for publication, see http://dx.sheridan.com.

Figure legends: These should be included at the end of the manuscript text. Define all symbols and abbreviations used in the figure. Common abbreviations and others in the preceding text need not be redefined in the legend.

Colour Figures: All figures submitted to the journal in color will be published in colour online at no cost to authors.

Permissions for Illustrations and Figures: Permission to reproduce copyright material, for print and online publication in perpetuity, must be cleared and if necessary paid for by the author; this includes applications and payments to DACS, ARS, and similar licensing agencies where appropriate. Evidence in writing that such permissions have been secured from the rights-holder must be made available to the editors. It is also the author's responsibility to include acknowledgements as stipulated by the particular institutions. Oxford Journals can offer information and documentation to assist authors in securing print and online permissions: please see the Guidelines for Authors section. Information on permissions contacts for a number of main galleries and museums can also be provided. Should you require copies of this, please contact the editorial office of the journal in question or the Oxford Journals Rights department.

Funding: Authors who are NIH-funded will have their paper automatically deposited in PubMed Central. Details of all funding sources for the work should be given in a separate section entitled 'Funding'. This should appear before the 'Acknowledgements' section. A full list of RIN-approved UK funding agencies may be found here.

The following convention should be followed:

The sentence should begin: ‘This work was supported by …’

The full official funding agency name should be given, i.e. ‘the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health’ or simply 'National Institutes of Health' not ‘NCI' (one of the 27 subinstitutions) or 'NCI at NIH (full RIN-approved list of UK funding agencies) Grant numbers should be complete and accurate and provided in brackets as follows: ‘[grant number ABX CDXXXXXX]’

Multiple grant numbers should be separated by a comma as follows: ‘[grant numbers ABX CDXXXXXX, EFX GHXXXXXX]’

Agencies should be separated by a semi-colon (plus ‘and’ before the last funding agency)

Where individuals need to be specified for certain sources of funding the following text should be added after the relevant agency or grant number 'to [author initials]'.

Example: This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health [AP50 CA098252 and CA118790 to R.B.S.R.]; and the Education Research Council [hfygr667789].

Oxford Journals will deposit all NIH-funded articles in PubMed Central. See http://www.oxfordjournals.org/for_authors/repositories.html for details. Authors must ensure that manuscripts are clearly indicated as NIH-funded using the guidelines above.

Other Information

Conventions: In general, the journal follows the conventions of the CSE Style Manual (Council of Science Editors, Reston, VA, 2006, 7th ed.). Follow Chemical Abstracts and its indexes for chemical names. For guidance in the use of biochemical terminology follow the recommendations issued by the IUPAC-IUB Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature, as given in Biochemical Nomenclature and Related Documents, published by the Biochemical Society, UK. For enzymes use the recommended name assigned by the IUPAC-IUB Commission on the Biochemical Nomenclature, 1978, as given in Enzyme Nomenclature, published by Academic Press, New York, 1980. Where possible, use the recommended SI (Systéme International) units.

Genotypes should be italicized; phenotypes should not be italicized.

Abbreviations: Try to restrict the use of abbreviations to SI symbols and those recommended by the IUPAC-IUB. Abbreviations should be defined in parentheses after their first mention in the text. Standard units of measurements and chemical symbols of elements may be used without definition in the body of the paper.

Chemical Formulae and Mathematical Equations: Wherever possible, write mathematical equations and chemical formulae on a single line. Submit complicated chemical structures as artwork.

Human and Animal Experiments: The editors draw the authors' attention to the Declaration of Helsinki for Medical Research involving Human Subjects http://www.wma.net/e/policy/pdf/17c.pdf. In addition, when reporting experiments on animals, authors should indicate whether the institutional and national guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals were followed.

Ethics Guidelines: In order to guarantee a consistent policy of review and publication, Genome Biology and Evolution endorses the Ethics Guidelines offered by the Society for Neuroscience. These guidelines describe the responsibilities and expected conduct not only of authors of scientific articles, but also of the editors and reviewers. We encourage our readers to take a few minutes to download and look over these guidelines at http://www.sfn.org/guidelines/

Editorial Board



Takashi Gojobori

National Institute of Genetics




William Martin

Institute of Botany
University of Duesseldorf
. 1
40225 Duesseldorf



Genome Biology and Evolution Office


Lulu Stader




John M. Archibald

CIFAR Program in Integrated Microbial Biodiversity
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Dalhousie University
Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building
5850 College Street, Halifax
Nova Scotia B3H 1X5


Esther Betran

Biology Department
University of Texas at Arlington
Arlington, TX 76019


Peer Bork

Meyerhofstraße 1
69117 Heidelberg


David Bryant

Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of
New Zealand


Gertraud Burger

Departement de Biochimie
Robert-Cedergren Center
for Bioinformatics and Genomics
Universite de Montreal
2900 Edouard-Montpetit
Montreal QC, H3T 1J4


Richard Cordaux

Université de Poitiers
UMR CNRS 6556 Ecologie, Evolution, Symbiose
40 Avenue du Recteur Pineau
86022 Poitiers Cedex


W. Ford Doolittle

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Dalhousie University
5850 College Street
Halifax NS, B3H 1X5


Greg Elgar

Systems Biology
Genetics and Development
MRC National Institute for Medical Research
London NW7 1AA
United Kingdom


Brandon Gaut

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
321 Steinhaus Hall
University of California at Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697


Mark Gerstein

Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry
Computer Science
Yale University
New Haven, CT 06520-8114


Ross Hardison

304 Wartik Laboratory
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802


Daniel L. Hartl

Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
Harvard University

Divinity Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138


Laurence D. Hurst

Department of Biology and Biochemistry
University of Bath
Bath, Somerset
United Kingdom


Eugene V. Koonin

National Center for Biotechnology Information
National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894


James A. Lake

232 Boyer Hall
611 South Young Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90095


Emmanuelle Lerat

Laboratoire Biometrie et Biologie Evolutive
Universite Claude Bernard - Lyon 1
43 bd du 11 novembre 1918
69622 Villeurbanne cedex


Wen-Hsiung Li

Department of Ecology and Evolution
University of Chicago
1101 East 57th Street
Chicago, IL 60637


Purificación López-García

Unité d'Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution
Université Paris-Sud
91405 Orsay Cedex


Michael Lynch

Department of Biology
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405


Kateryna Makova

305 Wartik Laboratory
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802


Judith E. Mank

Department of Zoology
Edward Grey Institute
South Parks Road

Oxford OX1 3PS
United Kingdom


Geoff McFadden

Botany School
University of Melbourne
Melbourne 3010


Nancy A. Moran

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
West Campus
Yale University
West Haven, CT 06516


Yoshihito Niimura

Department of Bioinformatics
Medical Research Institute
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
1-5-45 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo 113-8510


Dmitri A. Petrov

Department of Biology
Stanford University
371 Serra Street
Stanford, CA 94305-5020


Michael Purugganan

Department of Biology
Center for Genomics and Systems Biology
100 Washington Square
New York University

New York, NY 10003


Yves Van De Peer

Department of Plant Systems Biology
VIB / Universiteit Gent
Technologiepark 927
9052 Gent


B. Venkatesh

Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
61, Biopolis Drive


Hidemi Watanabe

Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Hokkaido University
North 14 West 9
Sapporo 060-0814


Marta L. Wayne

Department of Biological Sciences
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-8525


George Weinstock

The Genome Center at Washington University
4444 Forest Park Avenue
Campus Box 8501
St. Louis, MO 63108


Ken Wolfe

Smurfit Institute of Genetics
Trinity College
Dublin 2


Chung-I Wu

Department of Ecology and Evolution
University of Chicago
1101 East 57th Street
Chicago, IL 60637


Jianzhi Zhang

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Michigan
1075 Natural Science Building
830 North University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1048



Ya-ping Zhang

State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution
Kunming Institute of Zoology
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Kunming, Yunnan 650223



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