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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Basic Information

CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro journal is an annual publication of the Colombian Petroleum Institute (ICP) - ECOPETROL S.A., published since 1995, communicating Ecopetrol's research and development scientific achievements, as well as investigations in other petroleum related areas, as well as natural gas and alternative sources of energy.

The abbreviation of its title in Spanish is C.T. F Cienc. Tecnol. Futuro, which must be used in bibliographies, footnotes, legends and bibliographic references.                                                                                  


Information Services

The papers published by CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro are indexed and summarized by:

Chemical Abstracts

Ei EnCompassLit Database

Petroleum Abstracts


Iberoamerican News

Pascal database

Metadex/Metals Abstracts

CSA Civil Engineering Abstracts



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Instructions to Authors

Scope and editorial policy

All papers submitted to the journal must be originals in Spanish or in English, never before published in other publications.

The papers are initially evaluated by the Editorial Council and later submitted to arbitration by international peers with experience in the subject area of the paper.

The journal target audience is mainly professionals in the area of hydrocarbons and alternate sources of energy.

The opinions expressed in the papers is the sole responsibility of the authors.        


Manuscripts preparation

All papers must be of the following type:

a) Science and technology research paper: document presenting original research results, in detail. The commonly used structure contains four important sections: Introduction, Methodology, Results and Conclusions.

b) Reflection paper: a document that presents research results from an analytical, interpretive or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using to original sources.

c) Review paper: Document resulting from an investigation where published or unpublished results of the investigation are analyzed, systematized and integrated, done on a specific field of science or technology, in order to report developmental advantages or trends. The document presents a careful bibliographic revision of at least 50 references.

Submitting paper:

Papers may contain at most 20 pages and 10 figures and tables.

They must be submitted on letter size format, double spaced and in programs that work well under a Windows environment.

An international unit system (IUS) must be used.

The first page must include: The title of the paper in Spanish and in English, the complete name and last name of each author, institutional membership for each of the authors, an address for correspondence, an abstract of the paper and the keywords of the topic covered.

A typical paper is comprised of the following parts:

The title. The title of the paper must contain the maximum number of keywords describing the key topic, without being overly wordy.

The Abstract. The abstract must include the main objective, the methodology, the results and conclusions.

The introduction. Presents the objective of the paper and makes reference to the background and scope.

Theoretical framework.

Experimental design.

Results. Presentation, explanation and precise interpretation of the findings.

Conclusions: Describes implications of results and their relation with the proposed objective.


Complete References.


Abbreviations: The first time they appear within the text, they must be in parentheses after its unabridged expression. All abbreviations and symbols used in tables and figures must be explained just below each of them.

Chemical and mathematical formulas: Sub and super indexes, used in formulas, must be clearly identified.

All numbers identifying equations must be in parentheses, on the right side adjacent to each one.

Fractions in formulas must be written on the horizontal bar. When mentioned within the text they may be written on a diagonal bar.

Bibliography: Bibliography is presented at the end of the text, in strict alphabetical order by last name of the author mentioned in the text. All references must be cited completely and exactly, so that the reader may easily find them. CT&F uses the system of name and year for citing bibliography.                                                                                     


Sending of manuscripts

All papers must be submitted to the Editorial Board by e-mail: ctyf@ecopetrol.com.co

Editorial Board

ICP Direction Team

Néstor Fernando Saavedra - Director (e)

Andrés Reyes Harker - Investigative Unit (e)

Santiago Díaz - Specialized Discipline Unit

Jorge Hernando Herrera - Technical Services and Laboratory Unit

Sonia Helena Castro - Technology Management Coordination                               



Gloria Esperanza Cobaleda Cobaleda, Editor
Colombian Petroleum Institute - ECOPETROL S.A. - Bucaramanga, Colombia


Editorial Council

Alba Gladys Mesa Ramírez, Geologist, Ph.D.

Edgar Nicolás Ramírez Cruz, Chemical Engineer, M.Sc.

José Humberto Cantillo Silva, Petroleum Engineer, M.Sc.

Gloria Esperanza Cobaleda Cobaleda, Physicist, M.Sc.

Haydée Quiroga Becerra, Chemical Engineer , Ph.D.

Julia Raquel Acero Reyes, Microbiologist, Ph.D.

Manuel Laureano Núñez Isaza, Chemical Engineer, Ph.D.

María Clemencia Serrano Suárez, Chemical Engineer, M.Sc.                                


International Scientific Committee

César Vergel, TOTAL (France)

Gabriel Pérez, University of Houston (USA)

Herman Jaramillo, GeoCenter, Inc. (USA)

Juan Murgich, Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research-IVIC (Venezuela)

Mohammad Nahid Siddiqui, KFUPM, Department of Chemistry (Saudi Arabia)

Roberto Aguilera, Servipetrol Ltda. (Canada)

S.M. Farouq Ali, H.O.R. Heavy Oil Recovery Technologies Ltd. (Canada)             


Publishing Production

Diagramming and Printing
Manttis Estudio



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