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出版频率:Continuous publication

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

International Journal of Oral Science (IJOS) provides comprehensive coverage on the foremost findings of basic investigations and clinical researches relating to oral science. IJOS seeks to publish original, high quality, peer-reviewed papers including research articles and reviews as well as short communications and case reports. Submission would be encouraged on all aspects and subspecialties of oral science. Studies on dental assistance and hygiene, education and training, practice management and marketing would also be considered for publication in IJOS.


The journal is expected to be published quarterly in the first 2-3 years and each issue will be composed of 8-10 full-length papers. The aim of this journal is to become a highly respected and trusted resource of leading knowledge in this field and to promote worldwide academic exchange, especially for the Asian and pan Pacific area. As the first oral and dental periodical in English with both ISSN and CN certificates in mainland China, IJOS is going to be an interdisciplinary forum opened to all oral and dental professionals in the world.

Instructions to Authors

The components of a manuscript should be: title page, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknow- ledgements, references, tables, figure legends and figure file (dpi600).


Title page: Title type in bold type with only the first letters of the main words capitalized; Initial(s) and last (family) name of each author, type the contributors' initials and last names in upper- and lower-case letters; Name and address of department, hospital or institution to which work should be attributed; Running title (no more than 30 letters and spaces); No more than six keywords; Name, full postal address, telephone, fax number and e-mail address of author responsible for correspondence.


Abstract: This section should consist of study objective, design and key methods, essential results and conclusions.


Main text: Main text should include introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusion.


Introduction: Briefly and clearly describe the background and rationale for the stated hypothesis to be tested or objective to be studied. Sufficient detail must be provided to permit the inter- disciplinary reader to evaluate the results without review of earlier publications. Should be focused, outlining the historical or logical origins of the study and gaps in knowledge. It should close with the explicit statement of the specific aims of the investigation, or hypothesis to be tested. Describe and cite only the most relevant earlier studies, avoid presentation of an exhaustive review of the field.


Materials and methods: To ensure the experiments can be repeated, the experimental or study design, specific procedures, and type of statistical analysis must be described clearly and carefully. Use section subheadings in a logical order to title each category or method. Previously published methods should be named and cited. New methods must be described completely. Present the data that validate the new method.

There are some thing ethical the contributor should follow.

First, proprietary names and sources of supply of all commercial products must be given in parentheses in the text (name and model of product, company, country), report generic names and terms wherever possible. Second for protocols involving the use of human subjects or specimens, indicate succinctly that subjects' rights have been protected by an appropriate institutional review board and informed consent was granted. When laboratory animals are used, indicate the level of institutional review and assurance that the protocol ensures humane practices.


Results: Report results concisely, using tables and figures to present important differences or similarities that cannot otherwise be presented or summarized in the text. Number tables and figu- res in the order in which they are described and cited in the text.

All tabular data should identify and report, such as either standard deviation values or standard errors of the means, the number of replicate determinations or human or animal subjects, and probability values and name(s) of statistical test(s) for reported differences. Restrict presentation of photo- and electron micro- graphs to those essential to the results.


Discussion: The discussion section should progress with a review of the methodology before discussing the results in light of previous work in the field. Should end with a brief conclusion and a comment on the potential clinical relevance of the findings. Statements and interpretation of the data should be appropriately supported by original references.


Conclusion: Should contain a summary of the findings.


Acknowledgments: Recognize individuals who provided assis- tance to the project. Report all sources of grant and other support for the project or study. Consultancies and funds paid directly to investigators must also be listed.


References: All references should be brought together at the end of the paper in alphabetical order and should be in the following form: Names and initials of up to six authors (When there are seven or more, list the first six and add et al.); Year of publication in parentheses followed by a full stop (.); Full title of paper followed by a full stop (.); Title of journal in full (in italics) followed by a comma (,); Volume number and issue number in parentheses followed by a colon (:); First and last pages followed by a full stop (.).


When citing a reference in the text, provide attribution for the subject under discussion. Use “et al.” (in italics) when the cited work is by three or more contributors. When the cited work is by two contributors, use both surnames separated by “and”. When citing multiple references by the same author(s) in the same year, use “a”, “b”, etc.


Multiple references should be listed in chronological order of publication, separated by semi-colons. “Unpublished observa- tions” and “personal communications” may be inserted into and cited (in parentheses) in the text with written permission from the correspondents, but are not to be used as references. Data from abstracts should be referenced as “personal communication” or “unpublished observations” as appropriate. When citing a Web site, list the authors and title if known, then the URL and the date it was accessed (in parentheses). Include among the references papers accepted but not yet published; designate the journal and add “(in press)”.


Ethical Principles:manuseripts with animal or human studies should comply with the Declaration of Helsinki and relative regulations.Conflict of interests should also be clarifiled during submission.

Editorial Board


Xue-dong Zhou (Sichuan University, China)

Page Caufield (New York University, USA)     

Cun-yu Wang (University of California, USA



Qian-ming Chen (Sichuan University, China)



Abou Bakr Rabie (University of Hong Kong, China) 
Christian Stohler (University of Maryland, USA) 
Cun-yu Wang (University of California, USA) 
David Wong (University of California at Los Angeles USA) 
Frank A. Scannapieco (State University of New York, USA)
Fu-zhai Cui (Tsinghua University, China) 
Gottfried Schmalz (University of Regensburg, Germany) 
Gregory Murray (University of Sydney, Australia) 
Jeremy Mao (Columbia University, USA)
Jing Hu (Sichuan University, China)
John A. Jansen (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands)
Kaumudi Joshipura (Harvard University, USA)
Kawazoe Takayoshi (Osaka Dental University, Japan)
Lakshman Perera Samaranayake (University of Hong Kong, China)
Lawrence Gettleman (University of Louisville, USA)
Manal Awad (University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates)
Marco Carrozzo (University of Newcastle, UK)
Michel Goldberg (University René Descartes, France)
No-Hee Park (University of California at Los Angeles, USA)
Page Caufield (New York University, USA)
Paul Krebsbach (University of Michigan, USA)
Per-Olof Eriksson (Umeå University, Sweden)
Peter Polverini (University of Michigan, USA)
Qian-ming Chen (Sichuan University, China)
Ralph Katz (New York University, USA)
Richard Darveau (University of Washington, USA)  
Ru-lang Jiang (Rochester University, USA)
Song-lin Wang (Capital Medical University, China)
Thomas Van Dyke (Boston University, USA)
Tie-jun Li (Peking University, China)
Wei-liu Qiu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
Wen-yuan Shi (University of California at Los Angeles, USA)
Xing-dong Zhang (Sichuan University, China)
Xue-dong Zhou (Sichuan University, China)
Yan Jin (Fourth Military Medical University, China)
Yang Chai (University of Southern California, USA)
Yu-quan Wei (Sichuan University, China)


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