

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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版本:Science Citation Index

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Dynamics, Kinetics, Environmental Chemistry, Spectroscopy, Structure, Theory) publishes studies on dynamics, clusters, and excited states; kinetics, and spectroscopy; atmospheric, environmental, and green chemistry; and molecular structure, quantum chemistry, and general theory.


Out of 121 journals in the Physical Chemistry category, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A ranks #6 in total citations with 46,944 total cites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry also ranks #4 in citations out of 33 journals in the Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics category. The Journal received an ISI Impact Factor of 2.899.*


*Based on the 2009 Journal Citation Reports® by Thomson Reuters

Instructions to Authors

Please note that the format of J. Phys. Chem. Lett. is different from J. Phys. Chem. A/B/C. Please read and comply with the appropriate Author Guidelines before beginning your manuscript submission.


Authors are encouraged to use the Document Templates below for preparing manuscripts for submission as well as for preparing final, accepted manuscripts.


See also Manuscript Preparation and Submission for complete information on acceptable software, preparing and submitting manuscripts using TeX/LaTeX, correct preparation of graphics, etc.


NOTE: Authors may now choose to submit their own Manuscript PDF File for use during the peer review process, or allow the system to generate a PDF automatically. Note that there are also special instructions for Preparing and Submitting Manuscripts Using TeX/LaTeX.


Changes to the Journal Parts and Sections

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B and The Journal of Physical Chemistry C have been modified to clarify that papers concerned with soft matter should go to Part B while those concerned with hard matter should go to Part C:

Part B: Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysical Chemistry

Part C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces, Hard Matter

In addition, Section 3 of Part C has been modified to include hard matter:

Section 3: Electron Transport, Optical and Electronic Devices, Hard Matter


Note that the other sections of Part C. as well as all sections of Parts A and B are unchanged.


Document Templates

The templates are available below. While authors are encouraged to use a template, it is not mandatory.  All accepted manuscripts are typeset from electronic files. The template facilitates the peer review process by allowing authors to place artwork and tables close to the point where they are discussed within the text.


Please use U.S. Letter (8 1/2" by 11") paper size setting in the word processing program as the original document page size for preparation of all manuscripts. Do not use A4 or other size paper settings.


Please read the appropriate README file before downloading the template. This file contains more detailed information on what to expect when you download and use a template. Click on a link below to download the appropriate template that corresponds to the version of the word processing software on your computer.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board


George C. Schatz

Department of Chemistry

Northwestern University

2145 Sheridan Road

Evanston, IL 60208-3113

Phone: (847) 467-2446

Fax: (847) 467-2447

E-mail: jphyschm@chem.northwestern.edu


Managing Editor

Donna Minton

American Chemical Society

3317 Fieldstone Dr.

W. Bozeman, MT 59715

Phone: (406) 587-3712

Cell: (202) 253-3355

Fax: (202) 354-5486

E-mail: d_minton@acs.org


Coordinating Editor

Davine Henderson

Northwestern University

Phone: (847) 467-2448

Fax: (847) 467-2447

E-mail: jphyschm@chem.northwestern.edu


Executive Editor

Prashant V. Kamat

Radiation Laboratory & Dept. of Chem. & Biomolecular Eng.

University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame, IN 46556-0579

Phone: (574) 631-2817

Fax: (574) 631-2822

E-mail: jpc@nd.edu


Senior Editors

Bridgette Barry

315 Ferst Drive

Petit Institute of Bioengineering and Bioscience

Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, GA 30332-0363

Phone: (404) 385-7021

Fax: (404) 385-7022

E-mail: jpcbb@chemistry.gatech.edu


Kankan Bhattacharyya

Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science



West Bengal, India 700032

91 33 2473 3073

Fax: 91 33 2473 2805

E-mail: jpc@iacs.res.in


Robert M. Dickson

Georgia Institute of Technology

Phone: (404) 894-4007

Fax: (202) 354-4799

E-mail: dickson-office@jpc.acs.org


Michael A. Duncan

Department of Chemistry, Rm. 473

University of Georgia

Athens, GA 30602-2556

Phone: (706) 542-1749 or 1998

Fax: (706) 542-1234

E-mail: jpc@sunchem.chem.uga.edu


Peter M. Felker

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

University of California, Los Angeles

Box 951569

Los Angeles, CA 90095-1569

Phone: (310) 825-8066

Fax: (310) 206-5381

E-mail: jphyschm@chem.ucla.edu


John T. Fourkas

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

University of Maryland

College Park, MD 20742

Phone: (301) 405-1327

Fax: (202) 354-5036

E-mail: jpc@umd.edu


Theodore Goodson

Department of Chemistry

University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Phone: (734) 615-2021

Fax: (202) 354-5075

E-mail: Goodson-office@jphyschm.acs.org


Sharon Hammes-Schiffer

Department of Chemistry

104 Chemistry Research Bldg.

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: (814) 865-9457

Fax: (814) 865-9618

E-mail: jpc@chem.psu.edu


Gregory Hartland

University of Notre Dame

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

University of Notre Dame

251 Nieuwland Science Hall

Notre Dame, IN 46556-5674

Phone: (574) 631-4503

Fax: (202) 354-4592

E-mail: hartland-office@jpc.acs.org


Kenneth D. Jordan

Department of Chemistry

University of Pittsburgh

219 Parkman Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15260-3900

Phone: (412) 624-7808

Fax: (412) 624-7449

E-mail: jphyschm@pitt.edu


Pavel Jungwirth

Institute of Organic Chemistry & Biochemistry

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Flemingovo nam. 2

Prague 6, CZ-16610 Czech Republic

Phone: +420-220-410-314

Fax: +420 220 410 320

E-mail: jungwirth-office@jpc.acs.org


Sarah C. Larsen

Department of Chemistry

University of Iowa

Iowa City, IA 52242

Phone: (319)335-1346

Fax: (202)354-5481

E-mail: larsen-office@jpc.acs.org


James M. Lisy

Department of Chemistry

University of Illinois/Urbana-Champaign

600 South Mathews Avenue

Box 60-1

Urbana, IL 61801

Phone: (217) 265-4091

Fax: (217) 265-4092

E-mail: jpc@mail.scs.uiuc.edu


Gang-yu Liu

University of California

Room 322, Chemistry Department

One Shields Avenue

Davis, CA 95616

Phone: (530) 754-8554

Fax: (530) 754-8557

E-mail: liu-office@jpc.acs.org


Anne B. McCoy

The Ohio State University

Department of Chemistry

100 West 18th Avenue

Columbus, OH 43210-1185

Phone: (614) 292-4992

Fax: (614) 292-1654

E-mail: jpc@chemistry.ohio-state.edu


Timothy Minton

Montana State University

Culbertson Hall

P.O. Box 170565

Bozeman, MT 59717-0565

Phone: (406) 994-4745

Fax: (406) 994-5515

E-mail: jpc@montana.edu


Catherine J. Murphy

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

University of South Carolina

631 Sumter St.

Columbia, SC 29208

Phone: (803) 777-4332

Fax: (803) 777-4329

E-mail: jphyschem@chem.sc.edu


Oleg V. Prezhdo

University of Rochester

Department of Chemistry

Rochester, NY 14627

Phone: (585) 276-5664

Fax: 1 (202) 354-5192

E-mail: prezhdo-office@jpc.acs.org


Adrian E. Roitberg

Quantum Theory Project

University of Florida

2234 New Physics Building #92

PO Box 118435

Gainesville, FL 32611-8435

Phone: (352) 392-6972

Fax: (352) 392-8722

E-mail: roitberg-office@jpc.acs.org


Gregory D. Scholes

University of Toronto, Ontario Canada

Editorial Office in US: The Journal of Physical Chemistry

Northwestern University

2145 Sheridan Road

Evanston IL 60208-3113

Phone: (847) 467-2446

Fax: (202) 354-4902

E-mail: scholes-office@jpc.acs.org


Benjamin J. Schwartz

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

University of California, Los Angeles

2077A Young Hall

607 Charles Young Dr. E

P.O. Box 951569

Los Angeles, CA 90095-1569

Phone: (310) 825-8066

Fax: (310) 206-5381

E-mail: jphyschm@chem.ucla.edu


Randall Q. Snurr

Northwestern University

Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering

2145 Sheridan Road E136

Evanston, IL 60208

Phone: (847) 467-2977

Fax: 1 (202) 354-5196

E-mail: snurr-office@jpc.acs.org


Eric Weitz

Northwestern University

Department of Chemistry

2145 Sheridan Road

Evanston, IL 60208-3113

Phone: (847) 491-5583

Fax: 1 (202) 354-5199

E-mail: weitz-office@jpc.acs.org


Paul H. Wine

School of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Georgia Institute of Technology

901 Atlantic Dr., N.W.

E S & T Bldg., Room L2132

Atlanta, Ga 30332-0400

Phone: (404) 894-8339

Fax: (404) 385-6028

E-mail: wine-office@jpc.acs.org


Xueming Yang

Molecular Reaction Dynamics

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics

Chinese Academy of Sciences

Dalian 116023, PR. China

Contact via Editorial Office at Northwestern:

Phone: (847) 247-2446

Fax: (202) 513-8645

E-mail: yang-office@jpc.acs.org


Arun Yethiraj

Department of Chemistry

University of Wisconsin - Madison

1101 University Ave.

Madison, WI 53706

Phone: (608) 262-9668

Fax: (202) 513-8972

E-mail: Yethiraj-office@jpc.acs.org


Francisco Zaera

Department of Chemistry

University of California, Riverside

Physical Sciences, 501 Big Spring Road

Riverside, CA 92521-0403

Phone: (951) 827-5499

Fax: (202) 354-4645

E-mail: jpc@ucr.edu


Jin Z. Zhang

Department of Chemistry

University of California

1156 High Street

Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Phone: (831) 459-5512

Fax: (831) 459-5878

E-mail: jpc@chemistry.ucsc.edu


Timothy S. Zwier

Department of Chemistry

Purdue University

560 Oval Drive

West Lafayette, IN 47907-2084

Phone: (765) 496-2319

Fax: (202) 513-8820

E-mail: jphyschm@purdue.edu



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