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版本:Science Citation Index

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry(Science in China Series B)

ISSN 1674-7291

Published 12 issues per year

Editor: LI Le-Min

SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry cosponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and published by Science in China Press, is committed to publishing high-quality, original results in both basic and applied research in the field of chemistry.

Indexed in SCI

Categories of articles


Reviews summarize representative results and achievements in a particular topic or area, comment on the current research progress, and advise on the research directions. The author's own opinion and related discussion is requested.


Research papers report on important original results in all areas of chemistry.


Brief reports present short reports in a timely manner of the latest important results.



Authors are recommended to use our online submission services. To submit a manuscript, please visit www.scichina.com, log on at JoMaSy (Journal Management System), get an account, and follow the instructions to upload the text and image/table files. If in any case, access to the Internet is not available, a package of three copies of printout and a floppy disk with the files (in Word or PDF format) is requested.


Authors should also submit such accompanying materials as a short statement on the research background, area/subarea and significance of the work, a brief introduction to the first and corresponding authors including their mailing addresses, post codes, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses. Authors may suggest several referees (please supply full names, addresses, phone numbers, fax and emails), and/or request the exclusion of specific reviewers.


Peer review

All submissions will be reviewed by referees selected by the editorial board. The decision of acceptance or rejection of a manuscript is made by the editorial board based on the referees' reports. The entire review process may take 60 to 90 days, and the editorial office will inform the author of the decision as soon as the process is completed. If the editorial board fails to make a decision within 90 days, it is up to the authors to decide whether they would withdraw their paper and submit it elsewhere.



Authors should guarantee that their submitted manuscript has not been published before, and has not been submitted elsewhere for print or electronic publication consideration.


Copyright transfer

Submission of a manuscript is taken to imply that all the named authors are aware that they are listed as co-authors, and they have seen and agreed to the submitted version of the paper. No change in the order of listed authors can be made without an agreement signed by all the authors.


Offprint and e-journal account

Once a manuscript is accepted, the authors should send a copyright transfer form signed by all authors to Science in China Press. After it is published, the first-named author or the corresponding author will receive one free copy of the current issue and 30 offprints, and an account which permits one year's free full text access to the electronic journal.

Instructions to Authors

SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry(Science in China Series B)

SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry (Science in China Series B) is a monthly peer-reviewed academic journal supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and co-sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and National Natural Science Foundation of China. Its primary mission is to encourage communication of basic and innovative research results of high quality in the fields of chemistry. The subject areas featured include theoretical chemistry, physical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, polymer chemistry, biological chemistry, environmental chemistry, and chemical engineering, etc. All papers should be intelligible for a broad scientific audience.
Contributions are invited from researchers all over the world.
SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry is indexed by SCI, EI, CA, etc.
Papers published in SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry include:


Reviews: summarize representative results and achievements in a particular topic or area, comment on the current research progress, and advise on the research directions, which should be based on or closely related to the author’s own research work.
Research papers: report on important original results in all areas of Chemistry.
Brief reports: present short reports in a timely manner of the latest important results.


How to submit
To submit a manuscript, please visit the website of Science in China Press at www.SciChina.com, click the button “submission”, and use the Academic Journal Management System. For a new user, please register an “Author Account”, and then submit a manuscript following the guidance.
Please introduce the research background, innovation and significance of your work, as well as your latest publications in a cover letter when submitting. The detailed contact information of the first author and corresponding author is required (please promptly inform the editorial office of any change of contacting addresses). The authors may recommend 3—8 qualified reviewers and/or request the exclusion of specific reviewers. An informative cover letter is considered helpful for editors and reviewers to evaluate your paper.

Duplicate submission is forbidden. In this case, we will inform the author’s institution and the relevant journal.

Poor English expression of a submitted manuscript may lead to the final rejection.

File format: single columned, A4 size, 10 pt, single spaced, word or pdf file, with figures and tables inserted in the text.


Reviewing policy
All submissions will be reviewed by referees selected by the editorial board. The decision of acceptance or rejection of a manuscript is made by the editorial board based on the referees’ reports. The entire review process may take 60 to 90 days, and the editorial office will inform the author of the decision as soon as the process is completed. If the editorial board fails to make a decision within 90 days, it is up to the authors to decide whether they would withdraw their paper and submit it elsewhere.

Authorship should be limited to those who have contributed substantially to the work, and every author has responsibility for the data and argument mentioned in the paper. The corresponding author must have obtained permission from all authors for the submission of each version of the paper and for any change in authorship.

A completed form assigning copyright to Science in China Press must be returned to the Sci China Ser B-Chem office when the paper is accepted for publication. The copyright covers the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the article (in various languages), including offprints and reprints, translations, photographic reproductions, microform, electronic form (offline, online) or other reproductions of similar nature. The Copyright Transfer Statement is available at


After acceptance
For the paper with a great breakthrough result, quick publication will be arranged. After typesetting, page proof is usually sent electronically as email attachments to the corresponding author. The proof plus any minor corrections must be returned to the managing editor within 36 hours. Failure to do this will result in delays in publication. Corrections can be noticed in different ways: 1) highlight the corrections and send us the print proof pages; 2) fax us the corrections; 3) highlight the corrections and send us the corrected page proof as email attachment.


After publication
Authors will be presented one sample copy. If offprints and more sample copies are required, please contact the managing editor and pay the extra fee. The full text in English opens freely to the readers in China at www.SciChina.com, and the full text in English is available to overseas readers at


Publication charge
For English manuscripts, the color page charge is 1000 RMB/page.


Editorial Office of Sci China Ser B-Chem
Science in China Press
16 Donghuangchenggen North Street
100717, China
Tel: 8610-64016732/64015835
Fax: 8610-64016350


Manuscript format
Contributions are required of a concise, focused account of the findings and reliable essential data. They should be well organized and written clearly and simply, avoiding exhaustive tables and figures. Authors are advised to use internationally agreed nomenclature, express all measurements in SI units, and quote all the relevant references.

Title: Titles must be limited to no more than 20 words, and should be concise, indexable, and informative for a broad scientific audience. Authors should avoid using colons, questions, nonstandard abbreviations, etc. in titles.

Author(s): Authorship should be limited to those who have contributed substantially to the work.
The order of the authors listed should be agreed by all the coauthors, and every author should have the responsibility for the published content.

Family names are written in upper case. The email address of the corresponding author is required.
Author affiliation: The affiliation should be the institution where the work was done. Complete addresses are required with post codes.

Abstract: An abstract is a summary of the content of the manuscript. It should briefly describe the research purpose, method, result and conclusion. The extremely professional terms, special signals, figures, tables, chemical structural formula, and equations should be avoided here, and citation of references is not allowed.

Keywords: A list of three to eight keywords should follow the abstract. The chosen keywords are required to reflect the theme of a manuscript.

Financial support: Financial support appears on the right bottom of the title page, with grant number(s) following. The full title of each fund is required. For example: National Natural Science Foundation of China;National High-Tech Research  & Development Program of China
National Basic Research Program of China.

Text: A paper should begin with a brief introduction of the significance of the author’s research. Nomenclature, signal and abbreviation should be defined at their initial appearance. All the figures and tables should be numbered in numerical order.

Introduction: Being the most important part of an article, the introduction introduces the relevant research background and the progress in 2 or 3 years, with references cited in numerical order, then presents the problem to be solved in this article, and finally briefly describes the method adopted in this work. Before the end, the aim of the research should be mentioned. Subtitle is forbidden in this part, and introduction of the article structure is considered unnecessary.

Materials and method: This part introduces the materials, method and experimental procedure of the author’s work, so as to allow others to repeat the work published based on this clear description.
Discussion and conclusions: Conclusions should be derived from the observation and experimental results, and comparison with other relevant results is considered helpful to further proving the results. Repeated data should be avoided, and conclusions and suggestions are required to be clearly expressed. New hypotheses and recommendations may be proposed when warranted.
Figures and tables: Figures and tables should be numerically numbered, inserted in the text, and cited in order within the text. The figures should have resolution not lower than 600 dpi and clear lines of 5 px, with signals and letters in Times New Roman at 8 pt. A space should always be maintained between the variable and the unit.

Equations: An equation is numerically numbered (Arabic numeral), and has the number put on its right side.

Acknowledgements: The author expresses his/her thanks to the people helping with this work, and acknowledges the valuable suggestions from the peer reviewers.

References: Reference citation is regarded as an important indicator of the paper quality. If the relevant references, especially the results published in 2 to 3 years are not cited in the paper, or most citations are from the author’s publications, the editor will consider this paper unattractive. References should be numerically numbered and cited in order within the text, with the numbers expressed in square brackets. The author should carefully check the author names, article title, journal title, year, volume and issue number of references, and create the listing according to the format of SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry.


Reference format
1. For an author’s name, full spelling of family name appears before abbreviation of given name, with a spacing in the middle.
2. All authors’ names should be listed.
3. The article title should be identified by an initial capital letter with the remainder of the title in lower case.
4. For correct abbreviations of journal titles, refer to ISO, e.g., Chin Sci Bull for Chinese Science Bulletin, Sci China Ser C-Life Sci for Science in China Series C-Life Sciences.
5. For books and proceedings, the initial letter is capitalized for all the notional words and for function words with more than 4 letters.
6. Do not forget to list the editor names of the proceedings, the publisher, the publishing address, and the beginning and terminating pages.
7. Accepted but unpublished papers should be followed with “in press”.
8. Websites or homepages cannot be cited as references.


Reference examples are given as follows:
Wang Q H, Lindon O, Hardle W. Semiparametric regression analysis with missing response at random. J Amer Statist Assoc, 2004, 99: 334

Rordam M, Larsen F, Lausten N. An introduction to K-theory for C*-algebras. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press, 2000. 30

Qin H R. The subgroups of a finite order in K(Q). In
Bass H, Kuku A O, Pedrini C, eds. Algebraic K-theory and Its Application. Singapore: World Scientific, 1999. 600

●Conference proceedings
Minor H E. Spillways for high velocities. In: Zurich V E, Minor H E, Hager W H, eds. Proceedings of International Workshop on Hydraulics of Stepped Spillways, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2000. 3—10


Liu G X. Classification of finite dimensional basic Hopf algebras and related topics. Dissertation for the Doctoral Degree. Hangzhou: Hangzhou University, 2005. 24


●Technical report
Phillips N A. The Nested Grid Model. NOAA Technical Report NWS22. 1979


Zhang W P. Experiment Apparatus of Diffraction Imaging. China Patent, 02290557.X, 2003-12-03


●User manual
Wang D L, Zhu J, Li Z K, et al. User Manual for QTKMapper Version 1.6, 1999


Hemodynamics III: The ups and downs of hemodynamics. Version 2.2. Orlando (FL): Computerized Educational Systems. 1993


Anderson S C, Poulsen K B. Anderson’s Electronic Atlas of Hematology. Philadelphia: Lippincott Wilkins, 2002


●Electronic version of a journal
Christine M. Plant physiology: plant biology in the Genome Era [OL]. Science, 2003, 281: 331―332 [2003-09-23]. http://www.sciencemag.org/anatmorp.htm

Editorial Board

Honorary Editor General: ZHOU Guang-Zhao (Zhou Guang Zhao)

Editor General: ZHU Zuo-Yan
Editor-in-Chief: LI Le-Min
Associate Editor-in-Chief: CAO Yong   CHEN Hong-Yuan   FENG Shou-Hua   LIN Guo-Qiang   TIAN Zhong-Qun   YUAN Quan



BAO Xin-He  

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics,CAS, China


BU Xian-He   

Department of Chemistry, Nankai University, China


CAO Yong     

College of Material Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, China


CHAI Zhi-Fang     

Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, China


CHAN Albert S C  

Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China


CHEN Xian    

Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, USA


CHEN Xiao-Ming  

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, China



Institute of Chemistry, CAS, China


CHEN Hong-Yuan  

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University, China


CUI Zhan-Feng     

Department of Engineering Science, Oxford University, UK


DUAN Xue    

State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, BeijingUniversity of Chemical Technology, China


FEI Wei-Yang

Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, China


FENG Shou-Hua   

College of Chemistry, Jilin University, China


FENG Xiao-Ming  

College of Chemistry, Sichuan University, China


GAO Chang-You   

Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Zhejiang Universtiy, China


GAO Song     

College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, China


GUO Zi-Jian  

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University, China


HAN Bu-Xing

Institute of Chemistry, CAS, China


HE Ming-Yuan

Research Institute of Petroleum ProcessingSINOPEC, China


HONG Mao-Chun 

Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, CAS, China


HUANG Pei-Qiang 

College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, China


JIANG Gui-Bin     

Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, CAS, China


JIANG Long  

Institute of Chemistry, CAS, China



QingdaoUniversity of Science and Technology, China


JU Huang-Xian      

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University, China


KONG Wei    

Department of Chemistry, Oregon State University, USA


LI Le-Min      

College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, China


LI Qian-Shu   

School of Chemistry and Environment, South China National University, China


LI Ya-Dong    

Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, China


LIAN Tian-Quan   

Department of Chemistry, Emory University, USA


LIN Guo-Qiang     

Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry,CAS, China


LIN Jian-Hua 

College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, China


LIU Guo-Jun 

Department of Chemistry,Queen’s University, Canada


LIU Jun O     

Department of Pharmacology, JHMI, USA


LU Feng-Cai  

Institute of Chemistry, CAS, China


NIE Shu-Ming      

Departments of BME and Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University, USA


PAN Cai-Yuan

Polymer Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, China


PU Lin   

Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia, USA


QIAO Jin-Liang     

SINOPEC Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry, China


SHAO Yuan-Hua    

College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, China


SHEN Zhi-Quan    

Institute of Polymer Science , Zhejiang University, China


SHUAI Zhi-Gang   

Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, China


SUN Li-Cheng      

Department of Chemistry, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden



Institute of Fine Chemicals, East ChinaUniversity of Science&Technology, China


TIAN Zhong-Qun  

College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, China


TONG Liang  

Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University, USA


Tung Chen-Ho      

Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS, China


WAN Li-Jun   

Institute of Chemistry, CAS, China


WANG Mei-Xiang 

Institute of Chemistry, CAS, China


WANG Shi-Qing    

Department of Polymer Science, University of Akron, USA


WANG Zhen-Gang

Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, USA


WANG Zhong-Lin 

Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA


WU Yun-Dong

Chemistry Department, The Hong Kong University of Science&Technology, China


XIE Zuo-Wei 

Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China


XIONG Ren-Gen  

Ordered Matter Science Research Center, Southeast University, China


XU Chun-Ming     

China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China


Xue Zi-Ling   

Department of Chemistry, University of Tennessee, USA


YAM Vivian Wing-Wah  

Department of Chemistry, The University of Hong Kong, China


YAN De-Yue  

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China


YANG Bai      

State Key Lab of Supramolecular Structure and Materials, Jilin University, China


YANG Dong-Sheng      

Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, USA


YANG Peng-Yuan  

Department of Chemistry and Institutes of Biomedical Sciences, Fudan University, China


YANG Wei-Tao     

Department of Chemistry, Duke University, USA


YANG Xue-Ming   

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, China


YANG Yu-Liang     

Department of Macromolecular Science, Fudan Universtiy, China


Yao Zhu-Jun  

Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS, China


YAO Shou-Zhuo    

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hunan University, China


YOU Xiao-Zeng    

The State Key Lab of Coordination Chemistry, Nanjing University, China


YU Lu-Ping   

Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago, USA


YUAN Quan  

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics,CAS, China


ZHANG Hong-Jie  

Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, CAS, China


ZHANG Jin-Song  

Department of Chemistry, University of California, Riverside, USA


ZHANG Jin-Zhong

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA



School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University, China


ZHANG Xi    

Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, China


ZHANG Yu-Kui     

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, China


ZHANG John Zeng Hui 

Department of Chemistry, New York University, USA


ZHAO Xin-Sheng  

College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, China



College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, China
Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, China


ZHENG Lan-Sun   

College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, China


ZHOU Qi-Lin 

Reasearch Institute of Elemento-Organic Chemistry, Nankai University, China


ZHU Tong     

College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, China


ZHU Julian X 

Département de chimie, Université de Montréal, Canada


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