

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版频率:Continuous publication

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Cell Death & Disease is a peer-reviewed open access online journal that will publish full-length papers, reviews and commentaries describing original research in the field of translational cell death. It seeks to promote diverse and integrated areas of Experimental and Internal Medicine with its specialities, including Cancer, Immunity and Neuroscience.

Cell Death & Disease seeks to encompass the breadth of translational implications of cell death, and topics of particular concentration will include, but are not limited to, the following:

Experimental medicine



Internal medicine



Abstracted/indexed in:

Biological Abstracts
Biosis Previews
Chemical Abstracts
Current Contents-Life Sciences
Journal Citation Index-Science
Science Citation Index-Expanded

Instructions to Authors


Cell Death & Disease is a journal devoted to the biology of cell death in the pathogenesis of human diseases or relevant animal models. The journal aims to publish papers that present novel observations in the field of cell death, though with pathophysiological or medical implications. Particular emphasis will be given to clinical, translational and applied research through its five sections: Experimental Medicine, Cancer, Immunity, Internal Medicine, Neuroscience. To this end, in conjunction with its sister journal Cell Death & Differentiation, Cell Death & Disease provides a unified forum for scientists as well as clinicians and members of the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. It is committed to the rapid publication of high quality original papers that relate to these subjects, together with topical, usually solicited, reviews, meeting reports, editorial correspondence and occasional commentaries on controversial and scientifically informative issues. Cell Death & Disease is an open access online journal.

Cell Death & Disease is published on behalf of the “Associazione Differenziamento e Morte Cellulare” (ADMC) by Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited.


Editorial Policy


Guido Kroemer, INSERM, Villejuif, France

Gerry Melino, University of Rome, Italy, & MRC, Leicester, UK.

Pierluigi Nicotera, DZNE, Bonn, Germany

Non-Native Speakers of English

Authors who are not native speakers of English who submit manuscripts to international journals often receive negative comments from referees or editors about the English-language usage in their manuscripts, and these problems can contribute to a decision to reject a paper. To help reduce the possibility of such problems, we strongly encourage such authors to take at least one of the following steps:

Have your manuscript reviewed for clarity, and corrected by a colleague whose native language is English

Use one of the many English language editing services that are available, such as that offered by Nature Publishing Group Language Editing, or others listed below. An editor will improve the English to ensure that your meaning is clear and identify problems that require your review

Please note that the use of Nature Publishing Group Language Editing is at the author's own expense and in no way implies that the article will be selected for peer review or accepted by an NPG journal (or any other journal). The decisions that the editors of any NPG journal make based on the quality and suitability of a manuscript for that journal are entirely independent of whether that manuscript has been language-edited by Nature Publishing Group Language Editing

American Journal Experts

Inter-Biotec also provides a
free online writing course to help biomedical scientists whose first language is not English to write and publish their papers in English-language journals.

SPI Professional Editing Services

Write Science Right


Format of Papers


Preparation of manuscripts

Cell Death & Disease publishes:

Original papers

News and Commentaries




Meeting Reports

Book Reviews

Reviews, Editorials, News and Commentaries, Meeting Reports and Book Reviews will usually be solicited by the Editor. Manuscript specifications by article type

Article Type


Word Count

Display Items

References (maximum)

Original Article

Max 210 words


No more than 6-8 display items (e.g. figures, tables) should accompany the manuscript



Max 210 words


No more than 6-8 display items (e.g. figures, tables) should accompany the manuscript





A maximum of 1 figure or table can accompany the manuscript


News and Commentary



A maximum of 1 figure or table can accompany the manuscript





A maximum of 1 figure or table can accompany the manuscript (if a figure is used it must contain no more than 3 panels)


Meeting Report



A maximum of 1 figure or table can accompany the manuscript


Book Review



A maximum of 1 figure or table can accompany the manuscript



Manuscripts should be organised as follows:

Cover letter:

Please include:

The name, institution and e-mail address of all contributing authors

Suggestions for potential referees, including contact information if known

Referees to exclude

Total number of words

Conflict of Interest Statement

Title Page:


Running title of less than 50 characters



Address/telephone/fax/e-mail of corresponding author.


One single paragraph of no more than 210 words


For indexing purposes, a list of 3-6 keywords is essential. You will be prompted for these on the online submission form, but should include them with the manuscript too.

Main text:

The main text (excluding abstract, Materials and Methods, references and figure legends) must not exceed 3,500 words (for Original Papers; please see the table above for specifications for other manuscript types).



Discussion - The discussion may be subdivided by further subheadings or may be combined.

Materials and methods:

This section should contain sufficient detail so that all procedures can be repeated, in conjunction with cited references.

Where genetically manipulated (transgenic or knockout) mice are used, the Materials and Methods should state the name and genotype of the founder ES cells or oocytes.

The genotype and breeding of experimental mice and controls should be described.

Display items:

Original papers typically contain 6–8 display items (figures and/or tables). Please see the table below for specifications for other manuscript types.

Conflict of interest:

A conflict of interest statement must be included for each contributing author. Please see the Conflict of Interest guidelines at the end of the “Format of Papers” section for more information and for guidelines on what constitutes a conflict of interest.


Original papers may not exceed 40 references. Only articles that have been published or are in press may be included in the references. References follow the Vancouver format (for using End-Note, please follow the Leukemia journal reference style). References are numbered starting at 1 and listed sequentially at the end of the paper, according to the numbers and order of citations in the text. The first six authors are to be listed, after which, list only the first six authors and ‘et al’. Abbreviations of journal names should conform to the Index Medicus style. The first and last page numbers for each reference should be provided. The following are examples of the reference style:

Gottschalk AR, Boise LH, Oltvai ZN, Accavitti MA, Korsmeyer SJ, Quintans et al The ability of Bcl-XL and Bcl-2 to prevent apoptosis can be differentially regulated. Cell Death and Differ. 1996; 3: 113-118

Feramisco JR and Welch WJ, Modulation of cellular activities via microinjection into living cells. In: Celis JE, Graessmann A and Coyter A, (eds).Microinjection and organelle transplantation techniques, (London: Academic Press), 1986 pp.40-58


Figures and images should be labeled sequentially, numbered and cited in the text. Figure legends should be printed, double spaced, on a separate sheet titled ‘Titles and legends to figures’. Figures should be referred to specifically in the text of the paper but should not be embedded within the text. The use of three-dimensional histograms is strongly discouraged when the addition of the third dimension gives no extra information. If a table or figure has been published before, the authors must obtain written permission to reproduce the material in both print and electronic formats from the copyright owner and submit it with the manuscript. This follows for quotes, illustrations and other materials taken from previously published works not in the public domain. The original source should be cited in the figure caption or table footnote.

Artwork Guidelines

Detailed guidelines for submitting artwork can be found by downloading the guideline s PDF. Using the guidelines, please submit production quality artwork with your initial online submission. If you have followed the guidelines, we will not require the artwork to be resubmitted following the peer-review process, if your paper is accepted for publication.

Colour figures

Colour figures must be supplied in the following format.

For Single Images:


500 pixels (authors should select "constrain proportions", or equivalent instructions, to allow the application to set the correct height automatically.)


125 dpi (dots per inch)


JPEG for photographs
GIF for line drawings or charts


Please save image with .jpg or .gif extension to ensure it can be read by all platforms and graphics packages.


For Multi-part Images :


900 pixels (authors should select "constrain proportions", or equivalent instructions, to allow the application to set the correct height automatically.)


125 dpi (dots per inch)


JPEG for photographs
GIF for line drawings or charts


Please save image with .jpg or .gif extension to ensure it can be read by all platforms and graphics packages.


Black and white images

Image resolution of at least 300 dpi at publication size

Images should be scanned at a minimum of 300 dpi

During software manipulation of images, care should be taken that resolution is maintained

Images may be rotated or scaled, but this must be the same in the x and y dimensions

Contrast and brightness can be adjusted, but this must be uniform across the entire image, and must not result in the loss of any feature, band or spot. The background should still be visible

If lanes are removed, and once separate parts of an image are joined together, a black, white or grey line should indicate clearly where the image was cut

If black borders are drawn around the image, the lines should correspond to all edges where the image was cut

Protein molecular weights or DNA fragment sizes should be indicated for all figure panels showing gel electrophoresis

Graphs, Histograms and Statistics

Error bars must be described in the figure legend

Axes on graphs should extend to zero, except for log axes

Statistical analyses (including error bars and p values) should only be shown for independently repeated experiments, and must not be shown for replicates of a single experiment

The number of times an experiment was repeated (N) must be stated in the legend


These should be labeled sequentially as Table 1, Table 2, etc. Each table should be typed on a separate page, numbered and titled, and cited in the text. Reference to table footnotes should be made by means of Arabic numerals. Tables should not duplicate the content of the text. They should consist of at least two columns; columns should always have headings. Authors should ensure that the data in the tables are consistent with those cited in the relevant places in the text, totals add up correctly, and percentages have been calculated correctly. Unlike figures or images, tables may be embedded into the word processing software if necessary, or supplied as separate electronic files.

House Style

As the electronic submission will provide the basic material for typesetting, it is important that papers are prepared in the general editorial style of the journal.

See the artwork guidelines for information on labeling of figures

Do not make rules thinner than 1pt (0.36mm)

Use a coarse hatching pattern rather than shading for tints in graphs

Color should be distinct when being used as an identifying tool

Use Si units throughout

Spaces, not commas should be used to separate thousands

Abbreviations should be preceded by the words for which they stand in the first instance of use

Text should be double spacing with a wide margin

Use a common word-processing package (such as Microsoft Word) for the text. Embed tables converted into images at the end of the Word document, or as a separate file in whichever program you used to generate them

If you submit raw data, this can be done in Excel, or tab/comma delimited format

At first mention of a manufacturer the town, (state if USA) and country should be provided.


File Formats

File formats for manuscript files, figures and tables that are acceptable for our electronic manuscript submission process are given on the online forms. Further advice on file types is also available from the Tips webpage. Please follow our artwork guidelines for submitting figures, and use a common word-processing package (such as Microsoft Word) for the text. Either embed tables converted into images at the end of your Word document, or as a separate files in which ever program you used to generate them. If you submit raw data, this can be done in Excel, or tab/comma delimited format.

Saving files with Microsoft Office 2007

Microsoft Office 2007 saves files in an XML format by default (file extensions .docx, .pptx and xlsx). Files saved in this format cannot be accepted for publication.

Save Word documents using the file extension .doc

Select the Office Button in the upper left corner of the Word 2007 Window and choose "Save As"

Select "Word 97-2003 Document"

Enter a file name and select "Save"

These instructions also apply for the new versions of Excel and PowerPoint.

Equations in Word must be created using Equation Editor 3.0

Equations created using the new equation editor in Word 2007 and saved as a "Word 97-2003 Document" (.doc) are converted to graphics and can no longer be edited. To insert or change an equation with the previous equation editor:

Select "Object" on the "Text" section of the "Insert" tab

In the drop-down menu - select "Equation Editor 3.0"

Do not use the "Equation" button in the "Symbols" section of the "Insert" tab.

Supplementary information

Supplementary information is peer-reviewed material directly relevant to the conclusion of an article that cannot be included in the printed version owing to space or format constraints. It is posted on the journal's web site and linked to the article when the article is published and may consist of data files, graphics, movies or extensive tables.

The printed article must be complete and self-explanatory without the supplementary information. Supplementary information enhances a reader’s understanding of the paper but is not essential to that understanding.

Supplementary information must be supplied to the editorial office in its final form for peer review. On acceptance the final version of the peer reviewed supplementary information should be submitted with the accepted paper. Supplementary information is not subedited, so authors should ensure that it is supplied ready for publication online.

To ensure that the contents of the supplementary information files can be viewed by the editor(s), referees and readers, please also submit a ‘read-me’ file containing brief instructions on how to use the file.

Supplying supplementary information files

Authors should ensure that supplementary information is supplied in its FINAL format because it is not subedited and will appear online exactly as originally submitted. It cannot be altered, nor new supplementary information added, after the paper has been accepted for publication.

Please supply the supplementary information via eJP, the electronic manuscript submission and tracking system, in an acceptable file format (see below).
Authors should:

  Include a text summary (no more than 50 words) to describe the contents of each file.

  Identify the types of files (file formats) submitted.

  Include the text ‘Supplementary information is available at (the journal’s name)’s website’ at the end of the article and before the references.

Accepted file formats

  Quick Time files (.mov)

  Graphical image files (.gif)

  HTML files (.html)

  MPEG movie files (.mpg)

  JPEG image files (.jpg)

  Sound files (.wav)

  Plain ASCII text (.txt)

  Acrobat files (.pdf)

  MS Word documents (.doc)

  Postscript files (.ps)

  PowerPoint files (.ppt)

  MS Excel spreadsheet documents (.xls)
We cannot accept TeX and LaTeX.

File sizes must be as small as possible, so that they can be downloaded quickly. Images should not exceed 640 x 480 pixels (9 x 6.8 inches at 72 pixels per inch) but we would recommend 480 x 360 pixels as the maximum frame size for movies. We would also recommend a frame rate of 15 frames per second. If applicable to the presentation of the supplementary information, use a 256 colour palette. Please consider the use of lower specification for all of these points if the supplementary information can still be represented clearly. Our recommended maximum data rate is 150 KB/s.

The number of files should be limited to eight, and the total file size should not exceed 8 MB. Individual files should not exceed 1 MB. Please seek advice from the editorial office before sending files larger than our maximum size to avoid delays in publication.

Further questions about the submission or preparation of supplementary information should be directed to the editorial office.


Conflict of interest:

In the interests of transparency and to help readers form their own judgments of potential bias authors must declare whether or not there is any competing financial interests in relation to the work described. This information must be included in their cover letter and in the conflict of interest section of their manuscript. In cases where the authors declare a competing financial interest, a statement to that effect is published as part of the article. If no such conflict exists, the statement will simply read that the authors have nothing to disclose.

For the purposes of this statement, competing interests are defined as those of a financial nature that, through their potential influence on behaviour or content, or from perception of such potential influences, could undermine the objectivity, integrity or perceived value of a publication. They can include any of the following:

Funding: Research support (including salaries, equipment, supplies, reimbursement for attending symposia, and other expenses) by organizations that may gain or lose financially through this publication. The role of the funding body in the design of the study, collection and analysis of data and decision to publish should be stated.

Employment: Recent (while engaged in the research project), present or anticipated employment by any organization that may gain or lose financially through this publication.

Personal financial interests: Stocks or shares in companies that may gain or lose financially through publication; consultation fees or other forms of remuneration from organizations that may gain or lose financially; patents or patent applications whose value may be affected by publication.

It is difficult to specify a threshold at which a financial interest becomes significant, but note that many US universities require faculty members to disclose interests exceeding $10,000 or 5% equity in a company. Any such figure is arbitrary, so we offer as one possible practical alternative guideline: \"Declare all interests that could embarrass you were they to become publicly known after your work was published.\" We do not consider diversified mutual funds or investment trusts to constitute a competing financial interest.

The statement must contain an explicit and unambiguous statement describing any potential conflict of interest, or lack thereof, for any of the authors as it relates to the subject of the report. Examples include “Dr. Smith receives compensation as a consultant for XYZ Company,” “Dr. Jones and Dr. Smith have financial holdings in ABC Company,” or “Dr. Jones owns a patent on the diagnostic device described in this report.” These statements acknowledging or denying conflicts of interest must be included in the manuscript under the heading Conflict of Interest. The Conflict of Interest disclosure appears in the cover letter, in the manuscript submission process and before the References section in the manuscript.

Following the Conflict of Interest heading, there must be a listing for each author, detailing the professional services relevant to the submission. Neither the precise amount received from each entity nor the aggregate income from these sources needs to be provided. Professional services include any activities for which the individual is, has been, or will be compensated with cash, royalties, fees, stock or stock options in exchange for work performed, advice or counsel provided, or for other services related to the author’s professional knowledge and skills. This would include, but not necessarily be limited to, the identification of organizations from which the author received contracts or in which he or she holds an equity stake if professional services were provided in conjunction with the transaction.

Examples of declarations are:

Conflict of interest.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Conflict of interest.
Dr Caron's work has been funded by the NIH. He has received compensation as a member of the scientific advisory board of Acadia Pharmaceutical and owns stock in the company. He also has consulted for Lundbeck and received compensation. Dr Rothman and Dr Jensen declare no potential conflict of interest.


Submission of papers


The first thing you need to do, if you have not done so already, is register for an account. After this, please consult the instructions below to enable you to submit your article through our secure server.

Please be sure that your browser is set to accept cookies. Our tracking system requires cookies for proper operation. (If you have Windows XP the defaults will need changing. For more details on this, please refer to the 'Tips' function on this site.)

Navigating the System


When you first access our tracking system, you will be taken to your Home page, where different categories of tasks are listed. If you are required to perform a pending action item or task, there will be a red arrow next to a 'Manuscript' link. Throughout the system, red arrows reflect pending action items which you should address. If there are no red arrows visible on your Home page, then you are finished and have no outstanding tasks to complete.

At any time please press HOME to go to the submission home page.

Process for Manuscript Submission


Please make sure you have gathered all the required manuscript information listed above BEFORE starting the submission process. The manuscript submission process is broken down into a series of 4 primary tasks that gather detailed information about your manuscript and allow you to upload the pertinent text and figure/image files. The sequence of screens is as follows:

The ‘Files’ primary task allows you to select the actual file locations (via an open file dialogue). You will be able to 'Browse' for the relevant files on your computer. Please include the figure number in the title line for each figure. On the completion screen, you will be asked to specify the order in which you want the individual files to appear in the merged document. Editors and/or reviewers will also be able to look at the individual PDF files if necessary.

The ‘Manuscript Information’ primary task which asks for author details, the manuscript title, abstract, other associated manuscript information and types/number of files to be submitted. Please note, if you are the corresponding author please submit your details in the corresponding author fields; DO NOT re-enter the same details in the contributing author fields.

The ‘Validate’ primary task gives you the opportunity to check and verify the manuscript files and manuscript information uploaded. If you are submitting manuscript files separately, we create a merged PDF containing your manuscript text, figures and tables to simplify the handling of your paper. You will need to approve the merged PDF file, and a PDF or any other file not included in the merge, to submit your manuscript. You may also update and/or change manuscript files and manuscript information by clicking on the ‘Change’ or ‘Fix’ links respectively.

The ‘Submit’ primary task is the last step in the manuscript submission process. At this stage the Manuscript Tracking System will perform a final check to ensure that all mandatory fields have been completed. Any incomplete fields will be flagged by a red arrow and highlighted by a red box. Click on the ‘Fix’ link to return to relevant section for completion. Once your manuscript has been finalised, click on the ‘Approve Submission’ button to submit your manuscript for consideration. A ‘Manuscript Approved’ message will display on your author desktop to confirm the submission.

You will need to have the following details for all authors before commencing online submission. Items in parenthesis may not be compulsory for co-authors:

Email Addresses

First and Last Names


(Full Postal Address)

(Work Telephone Numbers)

Fax Numbers

In addition you will need:

Covering letter (including Conflict of Interest statement)

Title and Running Title (you can copy and paste this from your manuscript)

Abstract (you can copy and paste this from your manuscript)

Manuscript files in Word, WordPerfect, text or any RTF format

Figures/Images in external files in TIFF or JPG, in either grayscale or CMYK colour, not in RGB

Tables in Word (preferred) as separate files or embedded at the end of the manuscript file

Do not embed images and figures within the text from word processing software as embedded images are not acceptable for production. (Tables are an exception to this rule as you may be generating them using the same software and as resolution quality tends to be less important for tables.)

Adobe Acrobat

We recommend that for accessing the PDF files, best results are achieved if you have access to Adobe Acrobat Reader (4.0 or above). Should you require installation of this FREE program, please download from the link
here and follow the on-screen instructions. (We recommend that on completion of installation, you amend one of the default settings. Select: File - Preferences - General, and UNCHECK Web Browser Integration. This will open PDF files in Acrobat Reader itself rather than in your browser. The amendment will not affect any functionality of either Acrobat Reader or your browser software.)
Please refrain from submitting your manuscript by e-mail attachment. If the site replicates your details on screen, then your paper has been successfully submitted.

Once you have submitted your files and the conversion is in progress, you may log off the Internet and come back later to check and approve the conversion. This process can take up to 5 - 10 minutes before the PDF, created in the conversion process, is ready for approval. Please remember that your manuscript will not be submitted until you have approved the converted files.

Conflict of interest

It is essential that you note whether or not there is any conflict of interest in the submission form. This does not act as a substitute for the written statement that must be provided in the manuscript and the cover letter.

Getting Help

If you need additional help, you can click on the help signs spread throughout the system. A help dialogue will pop up with context sensitive help.

If you experience any problems, please contact the NPG Applications Helpdesk.

Manuscript Status

After you approve your manuscript it is submitted and you will receive an acknowledgement email. You can check the status of your manuscript at any time in the review process by:

Accessing the system with your password or link sent to you in the acknowledgement email

Clicking on the link represented by your manuscript tracking number and abbreviated title.

Clicking on the "Check Status" link at the bottom of the displayed page.

This procedure will display tracking information about where your manuscript is in the submission/peer review process.


An e-mail will be sent to the corresponding author with a URL link from where proofs can be collected. Proofs must be returned by fax within 48 hours of receipt. Failure to do so may result in a delay to publication. Extensive corrections cannot be made at this stage.

Open Access and Charges

Cell Death & Disease levies an article-processing charge of £2000/$3000/€2400 per article accepted for publication. Upon acceptance of their manuscript authors of articles and reports should complete the charge payment form and return to the address provided in the form.

The article is universally and freely accessible to all via the Internet, in an easily readable format.

Cell Death & Disease articles are published either under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license or a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported license, at the free choice of the authors.

Under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license, users are free to share (copy, distribute and transmit) and remix (adapt) the contribution under the following conditions (read full legal code):

Attribution. Users must attribute the contribution in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they or their use of the contribution is endorsed by the author or licensor).

Noncommercial. Users may not use this work for commercial purposes.

Share Alike. If users alter, transform, or build upon this work, they may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.

Under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported license, users are free to share (copy, distribute and transmit) the contribution under the following conditions (read full legal code):

Attribution. Users must attribute the contribution in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they or their use of the contribution is endorsed by the author or licensor).

Non–commercial. Users may not use this contribution for commercial purposes.

No derivative works. Users may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.

Neither Creative Commons License impairs or restricts the author's moral rights. Additionally, the following terms hold (read full legal code):

For any reuse or distribution, users must make clear to others the license terms of this work, preferably using a link to the Creative commons webpage

Any of the above conditions can be waived if users get permission from the copyright holder.

Business Matters

To find out who to contact for business correspondence and enquiries such as advertising, subscriptions, permissions, papers in production or publishing a supplement, please visit our publisher’s contacts page.

Alternatively, you can write to: Cell Death & Disease, Nature Publishing Group, The Macmillan Building, 4 Crinan Street, London, N1 9XW, UK.

Editorial Board

Editors-In Chief

Guido Kroemer

Gerry Melino

Pierluigi Nicotera


Deputy Editors

Richard Knight (London, UK)
Mauro Piacentini (Rome, Italy)


Section Editors

Yufang Shi (Shanghai, China)

Giuseppe Giaccone (Bethesda, USA)

Hans-Uwe Simon (Berne, Switzerland)

Paolo Salomoni (London, UK)

Alexej Verkhratsky (Manchester, UK)


Editorial Board Members

Daniel Aberdam (Nice, Haifa) — Biography
Daniele Bano (Bonn, Germany) — Biography
Nicolas Bazan (New Orleans, USA) — Biography
Klas Blomgren (Gothenburg, Sweden) — Biography
George Calin (Houston, USA) — Biography
Gerry M Cohen (Leicester, UK) — Biography
Gianluigi Condorelli (Rome, Italy) — Biography
Klaus-Michael Debatin (Ulm, Germany) — Biography
Vincenzo De Laurenzi (Chieti, Italy) — Biography
Ruggero De Maria (Rome, Italy) — Biography
Bart De Strooper (Leuven, Belgium) — Biography
Volker Dötsch (Frankfurt, Germany) — Biography
Massimo Federici (Rome, Italy) — Biography
Alessandro Finazzi-Agrò (Rome, Italy) — Biography
Robin J Franklin (Cambridge, UK) — Biography
Ewen Gallagher (London, UK)
Douglas R Green (Memphis, USA) —
Atan Gross (Rehovot, Israel) — Biography
Georg Häcker (Munich, Germany) — Biography
David Heery (Nottingham, UK) — Biography
David CS Huang (Melbourne, Australia)
Ricky Johnstone (Melbourne, Australia) —
Mathias Jucker (Tuebingen, Germany) — Biography
Michael Karin (San Diego, USA) — Biography
Daniel Klionsky (Ann Arbor, USA) — Biography
Richard Kolesnick (New York, USA) — Biography
Sergio Lavandero (Santiago, Chile) — Biography
Anthony Letai (Boston, USA) — Biography
Stuart Lipton (San Diego, USA) — Biography
Carlos Lopez-Otin (Oviedo, Spain) — Biography
Xin Lu (Oxford, UK) — Biography
Anders Lund (Copenhagen, Denmark) — Biography
Frank Madeo (Gratz, Austria) — Biography
Roberto Mantovani (Milan, Italy) — Biography
Pascal Meier (London, UK) — Biography
Giovanni Melillo (Bethesda, USA) — Biography
Alea Mills (Cold Spring Harbor, USA)
Ute Moll (Stony Brook, USA) —
László Nagy (Debrecen, Hungary) — Biography
Sten Orrenius (Stockholm, Sweden) — Biography
Pier Paolo Pandolfi (Boston, USA) — Biography
Joseph Penninger (Vienna, Austria) — Biography
Danilo Perrotti (Columbus, USA) — Biography
Stefano Piccolo (Padua, Italy) — Biography
Thomas Rudel (Wuerzburg, Germany) — Biography
Akira Sawa (Baltimore, USA) — Biography
Giampietro Schiavo (London, UK) — Biography
Anastasis Stephanou (London, UK) — Biography
Nektarios Tavernarakis (Heraklion, Greece) — Biography
Domagoj Vucic (San Francisco, USA) — Biography
Eileen White (New Brunswick, USA) — Biography
Anne E Willis (Nottingham, UK) — Biography
Jens Wiltfang (Essen, Germany) — Biography
Junying Yuan (Boston, USA) — Biography
Zahra Zakeri (New York, USA) — Biography
Gerard Zambetti (Memphis, USA) — Biography


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