

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Structural Equation Modeling publishes manuscripts from all academic disciplines with an interest in structural equation modeling. These include, but are not limited to, psychology, sociology, educational research, political science, economics, management, and business/marketing.


The journal contains theoretical and applied articles, a teachers' corner, book and software reviews, and advertising. Theoretical articles address new developments and examine current practices. Applied articles deal with both exploratory and confirmatory models. The teachers' corner provides instructional modules on aspects of structural equation modeling. The book and software reviews afford an opportunity to examine new modeling information and techniques. Advertising alerts readers to new products.



Abstracting & Indexing

strong>Abstracted/indexed in: PsycINFO/Psychological Abstracts; Social Research Methodology; ISI: Social Sciences Citation Index, Science Citation Index-Expanded, Social SciSearch, CompuMath Citation Index, Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences, Journal Citation Reports Science, Journal Citation Reports Social Science; Educational Technology Abstracts; Current Index to Journals in Education; Current Index to Statistics; Sociological Abstracts; Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet; INSPEC; EBSCOhost Products; Scopus; Cabell' Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management.

Instructions to Authors

Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal publishes refereed scholarly work from all academic disciplines interested in structural equation modeling. These disciplines include, but are not limited to, psychology, medicine, sociology, education, political science, economics, management, and business/marketing. Theoretical articles address new developments; applied articles deal with innovative structural equation modeling applications; the Teacher's Corner provides instructional modules on aspects of structural equation modeling; book and software reviews examine new modeling information and techniques; and advertising alerts readers to new products. Comments on technical or substantive issues addressed in articles or reviews published in the journal are encouraged; comments are reviewed, and authors of the original works are invited to respond.


Book and Software Reviews:

Reviews permit objective assessment of current texts and products in the field. Reviews should be descriptive and evaluative in nature. The journal publishes only solicited reviews; however, suggestions for reviews are accepted with the understanding that authors of the original works are invited to respond.


Manuscript and Disk Submission:

For all submissions, send four (4) manuscript copies to Dr. George A. Marcoulides, Editor, GSOE, 1207 Sproul Hall, University of California, Riverside, Riverside CA 92521. Prepare three of the manuscript copies for peer review by removing references to author(s) and institution(s). Include a cover letter in which the authors state that the manuscript includes only original material that has not been published and that is not being submitted elsewhere. After manuscripts are accepted, authors are asked to (a) submit camera-ready figures, (b) submit manuscript in an IBM-compatible personal computer electronic format, (c) make sure the content of the file exactly matches that of the printed, accepted, finalized manuscript, and (d) sign and return a copyright-transfer agreement.


Manuscript Preparation:

Prepare manuscripts according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed., 2001). Examples:

Journal: Brierly D., (2007). Emotional memory for words: Separating content and context. Cognition & Emotion, 21(3), 495-521.


Book: Smith, E., & Mackie, D. (2000). Social psychology. Philadelphia: Psychology Press.


Contribution to a Book: Tanner, W. P. & Swets, J. A. (2001). A decision-making theory of visual detection. In S. Yantis (ed.), Visual perception (pp. 48-55). Philadelphia: Psychology Press.


Limit manuscripts to 25 pages of text, exclusive of tables and figures. Manuscripts must be double-spaced, including title page, abstract, text, quotes, acknowledgments, references, appendices, tables, figure captions, and footnotes. On the first page, type author name(s), affiliation(s), address(es), telephone number(s), electronic mail information, and a suggested running head; on the second page, type an abstract of 100 to 150 words. When appropriate, use subheadings to organize lengthy presentations. Explain words and abbreviations. Type and/or mark mathematical and Greek symbols (italicized, boldfaced, underlined, superscript, or subscript). Place tables on separate pages. Include photocopies of all figures. Number all pages consecutively. Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work and for obtaining permission from copyright owners to reprint or adapt a table or figure or to reprint a quotation of 500 words or more. Authors should write to original author(s) and publisher to request nonexclusive world rights in all languages to use the material in the article and in future editions. Provide copies of all permissions and credit lines.



Illustrations submitted (line drawings, halftones, photos, photomicrographs, etc.) should be clean originals or digital files. Digital files are recommended for highest quality reproduction and should follow these guidelines: 300 dpi or higher; sized to fit on journal page; EPS, TIFF, or PSD format only; submitted as separate files; not embedded in text files. Color illustrations will be considered for publication; however, the author will be required to bear the full cost involved in their printing and publication. The charge for the first page with color is $900.00. The next three pages with color are $450.00 each. A custom quote will be provided for color art totaling more than 4 journal pages. Good-quality color prints should be provided in their final size. The publisher has the right to refuse publication of color prints deemed unacceptable.


Tables and Figures

Tables and figures (illustrations) should not be embedded in the text, but should be included as separate sheets or files. A short descriptive title should appear above each table with a clear legend and any footnotes suitably identified below. All units must be included. Figures should be completely labeled, taking into account necessary size reduction. Captions should be typed, double-spaced, on a separate sheet. All original figures should be clearly marked in pencil on the reverse side with the number, author's name, and top edge indicated.


Peer Review of Manuscripts:

Manuscripts are anonymously peer-reviewed by three national/international scholars appropriate for the topic and content. The editor is responsible for guaranteeing anonymity of the author(s) and reviewers during the review process. The review process normally takes 3 to 4 months.


Proofs and Reprints

Page proofs are sent to the designated author using Taylor & Francis' Central Article Tracking System (CATS).

Editorial Board


George A. Marcoulides
University of CaliforniaRiverside



Deborah Bandalos - University of Georgia
Gregory R. Hancock
 - University of Maryland



Randall E. Schumacker  - University of Alabama



Alan Acock - Oregon State University
Peter M. Bentler - University of California-Los Angeles
S. Natasha Beretvas - University of Texas—Austin
Kenneth Bollen - University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Anne Boomsma - University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Barbara M. Byrne - University of Ottawa, Canada
Wynne W. Chin - University of Houston
Robert Cudeck - Ohio State University
Patrick J. Curran - University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Terry E. Duncan - Oregon State University
Rachel Fouladi - Simon Fraser University, Canada
Dale N. Glaser - Glaser Consulting
Samuel B. Green - Arizona State University
Knut A. Hagtvet - University of Oslo, Norway
Gregory R. Hancock - University of Maryland
Lisa L. Harlow - University of Rhode Island
Leslie A. Hayduk - University of Alberta, Canada
Ronald H. Heck - University of Hawaii
Scott L. Hershberger - Saint Louis University, Spain
Joop J. Hox - Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Karl G. Jöreskog - Uppsala University, Sweden
David Kaplan - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Siek-Toon Khoo -  Australian Council of Educational Research
Xenophon Koufteros - Texas A & M University
Sik-Yum Lee - The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Todd D. Little - University of Kansas
Gitta Lubke - University of Notre Dame
Herbert W. Marsh - Oxford University
J. Jack McArdle - University of Southern California
Roderick P. McDonald - University of Sydney, Australia
Albert Maydeu-Olivares - University of Barcelona, Spain
Roger E. Millsap - Arizona State University
Irini Moustaki - London School of Economics and Political Science
Bengt O. Muthén - University of California-Los Angeles
Michael C. Neale - Virginia Commonwealth University
Sophia Rabe-Hesketh - University of California—Berkeley
Tenko Raykov - Michigan State University
Edward E. Rigdon - Georgia State University
Willem E. Saris - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Albert Satorra - Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
James Steiger - Vanderbilt University
Keith F. Widaman - University of California-Davis
Ke-Hai Yuan - University of Notre Dame


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