

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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变更情况:JCR used the online version of ISSN(0717-6538) in 2013.

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Basic information

Gayana is the result of the fusion of Gayana Zoología y Gayana Oceanografía, and therefore substitutes both of them. The volume numbering continues the numbering of Gayana Zoología.

Gayana is related to all aspects of research in zoology and oceanography of South America. The specific topics covered by Gayana are based on original works and investigations and revision articles on taxonomy, systematics, philogenia, biogeography and oceanology.

Evolutive aspects are considered within these topics based on morphology, physiology, ecology and paleontology.

It appears twice a year.

Indexed in

The articles published in Gayana are indexada or summanrized by:

  • Bulletin Signaletique - Abstrac, CNRS
  • Pascal Folio, Abstract - CNRS
  • Periodica - Index Latinoamericano
  • Marine Sciences Contents Tables - MSCT - Index FAO
  • Biological Abstract - BIOSIS
  • Entology Abstracts - BIOSIS
  • Zoological Records - BIOSIS
  • International Periodical Directory - Ulrich's
  • Scientific Electronic on line - SciELO


  • Universidad de Concepción, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas.


    The publication Gayana if financially supported by:

    • Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas de la Universidad de Concepción.

    Instructions to Authors


    Scope and policy

    Author Guidelines


    Gayana publish scientific paper covering all aspects of Zoology and Oceanography. We publish regular papers, short communications, reviews, point of view, monographs, book reviews, and obituaries. One volume, composed of two issues, is published each year. We accept papers in Spanish and English.

    Manuscripts, accompanied with a cover letter, are submitted electronically. Manuscripts covering aquatic aspects must be sent to Dra. Camila Fernández (camilafernandez@udec.cl), while manuscripts centered on terrestrial fauna must be sent to Dr. Guillermo D’Elía (guillermo@udec.cl).

    Editors may reject manuscripts without sending them to review. Manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. Our goal is to communicate a first decision within the first 60 days after submission, and to publish before nine months. Articles are published in order of acceptance.


    Each printed page costs US$20; if colored figures are included, each page costs US$35. Payment should be done once the manuscript is accepted for publication before it is send to press.

    Form and preparation of manuscripts




    Manuscripts must be sent as a MS Word file, written with Times New Roman 12, double spaced (including tables and figure legends), and aligned to the left.
    Pages have to be numbered and include line numbers.
    The title, in capitals, is written in English and Spanish for articles in English and in Spanish and English for articles in Spanish.
    A running title of a maximum of 50 characters should be provided.
    Author names are followed by affiliations and the electronic address of the correspondent author. If there is more than one author, affiliations are denoted by superscript numbers after each name.
    Manuscript is organized in ABSTRACT, KEYWORDS, RESUMEN, PALABRAS CLAVES (for both keywords and palabras claves include a maximum of five, avoiding repetition of words included in the title; arrange them alphabetically), INTRODUCTION, MATERIAL AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, and BIBLIOGRAPHY. If an APPENDIX is needed place it after BIBLIOGRAPHY.
    The fusion of RESULTS and DISCUSSION in one section is not desirable. If the manuscript needs to be structured in a different form, consult the Editor before submitting it.
    The title of each section is written in capitals and centered and subtitles in small caps (e.g., SAMPLING DESIGN) and aligned to the left.
    Use italics for scientific names and latin locutions. Do not include underlined words or tabs.
    The fist time that a taxon of species of subspecies level is mentioned, write the whole name including the author.
    Use units and symbols of the metric system; for decimals use “.” if the text is written in English or “,” if the text is written in Spanish.

    Short communications are short articles of up to 1500 words (including BIBLIOGRAPHY). Format differences with a regular article are:

    Short communications include Title, Author(s), affiliation(s), Resumen (for notes written in English) or Abstract (for those written in Spanish), text, Acknowledgements, and Bibliography.
    The resumen or abstract has a maximum extension of 50 words.
    Do not include key words.
    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS have a maximum of 30 words.

    2. TABLES

    Tables are numbered with Arabic numerals, and above have a descriptive title in English and Spanish.
    Titles should be concise but self informative.
    Tables are designed with the table editor of MS Word. Do no use the space bar or tabs to align values. If needed use the align paragraph function.
    Each table with its title goes in separate pages after BIBLIOGRAPHY or APPENDIX.

    3. FIGURES

    Figures are numbered with Arabic numerals.
    If needed refer to figure parts with letters.
    Do not frame graphs.
    Figures in color should be sent in EPS format. For submission figures should be scanned with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, file format jpg, giff, or bmp.
    Figure legends must be written in English and Spanish
    Figure legends are included in one page after the tables if present.
    Place figures one per page at the end of the manuscript.


    Nomenclature must follow the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature 2000.
    Systematic studies must be based on specimens housed in recognized collections. Museum numbers must be provided in the manuscript.
    For the scientific names, author names with initials must be written without spaces between initials and name (e.g., I.M.Johnst).


    Protein and DNA sequences must be submitted to Genbank and their access number provided in the manuscript.


    Citations in the text must include author name and year without comma (e.g., Mayr 1999). If there are two authors use & (e.g., Vargas & Parra 2005). If there are more than three authors write only the name of the fist one followed by et al. (e.g., Vergara et al. 2006). If there are more than one paper by the same author in the same year, use letters to differentiate them (e.g., Gallardo et al. 1998a, 1998b, 1998c). Multiple cites are ordered chronologically (e.g., Vergara et al. 2006; Fernández 1992, 2005; Mayr 1999).
    Do not cite meeting abstracts.
    The bibliographic list includes only references cited in the text, alphabetically arranged according the name of the first author. Author names are written in small caps (SMALL CAPS).
    Journal names are not abbreviated.
    Use the following format:

    Journal article:
    ANGULO, A.O., LEMAIRE, C. & OLIVARES, T.S. 2004. Catálogo crítico e ilustrado de las especies de la famila Saturniidae en Chile (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). Gayana 68(1):20-42.

    DONOSO-BARRIOS, R. 1966. Reptiles de Chile. Ediciones Universidad de Chile, Santiago. 458 pp.

    Chapter in and edited book:
    DE QUEIROZ, K. 1998. The general lineage concept of species, species criteria, and the process of speciation: a conceptual unification and terminological recommendations. In: Endless Forms: Species and Speciation (Eds. Howard, D.J. & S.H. Berlocher), pp. 57-75. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

    Thesis (acceptable only if there is not alternative source):
    RODRÍGUEZ, M.A. 2001. Scriptania Hampson, 1905 y Strigania Hampson, 1905: dos géneros de hadeninos de la región neotropical (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Hadeninae). ¿Igualdad o Similitud? Tesis de Magíster. Universidad de Concepción. Concepción, Chile.

    Web Pages (acceptable only if there is not alternative source):
    SHACKLE, L. 1998. Citing Electronic Resources. Arizona State University Libraries. URL: http://www.asu.edu/lib/noble/library/cit_elec.htm Accessed: September 30, 1999.

    A PDF of the published paper will be sent to the correspondent author.

    Sending of manuscripts

    All correspondence should be addressed to:

    • Revista Gayana
      Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Oceanográficas
      Universidad de Concepción
      Casilla 160-C
      Teléfono: (56-41) 2203059
      Fax: (56-41) 2244805


    Editorial Board


    • Director of the Magazine
      Dr. Andrés O. Angulo
      Universidad de Concepción
      Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas
      Casilla 160-C
      Teléfono: (56-41) 2203059
      Fax: (56-41) 2244805

    • Deputy Director
      Dr. Ciro Oyarzún G.
      Email: coyarzun@udec.cl
    • Legal Representative
      Sr. Sergio Lavanchy M.


    Publishing production

    Editorial board

    • Enzo Acuña, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile.
    • Ariel Camousseight, Museo de Historia Natural, Chile.
    • Wolf Arntz, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar-und Meeresforschung Bremerhaven, Alemania.
    • Juan Carvajal G., Universidad de los Lagos, Chile.
    • Gabriel Claramunt, Universidad Arturo Prat, Chile.
    • Ramón Formas, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile.
    • Gonzalo Gajardo, Universidad de los Lagos, Chile.
    • Jaime E. Jiménez, Universidad de los Lagos, Chile.
    • Alberto Larraín, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
    • Pablo A. Martínez, Universidad Nacional del Mar del Plata, Argentina.
    • Roberto Meléndez, Museo de Historia Natural, Chile.
    • Julián-Monge-Nájera, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica.
    • Carlos Moreno, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile.
    • Hugo I. Moyano, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
    • Marcelo Oliva, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile.
    • Germán Pequeño, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile.
    • Linda M. Pitkin, Natural History Museum of London, Inglaterra.
    • Martín J. Ramírez, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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