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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The journal is peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Kafkas. “Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg” was first published in 1995 and Thomson Reuters has included the journal for Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®) starting from the first issue of 2007.

“Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg” publishes original (full-length) articles, short communications, preliminary scientific reports, case reports, letters to the editor, reviews and translations on all aspects of veterinary medicine and animal science (clinical and paraclinical sciences, biological and basic sciences, zoonoses and public health, animal feeding and nutritional diseases, animal breeding and genetics, hygiene and technology of food from animal sources, exotic animal science). 

The articles are published in Turkish, English or German languages

“Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg” is indexed and abstracted by Thomson Reuters Services beginning with Vol 13 (1) 2007 in Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch®) and Journal Citation Reports / Science Edition. The journal is also indexed and abstracted in CAB Abstracts and ULAKBİM-TUBITAK

For further information:
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi. 36040 Kars, Turkey
Phone: +90 474 242 68 39
Fax: +90 474 242 68 53

E-Mail: vetdergi@kafkas.edu.tr


ISSN : 1300-6045


Instructions to Authors


1- The Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Kafkas (abbreviated title: Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg), published bi-monthly, covers original papers, short communication and preliminary scientific reports, case reports, observation, letter to the editor, review and translation on all aspects of veterinary medicine and animal science (clinical and paraclinical sciences, biological and basic sciences, zoonoses and public health, animal feeding and nutritional diseases, animal breeding and genetics, hygiene and technology of food from animal sources, exotic animal science). Manuscripts submitted for publication should be written in Turkish, English or German.
2- The manuscripts submitted for publication should be prepared in the format of Times New Roman style, font size 12, A4 paper size, 1.5 line spacing and 2.5 cm margins of all edges. The legend or caption of all illustrations such as figure, table and graphic must clearly be written in both Turkish and foreign language and their appropriate position should be indicated in the text.
The manuscript and its supplementary (figure etc.) should be submitted by using online manuscript submission system at the address of http://vetdergi.kafkas.edu.tr/
During the submission, the authors should upload the figures of the manuscript (the dimensions must not to exceed 13 X 18 cm) to the online manuscript submission system. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the copyright transfer agreement form signed by all the authors should be send to the editorial office.
3- Authors should indicate the name of institute approves the necessary ethical commission report and the serial number of the approval in the material and methods section. If necessary, editorial board may also request the official document of the ethical commission report.
4- Original (full-length) manuscripts are original and proper scientific papers based on sufficient scientific investigations, observations and experiments. Manuscripts written in Turkish consist of the title in Turkish, summary and keywords in Turkish, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion and references and it should not exceed 10 pages including text, tables and illustrations. Manuscripts written in a foreign language should follow the title in foreign language, summary and keywords in foreign language, title in Turkish, summary and keywords in Turkish and the remaining sections described above for the manuscripts written in Turkish.
Summaries written in Turkish or foreign language should contain 200±20 words. Short communication manuscripts contain recent information and findings in the related topics; however, they are written with insufficient length to be a full-length original article. They should be prepared in the format of full-length original article but each of the summaries should not exceed 100 words, the reference numbers should not exceed 15 and the length of the text should be no longer than 4 pages. Additionally, they should not contain more than 4 figures or tables. Preliminary scientific reports are short description (maximum 2 pages) of partially completed original research findings at interpretable level. These should be prepared in the format of full-length original articles. Case reports describe rare significant findings encountered in the application, clinic and laboratory of related fields. The title and summary of these articles should be written in the format of full-length original articles and the remaining sections should follow introduction, case history, discussion and references without exceeding the total of 4 pages. Letters to the editor are short and picture-documented presentations of subjects with scientific or practical benefits or interesting cases without exceeding 1 page.
Reviews are original manuscripts gather the literature on current and significant subject along with the commentary and findings of the author on the particular subject. The title and summary of this manuscript should be prepared as described for the full-length original articles and the remaining sections should follow introduction, text and references without exceeding 10 page. Translations should be prepared based on the format of original document being translated. The information about author/s and institution/s should be added during the online submissoin and the main documant should be free of these information.
5- The necessary descriptive information (thesis, projects, financial supports etc) scripted as an italic font style should be explained below the manuscript title after placing a superscript mark at the end of title.
6- References should be listed with numerical order as they appear in the text and the reference number should be indicated inside the parentheses at the cited text place. References should have the order of surnames and initial letters of the authors, title of the article, title of the journal (original abbreviated title), volume and issue numbers, page numbers and the year of publication and the text formatting should be performed as shown in the example below.
Example: Gokce E, Erdogan HM: An epidemiological study on neonatal lamb health. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 15 (2): 225-236, 2009.
If the reference is a book, it should follow surnames and initial letters of the authors, title of the book, edition number, page numbers, name and location of publisher and year of publication. If a chapter in book with an editor and several authors is used, names of chapter authors, name of chapter, editors, name of book, edition number, page numbers, name and location of publisher and year of publication and the formatting should be performed as shown in the example below.
Example: Mcllwraith CW: Disease of joints, tendons, ligaments, and related structures. In, Stashak TS (Ed): Adam’s Lameness in Horses. 4th ed. 339-447, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, 1988.
In the references can be reached online only, the web address and connection date should be added at the end of the reference information. The generally accepted scientific writing instructions must be complied with the other references.
Abbreviations, such as “et al” and “and friends” should not be used in the list of the references.
7- The Latin expression such as species names of bacterium, virus, parasite and fungus and anatomical terms must be written in italic character keeping their original forms.
8- The editorial board has the right to perform necessary modifications and reduction on the manuscript submitted for publication and to express recommendations to the authors. The manuscripts sent to authors for correction should be returned to the editorial office within a month. After pre-evaluation and agreement of the submitted manuscripts by editorial board, the article can only be published after the approval of the publication advisor and two referees specialized in the particular field.
9- All responsibilities from published articles merely belong to the authors.
10- There is no copyright fee for the authors.
11- A fee is charged from the authors to cover printing cost and other expenses. This payment information can be found at
12- Reprints (in multiples of 50) of the article are sent to the authors for free.
Yearly: $40
Account: T.C. Ziraat Bank, Kars Branch, Account No: 26146825-5004
IBAN Number: PR02000100014726146825-5004

Editorial Board

Prof.Dr. Şahin ASLAN







Dr. H. Metin ERDOĞAN
Dr.Mehmet ÇİTİL
Dr. Ahmet ÜNVER
Dr.Oktay ÖZKAN
Dr.Özgür AKSOY
Dr.Erdoğan UZLU


Prof.Dr. Nurhayat GÜLMEZ
Prof.Dr. Abdullah DOĞAN
Prof.Dr. Kemal IRMAK
Prof.Dr. Sami ÖZCAN
Prof.Dr. Yavuz ÖZTÜRKLER
Dr. İsmail KAYA


Prof.Dr. Kemal AK, University of Istanbul

Prof.Dr. Belma ALABAY, University of Ankara

Prof.Dr. Mustafa ALİŞARLI, Univ. of Ondokuz Mayıs

Prof.Dr. Feray ALKAN, University of Ankara

Prof.Dr. Metin BAYRAKTAR, University of Firat

Prof.Dr. Burhan ÇETİNKAYA, University of Firat

Prof.Dr. Hüdaverdi ERER, University of Selcuk

Prof.Dr. Gül ERGÜN, University of Hacettepe

Prof.Dr. Ayhan FİLAZİ, University of Ankara

Prof.Dr. Sacit GÖRGÜL, University of Uludag

Prof.Dr. Ekrem GÜREL, Univ. of Abant Izzet Baysal

Prof.Dr. tOLGA güvenç, University of Ondokuz Mayis

Prof.Dr. Ali İŞMEN, University of Çanakkale 18 Mart

Prof.Dr. Hakkı İZGÜR, University of Ankara

Prof.Dr. Zafer KARAER, University of Ankara

Prof.Dr. Arif KURTDEDE, University of Ankara

Prof.Dr. Erdoğan KÜÇÜKÖNER, Univ. of S. Demirel

Prof.Dr. Kamil ÖCAL, University of Adnan Menderes

Prof.Dr. Metin PETEK, University of Uludag

Prof.Dr. Engin SAKARYA, University of Ankara

Prof.Dr. Berrin SALMANOĞLU, University of Ankara

Prof.Dr. Nesrin SULU, University of Ankara

Prof.Dr. Ş. Doğan TUNCER, University of Ankara

Prof.Dr. Halis YERLİKAYA, University of Firat


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