

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版频率:Continuous publication

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Basic information

The Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo (Journal of the Institute of Tropical Medicine of São Paulo) was created in 1959 by professor Luiz Rey, the editor until 1964 when he was succeeded by Prof. Carlos da Silva Lacaz. Professor Thales de Brito became the editor in September 1985, and in 1996, he was joined by professor Dr. Pedro Paulo Chieffi as an associate editor.

Published in English, the journal is devoted mainly to articles dealing with research on tropical diseases and related sciences. Published bimonthly since 1959 without interruption, the Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo is distributed to major Brazilian and international research centers and to Universities, Hospitals etc., representing one of the oldest Brazilian publications in this area.

Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. São Paulo is the abbreviated title of the journal that is to be used in references, bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical strips.


Indexed in

The Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo is abstracted or indexed in Brazil and abroad by:

  • Bibliografia Brasileira de Medicina

  • Biological Abstracts

  • Bioresearch Index

  • Excerpta Medica

  • Hepatologie

  • Index Medicus Latino-Americano

  • Tropical Diseases Bulletin

  • Academia de Ciências da URSS

  • Instituto de Informação Científica

  • Bulletin Analytique d' Entomologie Médicale et Veterinaire

  • Periódica - Índice de Revistas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias

  • Science Citation Index

  • Helminthological Abstracts Series A

  • Protozoological Abstracts

  • Contenidos Corrientes Latinoamericanos, Ciencias de la Salud

  • Review of Medical and Veterinary Mycology

  • Sumários Correntes Brasileiros.



The journal, with a printing run of 1500 issues, is published with the financial support of the following institutions:

  • Comissão de Credenciamento do Programa de Apoio às Publicações Científicas Periódicas da Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

  • Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

  • Programa de Apoio às Publicações Científicas do Ministério de Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), and Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP)

Instructions to Authors
The Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo is a journal devoted to research on the different aspects of transmissible diseases. The journal welcomes original work on all transmissible diseases.

The journal publishes original papers, short communications, preliminary and technical reports, reviews correspondence and other works by Brazilian and international investigators. It also publishes summaries of recently published books received from the authors or publishers, as well as reports of meetings.

The Editorial Board of the journal as well as Brazilian and international referees critically analyze each manuscript in a rigorous manner in order to maintain the high standards of the journal.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Papers written in English should be sent to the Editor, Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, at the address below.

Papers are accepted on the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere. Two (2) copies should be submitted to aid refereeing and these should be typed with margins, double space, on one side of paper (33 x 24 cm or 28 x 21 cm). Papers should contain the authors' names, place of work, address for correspondance, full title.

For indexing purposes, a short number of keywords should be identified. Authors should retain one copy of the text, tables and illustrations as the Editor cannot accept responsibility for damage or loss of manuscripts.


Original papers

The text should be preceeded by a short summary not exceeding 200 words, and should then proceed to sections of Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments and References. All papers should contain a summary in English and in Portuguese. Pages should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals; tables, figure legends including magnifications should be submitted on separate sheets.

Tables and figures should be referred to in the text together with an indication of their approximate position recorded in the text margin. Tables should be typed double-space, each on a separate page. They should be numbered and contain brief specific title. Drawings as well as halftones (photographs or roentgenograms) should be planned to suit the size of a single or double page column.

All figures must be submitted in duplicate, unmounted, with authors' names, figure number and top marked in light pencil on back. Diagrams and line drawings must be supplied as originals or glossy prints.

Colour photographs will be allowed only in special circumstances and the authors will be asked to contribute towards the cost of reproduction.

The list of references, including only those actually mentioned in the text or tables, should be in alphabetical order and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Citation in the text is by these numbers, and only exceptionally by name and year. Listing should be as follows:

Articles from journals
Last names and initials of all authors, full title, journal title, volume number, first and last page numbers and year.

Last names and initials of all authors or editors, full title, place of publication, publisher and year. Chapter and cited pages.

When several papers published in the same year by the same author or group of authors are cited, they should be distinguished by adding a, b, c.


Short communications, Preliminary and technical reports, and Correspondence

Those contributions are reserved for reporting new observations of critical importance. They should not exceed 2 or 3 printed pages including illustrations and references. Preliminary reports will be published in the next issue going to press, after acceptation by referees.


Review articles

Review articles by investigators who have made substantial contributions to a specific area of transmissible diseases will be published by invitation of the Editorial Board.

However, a review article may be submitted to the Editor, and if it is judged appropriate after peer revision it will be published.

A review article should be presented in the same format as an original paper, except that it would not have to be divided into sections such as introduction, material and methods, results and discussion. It should, however, contain abstracts both in English and Portuguese.

Review articles, short communications, preliminary and technical reports, and correspondence published in a recent issue of the journal should be used as models for formatting.

Editorial Board


  • Editor-in-chief
    Thales F. de Brito
  • Associate editor
    Pedro Paulo Chieffi
    Marcello Fabiano de Franco
  • Editors emeritus
    Luis Rey (founding editor)
    Carlos da Silva Lacaz


Editorial board

  • Alan L. de Melo (Belo Horizonte)
  • Alberto Duarte (São Paulo)
  • Angela Restrepo M. (Medellin, Colomobia)
  • Anna Sara S. Levin (São Paulo)
  • Antonio A. Barone (São Paulo)
  • Antonio Carlos Nicodemo (São Paulo)
  • Antonio Sesso (São Paulo)
  • Antonio W. Ferreira (São Paulo)
  • Barnett L. Cline (New Orleans, USA)
  • Carlos F. S. Amaral (Belo Horizonte)
  • Celso Granato (São Paulo)
  • Cesar A. Cuba (Brasília)
  • César Naquira V. (Lima, Peru)
  • Claudio S. Ferreira (São Paulo)
  • Claudio S. Pannuti (São Paulo)
  • Dahir R. Andrade (São Paulo)
  • Dalton L. F. Alves (Belo Horizonte)
  • Eridan Coutinho (Recife)
  • Ernesto Hofer (Rio de Janeiro)
  • Eufrosina S. Umezawa (São Paulo)
  • Fan Hui Wen (São Paulo)
  • Fernando A. Corrêa (São Paulo)
  • Fernando Montero-Gei (San José, Costa Rica)
  • Flair J. Carrilho (São Paulo)
  • Gil Bernard (São Paulo)
  • Gioconda San-Blas (Caracas, Venezuela)
  • Govinda Visvesvara (Atlanta, USA)
  • Heitor F. Andrade Jr. (São Paulo)
  • Henrique L. Lenzi (Rio de Janeiro)
  • Hiro Goto (São Paulo)
  • Ises A. Abrahamsohn (São Paulo)
  • João Carlos Pinto Dias (Belo Horizonte)
  • José Eduardo Levi (São Paulo)
  • José M. R. Zeitune (Campinas)
  • Julia Maria Costa-Cruz (Uberlândia)
  • Julio Litvoc (São Paulo)
  • Luis F. Salles Gomes (São Paulo)
  • Luiz Caetano da Silva (São Paulo)
  • Luiz Carlos Severo (Porto Alegre)
  • Luiz Jacintho da Silva (Campinas)
  • Luiz T. M. Figueiredo (Ribeirão Preto)
  • Lygia B. Iversson (São Paulo)
  • Marcello F. de Franco (São Paulo)
  • Marcos A. Rossi (Ribeirão Preto)
  • Marcos Boulos (São Paulo)
  • M. A. Shikanai-Yasuda (São Paulo)
  • Maria I. S. Duarte (São Paulo)
  • Maria L. Higuchi (São Paulo)
  • Mario E. Camargo (São Paulo)
  • Mario Mariano (São Paulo)
  • Mirian N. Sotto (São Paulo)
  • Moisés Goldbaum (São Paulo)
  • Moysés Mincis (São Paulo)
  • Moysés Sadigursky (Salvador)
  • Myrthes T. Barros (São Paulo)
  • Nilma Cintra Leal (Recife)
  • Paulo C. Cotrim (São Paulo)
  • Paulo M. Z. Coelho (Belo Horizonte)
  • Pedro Morera (San José, Costa Rica)
  • Pedro P. Chieffi (São Paulo)
  • Regina Abdulkader (São Paulo)
  • Ricardo Negroni (Buenos Ayres, Argentina)
  • Robert H. Gilman (Baltimore, USA)
  • Roberto Martinez (Ribeirão Preto)
  • Silvino A. Carvalho (São Paulo)
  • Semíramis Guimarães F. Viana (Botucatu)
  • Silvio Alencar Marques (Botucatu)
  • Sumie Hoshino-Shimizu (São Paulo)
  • Thelma S. Okay (São Paulo)
  • Tsutomi Takeuchi (Tokyo, Japan)
  • Venâncio A. F. Alves (São Paulo)
  • Vicente Amato Neto (São Paulo)
  • Zilton A. Andrade (Salvador)


Executive board

  • Librarians
    Maria do Carmo Berthe Rosa
    Sonia Pedrozo Gomes
    Maria Ãngela de Castro Fígaro Pinca


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