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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Cadernos de Saúde Pública

Basic information

Cadernos deblica (CSP) publishes original articles of superior scientific merit that contribute to the study of public health in general and related disciplines.

Cadernos deblica has been published since 1985 by the Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (ENSP-FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The journal was published quarterly from 1985 (vol. 1) to 2000 (vol. 16) and bimonthly from 2001 (vol. 17) to 2005 (vol. 21). Cadernos has been published monthly since 2006.

The abbreviated title is Cblica, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references, citations, and bibliographic legends.

Indexing sources

The articles published in the journal are abstracted or indexed by:

  • ISI Web of Knowledgeo

    o Science Citation Index Expanded
    o Social Sciences Citation Index

  • Index Medicus - MEDLINE
  • Scopus
  • Sociological Abstracts
  • Social Planning/Policy & Development
  • Protozoological Abstracts
  • Helminthological Abstracts
  • Rural Development Abstracts
  • Review of Medical and Veterinary Mycology
  • Veterinary Bulletin
  • Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Cincias da Sade (LILACS)
  • CAB Abstracts
  • Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews-Series A: Human and Experimental
  • Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases
  • Tropical Diseases Bulletin
  • Red Panamericana de Informacin y Documentacin en Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ciencias del Ambiente (REPIDISCA)

Instructions to Authors

Scope and policy

Cadernos deºblica (CSP) publishes original articles of superior scientific merit that contribute to the study of public health in general and related disciplines.

Manuscripts' form and presentation

We recommend that authors read the following instructions carefully before submitting their manuscripts to Cadernos deblica.

1. CSP accepts articles for the following sections:

1.1 Literature reviews - critical reviews of the literature on themes pertaining to public health (maximum 8,000 words and 5 figures);
1.2 Articles - results of empirical, experimental, or conceptual research (maximum 6,000 words and 5 figures);
1.3 Notes - advance notes reporting on partial or preliminary research results (maximum 1,700 words and 3 figures);
1.4 Book reviews - critical reviews of books related to the thematic scope of CSP, published in the previous two years (maximum 1,200 words);
1.5 Letters - critiques of articles published in previous issues of CSP (maximum 1,200 words and 1 figure);
1.6 Debate - theoretical articles accompanied by critical letters signed by authors from other institutions and invited by the Editor, followed by a reply from the author of the main article (maximum 6,000 words and 5 figures);
1.7 Forum - section that publishes sets of 2 to 3 interrelated articles by different authors, on a theme of current interest (maximum 12,000 words for the combined articles). Authors interested in submitting work to this section should consult the CSP Editorial Board.

2. Presentation of manuscripts

2.1CSP only considers publishing original, previously unpublished manuscripts that are not being reviewed simultaneously for publication by any other journal. Authors must state these conditions in the submission process. In case previous publication or simultaneous submission to another journal is identified, the article will be rejected. Duplicate submission of a scientific manuscript constitutes a serious breach of ethics by the author(s).
2.2 Submissions are accepted in Portuguese, Spanish, or English.
2.3 Footnotes and attachments will not be accepted.
2.4 The word count includes the body of the text and references as specified in item 12.13.

3. Publication of clinical trials

3.1 Manuscripts presenting partial or complete results of clinical trials must include the number and name of the agency or organization where the clinical trial is registered.
3.2 This requirement complies with recommendations by BIREME/PAHO/WHO on the Registration of Clinical Trials to be published based on the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, and the ICTPR Workshop.
3.3 Agencies and organizations that register clinical trials according to ICMJE criteria include:

a) Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR)
b) ClinicalTrials.gov
c) International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN)
d) Nederlands Trial Register (NTR)
e) UMIN Clinical Trials Registry (UMIN-CTR)
f) WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP)

4. Funding sources

4.1 Authors must disclose all sources of institutional or private funding or support for conducting the study.
4.2 Suppliers of free or discount materials or equipment should be disclosed as funding sources, including the origin (city, state, and country).
4.3 If the study has been performed without institutional and/or private funding, the authors should state that the research did not receive any funding.

5. Conflicts of interests

5.1 Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, including political and/or financial interests associated with patents or property and manufacturer's supply of materials and/or inputs and equipment used in the study.

6. Authors

6.1 The various authors' individual contributions to the elaboration of the article should be specified.
6.2 We emphasize that the authorship criteria should be based on the uniform requirements of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, which establish the following: recognition of authorship should be based on substantial contributions to the following: 1. conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2. drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; 3. final approval of the version to be published. Authors should meet all three conditions.

7. Acknowledgements

7.1 otential acknowledgements include institutions that in some way allowed or facilitated the research and/or persons that collaborated with the study but fail to meet the authorship criteria.

8. References

8.1 References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they first appear in the text. They should be identified by superscript Arabic numerals (e.g.: Silva1). References cited only in tables and figures should be numbered starting after the last reference cited in the text. Cited references should be listed at the end of article, in numerical order, following the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/citingmedicine/).
8.2 All references should be presented in correct and complete form. The veracity of the information contained in the list of references is the responsibility of the author(s).
8.3 In case any reference management software like EndNote is used, the author(s) should convert the references to text.

9. Nomenclature

9.1 The manuscript should comply with the rules of zoological and botanical nomenclature, as well as with the abbreviations and conventions adopted in the specialized fields.

10. Ethics in research involving human subjects

10.1 The publication of articles with results of research involving human subjects is conditioned on compliance with the ethical principles contained in the Helsinki Declaration (1964, revised in 1975, 1983, 1989, 1996, and 2000), of the World Medical Association.
10.2 In addition, the research must comply with the specific legislation (when existing) of the country in which the research was performed.
10.3 Articles that present the results of research involving human subjects must contain a clear statement of this compliance (this statement should be the last paragraph of the manuscript's Methodology section).
10.4 After the manuscript is accepted for publication, all the authors must sign a specific form, to be provided by the Editorial Secretariat of CSP, stating their full compliance with the ethical principles and specific legislations.
10.5 The Editorial Board of CSP reserves the right to request additional information on the ethical principles adopted in the research.

11. On-line submission process

11.1 Articles should be submitted electronically through the System for Article Review and Management (SAGAS), available at: http://www.ensp.fiocruz.br/csp/.
No other forms of submission will be accepted. The following are complete instructions for submission. In case of doubt, kindly contact the SAGAS support system at the following e-mail: csp-artigos@ensp.fiocruz.br.
11.2 The author should begin by entering SAGAS at http://www.ensp.fiocruz.br/csp/. Next, key in the user name and password to go to the restricted article management area. New users of SAGAS should register through the "Register" link on the homepage. In case you have forgotten your password, request that it be sent automatically as follows: "Forget your password? Click here."
11.3 For new users of SAGAS. After clicking on "Register", you will be directed to the SAGAS registry. Key in your name, address, e-mail, telephone, and institution.

12. Sending the article

12.1 On-line submission is done in the restricted article management area http://www.ensp.fiocruz.br/csp/. The author should access "Author Central" and select the link "Submit a new article".
12.2 The first stage in the submission process consists of checking the CSP Instructions to Authors.
The manuscript will only be considered by the CSP Editorial Secretariat if it meets all the uniform requirements for publication.
12.3 During the second stage, all data referring to the article will be keyed in: title, running title, field, key words, disclosure of funding and conflicts of interest, abstract in the original language and English, and acknowledgements when necessary. If they wish, authors may suggest potential consultants (name, e-mail, and institution) whom they consider capable of reviewing the manuscript.
12.4 The complete title (in the original language and English) should be concise and informative, with a maximum of 150 characters with spaces.
12.5 The running title (in the original language) may contain a maximum of 70 characters with spaces.
12.6 The key words (minimum of 3, maximum of 5, in the article's original language) should appear in the Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde/Virtual Health Library (BVS), available at: http://decs.bvs.br/.
12.7 Abstract. With the exception of contributions submitted to the Book Review or Letters sections, all articles submitted in Portuguese or Spanish should include an abstract in the original language and in English. Articles submitted in English should include an abstract in Portuguese or Spanish, in addition to the abstract in English. The abstract should have a maximum of 1,100 characters with spaces.
12.8 Acknowledgements. The acknowledgements of institutions and/or individuals may contain a maximum of 500 characters with spaces.
12.9 The third stage includes the full name(s) of the article's author(s) and respective institutions(s), with the complete address, telephone, and e-mail, as well as a specification of each author's contribution. The author that registers the article will automatically be included as an author. The order of the authors' names should be the same as in the publication.
12.10 The fourth stage is the file transfer with the body of the text and references.
12.11 The file containing the manuscript text should be formatted in DOC (Microsoft Word), RTF (Rich Text Format), or ODT (Open Document Text), and may not exceed 1 MB.
12.12 The text should be formatted with 1.5cm spacing, font Times New Roman, size 12.
12.13 The text file should contain only the body of the article and the bibliographic references. The following items should be inserted in separate fields during the submission process: abstract in the original language and English; name(s) of the author(s), plus institutional affiliation or any other information that identifies the author(s); acknowledgments and contributions; illustrations (photographs, flowcharts, maps, graphs, and tables).
12.14 The fifth stage includes transferring the files with the article's illustrations (photographs, flowcharts, maps, graphs, and tables), when necessary. Each illustration should be sent in a separate file, clicking on "Transfer"
12.15 Illustrations. Illustrations should be kept to a minimum, allowing a maximum of five (photographs, flowcharts, maps, graphs, and tables).
12.16 Authors will cover the costs of illustrations beyond the maximum number of five, as well as any extra costs for publishing color figures.
12.17 Authors should obtain written authorization from any respective copyright holders to reproduce previously published illustrations.
12.18 Tables. Tables may be 17cm wide, considering a size 9 font. They should be submitted in text file: DOC (Microsoft Word), RTF (Rich Text Format), or ODT (Open Document Text). Tables should be numbered (Arabic numerals) according to the order in which they appear in the text.
12.19 Figures. The following types of figures will be allowed by CSP: Maps, Graphs, Satellite Images, Photographs, Flow Diagrams, and Flowcharts.
12.20 Maps should be submitted in vector format, and the following types of files are allowed: WMF (Windows MetaFile), EPS (Encapsuled PostScript), or SVG (Scalable Vectorial Graphics). Note: maps originally generated in raster or image format and later exported to vector format will not be accepted.
12.21 Graphs should be submitted in vector format and will be allowed in the following types of files: XLS (Microsoft Excel), ODS (Open Document Spreadsheet), WMF (Windows MetaFile), EPS (Encapsuled PostScript), or SVG (Scalable Vectorial Graphics).
12.22 Satellite images and photographs should be submitted in the following types of files: TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) or BMP (Bitmap). Minimum resolution should be 300dpi (dots per inch), with a minimum width of 17.5cm.
12.23 Flow diagrams and flowcharts should be submitted in text file or in vector format and will be allowed in the following types of files: DOC (Microsoft Word), RTF (Rich Text Format), ODT (Open Document Text), WMF (Windows MetaFile), EPS (Encapsuled PostScript), or SVG (Scalable Vectorial Graphics).
12.24 Figures should be numbered (Arabic numerals) according to the order in which they appear in the text.
12.25 Titles and legends of figures should be presented in a text file separate from the figure files.
12.26 Vector format. A vector drawing is generated based on geometric descriptions of shapes and normally consists of curves, ellipses, polygons, text, and other elements, i.e., using mathematical vectors for its description.
12.27 Completion of Submission. Upon completing the entire file transfer process, click on "Complete Submission"
12.28 Confirmation of Submission. After completing the submission, the author will receive an e-mail message confirming receipt of the article by CSP. In case you do not receive the e-mail confirmation within 24 hours, contact the CSP Editorial Secretariat by e-mail: csp-artigos@ensp.fiocruz.br.

13. Monitoring the article review process

13.1 Authors can monitor the article's editorial flow through the SAGAS system. Decisions on the article will be communicated by e-mail and made available in the SAGAS system.
13.2 Contacts with the CSP Editorial Secretariat should be via the SAGAS system.

14. Sending new versions of articles

14.1 New versions of the article may be submitted by using the restricted article management area in the SAGAS system, accessing the article and clicking on the "Submit New Version".

15. Electronic page proof

15.1 Following acceptance of the article, an electronic page proof will be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail. Adobe Reader is needed to view the proof. This software can be downloaded free of cost from: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.
15.2 The revised proof and properly signed declarations should be sent to the CSP Editorial Secretariat by e-mail (cadernos@ensp.fiocruz.br) or fax +55(21)2598-2514 within 72 hours after receipt by the corresponding author.

Editorial Board


  • Carlos E. A. Coimbra Jr.
  • Mario Vianna Vettore
  • Associate editors

  • Luiz Antonio B. Camacho
  • Lus David Castiel
  • Evandro da Silva Freire Coutinho
  • Suely F. Deslandes
  • Mark Drew Crosland Guimarães
  • Gilberto Kac
  • Ronir Raggio Luiz
  • Samuel Jorge Moyses
  • Maria Teresa Anselmo Olinto
  • Michael Reichenheim
  • Iná S. Santos
  • Ant´nio Augusto Moura da Silva
  • Reinaldo Souza-Santos
  • Claudia Travassos
  • Lígia Maria Vieira da Silva
  • Guilherme Loureiro Werneck
  • Review editor

    Francisco I. Bastos

    Book review editor

    Martha Cristina Nunes Moreira

    Assistant editors

  • Leandro Carvalho
  • Marcia Pietrukowicz
  • Carolina Ribeiro
  • Executive secretary

    Carla Alves


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