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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Started in 1960 by Eugenia Montanaro Gallitelli, the "Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana" is the official journal of the Italian Palaeontological Society.


It is an international peer-reviewed journal, publishing original papers on all aspect of the palaeontology. It is printed mainly in English and it is widely distributed in scientific institutions and libraries throughout the world. Occasionally, contributions in Italian are accepted.


Three parts are published each year, and are distributed free of charge to all members of the Society. Some thematic issues are related with meetings and symposia sponsored by the Society. 


The Editorial Staff is costituted by experts of any branch of palaeontology, and cooperate with an international Board of Consulting Editors. 


Contributors should submit manuscrips prepared according to the "Notes to Authors". Manuscript shoud be send to the Secretary Editor of the Bollettino della S.P.I. - Dipartimento del Museo di Paleobiologia e dell'Orto Botanico - via Università 4 - I-41100 Modena, Italy (redbollspi@unimo.it)

Instructions to Authors

Presentation - The “Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana” (BoSPI) is a peer-reviewed journal which accepts original articles concerning all aspects of Palaeontology. Considering the international nature of the BoSPI, it is recommended that the submitted papers be in English. Papers in Italian may be accepted only if the topic treated is of local interest.

The rules here illustrated should be strictly adhered to by all Authors. The non-observance of these norms will considerably lengthen publication time. After peer-review, all suggested changes should be carried out by the corresponding Author (see the “Organization of the Paper” chapter), who will receive the paper for corrections.


General rules - Manuscripts submitted for publication must be presented only in digital form. Those printed on paper may be authorized only in exceptional cases, and in any case will considerably lengthen publication time.

Papers must be written with a text editor and saved as .doc or .rtf, with double spacing and margins of at least 2 cm on each side. The text must be followed by an explanation of tables and by figures or tables to be inserted in the text. On no account must plates, tables and/or captions be directly inserted in the text. All pages (including table, figure and plate captions) must be numbered progressively.

If the manuscript is in Italian, captions should be presented in a bilingual Italian/English version.


Organization of the paper - On the first page of the paper there must be:

a) the title, as short and exhaustive as possible; it should contain references to the taxonomic group, age and geographical area investigated;

b) an abbreviated title (not more than 60 characters, including spaces);

c) the complete names (without abbreviations) of all the authors of the article; the Author to whom the Editors will refer all correspondence must be indicated; if this author is not indicated explicitly, the first author of the list will be considered as corresponding author;

d) The complete postal addresses of all authors, followed by their e-mail addresses;

e) a list of key words; as a rule, no more than 6;

f) an English abstract, reporting the results of the work concisely, without bibliographic citations, including all new, systematic or stratigraphic names in the article;

g) an Italian abstract, in accordance with the same rules given in paragraph f), markedly more extensive than the English abstract (of which it should not be a mere translation), preceded by the translation into Italian of the title; should the article be in Italian, the English abstract, preceded by the English title, will be more extensive than the Italian abstract.

The text must be clearly organized in chapters preceded by a title (e.g., Introduction, Materials and Methods, Systematics, etc.). Footnotes are to be avoided at all costs. All abbreviations used in the text must be clearly explained the first time they appear.

Systematics - The BoSPI does not usually publish descriptions of known species. Synonymy must be reduced to the essential and organized as in the following examples:


Conus antidiluvianus Bruguière, 1792


1792 Conus antidiluvianus Bruguière, p. 637.
1997 Conus antidiluvianus Bruguière - Davoli, p. 75, Pl. 3, figs. 1-5 (cum syn.).


Miscellanea miscella (d’Archiac & Haime, 1853)


1853 Nummulites miscella d’Archiac & Haime, p. 345, Pl. 35, figs. 4a-c.
1916 Siderolites miscella (d’Archiac & Haime) - Douvillé, p. 38, Pl. 15.
Citations in synonymy must appear in the bibliography. The names of genera and species are to be written in italics in the text. Suprageneric taxa must be written in small capitals.


Stratigraphy - Geochronological, chronostratigraphic and biostratigraphic terms must be written with an initial capital letter only when they indicate formally defined units (e.g. Upper Cretaceous, Middle Eocene, Lower Ordovician) but with a small letter when referring to informal units (e.g. lower Tertiary, late Miocene, basal Triassic). If biozone names are formalised they are written with a capital initial letter (e.g. Zone with Polygnathoides siluricus, Zone with G. margaritae).


Bibliography and quotations in the text - All publications referred to in the text must be included in the Bibliography.
The Bibliography must be written according to the rules and the style of the BoSPI, with authors in alphabetical order with year of publication. Each author’s surname must be followed by the initial of his/her name; when there are double initials, no spaces are to be left between them. The article’s title must be followed by the name of the journal, written in full in italics , and the numbers of the first and last pages of the said article. Do not indicate numbers of plates, tables and figures.

Article on review:
Owens R.M. (2004). Late Ordovician and early Silurian Proetida (Trilobita) from north-western and central Europe. Palaeontology, 47 (3): 557-578.
Pittau P., Cotza F. & Del Rio M. (2003). Early Silurian siliceous sponge spicule assemblages from the Sardinia Hercynian Chain (Italy). Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 42 (3): 225-239.
Serra-Kiel J., Hottinger L., Caus E., Drobne K., Ferràndez C., Jauhri A.K., Less G., Pavlovec R., Pignatti J., Samsó J.M., Schaub H., Sirel E., Strougo A., Tambareau Y., Tosquella J. & Zakrevskaya E. (1998). Larger foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Tethyan Paleocene and Eocene. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 169 (2): 281-299.

Chapter of volume:
Serpagli E. & Ferretti A. (1999). L’Europa durante il Paleozoico. In Pinna G. (ed.), Alle radici della Storia Naturale d’Europa - Seicento milioni di anni attraverso i grandi giacimenti paleontologici, Jaca Book: 17-20.

Article in volume:
Aiello G. & Szczechura J. (2004). Middle Miocene ostracods of the Fore-Carpathian Depression (Central Paratethys, southwestern Poland). In Gliozzi E. & Russo A. (eds), Proceedings of the 1st Meeting of the Italian Ostracodologists “In memory of Giuliano Ruggieri” Rimini, February 12-14, 2003. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 43 (1-2): 11-70.

Volume (complete):
Reading H.G., ed. (1986). Sedimentary Environments and Facies. 615 pp. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
Martin R.E. (1999). Taphonomy - A Process Approach. Cambridge Paleobiology Series, 4. 508 pp. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

References cited in the text must indicate the name of the author (or authors), followed by a comma, by the year of publication and, when necessary, by the page referred to (e.g. Stanley, 1979, p. 169). In the quotations, as in the Bibliography, the last author’s name is preceded by an &. In the text only (not in the Bibliography), works with more than two authors are quoted with the name of the first author followed by et al. (not in italics).
Examples of quotations in the text:
(James & Wind, 1965)
(Steiner et al., 1993)
Gooday (1994) considered …
… elaborated by Berggren et al. (1995) …
Works cited in the Bibliography must include all authors’ surnames and name initials.


Pictures - Figures, plates and tables in the text must be provided as images in shades of grey in .tif, .bmp or high resolution .jpg format (at least 400 dpi to print size). The corresponding author will be charged for the cost of printing any colour pictures. The illustrations must be of excellent quality. In all kinds of illustrations, no large empty spaces must be left, so as to use the space available as economically as possible.
All images must be provided with the exact size for printing: plates must be 171 x 245 mm, whilst figures and tables in the text can be 81 mm wide (single column) or 171 mm (double column).

Figures in the text are to be quoted as Fig. or Figs., plates and figures in plates as Pl. (Pls.) and Pl., fig. (Pls., figs.), tables as Tab. (Tabs.).

In all plates, single photograms are indicated with arabic numbers (1, 2, 3 .... ), whilst in the figures in the text, any details must be indicated using small letters (a, b, c, .... ).
In all illustrations, tables or figures, captions must be written uniformly as follows:
for Pls. and Figs. - Font Arial, point 12, bold;
for minor captions - Font Arial, point 9, bold.

Any corrections necessary due to disregard for the above rules must be made directly by the corresponding author.

Captions of plates, figures and tables must be reported in a section apart from the text, after the Bibliography. The approximate position of each illustration may be indicated in the margin of the text.


Proofs - The corresponding author will receive a single copy of the proof as a .pdf file, to be returned after correction to the Editors within three days. Any delay in returning the corrections may mean that the article will be printed only with the editor’s notes. It is advisable to check whether:
a) illustrations and tables are in the right order and with relative captions;
b) enlargements indicated in the captions correspond to the real reduction of the figures;
c) bibliographic references to texts and works in print are up to date;
Paper proofs will be authorised only in exceptional cases and this may cause printing to be delayed until the next issue.


Print expenses and offprints - No publication fee is required from the authors for articles up to a length of 10 printed pages. For works of more than 10 pages, the S.P.I. (Italian Palaeontological Society) requires the authors to make a fixed contribution (which may change from year to year). For this year the contributions are as follows:
11 to 20 pages, 100,00 euros.
21 to 30 pages, 300,00 euros.
31 to 40 pages, 450,00 euros.

For articles of more than 40 printed pages, the contribution must be agreed upon with the editors. The inability to meet these fees will not influence the decision to publish an article: authors which do not have funds to cover publication fees may be eligible for a complete or partial fee waiver. For all articles published the SPI provides a high definition .pdf file. If at least one of the authors is a member of the S.P.I., 50 coverless offprints will be given free of charge. For further offprints or covers the corresponding author must contact the printing house directly, which will supply offprints at cost price with no profit. Requests for offprints should be made by the corresponding author when the corrected proofs are returned.

Submitting manuscripts - Manuscripts must be sent to the Editorial Board of the Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, to the following e-mail address:

In manuscripts submitted for publication, all illustrations are to be sent as low resolution or as highly compressed .jpg files to facilitate sending by e-mail to the peer-reviewers. When submitting the final accepted article, high-resolution versions of the illustrations as described in the above instructions, are to be sent via e-mail or on CD-ROM, DVD or other electronic media.

The text file must be named using the name of the corresponding author. Similarly, the illustration files must contain the name (even abbreviated) of the corresponding author followed by the number of figures/plates/tables (e.g. OwensFig1.jpg; OwensPl1.tif, etc.).
The return address for paper proofs is:

Segretario di Redazione del Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana

c/o Dipartimento del Museo di Paleobiologia e dell’Orto Botanico
Via Università 4 - 41100 Modena - Italy.

Editorial Board



Prof. Enrico Serpagli




Prof. Annalisa Ferretti, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, largo S. Eufemia 19, 41100 Modena. E-mail: ferretti@unimore.it


Prof. Carlo Corradini, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Cagliari, via Trentino 51, 09127 Cagliari. E-mail: corradin@unica.it


Assistant Editors


Dr Alessandro Ceregato, Istituto di Scienze Marine - ISMAR CNR, Via Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna. E-mail: alessandro.ceregato@ bo.ismar.cnr.it


Dr Edoardo Martinetto, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Torino, Via Valperga Caluso 35, 10125 Torino. E-mail: edoardo.martinetto@unito.it


Dr Maria Rose Petrizzo, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Milano, Via Mangiagalli 34, 20133 Milano. E-mail: mrose.petrizzo@unimi.it


Dr Fabio Massimo Petti, Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, Via Calepina 14, 38122 Trento. E-mail: fabio.petti@mtsn.tn.it


Prof. Johannes S. Pignatti, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università "La Sapienza", P.le Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma. E-mail: johannes.pignatti@uniroma1.it


Dr Raffaele Sardella, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università "La Sapienza", P.le Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma. E-mail: raffaele.sardella@uniroma1.it


Newsletter Editor


Prof. Carlo Corradini, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Cagliari, via Trentino 51, 09127 Cagliari. E-mail: paleoitalia@unimore.it


Papers should be electronically submitted to the following address: redbollspi@unimore.it In case of large plates or tables not suitable for electronic format, please contact the Editor-in-Chief.


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