

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

SAINS MALAYSIANA is published six times a year (February, April, June, August, October and December) beginning 2009. It contains articles on Earth Sciences, Health Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematical Sciences and Physical Sciences. Articles are published in Malay or English.

The primary purpose of this journal is to act as a channel for the publication of research work undertaken at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia as well as other institutions

SAINS MALAYSIANA is indexed and abstracted in ISI Thomson Reuters (Science Citation Index Expanded/SciSearch®, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition), SCOPUS, Chemical Abstracts, Google Scholar, MyAIS, Zentralblatt MATH and Zoological Records.



Faculty of Science and Technology

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor D.E. MALAYSIA

Tel: 603-89215423, Fax: 603-89256086

E-mail: jsm@ukm.my

Instructions to Authors

Sains Malaysiana is a refereed journal committed to the advancement of scholarly knowledge and research findings of the several branches of science and technology. The journal publishes articles, reviews, and research notes whose content and approach are of interest to a wide range of scholars.

Sains Malaysiana is published by an autonomous Editorial Board drawn from the Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia . In addition, distinguished scholars from local and foreign universities are appointed to serve as advisory board members and referees.


The Journal publishes manuscripts written in the Malay and English language.  Manuscript submitted to the journal for publication should be original contribution and must not have been previously published or is under consideration simultaneously by any other publication.

Two copies of the manuscript, typed with double spacing on A4 paper not exceeding 15 pages, should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief, Sains Malaysiana, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

An author(s) whose manuscript has been accepted for publication will be required to send a hard copy as well as the electronic file of the final edited version of the manuscript. While a manuscript is under consideration, be sure to inform the editor of any change in address.


The title of a manuscript should be concise, descriptive and preferably not exceeding 15 words. The manuscript must include an abstract, describing its main points within 150 - 250 words in the Malay and English language. For authors who are unable to provide the Malay version of the abstract, the editor will provide assistance.

In general, the contents should comprise of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References.   The manuscript should be supplied with 3-5 keywords.

All illustrations including figures, charts and graphs, must be labelled and supplied on pages separate from the text. The desired placement in the text should be clearly indicated. These illustrations should be referred to and numbered serial, as figures. All illustrations should be clearly drawn in permanent ink or photographed in sharp black and white and reproduced in the form of high - contrast glossy prints or digital images and provided in camera ready form.

References in the text should be denoted by giving the name(s) of the author(s).  All alphabetically ordered references list should be included at the end of the manuscript.  All references cited in the text must appear in the reference list. Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all information in the reference. Manuscripts must conform to the references in Penerbit UKM style or the Chicago Manual of Style ( University of Chicago Press ). The references style adopted should be consistent throughout the manuscript.


It is the author's responsibility to ensure that his or her submitted work does not infringe any existing copyright. Authors should obtain permission to reproduce or adapt copyrighted material and provide evidence of approval upon submitting the final version of a manuscript.


Manuscripts will be reviewed by the Editorial Board and at least one independent referee. Decisions regarding the publication of a manuscript will be based on the Board's recommendations. The manuscript will be evaluated based on its appropriateness for Sains Malaysiana, contribution to the discipline, cogency of analysis, conceptual breadth, clarity of presentation and technical adequacy.  Manuscripts submitted by members of the journal's Editorial Board are subjected to the same review procedure.


One set of proofs will be sent to the author(s) to be checked for printer's errors and it is the responsibility of the author(s) to submit corrections to the Editorial Board. Each author will be provided with 20 free off-prints of the article after publication and one complimentary copy of the journal in which the manuscript appears. Please indicate the address of the author(s)  (including phone numbers, fax numbers and/or e-mail addresses) to who correspondence may be sent.

Editorial Board


      R. Abd-Shukor

  *       Editors

  Bioscience and Biotechnology

Halimah Abdullah Sani


Musa Ahmad

Engineering Geology

Abdul Ghani Rafek

Environmental Science and Natural Resources

Choong Chee Yen/Mohd Talib Latif  

Food Science and Nutrition

Suriah Abdul Rahman


Hamzah Mohamed    

Health Sciences

Suzana Shahar 

Materials Science

Abdul Razak Daud  


Mohd Salmi Md Noorani  


Supian Samat 



Zaidi Isa


*      International Advisory Board


Abdul Latiff Mohamad

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia

Environmental Chemistry and Chemical Education

J.O. Hill

La Trobe University, Australia

Environmental Science

P. Brimblecombe

University of East Anglia, UK

T. Kunz

Boston University, USA

Food Science

S. Hill

The University of Nottingham, UK

Materials Chemistry

M. Oyama

Kyoto University , Japan


I. Pop

University of Cluj, Romania

Molecular Biology

Farid Khan

The University of Manchester, UK


A. H. Beddoe

University of Birmingham, UK



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