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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Journal of Iberian Geology will acknowledge for publication of original papers dealing with different aspects of Earth Sciences, mainly concerned with Geology of the Iberian Peninsula and surrounding areas. The Journal also accepts collections of selected original papers that will be published as edited monographic volumes. Potential editors of monographic volumes should contact with the editors-in-chief for further information before preparing any documentation.
Instructions to Authors

Journal of Iberian Geology will acknowledge for publication of original papers dealing with different aspects of Earth Sciences, mainly concerned with Geology of the Iberian Peninsula and surrounding areas. The Journal also accepts collections of selected original papers that will be published as edited monographic volumes. Potential editors of monographic volumes should contact the editors-in-chief for further information before preparing any documentation.



Journal of Iberian Geology publishes papers in English, although works in Spanish, French and Portuguese may be exceptionally accepted. Despite the language of the manuscript, the title, the abstract and the figure captions must be included in a second language, which must be Spanish for papers in English, and English for the rest. Authors whose native language is not any of these are recommended to seek the advice of a colleague who has that language as his mother-tongue before submitting their manuscript. If necessary, the Editorial Board may help, under request, English-speaking authors in preparing their title, abstract, and captions in Spanish.


Preparation of the text

a) The manuscript should be prepared on a word processor and printed with double spacing and wide margins.

b) All the text, including title, authors names, abstract, key words, main text, tables, references and figure captions should be typewritten in lower case of a Times-type font. Italic and bold style fonts should be used according to the layout norms described below. Never use CAPITALS nor SMALL CAPS.

c) Arial or Helvetic fonts are recommended for figures.

d) Authors should use IUGS terminology. The use of S.I. units is also recommended.


Title and authors

a) Title in Spanish and English.

b) The title page should include the name(s) of the author(s), and their affiliations and e-mail addresses. Use lower case for name of the author(s): R. Zabaleta1, J. Smith1, H. Pino-Alvárez2. Use numbers to refer the affiliation if authors have different ones.



a) In Spanish and English

b) It should be brief and informative, preferably of not more than 300 words.



a) Authors should provide 4 to 6 keywords in both Spanish and English. These should be placed beneath the corresponding abstract.

b) Use the following layout: Keywords: Foraminifera, Iberian Ranges, Triassic, Spain.


Main text

a) Authors may organize the text in their own way (but remembering that usual standard organizations include: introduction, methods, techniques, studied material, results, discussion and conclusions).

b) Layout of the heading of the different sections should be as follows:

Level 1 (main sections): Use bold and a number (e.g., 1. Introduction)

Level 2: Use italic with a number (e.g., 1.2. Geology)

Level 3: Use only italics (e.g., Facies and environments)

c) References in the main text and figure captions should be given according to the following examples:

-Single author papers: Torneiro (1999) or (Torneiro, 1999)

-Papers of two authors: Smith and Rey (2000) or (Smith and Rey, 2000)

-Papers of three or more authors: Day et al. (1987) or (Day et al., 1987)

-Multiple references: (Gala et al., 1999; Allen et al., 1989; Pina, 1988; 1989)

-Do not use the ampersand ��?amp;��?

d) The word “figure��?should not be shortened to Fig. in the text except if it is in parentheses.



References cited in the text should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper, as in the following examples: journal papers (1), monographs (2), papers in edited volumes (3), conference proceedings papers (4), and maps (5).

(1) Meléndez, G., Bello, J., Delvene, G., Pérez-Urresti, I. (1997): El Jurásico Medio y Superior (Calloviense-Kimmeridgiense en el sector de la Llanura de Arcos (Ariño-Oliete, Teruel): Análisis tafonómico y bioestratigrafía. Cuadernos de Geología Ibérica, 23: 269-300.

(2) Allen, P. A., Allen, J. R. (1990): Basin analysis, principles and applications. Blackwell, Oxford: 425 p.

(3) Bott, M. H. P. (1995): Mechanism of rifting: Geodynamic modeling of continental rift systems. In: K. H. Olsen (ed.), Continental rifts: evolution, structure and tectonics. Development in Geotectonics 25, Elsevier, Amsterdam: 27-43.

(4) Barron, E., Goy, A. (1994a): Caracterización palinológica del tránsito Triásico/ Jurásico en la región de Sigüenza. Resúmenes III Coloquio de Estratigrafía del Pérmico y Triásico de España, Cuenca: p. 13.

(5) Martínez del Olmo, W, Colodrón, I., Nuñez, A. (1977): Hoja geológica num. 846 (Castalla). Mapa Geológico de España E. 1:50.000. Segunda serie, I.G.M.E., Madrid.



a) Tables should be compiled on separate sheets and should be numbered according to their sequence in the text.

b) Authors should take note of the limitations set by the size and layout of the journal. A table should not exceed the printed area of the page.

c) Column headings in tables should be brief, with units of measurements in parentheses.

d) Tables should be numbered according to their sequence in the text. The text must include references to all tables.

e) Each table must have a brief and self-explanatory title (In English and Spanish).



a) Drawings, photographs and plates are classified as figures and should be numbered consecutively. They must be designed with the page format of the journal in mind. They should fit in the page dimensions and should be sent in the desired final size. The editorial board can not always guarantee that the suggested size will be the final one.

b) Lettering must be drafted sharply and neatly. The same type of lettering should be used throughout. Arial- or Helvetica-type fonts are recommended.

c) Graphic scales must be used rather than magnification factors to allow for possible reduction.

d) All maps must have north and latitude and longitude indicated.

e) Journal of Iberian Geology admits colour illustrations, but these will be accepted only when absolutely necessary. Please, contact the editors in case you want to include colour figures.

f) Each illustration must have a brief, informative, caption. Prepare all the figure captions (in both English and Spanish) in a separate sheet. The layout of the captions is as in the following example: Fig. 2.- The chronostratigraphic....

g) The approximate position of each illustration should be indicated in the margin of the main text.

h) Figures must be referred to in all cases, even in papers with a single figure.


Submission of manuscript

a) A printed copy of the manuscript should be sent to Journal of Iberian Geology, Dpto. Estratigrafía, Facultad CC. Geológicas, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid (Spain). This copy should be acompained by CD with the electronic files of text, tables and figures. This CD should be readable by a PC (i.e., DOS formatted).

b) If the work is a contribution to a monographic volume, the manuscript and all the correspondence should be addressed to the guest editors.

c) Submission of an article is understood to imply that the article is original and unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

d) Submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two independent referees.

e) Authors should submit the final, accepted text and figures in separate files via e-mail (cuadernos@geo.ucm.es) or in a CD. Also essential is to include a RTF (rich text format) version of the text and tables and a TIFF version of figures and photographs. JPG, EPS, and PDF files are also acceptable for figures.

f) PDF-proofs of each paper will be sent by e-mail to the first author. Corrections should be restricted to typesetting errors. Any queries should be answered in full. Authors are urged to check their proofs carefully before return, since the inclusion of late corrections cannot be guaranteed.

Editorial Board


José López-Gómez

Javier Martín-Chivelet



Rosario Ojeda


Editorial board

Alfredo Arche (CSIC, Madrid, Spain)

Poppe de Boer (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)

Juan C. Braga (Univ. de Granada, Spain)

José Pedro Calvo (IGME, Madrid, Spain)

César Casquet (Univ. Complutense, Madrid, Spain)

Ferrán Colombo (Univ. de Barcelona, Spain)

Cristino J. Dabrio (Univ. Complutense, Madrid, Spain)

Graham Evans (Univ. Southampton, UK)

Sixto Fernández López (Univ. Complutense, Madrid, Spain)

Kai-Uwe Gräfe (University Bremen, Germany)

Joan Guimerà (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)

Stuart Jones (Durham University, UK)

Kyger C Lohmann (University of Michigan, USA)

Spencer G. Lucas (New Mexico Museum Natural History

 and Science, USA)

Jerónimo López-Martínez (Univ. Autónoma, Madrid, Spain)

Bernard Mamet (Univ. de Bruxelles, Belgium)

Mariano Marzo (Univ. de Barcelona, Spain)

Tom McCann (Universität Bonn, Germany)

Ramón Mas (Univ. Complutense, Madrid, Spain)

Jean Pierre Masse (CNRS, Marsella, France)

Anne Mather (Univ. of Plymouth, Devon, UK)

Alfonso Meléndez (Univ. de Zaragoza, Spain)

Guillermo Meléndez (Univ. de Zaragoza, Spain)

Pedro A. Ruiz Ortiz (Univ. de Jaén, Spain)

Ricardo M. Palma (Univ. de Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Magdalena Rodas (Univ. Complutense, Madrid, Spain)

Peter W. Skelton (Open University, Milton Keynes, UK)

Alfonso Sopeña (CSIC, Madrid, Spain)

Juan Antonio Vera (Univ. de Granada, Spain)

Jaume Vergés (CSIC, Barcelona, Spain)

Federico Vilas (Univ. de Vigo, Spain)

Lorenzo Vilas (Univ. Complutense, Madrid, Spain)

César Viseras (Univ. de Granada, Spain)


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