

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
BRODOGRADNJA publishes scientific and professioinal papers, current topics, reviews, news and other interesting sub jects in the field of naval architecture, shipbuilding, marine engineering and supporting industry. Contributions are written either in Croatian or English. The aim of the journal is to inform mutually the Croatian and the world public about modern achievements in science, designing, construction, technology, organisation, economy, as well as about new products (newbuildings, patents, etc.) in Croatia and world-wide. The quality of the journal as a whole, especially of its scien- tific section, and the reviewing of scicntific papers is supervised by the International Scientific Advisory Board.

Scientific areas:   Naval architecture;

Instructions to Authors




Brodogradnja publishes in the printed and electronic form scientifi c and professional papers, current issues, reviews, news and other topics of interest in shipbuilding, marine engineering and related fi elds. The journal is divided into the following sections: a) CURRENT TOPICS AND NEWS, b) SCIENCE (REFEREED, CATEGORISED SCIENTIFIC and PROFESSIONAL PAPERS), c) REVIEWS, and d) MOSAIC.

Categorisation of articles. Articles in section b) are categorised in accordance with the UNESCO classifi cation (PGI – 83/WS/10, Paris 1983) into the following categories: original scientifi c paper, preliminary communication, review paper, professional paper, conference paper. The author of the article suggests the respective category, and the fi nal decision concerning the category is made by the editor-in-chief based on the reviewers’ evaluation.

Responsibility of the author. The author is fully responsible for the contents of the article and for the use of earlier published information. The manuscript accepted for publication in Brodogradnja should not be offered or published elsewhere. Also, its publication should be approved by co-authors (if any) and authorities of the institution in which the paper has originated. The editors may, in agreement and co-operation with the author, make or require modifi cations of the original material upon the recommendations made by the reviewers, or to make it conform to the professional, linguistic and technical standards of the journal. The articles published in Brodogradnja journal and its electronic version can be without a special permission used for personal or educational purpose, however, the rights of authors and publisher have to be respected. The users of these articles are obliged to provide in their works bibliographic data on the material quoted or referred to in accordance with the printed edition of the journal. Scientifi c review process. Manuscripts intended for publication in section b) will undergo an international scientifi c review process (typically two reviewers). Editors have authority to decide on the exceptions.

Editing and linguistic revision. Each manuscript is subject to terminological, metrological and linguistic revision.

Filing. Reviewed papers and correspondence in connection with them will be fi led in the editorial offi ce for fi ve years from the date of publication. Manuscripts and other original materials cannot be returned to authors.




General. The authors intending to publish a contribution in Brodogradnja are advised to consult recent issues of the journal for style, and to follow the examples belonging to the respective section to which they would like to contribute.

Language. The fi rst language of Brodogradnja is Croatian, and the second language is English. Authors may submit manuscripts written in one or in both languages. Journal editors decide whether the manuscript will be published bilingually or in only one of the languages. In the latter case, it is desirable to have a condensed version of the manuscript written in the other language. Manuscripts intended for publication in section b) undergo an international scientifi c review process and should be therefore written in English. Journal editors in consultation with authors and reviewers decide on the exceptions. Mosaic section d) is written exclusively in Croatian.

Length. The length of contributions for section b): up to 25 pages (1 page = 1800 characters with spaces) and for other sections: up to 18 pages, including tables, fi gures, and formulas.

Units of measure. The use of International Metric System (SI) units is obligatory.

Symbols and physical magnitudes. Each symbol or abbreviation should be explained in the text at its fi rst occurrence, or it may be advisable to compile a list or a table of all symbols and abbreviations together with their explanations. All mathematical symbols and symbols of physical quantities contained either in equations, formulas, diagrams, or text itself should be written in italics of the Latin or Greek alphabet.

Format. The completed manuscript should include the following four parts: the main text, abstracts with key words, tables and fi gures, information about author (authors). Each part should be electronically recorded into a separate fi le. No special formatting of the manuscript is necessary. The fi nal form of the manuscript is defi ned during technical editing of the journal.

Manuscript submission. The manuscript is submitted to the Editorial Offi ce either by e-mail sent to \n brodogradnja@hrbi.hr This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or as electronic record on CD. At a specifi c request of the Editorial Board, or in specifi c circumstances, a hard copy of the manuscript is submitted to the Editorial Office.

The main text. The main text of the manuscript should be prepared in the electronic form as a Word document (A4 format, standard margins, one column, double spacing, preferable font Times New Roman, 12 p). The position of fi gures and tables should be indicated in such way that the respective number and caption of the fi gure or table is written at the proper place in the text.

Tables and figures. Figures and tables enclosed with the manuscript should be properly numbered and should bear fi gure captions and table titles both in English and Croatian, irrespective of the language of the manuscript. Images should be prepared as EPS, JPEG or TIFF fi les (colour images with a resolution of 240–300 dpi, and black and white images with a resolution of 150 dpi). Photographs should be sharp and of good contrast.

Abstract and keywords. Articles published in section b) should be supplied with an abstract written in Croatian and English (up to 250 words), and a list of suggested keywords (up to fi ve words given alphabetically).

Citing References. papers published in conference proceedings, books, offi cial reports, unnamed manuals and rules, and sources from electronic serial publications. References should be cited in sequential order in the text and identifi ed by full-size Arabic numerals on the line and in parentheses, e.g. [1]. At the end of the article a list of references should be supplied in the order of citation in the text.

Information about author (authors). The following information should be provided: fi rst and last name of each author, highest academic degrees, institutional affi liation for each author, address for correspondence with the author, e-mail, and phone and fax numbers. All correspondence is usually done with the first author.

Editorial Board


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