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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Scope: The Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (J-STSP) solicits special issues on topics that cover the entire scope of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, as outlined in the SPS Constitution, Article II:

"The Signal Processing Society's Field of Interest shall be the theory and application of filtering, coding, transmitting, estimating, detecting, analyzing, recognizing, synthesizing, recording, and reproducing signals by digital or analog devices or techniques. The term 'signal' includes audio, video, speech, image, communication, geophysical, sonar, radar, medical, musical, and other signals."

J-STSP only publishes papers that are submitted in response to a specific Call-for-Papers. These calls are listed on the J-STSP website, and instructions for submitting papers to a particular special issue can be found on the Information for Authors webpage. The procedure for preparing and submitting a proposal for a special issue can be found on the Submitting a Proposal webpage. All special issue proposals are evaluated by our Senior Editorial Board for relevance, timeliness, technical merit, impact, and general interest to the Society.

Instructions to Authors

Information for Authors

There are several key differences between J-STSP and other IEEE Signal Processing publications that authors should be aware of:

  • J-STSP only accepts manuscript submissions for special issues that are currently open (see the J-STSP home page for a list of such issues). Papers that are not relevant to an open special issue should be submitted to one of the other IEEE Signal Processing Society publications.
  • There are fairly strict page limits for each J-STSP issue. If a particular issue attracts a very large number of submissions, authors may be asked to reduce the length of their manuscripts after the review process in order to accommodate all accepted papers.
  • An individual may not appear as first author on more than one submission to a special issue, nor as a co-author on more than two submissions. A GE can appear as an author or co-author on no more than one submission.

Manuscript Submission

New and revised manuscripts should be prepared following the "New Manuscript Submission" guidelines below, and submitted to the online manuscript system Manuscript Central. After acceptance, finalized manuscripts should be prepared following the "Final Manuscript Submission Guidelines" below. Do not send original submissions or revisions directly to the Editor-in-Chief or the Guest Editors; they will access your manuscript electronically via the Manuscript Central system.

Please follow the steps below:

  1. Account in Manuscript Central: If necessary, create an account in the on-line manuscript system Manuscript Central. Please check first if you already have an existing account which is based on your e-mail address and may have been created for you when you reviewed or authored a previous paper.
  2. Electronic manuscript: Prepare a PDF file containing your manuscript in double-spaced format (one full blank line between lines of type) using a font size of 11 points or larger, having a margin of at least 1 inch on all sides. There is no specific page limit, but as mentioned above, the length of the final manuscript may need to be adjusted in order to meet the page limits of the special issue. Note that currently there are no page charges for papers published in J-STSP. Upload your manuscript as a PDF file "manuscript.pdf" to the Manuscript Central web site, then proofread your submission, confirming that all figures and equations are visible in your document before pressing the button. Proofreading is critical; once you press the button, your manuscript cannot be changed in any way. You may also submit your manuscript as a PostScript or MS Word file. The system has the capability of converting your files to PDF, however it is your responsibility to confirm that the conversion is correct and there are no font or graphics issues prior to completing the submission process.
  3. Additional material for review: Please upload pdf versions of all items in the reference list which are not publicly available, such as unpublished (submitted) papers. Other materials for review such as supplementary tables and figures, audio fragments and quicktime movies may be uploaded as well. Reviewers will be able to view these files only if they have the appropriate software on their computers. Use short filenames without spaces or special characters. When the upload of each file is completed, you will be asked to provide a description of that file.
  4. Double-column version of manuscript: You are required to also submit a roughly formatted version of the manuscript in single-spaced, double column IEEE format with 10-point fonts using the IEEE style files (it is allowed to let long equations stick out). This version will serve as a confirmation of the approximate publication length of the manuscript at submission. Upload this version of the manuscript as a PDF file "double.pdf" to the Manuscript Central web site.
  5. Submission: After uploading all files and proofreading them, submit your manuscript by pressing the button. A confirmation of the successful submission will open on screen containing the manuscript tracking number and will be followed with an e-mail confirmation to the corresponding and all contributing authors. Once you press the button, your manuscript cannot be changed in any way.
  6. Copyright form: By policy, IEEE owns the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes on behalf of the interests of the IEEE, its authors, and their employers; and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others. To comply with United States copyright law, authors are required to sign and submit a completed "IEEE Copyright Form" with their original submission (and again with the finalized manuscript prior to publication). The form is available online. Print the form, complete it and send it by fax to the IEEE Signal Processing Society Publications Office at +1 732 562 8905. Please note that your manuscript will not be processed for review if a properly executed copyright form is not received by the publications office. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the immediate rejection of the manuscript.

Overview Articles

Overview articles are intended to be of solid technical depth and lasting value and should provide advanced readers with a thorough overview of various fields of interest. Overview articles are technically more thorough than tutorials, which are intended for readers with little background in a given field and are usually published in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. Overview articles are expected to be longer than regular manuscripts; their length is allowed to be as much as double the length of regular submissions. In order to limit interference with the publication of regular manuscripts in the Transactions, the publication of overview articles is limited to at most one article per quarter or four per year in each Transactions. All overview articles will be subjected to that same rigorous review process as all other submissions. The overview article submission process shall be managed by the Overview Editorial Board.
Overview articles will be published in the following Transactions:

  • IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing
  • IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
  • IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
  • IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

Author Misconduct

Author Misconduct Policy: Plagiarism includes copying someone else's work without appropriate credit, using someone else's work without clear delineation of citation, and the uncited reuse of an author’s previously published work that also involves other authors. Plagiarism is unacceptable.

Self-plagiarism involves the verbatim copying or reuse of an author’s own prior work without appropriate citation; it is also unacceptable. Self-plagiarism includes duplicate submission of a single journal manuscript to two different journals, and submission of two different journal manuscripts which overlap substantially in language or technical contribution.

Authors may only submit original work that has not appeared elsewhere in a journal publication, nor is under review for another journal publication. Limited overlap with prior journal publications with a common author is allowed only if it is necessary for the readability of the paper. If authors have used their own previously published work as a basis for a new submission, they are required to cite the previous work and very briefly indicate how the new submission offers substantively novel contributions beyond those of the previously published work.

It is acceptable for conference papers to be used as the basis for a more fully developed journal submission. Still, authors are required to cite related prior work; the papers cannot be identical; and the journal publication must include novel aspects.

Author Misconduct Procedures: The procedures that will be used by the Signal Processing Society in the investigation of author misconduct allegations are described in the IEEE SPS Policies and Procedures Manual.

Author Misconduct Sanctions: The IEEE Signal Processing Society will apply the following sanctions in any case of plagiarism, or in cases of self-plagiarism that involve an overlap of more than 25% with another journal manuscript:

  1. immediate rejection of the manuscript in question;
  2. immediate withdrawal of all other submitted manuscripts by any of the authors, submitted to any of the Society's publications (journals, conferences, workshops), except for manuscripts that also involve innocent co-authors;
  3. prohibition against each of the authors for any new submissions, either individually, in combination with the authors of the plagiarizing manuscript, or in combination with new co-authors, to all of the Society's publications (journals, conferences, workshops). The prohibition shall continue for one year from notice of suspension.

Further, plagiarism and self-plagiarism may also be actionable by the IEEE under the rules of Member Conduct.

Submission Format

Authors are strongly encouraged to prepare manuscripts employing the on-line style files developed by IEEE. All manuscripts accepted for publication will require the authors to make final submission employing these style files (see below). LaTeX and MS Word style files are available on the IEEE Author Digital Toolbox page.

Authors using LaTeX: A double-spaced document is generated by including documentclass[11pt,draftcls,onecolumn] (IEEEtran) as the first line of the manuscript source file.

  • Title page and abstract: The first page of the manuscript shall contain the title, names and contact information for all authors (full mailing address, institutional affiliations, phone, fax, and e-mail), the abstract, and the EDICS. An asterisk * should be placed next to the name of the Corresponding Author who will serve as the main point of contact for the manuscript during the review and publication processes.
  • An abstract should have not more than 250 words, and should indicate the scope of the paper and summarize the authors conclusions. This will make the abstract, by itself, a useful tool for information retrieval.
  • Illustrations and tables: Each figure and table should have a caption that is intelligible without requiring reference to the text. Illustrations/tables may be worked into the text of a newly-submitted manuscript, or placed at the end of the manuscript. (However, for the final submission, illustrations/tables must be submitted separately and not interwoven with the text.)

    Illustrations in color may be used but, unless the final publishing will be in color, the author is responsible that the corresponding grayscale figure is understandable.

    In preparing your illustrations, note that in the printing process, most illustrations are reduced to single-column width to conserve space. This may result in as much as a 4:1 reduction from the original. Therefore, make sure that all words are in a type size that will reduce to a minimum of 9 points or 3/16 inch high in the printed version. Only the major grid lines on graphs should be indicated.

  • Abbreviations: This Transactions follows the practices of the IEEE on units and abbreviations, as outlined in the Institute's published standards.
  • Mathematics: All mathematical expressions must be legible. Do not give derivations that are easily found in the literature; merely cite the reference.

Final Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Upon formal acceptance of a manuscript for publication, instructions for providing the final materials required for publication will be sent to the Corresponding Author. Finalized manuscripts should be prepared in LaTeX or MS Word, and are required to use the style files established by IEEE. Instructions for preparing files for electronic submission.

  • Files must be self-contained; that is, there can be no pointers to your system setup.
  • Include a header to identify the name of the Transactions, the name of the author, and the software used to format the manuscript.
  • Do not import graphics files into the text file of your finalized manuscript (although this is acceptable for your initial submission). If submitting on disk, use a separate disk for graphics files.
  • Do not create special macros.
  • Do not send PostScript files of the text.
  • File names should be lower case.
  • Graphics files should be separate from the text, and not contain the caption text, but include callouts like "(a)", "(b)".
  • Graphics file names should be lower case and named fig1.eps, fig2.tif, etc.

Supported graphics types are EPS, PS, TIFF, or graphics created using Word, Powerpoint, Excel or PDF. Not acceptable is GIF, JPEG, WMF, PNG, BMP or any other format (JPEG is accepted for author photographs only). The provided resolution needs to be at least 600 dpi (400 dpi for color).

Please indicate explicitly if certain illustrations should be printed in color; note that this will be at the expense of the author. Without other indications, color graphics will appear in color in the online version, but will be converted to grayscale in the print version.

Additional instructions for preparing, verifying the quality, and submitting graphics.

Editorial Board

Vikram Krishnamurthy

Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6T 1Z4
P: +1 604 822 2653 - E: vikramk@ece.ubc.ca

Name Affiliation Term End Date
Tulay Adali University of Maryland 31 December 2012 >> More
Alan Bovik University of Texas at Austin 31 December 2010 >> More
Fred Juang Georgia Institute of Technology 31 December 2011 >> More
Aggelos Katsaggelos Northwestern University 31 December 2012 >> More
Alex ChiChung Kot Nanyang Technological University 31 December 2012 >> More
Jeff Krolik Duke University 31 December 2011 >> More
K. J. Ray Liu University of Maryland 31 December 2012 >> More
David Malah Technion-Israel Inst of Technology 31 December 2012 >> More
V. John Mathews University of Utah 31 December 2010 >> More
Hagit Messer-Yaron Tel-Aviv University 31 December 2010 >> More
Anathram Swami Army Research Laboratory 31 December 2011 >> More
Mats Viberg Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne 31 December 2010 >> More
Abdelhak Zoubir Darmstadt University of Technology 31 December 2011 >> More

Editorial Board


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