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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


From 2005 (with Volume 6) Chemistry Education Research and Practice is published by The Royal Society of Chemistry (merging with University Chemistry Education)


The journals, University Chemistry Education, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, and Chemistry Education Research and Practice, published by the University of Ioannina, have merged with effect from 1 January 2005. The new, electronic-only journal is published by the Royal Society of Chemistry under the title: Chemistry Education Research and Practice, and, as both its predecessors, is accessible free of charge online. It provides full text articles in both HTML and PDF four times a year. The new URL is: [http://www.rsc.org/cerp].


Norman Reid (Glasgow, UK) chairs the Editorial Board

Georgios Tsaparlis (Ioannina, Greece) and Stephen Breuer (Lancaster, UK) are the joint editors.


The new journal aims to maintain the high standards set by its predecessors. Its editorial policy is the following:


research, and reviews of research in chemical education;

effective practice in the teaching of chemistry;

in depth analyses of issues of direct relevance to chemical education.


Contributions can take the form of full papers, preliminary communications, perspectives on methodological and other issues of research and/or practice, reviews, letters relating to articles published and other issues, and brief reports on new and original approaches to the teaching of a specific topic or concept.


The new journal welcomes contributions of the type described above. Manuscripts should be sent, in electronic form only, to cerp@rsc.org. For more information about the journal, the editorial policy, and guidelines to authors, see the homepage of the new website.


The present URL for CERP (http://www.uoi.gr/cerp) will remain active but including only Volumes 1-5 of CERP. There will also be a link to previous CERP from the new URL.

Instructions to Authors

N.B. All those interested, please read carefully. In practice, most authors do not conform to guidelines; this causes extra work and delay. In particular, PAY ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING:



No publication fee will be imposed for Volume 4.

Articles must be original or review papers that:

a) Report science/chemistry education research results.
b) Review science/chemistry education research.
c) Report good practice of chemistry education, especially science-education-research informed practice. To this end, the paper must include references to science-education literature that supports the practice of chemistry education.

Language can be English or French.

Potential authors of CERP are advised to contact by e-mail the Editor, Georgios Tsaparlis, about the suitability for CERP of their work: gtseper@cc.uoi.gr. Further, they can submit by e-mail their manuscript, as attached word file, so that the Editor and Associate Editors judge the suitability of the manuscript. If the manuscript is suitable, the corresponding author will be notified accordingly, and will be asked to send by e-mail (attached word file) or by standard mail (print copies) the required copies (including copies for anonymous review).



Include an abstract of no more than 200 words, plus a list of keywords.

Submit by mail (or by E-MAIL only if you have been notified so) four (4) paper copies of the manuscript, 1.5-lines-spaced, printed on BOTH FACES of A4 paper to the following address: Georgios Tsaparlis (for CERP); Department of Chemistry, University of Ioannina, GR-451 10 Ioannina, Greece.

Please, fill-in and send together with the manuscript the SUBMISSION FORM which you will find at the end of this document, or directly using the relevant button on the left-hand column of first page of CERP. Pay attention to classify your manuscript into one of the following categories: (CHEMISTRY/SCIENCE EDUCATION) RESEARCH REPORT - RESEARCH COMMUNICATION (short report of preliminary or unpublished or work due to be published in extended form elsewhere) - REVIEW OF RESEARCH - SHORT REVIEW OF RESEARCH - PAPER or NOTE (short paper) or REPORT ON THE PRACTICE OF CHEMISTRY EDUCATION.

When copies will be received, the manuscript will be put to the standard review process. Note that, because potential reviewers must first be contacted and agree to act as reviewers, it may take some time before the review process starts. The corresponding author will be kept informed about the process.


Authors of original manuscripts who would like their work to be considered for publication in CERP, are invited to submit their manuscripts as follows:


Papers must be original. They should not have been published or being currently under consideration for publication elsewhere, and must be concerned with research in science and chemistry education or the classroom practice of chemical education. In the case of papers on the practice of chemistry education, priority will be given to papers that are science-education-research informed, that is, they are based on the findings of science and chemistry education research, as can be judged from references to related bibliography.


Language of the manuscripts must be either English or French. An abstract and a list of key words in English is required in all cases (plus an abstract and key words in French if the language of the paper is French). Texts should be written in readable language, without grammatical and spelling errors that may inhibit comprehension. In the case of English, British or American spelling may be used, but consistently. If necessary, please consult a person with good command of the language. This is a very important issue, because manuscripts written by non-native speakers are often poor as far as language is concerned. Note that we do not demand a perfect use of the language, but expect contributions to be in a form that can be understood and easily be corrected/improved by reviewers.


N.B. Manuscripts that do not have a clear educational content, lack in originality, have a poor presentation and/or methodology, and/or are difficult to comprehend because of poor language will NOT be put to the review process. It is recommended that potential authors (especially if in doubt) consult the Editor about suitability of their manuscripts, before submitting them.


CERP is not a profit-making publication. All cost so far is covered by the revenues of the 5th ECRICE. There will be NO PUBLICATION FEE for all new submissions for Volumes 4 and 5.


Please see published papers in CERP for the format and style of the text, the figures and tables, and in particular the references. Manuscripts that deviate from these guidelines, format and style, will be put in the review process, but authors will be notified to conform to the guidelines and resubmit their manuscripts after acceptance or on submission of a revised manuscript.

Submit by mail (or by E-MAIL only if you have been notified so) four (4) paper copies of the manuscript 1.5-spaced printed on both faces of A4 paper, to the following address:


Georgios Tsaparlis (for CERP);
Department of Chemistry, University of Ioannina, GR-451 10 Ioannina, Greece.


Page size: Standard A4, with both faces printed.

Margins: All 2.54 cm, justified.

Font: Times New Roman, size 12 (except the title: size 13, the abstract, key words, acknowledgments and address for correspondence, plus figures and tables: size 11).

Line spacing: 1,5 throughout.

The abstract should not exceed 200 words.




To maintain high standards of published work, as well as to ensure an objective evaluation of the manuscripts, all submissions (apart from manuscripts of papers presented in ECRICE Conferences) are reviewed anonymously. Authors then are requested not to mention in three (3) copies of the manuscripts their names and if necessary or desired the place and country of origin. Self-references should be made as follows: Author (a) has found that / It has been reported that (Author, b). In the references for journal articles, only the name of the journal may be mentioned (but not year, volume or title of article). The names of the conferences should not be given. For books, only the publisher must be mentioned.


Author (a). Paper in Science Education or paper in international journal.
Author (b). Paper presented in International Conference.
Author (c). Book. Wiley.
Author (d). Chapter in book with collected papers. Wiley.
In the same spirit, references to national publications (journals or books) should be made as follows: Article not in English or (e.g.) in Greek; Book not in English or (e.g.) in Spanish); Paper presented in Conference not in English or (e.g.) in Italian.


N.B. One copy of the manuscript must be complete with authors' names and full references.


The review process takes usually about two months, but considerable delays can be caused by not submitting the required number of copies and the signed submission form. In case a manuscript is rejected, authors are requested to avoid disputing reviewers' and/or the editor's judgments. Reviewers and the editor are not infallible. It is then recognised that the authors might be partially or entirely right and that the review process might be unjust to their work, but this is how things have to work. They can submit their work elsewhere: if their work is worth publishing it will eventually be accepted. Meanwhile, they would have gained the benefit of receiving useful feedback about their work.


On acceptance of a manuscript, authors will be requested to submit their final text (in the format of CERP, with figures and tables inserted in proper places within the text) in electronic form as attached file to gtseper@cc.uoi.gr. Please DO NOT USE ANY OR USE AS FEW AS POSSIBLE SPECIAL FORMATTING PROCEDURES IN PREPARING ELECTRONICALLY THE MANUSCRIPT.



Editorial Board




Georgios Tsaparlis, University of Ioannina, Greece

Associate Editors:

Norman Reid, University of Glasgow, UK
Keith S. Taber, University of Cambridge, UK

European Consultant Editors:

Peter E. Childs, University of Limerick, Ireland
Onno de Jong, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Michael Gagan, Open University, UK
Alex H. Johnstone, University of Glasgow, UK
Richard Kempa, University of Keele, UK
Hans-Juergen Schmidt, University of Dortmund, Germany
Uri Zoller, Haifa University-Oranim, Israel

International Consultant Editors:

George M. Bodner, Purdue University, USA
Mansoor Niaz, Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela
David F. Treagust, Curtin University of Technology, Australia

Editorial Board

Majia Ahtee, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
Alberto Bargellini, University of Pisa, Italy
Rinaldo Cervellati, University of Bologna, Italy
Hana Ctrnactova, Charles University, Czech Republic
Yehudit J. Dori, Technion, Israel
Carlos Furio, University of Valencia, Spain
Alfred R. Garafalo, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, USA
Alan Goodwin, The Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Richard M. Janiuk, Maria Curie-Sklodowska, University, Poland
Philip Johnson, University of Durham, UK
Padeleimon Karafiloglou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Panos Kokkotas, University of Athens, Greece
Dusan Krnel, Universiy of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Claudine Larcher, Institute National de Recherche Pedagogique, France
Maria Elisa Maia, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Paolo Mirone, University of Modena, Italy
Anastasios Mikropoulos, University of Ioannina, Greece   

George Papageorgiou, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
M. Arminda Pedrosa, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Bernd Ralle, University of Dortmund, Germany
William R. Robinson, Purdue University, USA
Michael Sigalas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Michael Skoullos, University of Athens, Greece
Nicolas Spyrellis, Technical University of Athens, Greece
Heleni Stavridou, University of Thessaly, Greece
Laszlo Szepes, Etvos University, Hungary
Charis R. Theocharis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Zoltan Toth, Lajos Kossuth University, Hungary
Cryssa Tzougraki, University of Athens, Greece
Jan H. Van Driel, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Nicos Valanides, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Paul Yates, Keele University, UK


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