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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Russian Chemical Reviews is a cover-to-cover translation of the monthly review journal Uspekhi Khimii, one of the leading Russian scientific journals in chemistry, founded in 1932. It provides easy access to the achievements of chemists from Russia and the other countries of the former Soviet Union. Written by authorities in their individual fields, the reviews are specially translated for Russian Chemical Reviews, edited to the highest possible standard, and published as soon as possible after the Russian-language original. Translation into English started with Russian Volume 29, 1960. From 1960 until 1992, the journal was published by the British Library. From the beginning of 1993, Russian Chemical Reviews is being published jointly by the Russian Academy of Sciences and Turpion Ltd, London, UK


Reviews cover most aspects of modern chemistry, including:

  • The Structure of Molecules and Quantum Chemistry
  • Coordination Chemistry
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Chemical Physics
  • Physical Chemistry, including Catalysis
  • Organic and Organometallic Chemistry
  • Chemistry of Macromolecules
  • Biochemistry and Bioorganic Chemistry
  • Materials Chemistry


Essential reading for all who value high-quality reviews of current chemical research:

  • Students, postgraduate students,
  • Teachers and chemical researchers.

Indexed in:

  • Chemical Abstracts,
  • Science Citation Index,
  • Current Contents.
Facts & Features:

  • Each issue is about 100 pages in length and contains 4 or 5 specially commissioned review articles.
  • The highest ISI impact factor of 1.813 among all Russian academic journals (ISI Journal Citation Report, 2007).
  • Refereed by leading experts.
  • High-quality translation of the Russian originals.
  • The journal participates in the reference-linking service CrossRef, so live linkes from a reference to the cited article will be provided starting with the 2001 volume.
  • Abstracts, Author Index, and Content Finder are available via Internet: http://www.turpion.org/journal/rc
  • Current Online Archive (1996-2009) is available free with 'Print + Online' and 'Online Only' journal subscriptions. Simultaneous access by authorised users at the subscribing institution identified via IP addresses is allowed (see our site licence at http://www.turpion.org/licen.html).
  • The journal participates in the Historic Digital Archive (1960-1995), for detail see:
  • Subscribers to Russian Chemical Reviews can add the archive for journal (1960-1995) for only $150 (plus VAT) per uear. Your can place the prder through your usual Subscription Agent.
  • The journal is covered by the major abstracting and indexing services, including the ISI Science Citation Index, Chemistry Citation Index and Current Contents, Chemical Abstracts.
  • Free email alerting service is available at http://www.turpion.org/main/toc_notif.phtml
  • We provide a Web-based usage data report directly to library administrators.

Instructions to Authors
"Uspekhi Khimii" (Russian Chemical Reviews) is a monthly edition of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The journal publishes reviews on topical problems of chemistry and related branches of science containing critical analysis of literature data published over the last 10-15 years. Preference will be given to analytical reviews in which the authors express their own opinion on the discussed subject and also to those devoted to new promising fields of research and likely to promote additional studies. The journal does not publish reviews based entirely on the authors' own work. The authors' results should be considered on equal footing with contributions made to the subject by other researchers. "Uspekhi Khimii" (Russian Chemical Reviews) also does not publish strictly specialised articles.

The authors of published reviews receive honorarium.

The authors are expected to prepare the manuscripts according to the rules outlined below.

I. General Features

The text of a review should start from the title of the review, names and initials of the authors, the full name of the scientific institution, its full address including the post index and the fax number (when the authors work at different institutions, the names and addresses for all of them should be given). Then a brief abstract and the contents must be presented. The scope of the subject area and the time period should be clearly defined in the Introduction.
For the electronic version of the journal and for the British referee, the authors should also submit an extended abstract. This should be contained in a separate file.

II. Requirements to the drawing up of manuscripts

All manuscripts must be submitted to the editorial office on white paper in duplicate and as a computer file on a diskette. It is also possible to send files by electronic mail (E-mail: ukh@ioc.ac.ru).
The main recommendations on how to prepare the computer version of the paper are given in the Appendix.

The review should be concisely written and thoroughly edited. The same information should not be repeated in the text, in the tables and in the figures. All the pages of the manuscript including tables, references and figure captions should be numbered.

1. Manuscripts

Manuscripts should be typed at double spaces on paper of the A4 format. A page should contain no more than 30 lines 60-65 characters each.

Physical parameters are expressed in SI units. The integral and fractional parts of decimals are separated by a point and not by a comma. Complex units of measure are expressed as products, e.g. mol litre-1, J K-1 mol-1, etc.

Full names of chemical compounds should conform to the IUPAC rules. Chemical compounds and terms in the manuscript (but not in the abstract) can be designated by generally accepted abbreviations: alkyl - Alk, aryl - Ar, hetaryl - Het, halogen - Hal, methyl - Me, ethyl - Et, propyl - Pr, isopropyl - Pri, butyl - Bu, tert-butyl - But, amino acids - Gly, Ala, Val, etc. Standard physicochemical methods of analysis and related terms are denoted by generally accepted abbreviations: DTA for differential thermal analysis, HPLC for high-performance liquid chromatography, NMR for nuclear magnetic resonance, HFS for hyperfine structure, etc. All non-trivial terms and abbreviations must be explained when mentioned for the first time.

2. Mathematics

Mathematical equations are typed with a first line indent and are numbered by Arabic numerals in parentheses placed near the right edge of the page. Only those equations receive numbers that are referred to in the text. Cumbersome mathematical designations should be avoided if possible. For example, it is recommended to use fractional powers rather than roots or the "exp" symbol for exponential dependencies. Simple fractions are drawn with horizontal lines; slashes are allowed only in complex cases.




3. Tables

Each table is typed on a separate page. If a table does not fit in a portrait page, it can be arranged in a landscape page. Alignment of lines and columns in the tables should be strictly followed. This should be done using of the tabulation key rather than spaces.

Lines or columns containing identical values (values that do not vary from one entry to another) should not be included in the tables. Instead, these cases should be included in the notes to the table. Footnotes to the table are numbered by Roman letters, which should be arranged in the alphabetical order in the lines of the table.

Two cases, in which a cell contains no data, should be distinguished: a dash means that no results have been obtained, whereas empty space is left when these data cannot be obtained in principle.

4. Chemical formulae

The computer input of chemical formulae should be accomplished using the ChemWindow graphical package. When there is no opportunity to do this, chemical formulae and equations drawn by hand are also accepted.

The formulae of compounds mentioned several times are designated by Arabic numerals, which should be typed in bold. The numbering of compounds should correspond to the order in which they are mentioned in the text (without omissions). Each chemical compound should be matched by only one number and vice versa. When a compound is mentioned for the first time, its full name according to the IUPAC rules should be given, together with the number (in parentheses). Subsequently this compound is denoted by a short name and the code (without parentheses). For example, 2-methyl-4-phenylthiophene (3) is referred to below as "the thiophene 3". The numbers can be combined with Roman letters for compounds within a series, e.g., substituted benzenes 15a-c: toluene 15a, chlorobenzene 15b, nitrobenzene 15c.

5. Figures

Figures drawn with Indian ink on white paper are enclosed separately. On the back side of each figure, the authors' names, the number of the figure, and the number of the corresponding page in the manuscript must be written. Photographs are presented on white glossy paper. It should be borne in mind that photographs are used without re-photographing, retouching, etc., therefore, the authors should take care about their quality. The position of this figure should be marked on the margins of the manuscript. Figure captions are typed in a separate page.

A figure should ensure a distinct representation of all details. Cumbersome inscriptions on the figures should be avoided. Curves are numbered by Arabic numerals which are explained in the corresponding figure captions. It is not recommended to present figures for those data that can be briefly outlined in the text or presented as a table. Figures that provide little information and are not discussed in the text should not be included.

It is better to submit spectra and structures as they come out of the corresponding instrument without re-drawing them on a separate sheet of paper. If it is possible to save a spectrum or a structure as a computer file in some graphical format, it is desirable to use vector formats such as HPGL, DXF, GEM. If there is no opportunity to use a computer, the spectra and structures are drawn up in the same way as other figures.

6. References

References are given as superscripts in the text of the manuscript. The list of the publications is typed in separate pages in which names of all authors should be indicated. The references are numbered in the order they appear in the text. A work should be cited in its original language; hieroglyphic works can be presented in Roman transcriptions (see Chemical Abstracts).

1. C K Ingold Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1969)
2. A N Frumkin, in Advances in Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering. Vol. 3 (Ed. P Delahay) (New York: Interscience, 1963) p. 287

1. P H L Notten, R E F Einerhand Adv. Mater. 3 343 (1991)
2. T E Bitterwolf, T L Hubler, R Todime J. Macromol. Sci., Chem. A27 1437 (1990)

1. USSR P. 1 145 014; Byull. Izobret. (10) 78 (1985)
2. US P. 4 618 732 (1986) or
3. US P 4 101 433; Chem. Abstr. 90 25 868 (1979)

1. Yu F Oprunenko, Doctoral Thesis in Chemical Sciences, Moscow State University, Moscow, 1999

Meeting papers
1. A Stanger, in The Xth IUPAC Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry (Abstracts of Reports), Haifa, 1990 p. 119

When referring to articles from inaccessible sources, patents, and deposited manuscripts, the authors should also refer to an abstracts journal.

III. Refereeing and Conditions of Acceptance

Papers submitted will be reviewed by at least two referees, whose reports form the basis of the Editorial Boards' decision. Following the referees' recommendations, the article may be forwarded to the authors for corrections. The authors should return the corrected manuscript together with the original version. A manuscript kept by the author for more than two months or requiring serious revision is considered as newly arrived. The date when a manuscript was received by the editorial office for the first time is indicated in the first page of the published paper.

IV. Proofs

Proofs are sent to the authors for checking before publication. Only minor changes in the text and in the Tables are allowed.

Appendix 1: Preparing a manuscript using a PC

For preparing a manuscript on a PC, it is recommended to use the following programmes and file formats (the asterisk * marks the preferred ones):

Text editors: Microsoft Word. Files are to be presented in the format in which they were produced. Graphs, schemes, and other illustrations should be submitted in the format in which they were produced and in one of the standard vector formats (WMF, HPGL) (most preferable) or in a bitmap (TIFF) format.

Graphics: raster graphics must be saved and edited only in the TIFF format with resolutions of 600 dpi for photographs (256 grey scales) and at least 300 dpi for other drawings (bilevel black-and-white).

Chemical structures: ChemWindow, ChemWindow DB, HyperChem, ChemOffice ChemDraw, ChemSketch.

Appendix 2: The first page (an example)

Oxide ferroelectric thin films: synthesis from organometallic compounds and properties
V N Vertoprakhov, L D Nikulina, I K Igumenov
A V Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
prosp. Acad. Lavrent'eva 3, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.
Fax (7-383) 334 44 89, tel. (7-383) 330 66 46

Abstract. Chemical methods for the preparation of oxide ferroelectric thin films from organometallic compounds published over the last 10-15 years are considered systematically and generalised. Layers of these films are promising for the creation of non-volatile memory elements and for use in nano- and microelectronic devices.
Bibliography - 318 references.

Received 25 March 2004

Introduction 725
Methods for thin film preparation 726
Ferroelectric thin films for non-volatile memory elements 727
Metal and metal oxide electrodes, prepared from organometallic precursors, for thin-film capacitors 741

Editorial Board


Oleg M Nefedov
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Executive Secretary:

  • Leon V Backinowsky N D Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Moscow

Editorial Board:

  • S M Aldoshin Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Chernogolovka
  • M Yu Antipin A N Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Moscow
  • S O Bachurin Institute of Physiologically Active Compounds, Chernogolovka
  • Yu N Bubnov A N Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Moscow
  • A L Buchachenko N N Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow
  • V N Charushin I Ya Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis, Ekaterinburg
  • L A Gribov V I Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analitical Chemistry, Moscow
  • S S Ivanchev St Petersburg Department of G K Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, St Petersburg
  • A I Konovalov A E Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan
  • V A Likholobov Institute of the Problems of Hydrocarbon Processing, Omsk
  • I V Melikhov M V Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
  • V I Minkin Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry, Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don
  • I I Moiseev N S Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Moscow
  • B F Myasoedov V I Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analitical Chemistry, Moscow
  • A N Ozerin N S Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymer Materials, Moscow
  • V N Parmon G K Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk
  • Yu M Polukarov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow
  • A I Rusanov St Petersburg State University, St Petersburg
  • R Z Sagdeev International Tomographic Centre, Novosibirsk
  • B Ya Spivakov V I Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Moscow
  • N P Tarasova D I Mendeleev Russian University of Chemical Technology, Moscow
  • G A Tolstikov N N Vorozhtsov Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry, Novosibirsk
  • Yu D Tretyakov M V Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
  • S D Varfolomeev N M Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Moscow
  • V V Veselovskii N D Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Moscow

Advisory Board:

  • H M Frey University of Reading, UK
  • E W Meijer Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • M Poliakoff University of Nottingham, UK
  • R H Prince University of Cambridge, UK
  • B A Thrush University of Cambridge, UK
  • J J Turner University of Nottingham, UK
  • J H P Utley Queen Mary (University of London), UK

Managing Editor:

Scientific Editors:

    E E Grygoryeva, L V Sumskaya, T P Trifonova

Office Manager:

Tatyana Teplova (Managing Editor)

N D Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry,
Russian Academy of Sciences
Leninsky Prospekt, 47, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation
Tel: (7-499) 135 87 97,
Fax: (7-499) 135 53 59
E-mail: ukh@ioc.ac.ru
WWW: http://www.uspkhim.ru


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