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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Index Copernicus Value: 7,20

 Polish Heart Journal
(KARDIOLOGIA POLSKA )is a monthly magazine aimed at cardiologists, cardiosurgeons and general practitioners. Includes the original works (experimental, research and development), illustrative and casuistical works about cardiology and cardiosurgery.
Official Journal of Polish Cardiac Society.

Number of issues: 12 issues per year

Circulation: 5000 copies
Instructions to Authors
I. General
1. The Polish Heart Journal Kardiologia Polska (Index Medicus/MEDLINE abbreviation: Polïce publishes original papers, review articles, case reports as well as letters to the Editor, reviews of books and other materials.
2. Articles published in the Polish Heart Journal become the property of the Polish Cardiac Society and the Editorial Board. No paper that has been published in the Polish Heart Journal may be reproduced elsewhere or translated, in whole or in part, without a written permission of the Editorial Office.
3. The Polish Heart Journal shall not be held liable for statements, opinions or data included in papers or advertising material.
4. Authors submitting a manuscript on human experiments should state that their study complies with the Declaration of Helsinki, especially concerning medical ethics and prohibiting the subjectsname, initials or hospital reference number from being disclosed. Information that the relevant ethics committee has approved the research protocol and that informed consent has been obtained from the subjects should appear in the Methods section. The authors of case reports should not disclose personal data of patients described, and in the case of photographs, written consent from a patient is needed.
5. The authors of papers presenting results of clinical trials concerning pharmacological agents or medical procedures are expected to elaborate on the research financing methods, the role of the sponsor in the planning, performance and analysis of the results and the impact of the financing institution on the paperâ's content.
6. The Editorial Office reserves the right to make minor corrections in style and nomenclature without the author's permission.
7. Papers are subject to review. The referees do not know the names of authors or the centre from which the manuscript is sent. The text should not allow the authors or centre to be identified. After the reviewer's opinions are available, the Editors decide whether the paper can be accepted for publication.
8. No fee is payable for papers published in the Polish Heart Journal, except for papers ordered by the Editorial Office.
9. All manuscripts can be submitted only using the Editorial Panel of Kardiologia Polska (electronic submission) which can be found at www.kardiologiapolska.pl/editorialsystem. The authors are asked to follow step-by-step the panel instructions when submitting a paper.
10. A separate form with the author's original signatures confirming the originality of a manuscript should be sent separately by a standard post to the address: Editorial Office of the Polish Heart Journal Kardiologia Polska, ul. Stawki 3A, 00-193 Warsaw, Poland. This form can be downloaded from www.kardiologiapolska.pl/authors_statement.pdf.

II. Specific
1. Original papers
Original papers should be written in English and should not exceed 12 pages (including text and references). Manuscripts should be double spaced, use 12-point font and have margins of 2.5 cm throughout. Pages should be numbered.
The title, full names of authors, affiliations, address for correspondence (including telephone and fax numbers and email address), abstract and key words should be included in the specific parts of the Editorial Panel. The abstract should be structured to include Background, Aim, Methods, Results and Conclusions.
Text should be divided into the introduction, methods, results and discussion sections. Abbreviations should always be explained when used for the first time in the text (including the abstract). Do not use abbreviations in paper titles, unless in exceptional circumstances. Results of laboratory tests should be expressed in standard SI units.
References should start on a new page, include all sources mentioned in the text in the order cited and consist of (a) number, b) name and initials of the author(s) (names of the first three authors and then aœet alc) title, d) journal name using Index Medicus abbreviations, year, volume, first and last page, and for books: title and editor, place and year of publishing. References should be limited to major items only (preferably not more than 20). References in the text should be given in square brackets.
Each table should be placed on a separate page (one table per page) and numbered in sequence using Roman numerals. Each table should have a title and relevant explanations. The approximate location of the tables in the text should be indicated. Tables can be a part of the main text or may be electronically submitted in separate files (see Editorial Panel).
Figures and photographs should be numbered using Arabic numerals and submitted as separate files (see Editorial Panel). Each figure (photograph) should have a title and the approximate location in the text should be indicated. Photographs sent by panel should be of resolution of 300 dpi and in the *. tif or *. jpg format. Do not insert figures or photographs into a MSWord document. Figures and photographs are placed in the text as submitted, hence please make sure they are prepared carefully. If the figure (photograph) has already been published, the source should be specified and consent from the copyright holder should be obtained for its publication.

2. Case reports should not exceed 5 pages, including references, tables and figures.

3. Review papers should not exceed 12 pages including references (no more than 50 items).

4. Manuscript can be published only when that the authors comply with the requirements presented above. Papers submitted which do not adhere to the Instructions for authors will be returned for appropriate correction or rejected.
Editorial Board

Polskie Towarzystwo Kardiologiczne
ul. Stawki 3a, lok. 3
00-193 Warszawa
phone +48 22 887 20 56-7
fax +48 22 887 20 58
e-mail: kardiologiapolska@ptkardio.pl

Piotr Kułakowski

deputy editor
Bronisław Bednarz

managing editor
Urszula Grochowicz

honorary editor of the Polish Heart Journal
Leszek Ceremużyński

office manager
Sylwia Skibińska

international scientific board
Eugene Braunwald (US)
Michel Bertrand (FR)
Günter Breithardt (DE)
John Camm (GB)
William McKenna (GB)
Lionel H. Opie (ZA)
Philip A. Poole-Wilson (GB)
Eric Prystowsky (US)
Borys Surawicz (US)
Patric Serruys (NL)
John Taylor (GB)
Frans Van de Werf (BE)
Salim Yusuf (CND)

national scientific board
section editors

Andrzej Bochenek
Barbara DÄ…browska
Robert Gil
Piotr Hoffman
Tomasz Pasierski
Ryszard Piotrowicz
Franciszek Walczak
Krzysztof Wrabec
Marian Zembala

consulting editors
Andrzej Beręsewicz
Robert Gil
Jarosław Kasprzak
Krzysztof Narkiewicz
Tomasz Pasierski

scientific board members
Grażyna Brzezińska-Rajszys
Andrzej Budaj
Stefan Chłopicki
Andrzej Cieśliński
Barbara Cybulska
Jarosław Drożdż
Jacek Dubiel Ryszard Gryglewski
WÅ‚odziemierz Januszewicz
Zdzisława Kornacewicz-Jach
Jerzy Korewicki
Maria Krzemińska-Pakuła
Jerzy Kuch
Bogdan Lewartowski
Andrzej Lubiński
Bohdan Maruszewski
Grzegorz Opolski
Piotr Podolec
Lech Poloński
Piotr Ponikowski
Witold Rużyłło
Andrzej Rynkiewicz
Stefan Rywik
Tomasz Siminiak
Janina Stępińska
Andrzej Szczeklik
Marek Sznajderman
Michał Tendera
Adam Torbicki
Wiesława Tracz
Maria Trusz-Gluza
Adam Witkowski
Henryk Wysocki
Tomasz Zdrojewski

Termedia Publishing House
ul. Wenedów 9/1
61-614 Poznań
phone/fax +48 61 822 77 81

president of the management board
Janusz Michalak

executive officer
Andrzej Kordas

Marketing and Advertising
Anita Jóźwiak
phone +48 61 822 77 81 w. 14
mobile + 48 501 071 066

Distribution and Subscriptions
Wiesława Powierża
phone/fax: +48 61 656 22 00
phone 2: +48 61 656 22 02


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