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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Current issueThe Hellenic Journal of Cardiology is the official bimonthly journal of the Hellenic Cardiological Society and has been published regularly since 1957. Since 2002 an international edition in the English language has been published in parallel with the Greek edition.

The Hellenic Journal of Cardiology aims to publish the highest quality material, both clinical and scientific, on all aspects of cardiovascular medicine. The Journal offers the reader a collection of contemporary, original, peer-reviewed papers, review articles and editorials, together with book reviews and case reports.

Members of the Hellenic Cardiological Society receive the HJC automatically. Complimentary copies are provided to all European National Societies, the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Working Groups and ESC affiliated Associations.

The Hellenic Journal of Cardiology (International Edition, ISSN 1109-9666) is the official journal of the Hellenic Cardiological Society and aims to publish high-quality articles on all aspects of cardiovascular medicine. A primary goal is to publish in each issue a number of original articles related to clinical and basic research. Many of these will be accompanied by invited editorial comments.

Hot topics, such as molecular cardiology, cardiac imaging and special electrophysiological mapping techniques, will appear frequently in the journal in the form of invited expert articles or case reports. The Editorial Committee also attaches great importance to subjects related to continuing medical education, the implementation of guidelines and cost effectiveness in cardiology.

Contact Information

Athens Office Heraklion Office
Tel: +30 210 725 8003
Fax: +30 210 722 6139
Tel: +30 2810 392706
Fax: +30 2810 542055

Publication Department

Production Editorial staff Webmaster

Maria Karpodini Ursula Papaioannou
Maria Christaki
Philip Lees

Instructions to Authors

Scope and Coverage of the Journal

The Hellenic Journal of Cardiology (International Edition, ISSN 1109-9666) is the official journal of the Hellenic Cardiological Society and aims to publish high-quality articles on all aspects of cardiovascular medicine. A primary goal is to publish in each issue a number of original articles related to clinical and basic research. Many of these will be accompanied by invited editorial comments.

Hot topics, such as molecular cardiology, cardiac imaging and special electrophysiological mapping techniques, will appear frequently in the journal in the form of invited expert articles or case reports. The Editorial Committee also attaches great importance to subjects related to continuing medical education, the implementation of guidelines and cost effectiveness in cardiology.

Peer review process

Original research articles, review papers, editorials, new techniques, case reports, book reviews, and letters to the Editor are invited for publication. All articles submitted to the Hellenic Journal of Cardiology undergo a thorough peer review process utilising a double-blind system involving two or more reviewers, before a final decision is taken by the Editorial Committee.


The official language of the journal is English. However, manuscripts written in the Greek language may also be submitted for peer review. If a Greek language manuscript is accepted for publication it is the responsibility of the authors to ensure accurate translation into English.

For English language submissions British and American spelling and usage are equally acceptable, but whichever form is chosen it must be used consistently throughout the manuscript.

The Editorial Committee retains the right to make grammatical and syntactical changes when these are deemed necessary.


In manuscripts describing human research the authors must indicate clearly that all experimental procedures were carried out in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible institutional committee for human experimentation and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000. When reporting on animal research, the authors should also indicate that procedures followed the institutional and national guides for the care and use of laboratory animals.

Manuscripts containing original material are accepted for consideration for publication with the understanding that neither the article nor part of the article has been or will be published elsewhere before appearing in the journal. (This restriction does not apply to abstracts; published abstracts, however, should not exceed 400 words.) If any of the manuscript's figures or tables have previously been published elsewhere, permission for their use must be obtained from the copyright holder. Accepted papers become the permanent property of the Hellenic Cardiological Society and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of the Society.

Conflict of interest

The authors should disclose at the time of submission any financial arrangement they may have with a company whose product figures prominently in the manuscript or with a company making a competing product. For review articles or editorials, the authors should not have any financial interest in a company or its competitor that makes a product discussed in the article.

Manuscript Guidelines

Types of article


The opinions of recognised leaders in cardiology are invited as editorials on a regular basis. Editorial comments on specific articles may also be sought from experts in the relevant field.

Review articles

Review articles include comprehensive contemporary articles, updated information, or articles devoted to innovative new areas of development in cardiovascular diseases, important to the clinical cardiologist.

Original Research articles

Descriptions of specific clinical and basic research studies in all branches and sub-fields of cardiovascular medicine are welcomed by the Journal.

Cardiac Imaging

Each issue of the journal includes a Cardiac Imaging feature that occupies a double page spread. The main focus is the images themselves; the accompanying text should be concise (no more than 600 words) and may be accompanied by a very short References section.

Case Reports

Presentations and discussion of interesting clinical cardiovascular cases may be submitted as brief reports.

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor should be limited to 500 words. They may include brief scientific reports or responses to articles published in previous issues of the Journal.

Preparation of manuscripts

The Hellenic Journal of Cardiology accepts manuscripts prepared in accordance with the requirements of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, as updated in November 2003. The manuscript should be double-spaced throughout with wide margins all around. Electronic manuscript formats should be readable by commonly available word processing software (e.g. rich text format [.rtf], Open Office document [.odt], Microsoft Word document [.doc]). Do not submit manuscripts saved in portable document format (.pdf) as these cannot easily be edited.

A sample template for Microsoft Word, containing the formatting styles used internally by the Journal, can be downloaded from the Journal's web site. An example manuscript, showing the use of the various styles, is also provided in the above three formats (.rtf, .odt, and .doc). Authors are encouraged to use these in the preparation of their manuscripts. (Right click on the link, then choose the 'Save ...' option from the menu.)

The manuscript should be arranged as follows: Title page, Abstract (Original Research articles and Case Reports only), Text, References, Tables, Figure Legends. Pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page as number 1.

Abbreviations are permitted, but no more than 5 per manuscript, and they must be used consistently throughout the manuscript after they are initially defined (followed by the abbreviation) in both abstract and main text. Avoid abbreviations that are only used a small number of times. Too many abbreviations make an article difficult to read, even for a reader who is familiar with the subject matter.

All manuscripts submitted should be accompanied by the authors' disclosure of any financial or personal relationship or other conflict of interest that might influence their participation in the work described. Authors should also make a full statement to the editor about any other submissions or previous reports concerning the same or very similar material that might make the current submission appear to be redundant or the duplicate of a prior publication.

Papers with more than six authors must be accompanied by a letter substantiating the contribution of each author.

Units of measurement

All measurements must be expressed in international units (SI). Unit abbreviations should be separated from numerical values by a space (125 mmHg) but symbols should not (40°C, 25.4%). The decimal separator is the full stop (period). Use a comma as thousands separator only for numbers of five digits or more (i.e. ≥10,000). Use spaces around the plus/minus symbol (12.7 ± 3.5) but not around range indicators (28-30) or equality/inequality symbols (r=0.56, p<0.001).

Formatting of submissions

Title page

The title page should include the following information: the type of submission; the title of the manuscript; the names of the authors (first name, middle initial and family name) with an indication of the authors' hospital affiliations; the name and address of the institution(s) from which the work originated; a running title up to 50 characters long (including spaces); a list of up to four key words or phrases not appearing in the title, to be used for indexing purposes (MeSH terms should be preferred, as they will facilitate indexing in PubMed/Medline); a mini-abstract for the Table of Contents, summarising the main points of the manuscript in one or two sentences (not required for Editorials, Case Reports, Letters to the Editor, or Cardiac Imaging); the full postal address, with post code, telephone, fax, and e-mail address, of the author responsible for editorial correspondence.

Abstract (Original Research articles and Case Reports only)

For Original Research articles and Case Reports, an abstract no more than 300 words in length must be included as the second page of the manuscript. For Original Research articles the abstract should consist of four paragraphs: Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusions. For Case Reports the abstract should be a single paragraph summarising the main points of interest of the case presented.


Original Research articles should organise the text into the following main sections: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. Subheadings may be used judiciously within any of the latter three sections to aid the reader's comprehension.

The introduction should describe the purpose of the study and its relation to previous work in the field; it should not include extensive review of the literature. Methods should be concise, but sufficiently detailed to permit repetition by other investigators. Procedures used for statistical analysis should be described in a subsection. Results should present positive and relevant negative findings of the study, supported when necessary by reference to tables and figures. Data included in tables should not be repeated in the text unless they warrant particular emphasis. The Discussion should interpret the results of the study, with emphasis on their relation to the original hypothesis and to previous studies.

Case reports should include a brief introduction, followed by Case presentation and Discussion.

Reviews, Editorials, and other types of article should be divided sensibly into sections and subsections according to their subject matter.

Reference citations in the text should be formatted as superscript and placed following any punctuation marks, as in the example at the end of this sentence.3,5,8-13,21


Persons who have contributed to the article, but who do not qualify as authors, may be acknowledged at the end of the Text section.


References should be typed double-spaced in numerical sequence, starting on a new page after the end of the text. The numbering of references should reflect the order in which they are cited in the text.

If the number of authors exceeds 6, list the first 3 and add et al. See PubMed/Medline for abbreviated titles of journals.

Some specific examples follow. For more detailed information, see the National Library of Medicine's on-line guide.

Journal article

1. Ounzer RW, Edwards LD, Jevin SA, et al. Comparative study of 48 host valve and 24 prosthetic valve endocarditis cases. Am Heart J. 1976; 92: 15-22.


2. Hudson R. Cardiovascular Pathology. 1st ed. London: Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd; 1965. 1341 p.

Contribution to book

3. Wenger NK, Abelman WH, Roberts WC. Myocarditis. In: Hurst JW, editor. The Heart. 6th ed. New York: McGraw Hill Book Company; 1986. p. 1158-1180.

Internet article

4. Kaul S, Diamond GA. Good enough: a primer on the analysis and interpretation of noninferiority trials. Ann Intern Med [Internet]. 2006 [cited 2007 Jan 4]; 145: 62-69. Available from: http://www.annals.org/cgi/reprint/145/1/62.pdf


Tables should be arranged one per page and numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text. If necessary, decrease the line spacing from double to 1.5 and use smaller characters in order to accommodate a table within a single page. If a table will still not fit within the page, consider splitting it into two or more.

Use single horizontal lines to indicate the start and end of the table and put a single line below the table headings. Do not use other horizontal or vertical lines within the body of the table. For footnotes, use the following symbols, in sequence: *,†,‡,§,║,¶,**,††,‡.

Data included in a table should not be repeated in the text except for special emphasis.

Figure Legends

Figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text. Legends should be concise, but should be sufficient to enable the reader's comprehension of a figure without reference to the main text. Explanations of any annotations on a figure should be appended to the respective legend.

Electronic Submissions

The Hellenic Journal of Cardiology now accepts electronic manuscript submissions through a special section of the Journal's website: http://submissions.hellenicjcardiol.org. Submissions of manuscripts written in the Greek language may also be made via the online site, but the forms on the web pages should be completed in English text only.

Before beginning a submission please ensure that the manuscript has been prepared in accordance with the instructions detailed above.

Please note that electronic submission involves either one or two computer files: one containing the manuscript and, where necessary, a second file containing the figures, preferably in a compressed digital format (.jpg, .gif, etc.).

Authors who use the online system to submit manuscripts will be able to track their manuscript's progress through the same website. For technical assistance in using the online site please contact the webmaster ( /* var emailriddlerarray=[119,101,98,97,100,109,105,110,64,104,101,108,108,101,110,105,99,106,99,97,114,100,105,111,108,46,111,114,103] var encryptedemail_id75=' //variable to contain encrypted email for (var i=0; i'+encryptedemail_id75+'<\/a>') /*]]>*/ webadmin@hellenicjcardiol.org).

Postal Submissions

Four complete sets of the manuscript (including 2 sets of glossy figures and 2 copies of the figures) should be submitted. Manuscripts for the Hellenic Journal of Cardiology should be sent to the Editors at the following address:

Hellenic Cardiological Society
Potamianou 6
11528 Athens, Greece.
Tel: (+30) 210 7258003
e-mail: /* var emailriddlerarray=[111,112,104,99,115,64,104,99,115,46,103,114] var encryptedemail_id60=' //variable to contain encrypted email for (var i=0; i'+encryptedemail_id60+'<\/a>') /*]]>*/ ophcs@hcs.gr

Download a copy of these instructions for your records (PDF, 169KB). Right click on the link and choose the 'Save ...' option.

Editorial Board
Christodoulos I. Stefanadis, MD
Athens, Greece
Panos E. Vardas, MD, PhD
Heraklion, Greece

S. Adamopoulos, MD
Athens, Greece
H. Boudoulas, MD
Athens, Greece
C. Aggeli, MD
Athens, Greece
M. Gatzoulis, MD
London, UK
E. Manios, MD
Heraklion, Greece
E. Kranias, PhD
Cincinnati, USA
H. Mavrakis, MD
Heraklion, Greece
A.S. Manolis, MD
Athens, Greece
D. Tousoulis, MD
Athens, Greece
D. Mikhailidis, MD
London, UK
C. Tsioufis, MD
Athens, Greece
P. Nihoyannopoulos, MD
London, UK
E. Vavouranakis, MD
Athens, Greece
G. Sarris, MD
Athens, Greece
C. Vlachopoulos, MD
Athens, Greece

D. Panagiotakos, MSc
Athens, Greece
G. Chlouverakis, MSc
Heraklion, Greece

P. Lees
Koskina, Greece
N. Alexopoulos, MD
Athens, Greece


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