

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Tissue Engineering Reviews meets the urgent need for high-quality review papers and presents critical discussions and analyses, and concise summaries of research in different aspects of the field to assess where we are now and future directions.

INDEXED IN: MEDLINE; Current ContentsLife Sciences; Science Citation Index Expanded; Science Citation Index; Biotechnology Citation Index; Biological Abstracts; BIOSIS Previews; Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition; EMBASE/Excerpta Medica; EMBiology; Scopus; Compendex; Chemical Abstracts; Calcium and Calcified Tissue Abstracts; CSA Illumina: Natural Sciences; CSA


Instructions to Authors

The goal of Tissue Engineering is to inform its readers of significant developments in areas related to tissue engineering. This Journal provides a forum for responsible discussion among identified individuals. Significant papers on any aspect of tissue engineering are invited for publication. 

Tissue Engineering has experienced a significant increase in the number of manuscript submissions. In order to help defray the cost of processing and peer review, the Journal has instituted a manuscript submission fee of $85.

Manuscripts must be submitted online using the following url:  http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ten

Please read all the instructions to authors before submitting.

Language must conform to acceptable English usage and syntax. The contents must be clear, accurate, coherent, and logical. In accepting or rejecting a manuscript, the editors will also consider its originality, teaching value, and validity.

Manuscripts should not exceed approximately 4,000 words.  Because of space limitations, the authors should be frugal with their illustrations. Occasional exceptions will be made for prize-winning essays, collective reviews, solicited material, or special works. To facilitate a quick review of manuscripts, authors are encouraged to suggest names of five potential reviewers with complete contact information when the manuscript is submitted.

For further information about editorial questions on papers in the online peer-review process, please contact Carol Lofton at (713) 348-4204 or

For technical information on using the online peer-review system, contact Adam Etkin at (914) 740-1200 or aetkin@liebertpub.com 

Manuscript Submission and Copyright Agreement Form

The form (available from website at http://www.liebertpub.com/media/content/transfer_of_copyright.pdf) should be submitted for each paper. The copyright agreement is included in the Manuscript Submission and Copyright Release Form; manuscripts cannot be published without this form. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining signatures of coauthors. Authors not permitted to release copyright must still return the form signed under the statement of the reason for not releasing the copyright. Upon acceptance of your paper, please fax the copyright release agreement to 914-740-2108. 

Manuscript Submission and Review

To help defray the cost of printing, the publisher requests that page charges of $75 per printed page be paid by all authors who have funds available from research grants or from their institutions. It should be noted that ability to pay page charges is not a prerequisite for publication in the Journal.

Decisions concerning editing, revisions, acceptances, and rejections will be made by the editors. Editing may include shortening the paper, reducing the number of illustrations and tables, or changing format.  An accepted paper may be published with an accompanying discussion if the editors so desire.

Manuscripts should be submitted with the understanding that they have neither been published, nor are under consideration for publication elsewhere, except in the form of an abstract. Prior abstract publications should be described in the form of a footnote to the title.  Published manuscripts become the sole property of the Journal and will be copyrighted. By submitting a paper to the Journal, the author (or authors) agrees to each of the above conditions. In addition, the author (or authors) explicitly assigns any copyrighted ownership he/she (or they) may have in such paper to the Journal.

Preparation of Manuscripts

Papers must be submitted via upload in a word processing format, preferably in Microsoft Word. Please do not include artwork within the text document. Figures and tables should be supplied in separate files, be labeled clearly, and should be in TIFF or EPS formats. Please see the Illustrations section for further details on art submission.

All copy must be double-spaced, including text, footnotes, references, legends, and tables. Text references must be supplied in sequence for all tables and figures.  The title page should carry the full paper title, followed by the authorsâ€?BR>names, degrees, and where the work was performed. We require the full mailing address and contact information (telephone, fax and e-mail address for EACH author). Please indicate the corresponding author.

An abstract should accompany every original paper. Case Reports and Ideas and Innovations should include a summary. The abstract should appear on a separate page and should be at least 100 but not more than 200 words long. It should consist of factual information and not generalities (the problem investigated, the method used, the results obtained, and the conclusions reached). A brief introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments, and reference sections should follow. At the conclusion of the references, the name and complete address of the reprint author should appear.

Correspondence and brief communications are published at the discretion of the editors as space permits. They should be double-spaced, and must not exceed 500 words in length.


The references must be double-spaced and must be cited in the text in numerical order, not alphabetically. References to journal papers should include (1) author(s), (2) title, (3) journal name (as abbreviated in Medline), (4) volume number, (5) the first page number, and (6) year, in that order. References to books should include (1) author(s), (2) chapter title (if any), (3) editor (if any), (4) title of book, (5) city of publication, (6) publisher, (7) year, and (8) page range.  Volume and edition numbers, and name of translator should be included when appropriate. The author is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the references.

See the following samples:

(Journal) Langer, R., and Vacanti, J.P. Tissue engineering. Science 260, 920, 1993.

(Book chapter) Fung, Y.C.B. Stress-strain history relations of soft tissues in simple elongation. In: Fung, U.C.B., Perone, N., and Anliker, M., eds. Biomechanics: Its Foundations and Objectives. Englewood Clifts, NJ: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1972, pp. 181�08.

(Book) Crank, J. The Mathematics of Diffusion. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975.

(Other) Wong, L. Changes in intrinsic mechanical properties of articular cartilage using indentation tests of unstable knees [M.S. thesis].  Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, 1995.

(Abstract) Acarturk, T.O., Petrosko, P., Johnson, P.C., and DiMilla, P.A. Biomaterial-driven control of myoblast morphology, growth and attachment on silonized substrates. Abstract presented at the Tissue Engineering Society Meeting, Orlando, FL, 1996. Abstract no. xxx.

Abbreviate journal names according to the style of Medline.

Statistical Analysis

If a statistical analysis is done, an explanation of how it was performed must be stated at the end of the section preceding results. Unusual or complex methods of analysis should be referenced.


Please follow these guidelines for submitting figures:

Do NOT embed art files into a Word or PDF document. Figures provided in this format cannot be used for production purposes.

Line illustrations should be submitted at 600 dpi.

Halftones and color should be submitted at a minimum of 300 dpi.

Save as either TIFF or EPS files. JPEG files are for screen representation-quality only and will print very poorly during the printing process. To ensure proper print quality, please submit only TIFF or EPS files.

Color art must be saved as CYMK—not RGB. (NB: If RGB files are submitted, the files will be converted to CYMK and some color variation will occur.)

Black and white art must be submitted as grayscale—not RGB.

Do NOT submit PowerPoint, PDF, Bitmap, or Excel figure or table files. When naming your figure and table files, please label them with the main author’s last name, followed by a period (.), and then list the figure number. Ex: Smith.Fig1; Smith.Table1. Label figures and tables inside the files in addition to naming the file with the figure or table number. (i.e., When figures or table files are opened, the figure or table number should appear inside the file.)

In order to expedite your submission as quickly and efficiently as possible we ask that all artwork be checked using Digital Expert before submitting. This is a free tool that will ensure that you prepare and submit quality digital materials suitable for print. Go to http://dx.sheridan.com to check your image files. You will be given directions on how to correct any files which do not pass.

Additional Information about Converting Figure Files:

Converting Word or Excel files: Perhaps the best and easiest way to convert Word or Excel files into a format which is suitable for print is to scan them using the below guidelines:

ll files should be scanned at 100% size

300 dpi

Final color mode: CMYK

Save file as: .tif or .eps

If you need directions on how to convert a PowerPoint slide to acceptable format go to: www.liebertpub.com/MEDIA/pdf/ppconvert.pdf

Color photographs that significantly enhance the presentation will be considered for publication. Reproduction of color illustrations will be made at the expense of the author. Authors will be charged at the rate of $275 per piece of color art and $1,200 for each page that includes color art. For accepted papers, we cannot be expected to return illustrations to the author(s).

Legends are required for illustrations. They should be brief and pertinent. Legends for photomicrographs should identify the stain and state the magnification.

Please keep in mind that the figures will be reduced, so please do not submit large figures/graphs that contain small type, as the text within the figure will not be readable after reduction.



Please upload individual files of all manuscript material—do NOT upload a single PDF file containing all text, figure, and table files of your paper. Once all individual files are uploaded on to Manuscript Central, the system will automatically create a single PDF proof for you and the peer-review process. 


Cover Art: Authors are encouraged to submit outstanding color photographs for possible use as cover art. Photos should be submitted in two sizes: 8½ [1] 11' or slightly larger for the cover, and at the size it will appear at in the published paper. For further information about submitting cover art, please contact Carol Lofton at (713) 348-4204 or TEeditor@rice.edu.

Acknowledgments: Illustrations taken from other publications must be acknowledged by a complete credit line in the legend. The publisher’s letter of permission should be submitted to Tissue Engineering.

Disclosure Statement

Immediately following the Acknowledgments section, include a section entitled ‘‘Author Disclosure Statement.’�This text must be part of your actual mansucript file.

In this portion of the paper, authors must disclose any commercial associations that might create a conflict of interest in connection with submitted manuscripts. This statement should include appropriate information for EACH author, thereby representing that competing financial interests of all authors have been appropriately disclosed according to the policy of the Journal. It is important that all conflicts of interest, whether they are actual or potential, be disclosed. This information will remain confidential while the paper is being reviewed and will not influence the editorial decision.

Please see the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals at http://www.icmje.org/index.html#conflicts for further guidance. 

If no conflicts exist, the authors must state ‘‘No competing financial interests exist.’�/P>

Page Proofs

An e-mail containing a link to the PDF file of the page proof is sent to the corresponding author. The proof should be read carefully and returned promptly to the publisher with the author’s approval and/or corrections.


Reprints may be ordered by following the special instructions that will accompany page proofs. Reprints ordered after the issue is printed will be charged at a substantially higher rate.


The Journal is published monthly by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 140 Huguenot Street, 3rd floor, New Rochelle, NY 10801-5215, Tel: (914) 740-2100; fax: (914) 740-2108; e-mail: info@liebertpub.com; online:  www.liebertpub.com


Editorial Board


Antonios G. Mikos, PhD
Louis Calder Professor
Rice University
Department of Bioengineering - MS 142
P.O. Box 1892
Houston, TX 77251-1892
Tel: (713) 348-4204
Fax: (713) 348-4244

Peter C. Johnson, MD
President and CEO
Scintellix, LLC
1000 Quiet Ridge Circle
Raleigh, NC 27614-7257
Tel: (919) 844-0343
Fax: (919) 844-0344

Reviews Co-Editor-In-Chief (Part B)  

John P. Fisher, PhD
Associate Professor and Associate Chair
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Fischell Department of Bioengineering
University of Maryland
3238 Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building
College Park, MD 20742



Antonios G. Mikos, PhD
Louis Calder Professor
Rice University
Department of Bioengineering - MS 142
P.O. Box 1892
Houston, TX 77251-1892
Tel: (713) 348-4204
Fax: (713) 348-4244

Peter C. Johnson, MD
President and CEO
Scintellix, LLC
1000 Quiet Ridge Circle
Raleigh, NC 27614-7257
Tel: (919) 844-0343
Fax: (919) 844-0344

Reviews Co-Editor-In-Chief (Part B)  

John P. Fisher, PhD
Associate Professor and Associate Chair
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Fischell Department of Bioengineering
University of Maryland
3238 Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building
College Park, MD 20742



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