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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

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NEW MEDIT is a quarterly review published by the IAM in Bari, the Italian Institute of Ciheam. It is a new edition of the former journal, Medit, which was first published in 1990.

Economics, agriculture, and environment are the key words of the subjects dealt with in the review. The papers tackle the different problems characterising the economy and the agriculture of the Mediterranean countries, with a multi-disciplinary approach,, and the relationships between them. NEW MEDIT is an information and scientific analysis tool for getting a deeper insight into the economic and the social transformations of agriculture and the rural societies as well as in agro-food networks of the Mediterranean Basin.

The articles are published in English or French, with an abstract in both languages.

NEW MEDIT is run by an editorial board consisting of experts from differents scientific and professional fields from various Mediterranean countries. Articles submitted for publication are evaluated by the editorial board and by outside readers chosen on account of their expertise.

Reader's profile

The reader of NEW MEDIT is a scientific researcher, a top level technician or an official of public and private institutions concerned with the problems of agri-food economics and policy and rural development, knowledgeable about public and private choice in agriculture within EU and non-EU member countries.
Instructions to Authors

Guides for Authors:


Manuscripts typed on duplicate on one side of the sheet only and an electronic version should be submitted to the editorial office: NEW MEDIT, I.A.M. via Ceglie 9, 70010 Valenzano - Bari (Italy). All Authors are kindly requested to send their papers in writing, but namely on disk, using Word processor program. Label the disk with your name and name of the file on the disk. Electronic manuscripts have the advantage that there is no need for the re-keying of text, thereby avoiding the possibility of introducing errors and resulting in reliable and fast delivery proofs. Manuscripts will be edited in the order received and accepted papers will be published in the order submitted if at all possible.


Every paper should conform to the following rules:


LANGUAGE: English or French


NAME OF THE AUTHORS: proceeded by the full first name without abbreviations, their affiliation and address


CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: complete correspondence (Institutions, telephone, fax and e-mail) address to which send message and free copies


TITLE: concise but detailed enough, without abbreviations (max 60 strokes)


ABSTRACTS: in English and French, whatever it might be the language of the paper. The length should not exceed 1200 strokes.


HEADING: should be arranged as follows:


introduction, paragraphs (materials, methods, description, results and discussion) with short title, conclusions, acknowledgments (if required), references. All the headings should be numbered.


REFERENCES: should include only publications mentioned in the text. References to unpublished information (reports, personal communications, etc.) should be included between parantheses in the text: for instance (L. Rossi, pers. comm., 1987). The bibliography should be presented in conformity with the following patterns:


For periodicals: Di Cocco E., Rossi P., 1978. La riforma fondiaria in Italia, Rivista di Politica Agraria, 5, 122-141


For books: Ansoff H.I., 1965. Corporate strategy, McGraw-Hill, New York, 280 pagg.


For edited symposia: Eymard-Duvernay F., 1995. La négociation de la qualité. In Nicolas F., Valceschini éds., Agroalimentaire: une économie de la qualité. INRA Ed. Economica, Paris, 39-48.


If references is made in the text to a publication written by more than two authors the name of the first author should be used followed by "et al.". This indication, however, should never be used in the list of references. In the list names of first author and co-author should be mentioned.


Abbreviated titles of periodicals should conform to the rules of World List of Science Periodicals.


PROOFS: The articles are reviewed by the editorial staff to be conformed for their publication. The responsability of the contents of the article are completely of the authors. Authors are kindly requested to submit a clear and final paper.


TABLES: each table should be on separate sheet, numbered consecutively in the text, with a legend. Tables must be stored separately on the floppy disk with original data or original format.


GRAPHICS AND DRAWINGS: Separately from the text, should be lettered on white and glossy paper, in black and white. They must be stored separately on the floppy disk in original format. They should be clearly "constructed" with sufficiently big letter within the block of graph.


ILLUSTRATIONS: photographs (slides preferably), rigorously in black and white, should be numbered and lettered. They must be stored separately on the floppy disk.


NOTES: they should be numbered and referred in the text. They should be compiled on separate sheets.


LENGHT (min/max): from 15 (min.) to 30 (max.) typed pages, double spaced, that is to say from 25,000 to 45,000 strokes. The number of illustrations, tables and graphs should be proportional to the length of the text.


OFF-PRINTS: 10 free copies will be supplied to the authors. Additional off-prints can be ordered.


Submission of an article implies that all authors have approved the paper for release and are in agreement with its contents. Upon acceptance of the article by the journal, the authors will be asked to transfer the copyright of the article to the publisher. This transfer will ensure the wide possible dissemination of information.
Editorial Board

Editor-in-chief: Cosimo Lacirignola


Editor: Giulio Malorgio


Editorial Board


Najib AKESBI, Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco

Mahmoud ALLAYA, I.A.M. Montpellier, France


José Maria G. ALVAREZ-COQUE, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain


Slimane BEDRANI, INA - Département d'Economie Rurale, El Harrach, Algerie


Roberto CAPONE, C.I.H.E.A.M. Paris, France


Enzo CHIOCCIOLI, Secrétaire Général C.I.H.E.A.M, France


Jean-Claude FLAMANT, INRA Toulouse, France


Gérard GHERSI, Directeur I.A.M. Montpellier, France


Cosimo Lacirignola, Directeur I.A.M.. Bari, Italie


Giulio Malorgio, University of Bologna, Italy


George MERGOS, University of Athens, Greece


Alkinoos NIKOLAIDIS, Director I.A.M. Chania, Greece


Kostas OUSTAPASSIDIS, University of Thessaloniki, Greece


Anna Teresa TARTAGLIA, University of Bari, Italy


Giuliana TRISORIO LIUZZI, University of Bari, Italy


Miguel VALLS, Director I.A.M. Zaragoza, Spain



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