

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Scope of Icelandic Agricultural Sciences

Icelandic Agricultural Sciences is published annually, or more frequently. The deadline for submitting manuscripts that are intended to appear within that year is February 28th. The journal is in English and is refereed and distributed internationally. It publishes original articles and reviews written by researchers throughout the world on any aspect of applied life sciences that are relevant under boreal, alpine, arctic or subarctic conditions. Relevant subjects include e.g. any kind of environmental research, farming, breeding and diseases of plants and animals, hunting and fisheries, forestry, soil conservation, ecology of managed and natural ecosystems, geothermal ecology, etc.

The journal is sent to all major agricultural university libraries and is since 2009 it is listed as an ISI journal in the Thomson database. That means that all articles published in Vol 22 (2009) and later are indexed in the ISI Web of Knowledge. It's ISI Impact Factor is 1.750 (2013) and it ranks no. 8 of 57 comparable journals listed in the ISI. It is also indexed in the CAB Abstracts, the BIOSIS database, the SCOPUS database and Google-Scholar search engine, and as such it is internationally established.

Icelandic Agric. Sci. is published by a consortium of universities and research institutions in Iceland:
Agricultural University of Iceland (Landbúnaðarháskóli Íslands)
Hólar University College (Háskólinn á Hólum)
Icelandic Forest Research (Rannsóknastöð skógræktar, Mógilsá)
Institute of Freshwater Fisheries (Veiðimálastofnun)
Institute for Experimental Pathology, University of Iceland (Keldur, Tilraunastöð Háskóla Íslands í meinafræði)
Matis - Icelandic Food and Biotech R&D (Matís)
Soil Conservation Service of Iceland (Landgræðsla ríkisins)
Farmers´ Association of Iceland (Bændasamtök Íslands)

Instructions to Authors
Icelandic Agricultural Sciences (Icel. Agric. Sci.) that until 2002 also was named Búvísindi, is published annually, or more frequently. The journal is in English and is refereed and distributed internationally. The journal is sent to all major agricultural university libraries and is since 2009 it is listed as an ISI journal in the Thomson database. That means that all articles published in Vol 22 (2009) and later are indexed in the ISI Web of Knowledge. It's ISI Impact Factor is 1.750 (2013) and it ranks no. 8 of 57 comparable journals listed in the ISI. It is also indexed in the CAB Abstracts, the BIOSIS database, the SCOPUS database and Google-Scholar search engine, and as such it is internationally established.

IAS publishes Original articles, Reviews, Short communications and Letters to the Editor written by researchers throughout the world on any aspect of applied life sciences that are relevant under boreal, alpine, arctic or subarctic conditions. Relevant subjects include e.g. any kind of environmental research, farming, breeding and diseases of plants and animals, hunting and fisheries, forestry, soil conservation, ecology of managed and natural ecosystems, geothermal ecology, etc.

Original articles should not exceed 16 typewritten A4-pages with double spacing including figures and tables. Review articles should not exceed 20 typewritten pages. Short communications should not exceed 4 printed pages (about 2000 words) including tables and figures and do not need an abstract. If manuscripts exceed the maximum length, authors may have to contribute to the printing cost of the additional pages. All articles are subjected to a peer review. Letters to the Editor are reserved for comments on articles published in the journal and are not reviewed except for necessary language corrections. They should not exceed 600 words.

Send manuscript as electronic files to the editor-in-chief (editor@ias.is).

Please, give names and e-mail addresses of 4-6 possible reviewers in the same field of research as the submitted manuscript. Editor may or may not choose to accept those proposals.

When the manuscript has been reviewed and found acceptable to publication in Icelandic Agricultural Sciences, you will have the possibility to improve your text and then send it back to the editor. Microsoft Word files are the preferred format for the text and tables, figures should be submitted as a part of the Word document. Figures and tables should be located at the end of the manuscript.

Preparation of manuscripts.
Please use these simple guidelines when preparing your electronic manuscript:
1. Please be consistent. The same elements should be keyed in exactly the same way throughout the manuscript.
2. Do not break words at the end of lines. Use a hyphen only to hyphenate compound words.
3. Enter only one space after the full-stop at the end of a sentence.
4. When emphasising words, please use the italic feature of your word processor software.
5. Do not justify your text, use a ragged right-hand margin.
6. Do not use the lowercase l for 1 (one) or the uppercase O for 0 (zero).
7. The space bar should only be used as a word separator. Use TAB when indenting paragraphs or separating columns in tables.
8. Writing dates: 13 May, not 13th of May or May 13.
9. When referring to tables or figures in text start the word with capitals: Table 1, Figure 2, Equation 3.

Manuscripts should be in correct English; typed, double spaced in A4 page-format and consisting of:

Title which should be concise and informative but as short as possible. Include also a short running title at the top of the first page.

Authors' names and name(s) and addresses of department(s)/institution(s) to which the work is attributed. Include the e-mail addresses of all authors.

Abstract, English and Icelandic “Yfirlit”, should not exceed 150 words each. Non-Icelandic speaking authors will get help from the editor with translation to “Yfirlit”.

Keywords in alphabetical order, up to 6 words, preferably not used in the title.

Text should normally be divided into: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, and References. Use capitals in first headings, use italic in second heading (and title of Icelandic “Yfirlit”) and use bold and italic in third headings, if needed.

The Introduction should provide a general orientation of the subject and present reasons for and aims of the study and be concisely written. Text references should be written: Smith & Jones (1988) or Hansson et al. (1990).

Materials and methods must provide sufficient information to permit exact replication of experimental work or statistical analysis.

Results should be clear, concise, and as objective as possible. No discussion of the results is permitted in this section.

Discussion should not repeat results, but in a logical way interpret the main results with reference to relevant figures, tables and references. The Discussion should be concisely written and as brief as possible. A separate chapter of Conclusions may be used.

Abbreviations, numberical symbols and style.
1. Use only international standard abbreviations, according to the guidelines from Caltec Library Service (http://library.caltech.edu/reference/abbreviations/).
2. In decimals, use the decimal point, not the comma (use comma in Icelandic “Yfirlit”).
3. When presenting units, do not use slash (t/ha year), use negative exponents (t DM ha-1 year-1). DM = dry mass.
4. When presenting concentrations, quantitative units (e.g. mg N g-1 DM) are preferred to relative units (e.g. % N).
5. Use no Roman numerals.
6. Foreign words, Latin names of genera, species, mathematical symbols, etc. should be italicized. Personal names after Latin names should not be italicized.
7. Indicate the Latin binomial and authority names of species when they are first mentioned in the text, but not in the title or the abstract.

References should be kept to a pertinent minimum. Primary publications in English are recommended. In the text, references are identified by the name(s) of the author(s) with the year of publication in parenthesis. If both are in parenthesis, no punctuation separates the name(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication. Consecutive citations in the text are placed in chronological order and separated by commas. If there are two authors the names are separated with the symbol &. If there are more than two authors, only the first author's name is given, and this is followed by the phrase et al., which should not be in italic (e.g. Kramer 1986, Day et al. 2002). Do not cite web-addresses directly in the text, instead use the name of the responsible institute and year and enter the web-based reference in the reference list.

The reference list should be arranged in alphabetical order according to the name of the first author, see examples below. Titles of articles in other languages than English, French or German should be translated to English in brackets and the language of the original source should be indicated in brackets at the end of the reference. Names of authors and publication year should be in bold, separating authors with commas but apart from that without commas or dots. Name of journal or books should be italicized.

Standard journal article:
Kiessling A, Johansson L & Kiessling K-H 1990. Effects of starvation on rainbow trout muscle. I. Histochemistry, metabolism and composition of white and red muscle in mature and immature fish. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica 40, 309-324.
Kristensen AR 1987. Optimal replacement and ranking of dairy cows determined by a heirarchic Markov process. Livestock Production Science 16, 131-144.
Ragnarsson H 1964. Trjáskemmdir vorið 1963. [Tree damage in spring 1963]. Ársrit Skógræktarfélags Íslands 1964, 25-26. [In Icelandic].

Book with one or more authors:
Snedecor GW & Cochran WG 1980. Statistical Methods, 7th edn. The Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, Iowa, 507 p.

Book with editor(s):
Ørskov ER (ed.) 1988. Feed Science, World Animal Science B4. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 336 p.

Chapter in a book:
Wilkinson JM 1984. Ensiling with sodium hydroxide. In: Sundstøl F & Owen E (eds.) Straw and Other Fibrious By-Products as Feed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 181-195.

General home-page of an institution or a person:
Icelandic Agricultural Sciences 2011. Instructions to Authors. Accessed 05.10.2011 at http://www.ias.is/landbunadur/wgsamvef.nsf/key2/iasInstructions.

A non-printed electronic article or authored chapter on a home-page:
Vilhjálmsson R 2005. Gæðavandi íslenskra háskóla [The challenge of maintaining high quality in Icelandic universities]. Accessed 05.10.2011 at the home-page of University of Iceland: http://www.hi.is/Apps/WebObjects/HI.woa/wa/dp?detail=1004367&name=pistlar. [In Icelandic].

Data from a non-printed electronic database:
UNDP 2005. Indicators – Australia. In: Human Developments Reports. United Nations Development Programme. Accessed 03.10.2011 at http://hdr.undp.org/statistics/data/cty/cty_f_AUS.html.

Illustrations/Figures. All illustrative material must be of publication quality. All graphs, drawings and photographs are considered figures and should be kept to a minimum, numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Use only solid or open symbols, and avoid the use of light lines or fine screen shading. Distinguish areas within a diagram with solid white or black fill, hatching, or cross-hatching. Figures should be designed to fit one (6.6 cm), one and a half (10.3 cm), or two (13.8 cm) column widths, with a maximum height of 19.6 cm. Figures should be submitted at the size they are to appear in the journal. When reproduced at final size, lettering on figures (capitals and numerals) must be of Arial font and 11 point size. Excel format of graphs are preferred, but if figures are made in other programs care must be taken to follow the above instructions in every detail. Figures should be delivered in black and white and will be printed in black and white, but colour printing is possible at the cost of author.

Tables. If results are already given in graphs or diagrams, tables should not be used. Double documentation is not acceptable. Table text should be in ordinary letter size and column headings in bold. Location of figures and tables might be indicated as a comment. Columns or rows within the tables should not be separated with lines. Lining should only be at top and bottom of a table, separating the heading from table content.
For further details, take a look at the last issue of IAS.

Send your manuscripts electronically to the editor at: editor@ias.is

Prof. Thorsteinn Gudmundsson
Agricultural University of Iceland
311 Borgarnes

Telephone +354 433 5000
Fax: + 354 433 5001
E-mail: editor@ias.is

Printed copy of the instructions:
The above instructions can also be downloaded as a pdf file here below:

IAS_Instructions for authors 12.pdf

EndNote reference software stylesheet for IAS:
Note that the EndNote style may be missing some reference types :

Icel Agr Sci.ens

What happens after you submit a manuscript to Icel. Agric. Sci.?:

Instructions to Authors
IAS_Instructions for authors 7.pdf

Editorial Board
Contacts and Addresses

Prof. Thorsteinn Gudmundsson, Agricultural University of Iceland.
Telephone (+354) 433 5000 Fax (+ 354) 433 5001 E-mail editor@ias.is

Associate editors:
Prof. Bjarni D. Sigurdsson, Agricultural University of Iceland, IS 311 Borgarnes.
Dr. Sigurdur Ingvarsson, Keldur, Institute for Experimental Pathology, University of Iceland

Editoral board:
Dr. Bjarni Kristófer Kristjánsson - Univ. College Hólaskóli
Dr. Edda S. Oddsdóttir - Icel. For. Res.
Dr. Guðmundur Halldórsson - Soil Conserv. Service of Iceland
Dr. Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir - Icel. Food Biotech R&D Inst.
Dr. Jón S. Ólafsson - Inst. Freshwater Fisheries
Dr. Ólöf Sigurðardóttir - Inst. Exp. Pathol., Univ. Iceland
Dr. Ægir Þór Þórsson - The Farmers Association of Iceland

Preferably submit your manuscript electronically to: editor@ias.is

If you need to mail the editor then address it to:
The Editor of IAS, Thorsteinn Gudmundsson, Agricultural University of Iceland, Hvanneyri, IS-311 Borgarnes, ICELAND.


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