

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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影响因子:0.353 (2011)
变更情况:ISSN changed to 0100-6916 in 2013

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Basic information

The revista Engenharia Agrícola was created in 1972. Since then, it has been considered the main technical-scientific journal of the Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola - SBEA, being classified as grade "A" by Qualis system of CAPES. Represents all the related areas of Agricultural Engineering and three issues per year are published with about 30 articles in each one. The distribution to the authors who are members of SBEA and to the main Brazilian and foreign libraries is free.

revista Engenharia Agrícola has 420 reviewers "ad hoc" from various research and education institutes in Brazil and outside the country. Each article received by the journal is sent to three reviewers. The articles will be published when approved by two reviewers at least and the Editorial Board. The list of reviewers who analysed the last year articles is divulged at the first issue of the present year.

The directions for publication in revista Engenharia Agrícola are briefly presented on the internal side of the cover of each issue. The SBEA secretariat is responsible by the procedure between the reviewers and authors, being supervised by the Area Editors. More information for publishing and procedure of the articles can be found clicking here.

The abbreviated title of the journal is Eng. agríc., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.

Information services

The articles published in the journal revista Engenharia Agrícola are indexed by:

·AGRIS (International Information System for the Agricultural Science and Technology)

·AGROBASE (Coordenadoria Geral de Informação Documental Agrícola - CENAGRI/Ministério da Agricultura)

·CAB INTERNATIONAL (International Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences)

·Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition

·Science Citation Index

·Web of Science


Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Instructions to Authors

General instructions

 The articles should be written in Portuguese. Articles written in Spanish or English are accepted but they must have SUMMARY and KEY-WORDS in Portuguese. Articles sent to this journal should be unpublished (exception only for abstracts presented in scientific meetings) and must not have been concurrently submitted to other journals.

Manuscripts should be submitted in quadruplicated which only one copy must be identified with the name of the authors and the text should be provided on a 3.5 inch high density floppy disk. All the authors must sign the form and send to the Editorial Coordinator of the Agricultural Engineering Journal, following the instructions. According to SBEA classification the papers must contain the Agricultural Engineering Areas, which are: Rural Constructions and Ambient Conditions; Energy on Agriculture; Water and Soil Engineering; Agricultural Machines and Mechanization; Post-Harvest Science and Technology; Topography, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensor; Sanitation and Environmental Control; Research, Extension and Professional Politics. These areas are also related on the internal side of the cover of the journal. Articles that do not follow the guidelines will be returned to the authors for correction before being sent to review.

The contributors must obey these instructions to write the texts:

Text editor: MS Word 7.0 or posterior

Page size: letter (21.59 x 27.94 cm)

Page amount: maximum of 15

Space between lines: double-spacing

Font: Times New Roman 12

Font of headline/bottom line: Times New Roman 9

Margins: superior = 2 cm; inferior = 1.8 cm; left = 2.5 cm; right = 1.6 cm

Pages should be numbered

Paragraph: 1.0 cm

For each paper sent to the journal the authors must pay R$60,00 (before sending the papers) if one of them is a member of SBEA, otherwise they must pay R$120,00. In this situation, when the article is published only the first author will receive the journal's issue. In both situations mentioned the authors should send a nominal check to SBEA. The article may not be published even if the payment was done.

After the texts revision, the authors must send a final copy to the journal editorial, double-spacing, pages numbered with a pencil on reverse side and a copy on a 3.5" floppy disk.


 Articles can be: 1. Scientific Articles, 2. Technical Articles, 3. Review Articles.

Scientific Articles: Refer to the original research.

Technical Articles: Should be written in technical language, easy to understand. They must orientate and interest all the Agricultural Engineering readers, and be composed by highly capable authors. Only articles that contribute to Agricultural Engineering subjects will be accepted. Personal cases or articles which attend a few users will not be published.

Review Articles: A study of important topics related to the Agricultural Engineering area based on an extensive bibliographic research, allowing the compilation of knowledge.

Illustrations and Tables: Illustrations and graphs should be enough detailed for printing, presented in black and white and at the same position of the text. Graphs must have no borders, the x and y axis must be written as the letters on the text (same font). Subtitle must be under the graphs. Graphs should not be recorded as an illustration. Table's size must fill the useful space in the page, from margin to margin and the subtitles must explain themselves. Photographs are in black and white; when colorful the additional expenses will be charged to author.

EQUATIONS: All the equations should be lined with the paragraph and numbered, as the example:

y = ax + b (1)


y - speed, m s-1

a - angular coefficient

KEYWORDS: No more than 3 key words, avoiding words of the title, written in small letters. Full version of the abstract should present TITLE, SUMMARY and KEY WORDS.

REFERENCES: Should be cited in alphabetical order with capital letters and only the ones mentioned on the text, tables, graphs and illustrations. For three or more authors, the citation should include the first author's name followed by the expression et al. At the final bibliography the other names must appear. Any doubts, check the norm NBR-6023 (August 2000) of ABNT.
Editorial Board

Editorial board


Carlos Eduardo Angeli Furlani

Technical editors

 Rural Constructions and Ambient Condition

Sanitation and Environmental Control

Daniella Jorge de Moura - FEAGRI/UNICAMP, Campinas - SP

Sandra Regina Pires de Moraes - UEG, Anápolis - GO

Energy on Agriculture

Delly Oliveira Filho - UFV, Viçosa - MG

Water and Soil Engineering

Adunias dos Santos Teixeira - UFC, Fortaleza - CE

Antônio Carlos Andrade Gonçalves - UEM, Maringá - PR

Regina Célia de Matos Pires - IAC, Campinas - SP

Agricultural Machines and Mechanization

Rouverson Pereira da Silva - FCAV/UNESP, Jaboticabal - SP

Renato Levien - UFRGS, Porto Alegre - RS

Post-Harvest Science and Technology

Research, Extension and Professional Politics

Marco Antônio Martin Biaggioni - FCA/UNESP, Botucatu - SP

Topography, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensor

Hélio Ricardo Silva - FEIS/UNESP, Ilha Solteira - SP

Secretary: Davi Aparecido Trevizolli

Texts revision


Núbia Josefina Lopes Brichi - FCAV/UNESP, Jaboticabal - SP


Mônica Maia de Stéfani


Vitório Barato Neto


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