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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


 Proceedings: Biological Sciences

(continues Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences)

Proceedings B welcomes papers of high quality in all aspects of biology. Currently, it is particularly strong in ecology in the widest sense, and behavioural and evolutionary biology. Proceedings B has also published significant numbers of papers in epidemiology, human biology, neuroscience, palaeontology and biomechanics. Authors are encouraged to submit papers not only in these fields, but in all branches of biology. The criteria for selection are scientific excellence, originality and potential interest to a wide spectrum of biologists.

Many more good manuscripts are submitted to us, than we have space to print, and we give preference to those that present significant advances of broad interest. Submission of preliminary reports, of papers that merely confirm previous findings, and of papers that are likely to interest only small groups of specialists, is not encouraged. All papers are sent to Editorial Board members for an initial assessment of their suitability, and may be returned to authors without in-depth peer-review if this assessment makes it seem unlikely that they will be accepted.

 Current Issue Cover

Instructions to Authors

 How to submit to Proceedings B

Preparing your manuscript
Submitting your paper
Does your paper include colour figures?
Tracking the progress of your submission

Proceedings B welcomes papers on any aspect of biological science, including clinical science. It publishes announcements of important results, up to a maximum of 4000 words (equivalent to six printed pages). Papers must not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The main findings of the paper should not have been reported in the mass media. Like many journals Proceedings B employs a strict embargo policy where the reporting of a scientific paper by the media is embargoed until a specific time. The Editor has final authority in all matters relating to publication. Acceptance of a paper will be determined by its quality and interest.

Many more good manuscripts are submitted to us than we have space to print, and we give preference to those that present significant advances of broad interest. Submission of preliminary reports, of papers that merely confirm previous findings, and of papers that are likely to interest only small groups of specialists, is not encouraged. All papers are sent to Editorial Board members for an initial assessment of their suitability, and may be returned to authors without in-depth peer-review if this assessment makes it seem unlikely that they will be accepted.

Preparing your manuscript
Proceedings B considers papers up to a maximum of six printed pages. This is equivalent to 4,000 words, including a brief summary, references and typically four displays (figures or tables). Authors are advised that papers prepared in accordance with these instructions will be given priority. While papers longer than six printed pages will be considered, they will attract a page charge per printed page exceeding this limit (see the current issue, or contact the Editorial Office). Papers estimated to exceed ten printed pages will be returned to the author without consideration. Alternatively, subject to the approval of the Editor, we can place electronic appendices (created by the authors themselves) onto our web site. A hard copy will be deposited with the British Library. However, the main report, published in the printed journal, should stand on its own merit.

Papers should conform to recommendations for authorship provided by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (the Vancouver Group). For further details, see the following address: http://www.icmje.org/

Papers describing experiments with vertebrates will be accepted only if the procedures used are clearly described and conform to the British Home Office regulations for avoiding unnecessary suffering to the animals. In addition, referees are invited to express any ethical concerns regarding animal experimentation, human studies and conservation issues. Papers will be accepted only if they are considered ethically sound.

Announcements of new species should conform to the rules and regulations of international commissions responsible for taxonomic description. New species descriptions must not be published as an electronic-only appendix. Papers containing new species descriptions will be sent to at least one taxonomist reviewer.

For full details of how to prepare your paper, please refer to the Journal Style Guide. Authors should also consult
Journal Policy on the use of statistics, the use of colour illustrations, authorship, copyright, permissions and electronic supplementary material.

Submitting your paper
Papers should be submitted online. Simply register with our e-Pubs service and upload your paper.

We accept papers formatted as Adobe PDFs. Papers should be submitted as single PDFs, containing all of the text and figures. For advice on preparing PDFs, please click here.

The PDF will be used solely for the refereeing process, and there is no need to include production-quality figures unless the nature of your figures demands it.

Please also include a full word count for your paper (including references and figure legends).

Should your paper be accepted it will need to be formatted in accordance with our Journal Style Guide and
Technical guidelines.

Does your paper include colour figures?
Proceedings B welcomes the submission of papers containing colour illustrations. However, owing to the high cost of colour reproduction, authors are asked to contribute a portion of the extra cost. Please read our journal policy on the use of colour figures before downloading and completing a Colour Usage form.

Tracking the progress of your submission
Receipt of your paper will be acknowledged by e-mail as soon as it is received. A reference number will be allocated and you will be able to track the progress of your paper through the e-Pubs service.

Once receipt of the paper has been acknowledged, authors should return a completed copyright form, and colour form if appropriate, to the Editorial Office. Links will be provided in the acknowledgement e-mail, and the forms are also available here:

All submissions are seen by at least two referees. The journal makes every effort to ensure that referees report swiftly.

As soon as the Editor has reached a decision on your paper you will be notified by e-mail.


Editorial Board


ME Akam Department of Zoology,
University of Cambridge
JC Avise Department of Genetics,
University of Georgia
A Balmford Department of Zoology,
University of Cambridge
MA Beaumont School of Animal & Microbial Sciences,
University of Reading
NC Bennett Department of Zoology and Entomology,
University of Pretoria
ON Bjornstad Department of Entomology,
Penn State University
S Bonhoeffer Department of Ecology and Evolution,
ETH Zurich
JJ Boomsma Department of Population Ecology,
University of Copenhagen
JP Brockes Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University College London
PJ Butler School of Biological Sciences,
University of Birmingham
GR Carvalho Department of Biological Sciences,
University of Hull
D Charlesworth Institute of Cell, Animal and Population Biology,
University of Edinburgh
CW Clark Department of Mathematics,
University of British Columbia
JD Cohen Center for the Study of Brain, Mind and Behavior,
Princeton University
TS Collett Sussex Centre for Neuroscience,
University of Sussex
DW Coltman Department of Animal and Plant Sciences,
University of Sheffield
TN Coulson Department of Zoology,
University of Cambridge
MJ Crawley Department of Biology,
Imperial College
M Doebeli Department of Zoology,
University of British Columbia
RIM Dunbar School of Biological Sciences,
University of Liverpool
CP Ellington Department of Zoology,
University of Cambridge
NR Franks School of Biological Sciences,
University of Bristol
RA Fortey Department of Palaeontology,
The Natural History Museum, London
MJG Gage School of Biological Sciences,
University of East Anglia
KJ Gaston Department of Animal and Plant Sciences,
University of Sheffield
A Rus Hoelzel Department of Biological Sciences,
University of Durham
LD Hurst School of Biology and Biochemistry,
University of Bath
RA Johnstone Department of Zoology,
University of Cambridge
EB Keverne Sub-Department of Animal Behaviour,
University of Cambridge
LEB Kruuk Institute of Cell, Animal and Population Biology,
University of Edinburgh
R Mace Department of Anthropology,
University College London
AE Magurran School of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology,
University of St Andrews
JLB Mallet Department of Genetics and Biometry,
University College London
NB Metcalfe Division of Environmental & Evolutionary Biology,
University of Glasgow
B Okamura School of Animal and Microbial Sciences,
University of Reading
IPF Owens Department of Biology,
Imperial College at Silwood Park
K Padian Department of Integrative Biology,
University of California, Berkeley
M Pagel School of Animal and Microbial Sciences,
University of Reading
VS Ramachandran Department of Psychology,
Center for Research on Brain Cognition, USA
JA Raven Department of Biological Sciences,
University of Dundee
AF Read Institute of Cell, Animal and Population Biology,
University of Edinburgh
RE Ricklefs Department of Biology,
University of Missouri-St Louis
D Schluter Department of Biology,
University of British Columbia
BC Sheldon Department of Zoology,
University of Oxford
MT Siva-Jothy Department of Animal and Plant Sciences,
University of Sheffield
N Chr. Stenseth Department of Biology,
University of Oslo
L Sundström Department of Ecology and Systematics,
University of Helsinki
EE Svensson Section for Animal Ecology,
Lund University
CD Thomas School of Biology,
University of Leeds
G Westheimer Department of Molecular and Cell Biology,
University of California, Berkeley


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