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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Brain Structure & Function publishes research that provides insight into brain structure?function relationships. Studies published here integrate data spanning from molecular, cellular, developmental, and system architecture, to the neuroanatomy of behavior and cognitive functions, to clinical neuroanatomy and brain dysfunction.

Studies of the mammalian nervous system are central to the journal, yet coverage ranges beyond this taxon. Methodologies include modern tracing, immunocytochemical and neuroimaging methods; neuroinformatics (databases and internet tools); statistical techniques that support the integration of 3D cellular and systems-level anatomical data; and genetic/molecular/electrophysiological approaches to neural circuit models.

The journal presents full-length papers, short communications, and reviews.

Related subjects » Cell Biology - Neurology - Neuroscience

Impact Factor: 4.415 (2009) * 

Rank 1 of 16 in subject category Anatomy & morphology
Rank 48 of 230 in subject category Neurosciences

* Journal Citation Reports®, Thomson Reuters

Abstracted/Indexed in: 

Academic OneFile, Academic Search, AGRICOLA, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), CSA/Proquest, Current Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (CABS), Current Contents/ Life Sciences, Elsevier Biobase, EMBASE, EMBiology, Expanded Academic, Google Scholar, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Neuroscience Citation Index, OCLC, PsycINFO, PubMed/Medline, Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), SCOPUS, Summon by Serial Solutions, TOC Premier, Zoological Record

Instructions to Authors

Instructions for Authors

Types of papers 

Authors may submit: Original Articles, Short Communications, or Reviews.
Review articles are given high priority.

Editorial Board

Brain Structure & Function



Laszlo Zaborszky
Center for Molecular and Behavioral
Neuroscience Rutgers,
The State University of New Jersey,
197 University Avenue, Newark, NJ 07102, USA
e-mail: zaborszky@axon.rutgers.edu
Fax: +1-973-353-1588

Karl Zilles
Institute of Medicine
Research Center Jülich
52425 Jülich, Germany
e-mail: k.zilles@fz-juelich.de
Tel.: +49(0)2461-61-3015
Fax: +49(0)2461-61-2990

Section Editors

Brain Architecture (BA)
Karl Zilles - Jülich/Düsseldorf, Germany

Cellular Neuroanatomy (CN)
Laszlo Zaborszky - Newark, NJ, USA

Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroanatomy (CB)
Helen Barbas - Boston, MA, USA

Computational Examination of Structure-Function Relationships (CE)
Jan Bjaalie - Oslo, Norway

Developmental Structure and Function (DS)
Giorgio Innocenti - Stockholm, Sweden

Neuroanatomy of Brain Dysfunction (NB)
Patrick R. Hof - New York, NY, USA

Systems Neuroimaging (SN)
Heidi Johansen-Berg - Oxford, UK

Advisory Board

Kevin Alloway - Hershey, PA, USA (BA)
David Amaral - Sacramento, CA, USA (CB)
Katrin Amunts - Jülich, Germany (SN)
Chiye Aoki - New York, NY, USA (CB)
Giorgio Ascoli - Fairfax, VA, USA (CE)
Gary Aston-Jones - Charleston, SC, USA (CN)
Anders Bjorklund - Lund, Sweden (CB)
Paul J. Bolam - Oxford, UK (BA)
Anna K. Braun - Magdeburg, Germany (DS)
Oliver Brüstle - Bonn, Germany (CN)
György Buzsáki - Newark, NJ, USA (BA)
Eero Castren - Helsinki, Finland (DS)
Carmen Cavada - Madrid, Spain (BA)
Jorge A. Colombo - Buenos Aires, Argentina (CN)
Barry W. Connors - Providence, RI, USA (CN)
Stanislas Dehaene - Paris, France (SN)
Raymond J. Dolan - London, UK (NB)
Gereon R. Fink - Jülich, Germany (NB)
Richard Frackowiak - London, UK (SN)
Tamas F. Freund - Budapest, Hungary (BA)
Michael Frotscher - Freiburg, Germany (DS)
Charles R. Gerfen - Bethesda, MD, USA (BA)
Suzanne Haber - Rochester, NY, USA (CB)
Stephen J. Hanson - Newark, NJ, USA (SN)
Michael Hasselmo - Boston, MA, USA (CB)
Takao K. Hensch - Cambridge, MA (DS)
Terry L. Jernigan - San Diego, CA, USA (SN)
Hans-Otto Karnath - Tübingen, Germany (NB)
Yasuo Kawaguchi - Okazaki, Japan (CN)
Gerd Kempermann - Dresden, Germany (CN)
Rolf Kötter - Nijmegen, The Netherlands (CE)
Nikos Logothetis - Tübingen, Germany (SN)
Joachim Lübke - Jülich, Germany (BA)
Guiseppe Luppino - Parma, Italy (BA)
Helen S. Mayberg - Atlanta, GA, USA (CB)
John Mazziotta - Los Angeles, CA, USA (SN)
Bruce McEwen - New York, NY, USA (CN)
Jacqueline F. McGinty - Charleston, SC, USA (CN)
Marsel M. Mesulam - Chicago, IL, USA (NB)
Zoltan Molnar - Oxford, UK (DS)
Toshihiko Momiyama - Okazaki, Japan (CN)
Joan I. Morrell - Newark, NJ, USA (CN)
John Morrison - New York, NY, USA (CN)
Enrico Mugnaini - Chicago, IL, USA (CN)
Zoltan Nadasdy - Pasadena, CA, USA (CE)
Jonathan Nissanov - Philadelphia, PA, USA (CE)
John Parnavelas - London, UK (DS)
George Paxinos - Sydney, Australia (BA)
Joseph L. Price - St. Louis, MO, USA (CB)
Charles E. Ribak - Irvine, CA, USA (CN)
Trevor Robbins - Cambridge, UK (CB)
Per Roland - Stockholm, Sweden (SN)
John L.R. Rubenstein - San Francisco, CA, USA (DS)
Peter Saggau - Houston, TX, USA (CE)
Paul E. Sawchenko - San Diego, CA, USA (BA)
Helen Scharfman - Orangeburg, NY, USA (CN)
Frank Schneider - Aachen, Germany (NB)
Susan R. Sesack - Pittsburgh, PA, USA (CN)
N. Jon Shah - Jülich, Germany (SN)
Ralph M. Siegel - Newark, NJ, USA (CB)
Peter Somogyi - Oxford, UK (CN)
Armen Stepanyants - Boston, MA, USA (CE)
Paula Tallal - Newark, NJ, USA (SN)
James Tepper - Newark, NJ, USA (CN)
Arthur W. Toga - Los Angeles, CA, USA (SN)
Roger D. Traub - New York, NY, USA (CE)
Harry B.M. Uylings - Amsterdam, The Netherlands (BA)
Csaba Vadasz - Orangeburg, NY, USA (CB)
Meno P. Witter - Amsterdam, The Netherlands (BA)
Rafael Yustee - New York, NY, USA (BA)
Daniel S. Zahm - St. Louis, MO, USA (BA)


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