

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版频率:Continuous publication

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Biomicrofluidics is an online open-access journal published by the American Institute of Physics to rapidly disseminate research in elucidating fundamental physicochemical mechanisms associated with microfluidic and nanofluidic phenomena as well as novel microfluidic and nanofluidic techniques for diagnostic, medical, biological, pharmaceutical, environmental, and chemical applications. Research areas include, but are not limited to:

  • Microfluidic and nanofluidic actuation (Electrokinetics, acoustofluidics, optofluidics and magnetohydrodynamics)
  • Wetting, nano-rheology and droplet platforms
  • Molecular and bioparticle sorting, manipulation and concentration
  • Genomic and proteomic analysis
  • Cell culture, manipulation and analysis
  • Immunoassay, enzyme analysis and bead-based biosensors
  • Pathogen detection and point-of-care diagnostics
  • Drug delivery and discovery platforms
  • Biomaterials synthesis and tissue engineering
  • Fuel and solar cells

With a primary focus on high-quality, original research articles, the journal also will organize special sections that will help elucidate and define specific challenges unique to the interdisciplinary field of biomicrofluidics.

Instructions to Authors

Statement on Ethics and Author Responsibilities

This journal is published as part of the charter of its publisher, the American Institute of Physics (AIP), to advance and diffuse knowledge of the science of physics and its applications to human welfare. To that end, it is essential that all who participate in producing the journal conduct themselves as authors, reviewers, editors, and publishers in accord with the highest level of professional ethics and standards.

A detailed statement of what this journal expects is available here.

By submitting a manuscript to this journal, each author implicitly confirms that it meets the highest ethical standards.

Where to Submit Your Manuscript

Submit manuscripts via Peer X-Press, Biomicrofluidics' online manuscript submission system, located at http://bmf.peerx-press.org.

Author instructions are available through a link after you successfully log into Peer X-Press. After registering and submitting information and files, you may use Peer X-Press to check on the status of your manuscript throughout the peer review process.

All submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter specifying authors, title, Journal, corresponding author's e-mail address, and any special requests.

Unless otherwise stated, submission of a manuscript will be understood to mean that the paper has been neither copyrighted, classified, published, nor is being considered for publication elsewhere. If the manuscript was previously submitted to another journal, please include a copy of the pertinent correspondence with your submission. It is expected that the manuscript does not substantially duplicate material elsewhere, such as a published conference proceedings volume. If there is any uncertainty about this point, please enclose a copy of the relevant related paper with your submission.

A duly signed transfer of copyright agreement form is required for publication in this journal. No claim is made to original U.S. Government works. Upload a signed AIP Transfer of Copyright Agreement Form when submitting your original or revised manuscript to the journal's online submission site (http://bmf.peerx-press.org). See Editorial Office contact information below.

Journal Sections

Perspectives and Review Articles: Perspectives and Review Articles consist of colloquia that serve to provide an in-depth overview or the anticipated future directions of a particular topic of importance or growth within the field. Papers in these sections are usually solicited from leading researchers in the subject area, although the editors welcome proposals from prospective authors. Whilst there are no strict length limitations for Perspectives and Review Articles, they should not exceed 50 published pages (approximately 35,000 words of text, reduced, however, by allowances for equations, tables, and figures; an average one-column figure with its caption will displace about 220 words of text) are discouraged as they extend the review process. Manuscripts deemed to be too long or to require excessive time for reviews will not be accepted.

Brief Communications: Brief Communications consist of short reports of significant new research findings within the scope of the journal that constitute a complete body of work. Preliminary work or incomplete data sets, as well as publication of a series of short articles by the same research group on a particular topic, are therefore discouraged. The abstract is limited to 100 words. In addition to the title, abstract, and references, Brief Communications should contain no more than 2000 words of text (approximately 3 published pages), reduced, however, by allowances for equations, tables, and figures. An average one-column figure with its caption will displace about 220 words of text. Authors are cautioned that discovery of excess length might not occur until a late stage in publication and would then result in delay and expense. Circumvention of the length limitation by division of a long article into small parts is considered to be contrary to the purpose of this section.

Regular Articles: Regular Articles are original contributions that disseminate new research findings that constitute a substantial advance in understanding in a subject within the scope of the journal. Whilst there are no strict length limitations for Regular Articles, contributions longer than 15 published pages (approximately 10,000 words of text, reduced, however, by allowances for equations, tables, and figures; an average one-column figure with its caption will displace about 220 words of text) are discouraged as they extend the review process. Manuscripts deemed to be too long or to require excessive time for reviews will not be accepted.

Fabrication and Laboratory Methods: The Fabrication and Laboratory Methods section is intended to provide a forum for the publication of classical and novel recipes and improvements to fabrication and laboratory techniques associated with microfluidics and nanofluidics and also to those techniques that pertain to chemical and biological applications of lab-on-a-chip devices. Protocols are usually solicited from leading researchers in the field, although the editors welcome proposals from prospective authors. As with the rest of the journal articles, the protocols will carry full citation details.

How to Prepare Your Manuscript

English-Language Editing. Journals published by the American Institute of Physics (AIP) are not able to provide free English-language editing services to authors, but those services are available to authors from several commercial vendors, including American Journal Experts ( http://www.journalexperts.com ) and SPi Professional Editing Services ( http://www.prof-editing.com ). Interested authors should contact these service providers directly. Since the AIP Journals have not used either of these commercial services, we cannot attest to the quality of their work.

Properly prepared, double-spaced manuscript/article files in LaTeX/REVTeX or MSWord format are accepted. Please see the instructions below for submitting LaTeX/REVTeX files. If an author wishes to submit files in a different format, the Editorial Office should be contacted prior to submission.

The speed with which papers are processed in the Editorial Office and prepared for publication by the American Institute of Physics can be increased considerably if authors take care in the preparation of manuscripts. Particular care should be taken when a laboratory report is used as the basis for the preparation of a manuscript. Such reports often include an exhaustive review of previous or related work, extensive information on experimental instrumentation and techniques, details of algebraic operations, numerous figures, data, tables, etc., not appropriate for publication.

Articles which do not meet the criteria listed will not be sent out for review and will either be rejected outright or returned to the authors for resubmission.

For general format and style, consult recent issues of the Journal. Link to the journal's General Editorial Policies here.

The Manuscript, including the abstract, references, and captions, should be set up for 21.6 x 28 cm (8-1/2 x 11 in. or A4) pages with ample margins. It should be carefully proofread by the author. The manuscript must be in good scientific American English; this is the author's responsibility. Number all pages in single sequence beginning with the title and abstract page. The title page should contain the title of the article, the names and affiliations of the authors, and a short abstract. Parts of the manuscript should be arranged in the following order: title, author, affiliation, abstract, text, acknowledgments, appendices, and references. Papers should not be lengthened by unnecessary descriptions and repetitions, but neither should authors use a telegraphic style detrimental to the clarity and understanding of the paper.

The Title should be as concise as possible but sufficiently informative to describe the subject under discussion.

The Abstract must emphasize the new results and should be self-contained (contain no footnotes). One should not have to read the paper to understand the abstract. It should be adequate as an index (giving all subjects, major and minor, about which new information is given), and as a summary (giving conclusions and all results of general interest in the article). It should be about 5% of the length of the article, but less than 500 words for full-length articles (Perspectives, Review and Regular Articles) and 100 words for Brief Communications. The abstract should be written as one paragraph and should not contain displayed mathematical equations or tabular material.

Authors' namesshould preferably be written in a standard form for all publications to facilitate indexing and avoid ambiguities.

Authors with Chinese, Japanese, or Korean names may choose to have their names published in their own language alongside the English versions of their names in the author list of their publications. For Chinese, authors may use either Simplified or Traditional characters. Chinese, Japanese, or Korean characters must be included within the author list of the manuscript when submitting or resubmitting. The manuscript must be prepared using Microsoft Word or using the CJK LaTeX package. Specific guidelines for each authoring tool are given here. To ensure that we have processed the manuscript files correctly, you must proof the PDF of the manuscript as produced by the Peer X-Press system on first submission. In addition, it is essential that you check carefully any production proofs you receive prior to the publication of your paper.

Equations should be neatly typed, punctuated and aligned to bring out their structure, and numbered on the right. Mathematical operation signs indicating continuity of the expression should be placed at the left of the second and succeeding lines. Use x rather than a centered dot, except for scalar products of vectors. The solidus (/) should be used instead of built-up fractions in running text, and in display wherever clarity would not be jeopardized. Use "exp" for complicated exponents.

Notation must be legible, clear, compact, and consistent with standard usage. All unusual symbols whose identity may not be obvious must be identified the first time they appear, and at all subsequent times when confusion might arise. Superscripts are normally set directly over subscripts; authors should note where readability or the meaning requires a special order.

References and footnotes are treated alike. The names, including initials, of all authors in each reference should be given. (In the text, the use of et al. is permissible.) Titles of papers in journals are NOT required. For footnotes to titles and bylines, use a), b), c), etc. All text references (excluding tables and captions) should be listed in sequential order of appearance. Avoid lengthy footnotes by inserting them in the text, except for the references. References within tables should be designated by lowercase Roman letter superscripts and given at the end of the table.

Tables should appear on pages separate from the running text. Each table must have a caption that will make the data in the table intelligible without reference to the text. Complicated column headings should be avoided. Footnotes to the table should be indicated by superscripts, a, b, c, etc., and begun anew for each table. The tables should be numbered with Roman numerals in the order in which they are referred to in the text.

Special Notes for LaTeX/REVTeX file submissions:

  • A LaTeX/REVTeX submission should be a single .tex file; multiple-(.tex)-file submissions are not supported.
  • Commands to include figures may be used. Ensure that the figure filename cited in the command matches that of the actual file upload; use only the simple filename, not a complete directory path; only include figures of .eps format (not .tif or .pdf).
  • Submission of custom .sty files is not supported.
  • Submission of .bib files is not supported; create your own .bbl file and include it as the bibliography section in the main .tex file.
  • Processing and conversion of TeX files generated from Scientific Word TM(tcilatex) is not supported, and not likely to proceed successfully.
  • Submissions in Plain TeX format or in dvi format are not supported.
  • Uploading .sty files or .bib files, e.g., as Supplemental Material file types, does NOT help.
  • To redo the TeX processing, e.g., after uploading a new or revised figure file, do a Replace on the .tex Article File. Doing a Rebuild of the Merged PDF file does NOT initiate another TeX processing. 

Author Guidelines for Multimedia Submissions

Multimedia files can be included in the final version of published papers. These multimedia files can be viewed by simply clicking on a link in the paper, provided the reader has a video player, such as Windows Media PlayerTM, QuickTime PlayerTM, or RealOne PlayerTM installed.

Please adhere to the following guidelines when preparing multimedia files for submission:

  • When incorporating multimedia, note that the paper should be written so that a printed version of the published article can be understood on its own.
  • Submit all multimedia files initially with the manuscript.
  • Treat all multimedia files as figures, numbered in sequence as they are referred to in text. (Multimedia files will not have a numbering scheme separate from the figures.)
  • All multimedia files must be cited in the text, referred to by their figure number.
  • For each multimedia file, provide a figure, which is a static representation of the multimedia file. Also provide an accompanying caption. At the end of the caption, include the phrase, "(enhanced online)."
  • Video and other enhanced files should be in a format that the majority of readers can view without too much difficulty. See the multimedia guidelines below for specific submission requirements.

Video Submissions

Acceptable file formats include QuickTime nonstreaming video (.qt or .mov), MPEG (.mpg), and DV (.dv). The preferred formats are .mov, and .mpg. Details about each of these file formats are outlined below. Note that AVI files are no longer a recommended file format, because the wide variety of AVI codecs cannot be reliably archived.

Authors must insert a representative “still‿image, taken from the video, in the manuscript as a figure. This still image is not intended to convey meaning about the content of the video; rather it will be used as a static representation of the video file, which will be linked online after acceptance. Care should be taken to extract an image from the video which has reasonable clarity of fine lines and details. Acceptable file formats for still images are JPEG (.jpg) and GIF (.gif).

Audio Submissions

Acceptable file formats include PCM (.pcm), WAV (.wav), AIFF (.aif), and MP3 (.mp3) at 128 KB or greater.

General Guidelines for All Multimedia Submissions

Authors are strongly encouraged to adhere to the following guidelines when preparing multimedia files:

  • The acceptable file formats outlined above are playable using standard media players, such as QuickTime and Windows Media Player. Media players should be used to check file properties and image/sound quality prior to submission. For video submissions, fonts, lines, and image details should be of sufficient size and weight to be visible when played at half size.
  • Attention should be paid to the file size to make download time reasonable since streaming formats are not acceptable for submission at this time. A recommended target size for each multimedia file is 3â€?MB.
  • Authors are encouraged to use one of the accepted compression codecs to minimize file sizes.
  • Animations must be formatted into a standard video file.

Multimedia Metadata

Authors will be asked to provide some information about their multimedia files. A caption or description of the content of the media file is required (similar to a typical figure caption). Additional metadata as outlined below will also be requested. This information is optional.

Metadata Elements:

  • Caption/ description: Textual caption/description of the content of media object. Required.
  • Type: The nature or genre of the content of the media, such as video or audio. Optional.
  • Format: This should describe the media filetype, such as QuickTime, DV, MPEG, PCM, or WAV. Optional.
  • Duration: This is the duration of the media object playing time, in units of seconds. It is applicable to video or audio media. Optional.
  • Frame size: For video only (not still images), the size of the video image, as height × width in pixels. Optional.
  • Producer: Information about the software used to create the media object. It should include the name and version of the software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Elements v. 2.0). Optional.

Multimedia Detailed Specifications

Acceptable Video File Formats:

  • QuickTime nonstreaming (.qt or .mov)
    • 24 bit (millions) color
    • Video Compressor/Codec
      • Uncompressed/None
      • Animation
      • Motion JPEG (MJPEG)
      • DV—NTSC
      • DV—PAL
    • Audio
      • 48,000 samples per second
      • 16 bit
      • Uncompressed/PCM
      • Stereo or Mono
  • MPEG
    • Video Compressor/Codec
      • MPEG2 (.mpg)
      • MPEG4 (.mpg or .mp4)
    • Video data rate 6 MB or greater
    • Audio
      • 48,000 samples per second
      • 16 bit
      • Uncompressed (PCM) or MPEG Audio at 224 KB or greater
  • DV (.dv)
    • DV NTSC
    • DV PAL

NTSC Video Parameters:

  • Image size (H:V) 720:480 pixels
  • Frame rate 29.97 frames per second

PAL Video Parameters:

  • Image size (H:V) 720:576 pixels
  • Frame rate 25 frames per second

Acceptable Audio File Formats:

  • PCM, WAV, AIFF, MP3 (at 128 KB or greater)
    • Audio Parameters
      • 44,100 or 48,000 samples per second
      • 16 bit
      • Stereo or Mono

Supplemental Material

Supplemental files may be of two types:

  • Files to aid the reviewer and not for publication.
  • Supplementary information for publication alongside the manuscript.

Appropriate items for publication as supplemental material include; multimedia (e.g., movie files, audio files, 3D rendering files), data tables, and text (e.g., appendices) that are too lengthy or of too limited interest for inclusion in the article. Links (URLs) in the online (printed) journal article allow users to navigate directly to the associated files.

All supplemental material must be approved by the Journal Editor as part of a manuscript's normal review cycle, and must be listed in the reference section as follows: "See supplementary material at [URL will be inserted by AIP] for [give brief description of material]."

For additional information about depositing or retrieving supplementary material, see the Supplemental Material homepage.

How to Prepare Your Illustrations

Please adhere to the following guidelines when preparing your illustrations for submission:

General Guidelines for Preparing Illustrations:

  • Number figures in the order in which they appear in text.
  • Label all figure parts with (a), (b), etc. Avoid any large disparity in size of lettering and labels used within one illustration.
  • Prepare illustrations in the final published size, not oversized. The maximum published width for an illustration is 6-3/4 inch (17 cm). Each illustration should be prepared for 100% reproduction in order to avoid problems arising from large reductions in size.
  • In cases where reduction is required, avoid small open symbols that tend to fill in and avoid small lettering; ensure that, in the final published illustration, there is a minimum of 8-point type size (2.8 mm high; 1/8 inch high) for lettering and 0.5-point width for lines.
  • Ensure that lettering and lines are dark enough, and thick enough, to reproduce clearly, especially if reduction is necessary. Remember that fine lines tend to disappear upon reduction.

Additional Guidelines for Preparation of Electronic Graphics Files:

  • Acceptable formats: PostScript (.ps), Encapsulated PostScript (.eps, using either Arial or Times Roman fonts), Tagged Image File Format (.tif, lzw compressed), or Portable Document Format (.pdf).
  • When submitting your manuscript, submit ALL illustrations for your paper, including line art.
  • Make sure there is only ONE figure per file. Each figure file should contain all parts of the figure. For example, if Figure 1 contains three parts (a, b, c), then all parts should be combined in a single file for Figure 1.
  • Set the correct orientation for each graphics file.
  • Settings: Set the graphic for 600 dpi resolution for line art, 264 dpi for halftones, and 600 dpi for combinations (line art + halftone).
  • Save line art as black/white bitmap, not grayscale.
  • Save halftones and combinations as grayscale, not black/white bitmap.
  • Submit color files at 300 dpi TIFF, PS, or EPS format. If selecting a file mode, use CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) or RGB (red, green, blue).

Special Instructions for Creating a Production-Ready PDF Illustration:
For accepted manuscripts, PDF as the source file for illustrations is not preferred. However, properly prepared PDF illustration files may be used in the production process of your accepted manuscript if you adhere to the following guidelines:

  • PDF should only be used as the source file for illustrations when the preferred formats (PS, EPS, or TIF) cannot be generated.
  • In the PDF illustration, the resolution of any shaded or photographic images must be 600 pixels per inch (PPI).
  • Within the PDF illustration, resolution of line art with no shading should be 1200 pixels per inch (PPI).
  • All fonts must be embedded in the PDF.
  • When creating a PDF through your application's print command, select "High Quality Print".
  • Link to more detailed instructions here.

Free Color Online

If authors supply usable color graphics files in time for the production process, color will appear in the online journal free of charge. A usable color graphics file must be in one of the following formats: Encapsulated PostScript (.eps), PostScript (.ps), Tagged Image File Format (.tif), and Portable Document Format (.pdf). No other type of color illustration is acceptable for production, and only one version of each graphics file will be accepted.

If usable color graphics files are received in time for the production process, authors will see color versions of those illustrations when viewing their author proofs. (The Corresponding Author will receive e-mail notification from AIP when the proof, as a PDF file, is available for downloading.)

Manuscript Preparation Checklist

Use this checklist to avoid the most common mechanical errors in submitted manuscripts:

  1. The manuscript must be double-spaced throughout.
  2. Number all pages in single sequence.
  3. Type references in the style used by this journal.
  4. Submit cover letter, manuscript file, illustration files, and any supplemental files via Peer X-Press, the journal's online submission system, located at http://bmf.peerx-press.org.
  5. The original figures must be in the final published size, not oversized.
  6. Include correspondence concerning the paper's previous history.
  7. Upload a signed AIP Transfer of Copyright Agreement Form when submitting your original or revised manuscript to the journal's online submission site (http://bmf.peerx-press.org). A blank copyright form is available here.

Accepted Manuscripts

Authors whose manuscripts have been accepted for publication will receive correspondence informing them of the issue for which it is tentatively scheduled. Date of publication may be before the date of the issue. Authors may access publication data for their manuscripts online through AIP's AMSIS service.

Proofs and all subsequent correspondence pertaining to papers in the production process should be addressed to:

Editorial Supervisor
American Institute of Physics
Suite 1NO1
2 Huntington Quadrangle
Melville, NY 11747-4502, USA
Telephone: +1 516-576-2466
Fax: +1 631-396-0060
E-mail: bmf@aip.org

Reference must be made to the AIP identification number (e.g., 001001BMF), title, author, and scheduled issue date. A limited number of alterations in proof are unavoidable, but the cost of making extensive alterations after the article has been typeset may be charged to the author. Please do not address correspondence about proofs, reprints, artwork, etc., to the Editors. To do so simply delays the appropriate action and response.

Through AIP's Accepted Manuscript Status Inquiry Service (AMSIS), authors may access information about significant milestones for their accepted manuscript during the production process at AIP. AMSIS can be used only by authors of accepted manuscripts; authors will use Peer X-Press to monitor their submitted manuscript during peer review.

Editorial Board


Hsueh-Chia Chang
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA

Leslie Y. Yeo
Monash University, Victoria, Australia


James R. Friend
Monash University, Victoria, Australia


  • Term ending 31 December 2010:

    I-Ming Hsing, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    Jianhua Qin, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    Weijia Wen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    Jackie Yi-Ru Ying, Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, Singapore


  • Term ending 31 December 2011:

    Kwan Hyoung Kang, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Republic of Korea


  • Term ending 31 December 2012:

    Yoshinobu Baba, Nagoya University, Nagoya,Japan
    Jean Berthier, CEA/LETI, Grenoble, France
    Paul Bohn, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA
    Andrew J. de Mello, Imperial College, London, UK
    Patrick S. Doyle, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
    Jong Hoon Hahn, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, South Korea
    Jongyoon Han, Massachusetts, Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
    Steffen Hardt, Institute for Nano- and Microfluidics, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
    Takehiko Kitamori, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
    Luke P. Lee, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
    Ronald Pethig, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
    Todd M. Squires, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
    Orlin D. Velev, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA
    David A. Weitz, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

Editorial Office

Contact the Biomicrofluidics Editorial Office at:

Biomicrofluidics Editorial Office
American Institute of Physics
Suite 1NO1
2 Huntington Quadrangle
Melville, NY 11747-4502, USA

Tel: +1 516-576-2403 or +1 516-576-2616
Fax: +1 516-576-2223

E-mail: biomf@aip.org


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