

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (formerly the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and the Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol) is the oldest alcohol/addiction research journal currently published in the United States. Today, JSAD publishes peer-reviewed studies on a wide range of topics related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages as well as the use of, abuse of, and dependence on illegal drugs (e.g., marijuana, heroin) and legal drugs other than alcohol (e.g., tobacco, prescription medication). The journal's archives include some of the classic studies dealing with the screening for and treatment of problem drinking and alcoholism. JSAD is a not-for-profit journal based at the Center of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ.



Former titles (until 2006): Journal of Studies on Alcohol (美国) (0096-882X)
(until 1975): Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol (美国) (0033-5649)

Instructions to Authors

The Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (JSAD), founded in 1940, publishes peer-reviewed manuscripts dealing with diverse aspects of alcohol and other substances of abuse. JSAD is a multidisciplinary journal, and the range of materials includes biological, medical, epidemiological, social, psychological, legal, and other aspects of alcohol and other drug use, abuse, and dependence. JSAD will publish the following types of manuscripts:


   Reviews Articles: JSAD welcomes submission of review articles, particularly those that represent a new synthesis of information. These articles should be no more than 5,500 words (from the Introduction through the Discussion, excluding the Title Page, Abstract, Acknowledgments, References, Tables, Figure Captions, and Figures).


   Original Studies: These are reports of original investigations that convey the discovery of new knowledge and whose main emphasis is not the development of methods. The recommended length for these reports is no more than 5,500 words (from the Introduction through the Discussion, excluding the Title Page, Abstract, Acknowledgments, References, Tables, Figure Captions, and Figures).


   Brief Reports: These are brief communications that describe new methods, techniques, or apparatus of general interest to the field of alcohol and other drug studies or that present the results of experiments that can be concisely reported with up to one table or figure. These papers are limited in length to 2,500 words (from the Introduction through the Discussion, excluding the Title Page, Abstract, Acknowledgments, References, Tables, Figure Captions, and Figures).


   Rapid Communications: These must contain new information of unusual interest and importance for the field of alcohol and other drug studies. Submissions in this category are eligible for rapid review. These papers are limited in length to 2,500 words (from the Introduction through the Discussion, excluding the Title Page, Abstract, Acknowledgments, References, Tables, Figure Captions, and Figures). Authors should follow the same guidelines in preparing these type of submissions that apply to original studies and brief reports.


   Manuscripts submitted as rapid communications must be accompanied by a cover letter that clearly explains the work and its potential significance for the field. Rapid communications accepted for publication will appear in the next available issue of JSAD.


   Correspondence: The Editor encourages readers' letters, whether they respond to articles or editorial comments published in JSAD, concern important issues of general interest to the field of alcohol and other drug studies, or describe upcoming meetings and events of interest to the JSAD's readership. Authors will be given the opportunity to reply to accepted letters critical of their work.



   JSAD does not assess page charges on its contributors except for the use of color in figures.



   Authors should submit articles online. Most word processing languages are acceptable, but MS WORD is preferred.


   Each manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter indicating whether the paper is submitted as a review, an original study, a brief report, a rapid communication, or a theoretical article. The cover letter should also contain (a) the name, address, email address, and telephone/fax numbers of the corresponding author; (b) a statement that the paper contains original material, not submitted, in press, or published elsewhere in any form; (c) a statement that each author has contributed significantly to the work and agrees to the submission; (d) a note describing any conflict of interest regarding the paper or a statement that no conflict exists; (e) an explanation of the contribution of the present manuscript to the literature; (f) if desired, suggestions for possible reviewers; and finally (g) the signatures of all authors. If all authors cannot sign the same letter, each author can submit a separate letter with his or her signature on it. Electronic signatures (i.e. scanned images of signatures that are imported into the word processing document) are acceptable. Cover pages that are not included with the electronic submission may be faxed to (858) 822-1002.


   JSAD has adopted the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors regarding authorship. These state that "All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship. The order of authorship should be a joint decision of the co-authors. Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content. Authorship credit should be based only on substantial contributions to (a) conception and design, or analysis and interpretation of data; and to (b) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and on (c) final approval of the version to be published. Conditions (a), (b), and (c) must all be met ... [The editor] may require authors to justify the assignment of authorship" (Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, 1994).


   If the manuscript is accepted for publication, it will be necessary for JSAD to receive a written Assignment of Copyright from all authors. Forms for the Assignment of Copyright will be mailed from the Editorial Office at Rutgers University. When a manuscript is accepted for publication in JSAD, it is understood that the authors are agreeable to other competent scientists having access to sufficient data to verify the study's results.



   Each manuscript must be in English, in 12-point Times New Roman font, with everything double-spaced (including references) and 1" margins. The following sections should be included in the order listed: (a) Title Page, (b) Abstract, (c) Introduction, (d) Method, (e) Results, (f) Discussion, (g) Acknowledgments, (h) References, (i) Tables, (j) Captions for Figures, and (k) Figures.


   Please note: JSAD specific policies regarding use of the terms abuse and binge. See these links for more information.


   Title Page: This should contain the full manuscript title (which should concisely convey the article's major contents); the names, academic degrees, and affiliations, with complete addresses, of all authors; and the institution(s) of origin. Indications of grant support should appear in the bottom of this page and should include the name of the granting agency and the grant number. This page should also include the name, telephone and fax numbers, and email and street addresses of the corresponding author to whom galley proofs should be sent. The number of tables and the number of figures in the manuscript should be indicated in the top left-hand corner of the title page.


   Abstract Page: Abstracts should be 250 or fewer words and must include the following information under the these four headings: (a) Objective: the background and purpose of the study (in a complete, grammatical sentence); (b) Method: the study design, setting, participants (including manner of sample selection, number and gender of participants) and interventions; (c) Results: details of major findings; and (d) Conclusions: main inferences drawn from results and potential application of findings.


   Introduction: This section, which should begin a new page, should acquaint the reader with the background of the study and should contain a clear statement of the goals of the investigation or the hypotheses that the study was designed to test.


   Method: For all research containing human subjects, the first paragraph of the method section should provide detail about human subjects review and institutional review board approval. The methods should be described in sufficient detail to allow the reader to judge their accuracy, reproducibility, and reliability. New methods or procedures and modifications of previously published methods should be described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the study. Commonly used methods require only a citation of the original source.


   Results: The experimental data should be described succinctly but completely in text without redundancy between figures and tables or discrepancy between text and tables. Graphic and tabular displays are preferred to discursive narrative. Sufficient data must be provided to allow readers to judge the variability and reliability of the results. Average values must be accompanied by standard errors or standard deviations (e.g., M = 21.5, SD = 0.95). Statistical analysis of the data should be explained early so that the interested but nonexpert reader can interpret the findings. The results of statistical tests should be accompanied by degrees of freedom, for example, t(27) = 2.12, p = .05, F(3, 27) = 6.51, p = .01. For the presentation of statistics in the text, use American Psychological Association (APA) style (Publication Manual of the APA, Sixth Edition, Second Printing). For further guidance on the appropriate presentation of results, authors should consult Carpenter, J. A. (1996) Between acceptance and publication. A sampling of some common problems. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 57, 341-343.


   Discussion: The discussion of the experimental findings and their interpretation should be brief and focused. Alternative interpretations and/or limitations in the procedures should be explained. Avoid repetition of material in the introduction and detailed repetition of the experimental findings. Speculative discussion should be limited and directly relevant to the results obtained.


   Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments made to individuals should be as brief as possible.


   In-text citations: JSAD uses its own journal style for in-text citations. It is similar to APA style, but different in two important aspects: (a) JSAD uses "and" rather than "&" for parenthetical citations for articles having two authors, and (b) JSAD uses "et al." after the first author's surname on the first and all subsequent in-text citations for any reference with three or more authors. Authors should use the following format on the first appearance of a citation within the text and for all subsequent appearances.


Authors' names in parentheses (first and all subsequent citations):

One author: ... (Washington, 1976) ...

Two authors: ... (Washington and Gates, 1987) ...

Three or more authors: ... (Jefferson et al., 1998) ...


Authors' names in the text (first and all subsequent citations):

One authors: ... as surveyed by Washington (1976).

Two authors: Washington and Gates (1987) discovered ...

Three or more authors: Jefferson et al. (1998) wrote that ...


   Multiple works by the same first author: If two or more references in the list have the same first author, have three or more authors, and were published in the same year (e.g., an article by Arthur, Cleveland, and Harrison published in 1988 and a second article published by Arthur, McKinley, and Hayes also in 1988), the first article would become "1988a" and the second would become "1988b" in the reference list. On the first and all subsequent in-text citations, Arthur, Cleveland, and Harrison should be cited "Arthur et al., 1988a," and Arthur, McKinley, and Hayes should be cited "Arthur et al., 1988b."


   Reference list: JSAD publishes all reference lists in APA style (Publication Manual of the APA, Sixth Edition, Second Printing). In the following, we present a brief sample of a reference list entry for a journal article and a book chapter. Please consult the Publication Manual of the APA for additional details about styling reference lists. More information and tutorials are also available at: www.apastyle.org.


Journal Articles

Warner, L. A., White, H. R., & Johnson, V. (2007). Alcohol initiation experiences and family history of alcoholism as predictors of problem-drinking trajectories. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 70, 56-65.


Book Chapters

McCord, J. (1991). Identifying developmental paradigms leading to alcoholism. In D. J. Pittman & H. R. White (Eds.), Society, culture, and drinking patterns reexamined (pp. 480-491). New Brunswick, NJ: Alcohol Research Documentation, Inc.


   Tables: Each table should be typewritten on a separate page and should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Each table must have a concise descriptive heading and should be constructed as simply as possible: Preferably use only tabs and text typed directly in the word processing document, or use Word's table function. Tables must be intelligible without reference to the text (e.g., in the footnotes, define all abbreviations used in the table). Footnotes to tables should be referred to by italicized lowercase superscript letters (a, b, c, etc.) and should appear beneath the table involved, not on a separate page of the manuscript. Do not use any functions or tools that format footnotes, but instead set footnotes in plain type below the table.


   Figures Captions: These should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and should appear on a separate page of the manuscript. Captions should explain the figures in sufficient detail so that repeated reference to the text is unnecessary. Abbreviations in the captions should conform to those in the text.


   Figures: Copies of all figures should be embedded within the word processing file at the end of the manuscript, if possible. However, authors may submit figures as separate files. Figures will be photo-reproduced and thus must be supplied fully camera-ready. Figures preferably should be black and white only, with black and white hatching or design used in the place of gray or color. (If a figure requires grayscale and cannot be altered to contain black and white only, create a file of the figure in .tif format with 300 dpi. If a file requires color, create a high-resolution CMYK .eps file with 300dpi.) Authors will be charged a fee for the use of color. Symbols, numbers, and letters should be supplied in 11-14 point boldface (2.5-3.5 mm); all borders, rules, and lines should also be printed in boldface. The title of each figure should appear in the caption rather than on the figure itself.


   Abbreviations, Symbols, and Nomenclature: Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) should be expressed in percent for whole blood and in mg/dl for plasma. Whether whole blood or plasma was used should be indicated. The forensic standard for BAC (e.g., driving while intoxicated = .08%) is measured in whole blood and is 85% of BAC measured in plasma (118 mg/dl).


   Alcohol dose should be expressed in g/kg to facilitate comparisons across preparations and species.


   Alcohol used in in-vitro studies should be expressed in mM.


   Standard abbreviations for the route of alcohol administration are as follows: IG, intragastric; IP, intraperitoneal; IV, intravenous; PO, orally.


   Nonstandard abbreviations, symbols, or acronyms not easily understood by the general scientific reader should be avoided. In general, abbreviations should be avoided in text except for standard units of mass, concentration, time, length, volume, and temperature; routes of drug administration; standard error; and standard deviation.


   Drugs: Generic names should be used in the text, tables, and figures. Trade names may be mentioned in parenthesis in the first text reference to the drug but should not appear in titles, figures, or tables. When a trade name is used, it should be capitalized; generic or chemical names are not capitalized. The form of drug used in calculations of doses (e.g., base or salt) should be indicated.


   Ethical Assurances: Studies involving human subjects should explicitly indicate that informed consent was given for participation in the research.


   Studies involving animals should indicate that care and maintenance were conducted in accordance with National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council (NAS-NRC) guidelines. The type and dose of anesthetic agent used in surgical procedures should be specified.


   Pagination: Each manuscript page should be numbered consecutively in the upper right-hand corner, and the last name of the first author should appear next to the page number in the header. Other than the Introduction, sections do not need to begin on a new page.



   Galley proofs will be sent to the corresponding author and should be returned within 72 hours. A reprint order form and price list will accompany galley proofs.


Please do not hesitate to contact the Managing Editor's Office if you have any questions or comments about these instructions.

Editorial Board


Marc A. Schuckit
University of California,
San Diego
of Medicine


Associate Editors:

John E. Helzer
University of
of Medicine


Kathleen K. Bucholz
Washington University
of Medicine


Editorial Board


Genevieve Ames              

Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation


Robert M. Anthenelli        

University of Cincinnati


Raymond F. Anton          

Medical University of South Carolina


John S. Baer                   

University of Washington


Marsha E. Bates              

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Marlene Oscar Berman    

Boston University


Arthur W. Blume             

University of North Carolina at Charlotte


Brian Borsari                   

Brown University


Raul Caetano                  

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center


Laurie Chassin                

Arizona State University


Michael T. Coe               

Cedars Lake Research Institute


Wilson Compton             

National Institute on Drug Abuse


Linda B. Cottler               

Washington University


Carol Cunradi                 

Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation


Jean-Bernard Daeppen     

Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland


Deborah Dawson            

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism


Danielle Dick                  

Virginia Commonwealth University


Griffith Edwards             

National Addiction Centre, University of London, Professor Emeritus


Cindy L. Ehlers               

The Scripps Research Institute


Elizabeth E. Epstein         

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Mark T. Fillmore             

University of Kentucky


Peter R. Finn                  

Indiana University, Bloomington


John W. Finney               

Stanford University


Tatiana Foroud                

Indiana University


Kim Fromme                  

University of Texas at Austin


Peter Giancola                

University of Kentucky


David Goldman               

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism


Mark S. Goldman            

University of South Florida


Bridget Grant                  

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism


Thomas C. Harford         

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Retired


Deborah S. Hasin            

Columbia University


Andrew C. Heath            

Washington University


Dwight B. Heath             

Brown University


Andreas Heinz                 

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin


Michie Hesselbrock         

University of Connecticut


Victor M. Hesselbrock     

University of Connecticut


Shirley Y. Hill                  

University of Pittsburgh


Michael Hilton                 

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism


Ralph Hingson                

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism


Harold Holder                 

Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation


John Hughes                   

University of Vermont


Keith Humphreys            

Stanford University


Andrea Hussong              

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Yedy Israel                     

University of Chile


Theodore Jacob              

Palo Alto University


Valerie Johnson               

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Arthur Klatsky                

Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research


George Koob                  

The Scripps Research Institute


John Kramer                   

University of Iowa


Samuel Kuperman           

University of Iowa


James Langenbucher       

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Kenneth E. Leonard         

University at Buffalo, The State University of New York


Barbara S. McCrady        

University of New Mexico


Matthew K. McGue         

University of Minnesota


James R. McKay             

University of Pennsylvania


Karl Mann                      

University of Heidelberg


Sarah N. Mattson            

San Diego State University


Brenda A. Miller              

Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation


Rudolf Moos                  

Stanford University


Jon Morgenstern             

Columbia University


Mark Myers                   

University of California, San Diego


Craig Nagoshi                 

Arizona State University


Sara Jo Nixon                 

University of Florida


Charles P. O'Brien           

University of Pennsylvania


Robert Pandina               

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Julie A. Patock-Peckham  

Baylor University


Bernice Porjesz               

SUNY Downstate Medical Center


Carrie L. Randall             

Medical University of South Carolina


John Rice                       

Washington University


Damaris J. Rohsenow      

Brown University


Michael A. Sayette           

University of Pittsburgh


Kenneth J. Sher              

University of Missouri


Tom L. Smith*               

University of California, San Diego


Susan Tapert                  

University of California, San Diego


Maria Testa                    

University at Buffalo, The State University of New York


Christine Timko              

Stanford University


Jalie A. Tucker                

University of Alabama at Birmingham


Peter W. Vik                   

Idaho State University


Robert B. Voas                

Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation


Tamara L. Wall               

University of California, San Diego


Helene Raskin White        

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Sharon Wilsnack             

University of North Dakota


G. Terence Wilson           

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Michael Windle               

Emory University


George E. Woody            

University of Pennsylvania


Robert A. Zucker            

University of Michigan


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