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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

International Journal of Stroke is a welcome addition to the international stroke journal landscape in that it will concentrate on the clinical aspects of stroke with basic science contributions in areas of clinical interest. Reviews of current topics will be broadly based to encompass not only recent advances of global interest but also those which may be more important in certain regions and there will be items of news interest from all parts of the world. To facilitate the international nature of the journal, our Associate Editors from Europe, Asia, North America and South America will coordinate segments of the journal. Some of these segments will include:

  • News from the Regions: Reports on meetings, new trials, significant awards and appointments and news from regional stroke societies.
  • World Press Reports: The response of the world press to new developments in stroke. This will be also from all regions of the globe.
  • Leading Opinions: Rapid and fairly concise responses by world opinion leaders to recent developments in stroke in various parts of the world.
  • Topical Reviews: Fuller overviews of recent developments in stroke by leaders in their field.
  • Original Contributions: original contributions from clinical or basic science researchers may be considered which are relevant to professionals working in the field of stroke

Some of the topical areas which will be covered in reviews and leading opinions particularly are:

  • Therapies for intracerebral haemorrhage: new vistas
  • Angioplasty and Stenting: coming ready or not?
  • The genetics of stroke: where are we up to?
  • Ultrasound and thrombolysis: Clotbust: where to next?

Indexed / Abstracted in

Academic Search (EBSCO)
CSA Biological Sciences Database (CSA/CIG)
Current Abstracts (EBSCO)
Current Contents®/Clinical Medicine (Thomson ISI)
Embase/Excerpta medica (Elsevier)
Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Thomson ISI)
Neurosciences Abstracts (CSA/CIG)
Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch®)


Instructions to Authors

The aim of the International Journal of Stroke is to concentrate on the clinical aspect of stroke with basic science contributions in areas of clinical interest, and to collate from varying sources, information from all around the world, for the benefit of our readership.

The International Journal of Stroke is a peer reviewed journal. All manuscripts will be reviewed by leaders in the appropriate field.

Author guidelines for the International Journal of Stroke are also available in the following languages:



Please submit manuscripts online (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijs). Online submission ensures expediency. Manuscripts are handled by the Managing Editor, Editor in Chief and Associate Editors. Authors are asked to supply the name, e-mail address and social and professional mediums such as Twitter, Facebook or blog sites, of the corresponding author. It is recommended that text files are uploaded as Microsoft Word or RTF (these will automatically be converted to PDF) and figures as JPEG, GIF, or TIFF. Where possible please combine multiple files into a single Word document. Please refer to our Author Guidelines which are available online. Help is available online or by e-mailing support@scholarone.com. On submission please send an Exclusive License Form (ELF) completed by you as corresponding author to the Editorial office as soon as possible.


- Review manuscripts should be between 4000-8000 words, including references.
- Research (previously known as Original articles) should be between 5000 words, including references and any tables.
- Leading Opinion manuscripts should be up to 1000 words, including references.
- Panorama manuscript should be up to 1000 words, including references.
- Clinical Trial Protocols should be between 2000-5000 words, including references and any tables or diagrams you may wish to include.
- Guidelines should be between 3000-5000 words, including references.

All manuscripts are considered for publication with the understanding that they are submitted to this journal only and have not been published, submitted simultaneously (or accepted for publication) elsewhere; that they are the original work of the author(s); and that they may not be reprinted without the consent of the International Journal of Stroke. Documents should be double spaced throughout.

A signed Exclusive License Form must accompany the submitted manuscript.

Presentation of a Review article
- Presentation of a Leading Opinion article
- Presentation of a Panorama article
- Presentation of a Clinical Trial Protocol article
- Presentation of a Research article
- Presentation of a Guidelines manuscript
- Extras


Documents should be double spaced throughout. Do not use automatic formatting such as footnotes, endnotes, headers, and footers.

1. Title page
- Author name(s)
- Affiliation(s)
- Address of all authors
- Name, address and email of corresponding author to be clear
- Provide a maximum of seven key words for use as indexing terms

2. Abstract
This should be no more than 250 words. Do not cite references in abstract. Do not use acronyms or abbreviations.

3. Text
- Conclusion
- Headings throughout

Refer to previous editions of IJS for examples. Drugs must be referred to generically; trade names may be included in parentheses. Please minimise the use of acronyms or abbreviations, if they are used THEY MUST BE DEFINED. Headings and subheadings may be used in the text. Indicate the former by use of capitals, the latter in upper and lower case.

4. References

5. Figures, Tables and Illustrations


Manuscripts which incorporate clinical trial information or subsequent reporting should be referenced against the CONSORT statement http://www.consort-statement.org/.

1. Title page
- Title
- Author name(s)
- Affiliation(s)
- Address of all authors
- Name, address and email of corresponding author to be clear
- Provide a maximum of seven key words for use as indexing terms

2. Summary
- Rationale
- Aims
- Design
- Study
- Outcomes

3. Introduction

4. Methods
- Patient Population - inclusion and exclusion criteria
- Randomization
- Treatment or intervention
- Primary Outcomes
- Secondary Outcomes
- Data Monitoring Body
- Sample Size
- Statistical Analyses
- Study organisation and funding

5. Summary

6. References

7. Figures, Table and Illustrations


All original articles which incorporate clinical trial information and subsequent reporting, should be referenced against the CONSORT statement http://www.consort-statement.org/.

Documents should be double spaced and structured in the following order:

1. Title page
- Author name(s)
- Affiliation(s)
- Address of all authors
- Name, address and email of corresponding author to be clear

2. Abstract
Provide a structured abstract according to the following headings:

- Background
- Aims and/or hypothesis
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions

3. Introduction

4. Aims and/or Hypothesis

5. Methods

6. Results

7. Discussion

8. References

9. Figures, Tables and Illustrations

These must be limited to the work cited in the paper and should not be a bibliography of the subject. Personal communications and unpublished material ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE as references. Each reference should conform to the Vancouver style, and references should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. List all authors (include all initials) when there are six or fewer; when seven or more, list the first three and add 'et al'. Give the title of the paper in full; the title of the journal abbreviated according to PubMed; the year; the volume number and the first and last page numbers of the article. Examples:

Standard journal
Siebke H, Breivik H, et al. Survival after 40 minutes submersion without cerebral sequel. Lancet 1995;1:1275-77.

Section of a book
Talley NJ, O'Connor S. Clinical Examination. 5th ed. Minnesota: Churchill Livingstone, 2005;114-17

Chapter in a book
Buckley WE, Nunn T. A rational response to the threat of bioterrorism. In: Plant GW, Blair A, Winston JH Jnr, editors. Primary care in the third millennium. Washington: R McGeddon Inc., 2006;457-72.

Bank of Tanzania. Tanzania: Economic and Financial Indicators. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania
http://www.bot-tz.org/Publications/EconomicIndicators/E... (accessed on Jan 23, 2007).

We recommend the use of a tool such as EndNote or Reference Manager for reference management and formatting.

EndNote reference styles can be searched for here:

Reference Manager reference styles can be searched for here:

Illustrations are encouraged for their educational value. Diagrams, line drawings, photographs or fl ow charts are valuable but their use will be subject to editorial judgment. Photographic illustrations and diagnostic imaging media must be supplied in electronic form. The only acceptable format is Tiff or JPEG file, at 300 dpi.

Go to http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/illustration.asp for author guidelines on electronic artwork.

Tables must supplement the text without duplicating it. Each should be numbered, typed on a separate electronic sheet, and have an appropriate title, all manuscripts must be in basic Word format, PDF files cannot be accepted. Please do not create tables as a JPEG file if it can be avoided. They need to be in word format for editing purposes.


Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce published (or otherwise copyright) material, although we are happy to assist. A copy of the written permission(s) must be disclosed to the editorial office.

Disclosure of funds/interests
Authors of research papers are required to disclose any sponsorship or funding arrangements relating to their research and all authors should disclose any possible conflicts of interest.

All manuscripts are subject to editing for length, clarity and conformity with International Journal of Stroke style. Word count limitations should be observed. A proof PDF of the final manuscript will be sent to the principal/corresponding author before publication and must be returned by the date requested. No corrections may be made after it has been returned.

Early View
International Journal of Stroke is covered by Wiley-Blackwell's Early View service. Early View articles are complete full-text articles published online in advance of their publication in a printed issue. Articles are therefore available as soon as they are ready, rather than having to wait for the next scheduled print issue. Early View articles are complete and final. They have been fully reviewed, revised and edited for publication, and the authors' final corrections have been incorporated. Because they are in final form, no changes can be made after online publication. They are given a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), which allows the article to be cited and tracked. After publication, the DOI remains valid and can continue to be used to cite and access the article.

Author Services
Online production tracking is now available for articles through Wiley-Blackwell's Author Services. Author Services enables authors to track their article - once it has been accepted - through the production process to publication online and in print. Authors can check the status of their articles online and choose to receive automated e-mails at key stages of production so they do not need to contact the Production Editor to check on progress. Visit http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/ for more details on online production tracking and for a wealth of resources including FAQs and tips on article preparation, submission and more.

Free access to the final PDF offprint of your article will be available via author services only.
Please therefore sign up for author services if you would like to access your article PDF offprint and enjoy the many other benefits the service offers.

Writing tips for authors
These 12 golden rules may assist you with your manuscript, professional writers and editors from around the world use these as their guide.

  1. Write and edit to express yourself clearly. Do not use flowery or verbose language.
  2. Always write and edit your text so that everything can be understood.
  3. Always write and edit your work so that nothing can be misunderstood.
  4. Say what you mean to say, clearly and simply.
  5. Use short sentences.
  6. Use short paragraphs.
  7. Use the shortest, simplest words possible.
  8. Write in the active voice.
  9. Avoid unnecessary words.
  10. Use verbs for action.
  11. Avoid clichés and jargon.
  12. If in doubt, leave it out.

Contact us

Editor-in-Chief - Geoffrey Donnan - gdonnan@unimelb.edu.au

Managing Editor - Carmen Lahiff-Jenkins - cljenkins@nsri.org.au

Associate Editor Reviews - Professor Peter Rothwell - peter.rothwell@clinical-neurology.oxford.ac.uk

Associate Editor Leading Opinion - Professor Andrei Alexandrov - avalexandrov@att.net

Associate Editor Clinical Trial Protocols and Panorama - Conrado Estol - cjestol@infovia.com.ar

Associate Editor Guidelines and Panorama - Lawrence Wong - ks-wong@cuhk.edu.hk

Production Editor - Ruth Oh - ijs@wiley.com

Editorial Board

Geoffrey A. Donnan
Director, National Stroke Research Institute
Austin Health
Professor of Neurology, University of Melbourne
Level 1, Neurosciences Building
300 Waterdale Road
Heidelberg Heights
Victoria 3081

Associate Editors
Andrei Alexandrov
Peter Rothwell
Conrado Estol
Lawrence Wong


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