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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Frequency: 50 issues per year.

Subject coverage. A major journal of theoretical physics reporting research on the mathematical structures that describe fundamental processes of the physical world and on the analytical, computational and numerical methods for exploring these structures. Each issue of the journal is split into six sections: statistical physics; chaotic and complex systems; mathematical physics; quantum mechanics and quantum information theory; field theory and string theory; and fluid and plasma theory. To be acceptable for publication in the journal papers must make significant, original and correct contributions to one or more of the topics within these sections:

Statistical physics

  • numerical and computational methods
  • statistical mechanics, phase transitions and critical phenomena
  • quantum condensed matter theory
  • Bose–Einstein condensation
  • strongly correlated electron systems
  • exactly solvable models in statistical mechanics
  • lattice models, random walks and combinatorics
  • field-theoretical models in statistical mechanics
  • disordered systems, spin glasses and neural networks
  • nonequilibrium systems
  • network theory
Chaotic and complex systems

  • nonlinear dynamics and classical chaos
  • network dynamics
  • quantum chaos
  • classical and quantum transport
  • cellular automata
  • granular systems and self-organization
  • pattern formation
  • biophysical models
Mathematical physics

  • combinatorics
  • algebraic structures and number theory
  • matrix theory
  • classical and quantum groups, symmetry and representation theory
  • Lie algebras, special functions and orthogonal polynomials
  • ordinary and partial differential equations
  • difference and functional equations
  • integrable systems
  • soliton theory
  • functional analysis and operator theory
  • inverse problems
  • geometry, differential geometry and topology
  • numerical approximation and analysis
  • geometric integration
  • computational methods
Quantum mechanics and quantum information theory

  • coherent states
  • eigenvalue problems
  • supersymmetric quantum mechanics
  • scattering theory
  • relativistic quantum mechanics
  • semiclassical approximations
  • foundations of quantum mechanics and measurement theory
  • entanglement and quantum nonlocality
  • geometric phases and quantum tomography
  • quantum tunnelling
  • decoherence and open systems
  • quantum cryptography, communication and computation
  • theoretical quantum optics
Field theory and string theory

  • general methods of quantum field theory
  • gauge theories and their applications
  • supersymmetric field theories in various dimensions
  • conformal field theories
  • integrable field theories
  • solitonic solutions and semiclassical techniques
  • general string theory and its applications
  • string theory - gauge theory interface
  • applied quantum field theory: Casimir effect and classical field theory
Fluid and plasma theory

  • fundamental plasma physics
  • fundamental fluid mechanics
  • turbulence
  • kinetic theory
  • magnetohydrodynamics
  • two-fluid and multi-fluid descriptions
  • nonlinear waves
  • strongly coupled plasmas
  • one-component plasmas
  • non-neutral plasmas
  • astrophysical and dusty plasmas

Mathematical papers should be clearly motivated by actual or potential application to physical phenomena.

Research papers. Reports of original research work; not normally more than 8500 words (14 journal pages).

Fast Track Communications. Outstanding short papers reporting new and timely developments in mathematical and theoretical physics. These high-quality articles will be of importance to readers of Journal of Physics A but are not expected to meet any criterion of `general interest'. Conjectural articles are welcomed. We urge authors to restrict the length of their article to 8 journal pages (5000 words).

Topical reviews. Review articles commissioned by the Editorial Board.

Abstracted In

  • ISI (Science Citation Index®, SciSearch®, ISI Alerting Services, Current Contents®/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences)
  • Scopus
  • Inspec
  • Chemical Abstracts
  • GeoRef
  • INIS Atomindex (International Nuclear Information System)
  • NASA Astrophysics Data System
  • PASCAL Database
  • VINITI Abstracts Journal (Referativnyi Zhurnal)
  • Zentralblatt MATH

Instructions to Authors
Please read the comprehensive information on preparing your article files for submission and on the options for submitting your article in our Guidelines for authors available via Author services (authors.iop.org). Here are brief details of the alternative submission methods:


We strongly recommend that you submit via the Web using our online submission form, because this method is most efficient and therefore quickest to publication.


Send your article's single compressed archive file as an attachment to an e-mail to jphysa@iop.org stating electronic submission in the subject line.


Send your article's single compressed archive file by anonymous FTP to ftp.iop.org
  • Please log on with username anonymous and use your e-mail address as the password.
  • Change to the /incoming directory.
  • Change to the /jphysa directory.
  • Upload your compressed file using the appropriate commands for your
    FTP software. Make sure that ASCII files are sent as text only while other files are sent as binary.


Send your article's single compressed archive file on a CD-ROM to the address below.

Hard copy

Send three copies of your manuscript to:
Publishing Administrator
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
IOP Publishing
Dirac House, Temple Back
Bristol, BS1 6BE
Contact e-mail: jphysa@iop.org
Contact telephone: +44 (0) 117 9297481
Contact fax: +44 (0) 117 9200662

Russian authors may submit their paper to:

Professor Margarita Man'ko
IOP Publishing Division at the Lebedev Institute
Lebedev Physical Institute
Leninskii Prospect 53
119991 Moscow
Contact e-mail: iopp@sci.lebedev.ru
Editorial Board


M T Batchelor Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

Fast Track Communications Editor

P E Dorey University of Durham, UK

Reviews Editor

J Feinberg Technion and University of Haifa, Israel

Statistical Physics Editor

M R Evans University of Edinburgh, UK

Chaotic and Complex Systems Editor

A Politi CNR-Institute of Complex Systems, Florence, Italy

Mathematical Physics Editor

P Forrester University of Melbourne, Australia

Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information Theory Editor

P Exner Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Field Theory and String Theory Editor

A Tseytlin Imperial College, London, UK

Fluid and Plasma Theory Editor

G Falkovich Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

Editorial Board

E Ben-Naim Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
M V Berry University of Bristol, UK
K Binder Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, Germany
D Bruß Heinrich-Heine-Universität Dusseldorf, Germany
S Coppersmith University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
M A del Olmo Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
B Derrida École Normale Supérieure, France
E Elizalde CSIC, Barcelona, Spain
F Essler University of Oxford, UK
M Gaberdiel ETH Zurich, Switzerland
U Günther Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany
D D Holm Imperial College London, UK and Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM, USA
M Horodecki Gdańsk University, Poland
A V Kitaev Steklov Mathematical Institute, St Petersburg, Russia
R G Littlejohn University of California, Berkeley, USA
S Majumdar Université de Paris-Sud, France
R Metzler Technische Universität, München, Germany
J A Minahan Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
J H H Perk Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA
M Saraceno Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica—Departamento de Fisica, Buenos Aires, Argentina
P Schmelcher Universität Heidelberg, Germany
P Sollich King's College London, UK
P M Sutcliffe University of Durham, UK
Y Takei Kyoto University, Japan
C Viallet Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
M Visser Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
K Życzkowski Jagiellonian University, Cracow and Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
H-Q Zhou Chongqing University, People's Republic of China


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