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出版社:SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, United States, NY, 10004

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Hepatology International

Hepatology International is a peer-reviewed journal featuring articles written by clinicians, clinical researchers and basic scientists is dedicated to research and patient care issues in hepatology. This journal focuses mainly on new and emerging technologies, cutting-edge science and advances in liver and biliary disorders.

Hepatology International publishes original research articles related to clinical care and basic research; review articles; consensus guidelines for diagnosis and treatment; case reports and more.

Hepatology International is the official journal of the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL).

Abstracted/Indexed in:

Academic OneFile, EMBASE, Gale, Google Scholar, Health Reference Center Academic, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, OCLC, PubMed, PubMedCentral, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), SCOPUS, Summon by Serial Solutions

Instructions to Authors


Manuscripts are submitted to Heptatology International online via Editorial Manager. This will allow for quick and efficient processing of your manuscript. Please log directly onto the Editorial Manager site at https://www.editorialmanager.com/hepi and upload your manuscript files following the instructions provided on the screen. Or, click on the "Editorial Manager" link below.
Please note: If you have already registered on Editorial Manger, please use your provided username and password and log in as 'Author' to track your manuscript or to submit a NEW manuscript. (Do not register again as you will then be unable to track your manuscript).
Otherwise, if you are a new author, please click the 'Register' button and enter the requested information. Upon successful registration you will be sent an e-mail with instructions to verify your registration.


Copyright on all accepted manuscripts will be held by APASL. It is necessary that a copyright transfer statement be signed by the corresponding author, who shall sign on behalf of all authors, expressly transferring copyright to APASL in the event the manuscript is accepted for publication in the Journal.
A copyright transfer statement signed by all authors must be included with the manuscript submission. Submissions received without a signed copyright transfer statement cannot be sent out for peer-review.


Please number manuscript pages consecutively and organize the manuscript in the order indicated below.
TITLE PAGE: On the first page of the manuscript, include the title of the article, as well as the first and last names for each contributing author [first name, middle initial(s), surname, degree(s)]. For all contributing authors, indicate the departmental and institutional affiliation(s) and the e-mail and surface mail address for each affiliation, including the city, state or province, and country where the work was performed. Also on the title page, include a short title (not to exceed 30 characters in length, including spaces between words) for use as a running head. At the bottom of the title page, indicate any acknowledgments of grant support.
Structured Abstract of not more than 250 words in the order of Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. The structured abstract should state the purpose of the study or investigation, basic procedures (study subjects or experimental animals and observational and analytical methods), main findings (give specific data and their statistical significance, if possible), and the principal conclusions. The first time an abbreviated term is used, spell it out in full and follow with the abbreviation in parentheses – for example: ultrasound (US).
TEXT: Organize the text into an introductory section that conveys the background and purpose of the report, and then into sections titled “Materials and Methods,” “Results,” and “Discussion.” When required by the nature of the report, manuscripts that do not follow this specific format may be accepted.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Individuals, other than authors, who were of direct help in the reported work should be acknowledged by a brief statement on a separate page immediately following the text.
REFERENCES: Please type references double-spaced and number them in order of their first appearance in the text (not alphabetically). Once a reference is cited, all subsequent citations should be to the original number. References may not appear in your Reference List unless they have been cited in the text or tables. Papers that have been accepted for publication or are in press may be listed as references, but the Journal does not reference unpublished data and personal communications. Use the form for references adopted by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, as in Index Medicus. For each reference, show inclusive page ranges (e.g., 7-19).
In references to journal articles, please include (1) surname and initials (without periods) of all authors, (2) article title, (3) abbreviated journal name, (4) year, (5) volume number, and (6) inclusive page numbers, in that order. An example follows:
1. Ibdah JA, Bennet MJ, Rinaldo P, Zhao Y, Gibson B, Sims HF, Strauss AW. A fetal fatty-acid oxidation disorder as a cause of liver disease in pregnant women. N Engl J Med 1999;340:1723-1731, Jun 3, 1999
In references to books, please include (1) surname and initials (without periods) of the first three authors and et al. for all others, (2) chapter title, if any, (3) editor(s), if any, (4) title of book, (5) city of publication, (6) publisher, (7) year, and (8) inclusive page numbers. Volume and edition numbers, and name of translator should be included when appropriate. Examples follow:
1. Krishnamurthy G, Krishnamurthy S. Nuclear Hepatology: A Text Book of Hepatobiliary Disease, New York, Springer-Verlag, 2002; 6-12
2. Jones MC, Smith RB. Treatment of gastric cancer. In Ford TL, editor, Cancer of the Digestive System, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1999;140-154
TABLES: Each table should appear on a separate sheet of 21.5 x 28 cm. (8½ x 11 in.) paper, and include a brief heading/title at the top. Number the tables in order of their first appearance in the text (e.g., Table 1, Table 2, etc.). All tables must be cited in the text.
FIGURES (ILLUSTRATIONS): Please make sure that illustrations are professionally drawn. Symbols, letters, and numbers should be of sufficient size to be clearly recognizable when the figure is reduced to publication size. Decimals should be written in North American format. Photographs in which a person is identifiable must either have the face masked out, or be accompanied by written permission for publication from the individual in the photograph.
ELECTRONIC FIGURES (ILLUSTRATIONS): See Guidelines for Electronically Produced Figures below for acceptable figure formats. Please label each figure (e.g., Fig. 1) and include a caption or legend on the bottom of each figure.
PUBLICATION OF COLOR FIGURES: Color figures may be used without charge for the electronic version of the journal that is published online via SpringerLink. However, color figures will appear in the print version of the Journal at the author's expense at $1,150 per article.
PERMISSIONS: If you use text passages, illustrations, or tables from other works, you must in each case obtain permission from the copyright holder for both the print and the online format. Although it is not necessary to send us copies of these permissions, we take it for granted that the necessary permissions have been obtained by the author and could be made available to us upon request. Please be informed that we will not be able to refund any costs that may have occurred in order to receive these permissions from other publishers. Please be aware that some publishers do not grant electronic rights for free (an example is Thieme Publishers). In these cases we kindly ask you to use figures from other sources.


For production of the figures and illustrations of an accepted manuscript, the Springer production department requires electronically produced figures to be saved in either EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) or TIFF (Tag Image File Format) format. Most drawing programs (e.g. Adobe Illustrator, Deneba Canvas, CorelDraw) have a save-as-EPS option in their Save dialog box. Other information about EPS can be found at the Adobe website.
  • Upload figures and illustrations separately from the text (i.e. files should not be integrated with the text files).
  • Unless the authors have specified they wish to pay for color, color figures and illustrations will be converted to grey scale for the print edition.
  • Vector graphics exported from a drawing program should be stored in EPS format only.
  • Suitable drawing program: Adobe Illustrator. For simple line art the following drawing programs are also acceptable: Corel Draw, Freehand, Canvas.
  • No rules narrower than .25 pt.
  • No grey screens paler than 15% or darker than 60%.
  • Screens meant to be differentiated from one another must differ by at least 15%.
Most presentation programs (Excel, PowerPoint, Freelance) produce data that cannot be stored in an EPS or TIFF format. Therefore graphics produced by these programs cannot be used for reproduction.
  • Black & white and color figures and illustrations should be saved in EPS or TIFF format.
  • Figures and Illustrations should be created using Adobe Photoshop whenever possible.
  • Scanned reproductions of black and white photographs should be provided as 300 ppi EPS or TIFF files.
  • Scanned color illustrations should be provided as EPS or TIFF files scanned at a minimum of 300 ppi with a 24-bit color depth.
  • Line art should be provided as EPS or TIFF files at 600 ppi.


Multimedia articles are papers where the heart of the article is the video and, generally, only an abstract and references are included. Dynamic articles are regular articles with video(s) included as electronically supplementary material.
Upon submission of multimedia or dynamic articles, the author(s) will be required to submit the video in the following format:
For multimedia articles, video clips should not exceed 9 minutes. For dynamic articles, video clips should not exceed 3 minutes and each manuscript should not contain more than 3 video clips.
Multimedia file for review and submission: MPEG-1 file with the largest frame size (usually 320 x 240 pixels) that will fit on a CD and will be playable on a Windows-based computer.
The content of these files must be identical to that reviewed and accepted by the editors of Hepatology International.
All narration should be in English.
There should be a “manuscript” submitted with the video that includes a title page, abstract and key words, as well as references if needed.
A dynamic manuscript is a print article with imbedded video material. Up to 3 (one minute maximum each) videos per manuscript submission will be accepted. Make sure to note in your manuscript the placement of the video clips. All standard instructions for manuscript and video submission should be followed for a dynamic manuscript submission.


We invite contributing authors to publish additional, article-related materials on the web site that complement and reinforce information published in the print journal.
If Electronic supplementary material (ESM) is submitted, it will be published as received from the author in the online version only. All standard instructions for manuscript and video submission should be followed. ESM may consist of
  • information that cannot be printed: animations, video clips, sound recordings
  • information that is more convenient in electronic form: sequences, spectral data, etc.
  • large original data, e.g. additional tables, illustrations, etc.
  • If supplying any ESM, the text must make specific mention of the material as a citation, similar to that of figures and tables (e.g., ". . . as shown in Animation 3.").
Upon submission of articles with video as Electronic Supplementary Material, the author(s) will be required to submit the video according to the following specifications:
  • To accommodate user downloads, keep to the recommended upper limit for the size of the different file types. Larger-sized files may require very long download times, and some users may experience other problems during downloading.
  • Video clips should not exceed 6 minutes or 60 MB. Anything exceeding 6 minutes must be submitted in two separate videos.
  • Supply all supplementary material in standard file formats.
  • Always use MPEG-1 (.mpg) format.
  • Multimedia file for review and submission: Supply the MPEG-1 file with the largest frame size (usually 320 x 240 pixels) that will fit on a CD and will be playable on a Windows-based computer.
  • The content of these files must be identical to that reviewed and accepted by the editor-in-chief.
  • All narration should be in English.
For details on formats and other information on supplementary material, please click link below.

Editorial Board


Masao Omata, Japan

Shiv Kumar Sarin, India


Associate Editors

Ed Gane, New Zealand

Jidong Jia, China

Jia-Horng Kao, Taiwan

Stephen Locarnini, Australia

Dong Jin Suh, Korea
Osamu Yokosuka, Japan


Assistant Editors

Rong-Nan Chien, Taiwan

Fumio Imazeki, Japan

Barjesh Sharma, India

Haruhiko Yoshida, Japan


Editorial Board

Subrat Kumar Acharya, India

David Adams, UK

Peter W. Angus, Australia

Bruce Bacon, USA

Hubert E. Blum, Germany

Thomas D. Boyer, USA

Mei-Hwei Chang, Taiwan

Ting-Tsang Chang, Taiwan

Yogesh K. Chawla, India

Kazuaki Chayama, Japan

Ding-Shinn Chen, Taiwan

Pei-Jer Chen, Taiwan

Jun Cheng, China

Chia-Ming Chu, Taiwan

Wan-Long Chuang, Taiwan

Anuchit Chutaputti, Thailand

William G. E. Cooksley, Australia

Francis J. Dudley, Australia

Nobuyuki Enomoto, Japan

Sheung-Tat Fan, Hong Kong

Jacob George, Australia

Richard Guan, Singapore

Sanjeev Gupta, USA

Saeed Hamid, Pakistan

Kwang Hyub Han, Korea

Jinlin Hou, China

Takafumi Ichida, Japan

Namiki Izumi, Japan

Wasim Jafri, Pakistan

Shuichi Kaneko, Japan

Premashish Kar, India

M.S. Khuroo, India

Masatoshi Kudo, Japan

Manoj Kumar, India

Ching Lung Lai, Hong Kong

George Lau, Hong Kong

Samuel S. Lee, Canada

Hyo-Suk Lee, Korea

Sung Gyu Lee, Korea

Laurentius A. Lesmana, Indonesia

Nancy W.Y.  Leung, Hong Kong

Seng Gee Lim, Singapore

Karen Lindsay, USA

G.H. Lo, Taiwan

Anna Suk-Fong Lok, USA

Geoff McCaughan, Australia

Ismail Merican, Malaysia

Shunji Mishiro, Japan

Masashi Mizokami, Japan

Rosmawati Mohamed, Malaysia

Shuhei Nishiguchi, Japan

Joong Won Park, Korea

Marion Peters, USA

Teerha Piratvisuth, Thailand

Lawrie Powell, Australia

Puja Sakhuja, India

Didier Samuel, France

Arun Sanyal, USA

Michio Sata, Japan

Detlef Schuppan , USA

Vijay Shah, USA

Jose Sollano, Phillipines

Takatoshi Takayama, Japan

Snorri S. Thorgeirsson, USA

Myron Tong, USA

Fusheng Wang, China

Guiqiang Wang, China

Ian Wanless, Canada

Lai Wei, China

Florence Wong, Canada

Jaw-Ching Wu, Taiwan

Shenglong Ye, Shanghai

Chau-Ting Yeh, Taiwan

Kentaro Yoshioka, Japan

Hui Zhuang, China


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