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出版频率:Continuous publication
出版社:SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, United States, NY, 10004

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal of Medical Systems provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of the increasingly extensive applications of new systems techniques and methods in hospital, clinic, and physician's office administration; pathology, radiology, and pharmaceutical delivery systems; medical records storage and retrieval; and ancillary patient-support systems. The journal publishes informative articles, essays, and studies across the entire spectrum of medical systems, from large hospital programs to novel small-scale medical services. Education is an integral part of this amalgamation of sciences, and selected articles are published in this area. Since existing medical systems are constantly being modified to fit particular circumstances and to solve specific problems, the journal includes a special section devoted to status reports on current installations.

Impact Factor: 0.674 (2008) *
* Journal Citation Reports®, Thomson Reuters
Abstracted/Indexed in:
Academic OneFile, Academic Search, Computer Science Index, CSA/Proquest, Current Abstracts, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, EMBASE, EMCare, Gale, Google Scholar, Health Reference Center Academic, IBIDS, INIS Atomindex, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, OCLC, PubMed/Medline, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), SCOPUS, Summon by Serial Solutions, TOC Premier

Instructions to Authors
Papers offered for publication must be in English. A manuscript based primarily on previously published data will not be accepted.

We ask that all authors be concerned about the readability of their papers:

bear in mind that the readership is composed of health−care specialists such as physicians, nurses, and administrators, as well as engineers, statisticians, and industrial specialists. One may present technical data as long as they are simply described in the Introduction and well summarized in the Discussion and Conclusion sections.

The journal aims to cross−fertilize a number of subspecialties, and this will only be accomplished by having clearly described material that is presented in a well−documented article. Our technical board of editors will review each article and may ask that those papers that are highly specialized be revised to introduce the topic more simply and to expand on application and interpretation for health−care delivery. The author's cooperation in this regard will result in prompt review and early publication.
Online Manuscript Submission:
Springer now offers authors, editors and reviewers of Journal of Medical Systems the use of our fully web-enabled online manuscript submission and review system.

To keep the review time as short as possible, we request mauthors to submit manuscripts online to the journal’s editorial office. Our online manuscript submission and review system offers authors the option to track the progress of the review process of manuscripts in real time.

The online manuscript submission and review system for Journal of Medical Systems offers easy and straightforward log-in and submission procedures. This system supports a wide range of submission file formats:

for manuscripts—Word, Wordperfect, RTF, TXT and LaTex; for figures—TIFF, GIF, JPEG, EPS, PPT, and Postscript.

PDF is not an acceptable file format.


In case you encounter any difficulties while submitting your manuscript online, please get in touch with the responsible Editorial Assistant by clicking on “CONTACT US�from the tool bar.

Manuscripts should be submitted to:
Publication Policies
Submission is a representation that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. A statement transferring copyright from the authors (or their employers, if they hold the copyright) to Springer will be required before the manuscript can be accepted for publication. The Editor will supply the necessary forms for this transfer. Such a written transfer of copyright, which previously was assumed to be implicit in the act of submitting a manuscript, is necessary under the U.S. Copyright Law in order for the publisher to carry through the dissemination of research results and reviews as widely and effectively as possible.
Illustration Style
Illustrations (photographs, drawings, diagrams, and charts) are to be numbered in one consecutive series of Arabic numerals. The captions for illustrations should be typed on a separate sheet of paper, and should be separate, brief, and adequate legends.

Halftones may be included only when deemed to be essential. Electronic artwork should be uploaded in TIFF or EPS format (1200 dpi for line and 300 dpi for half-tones and gray-scale art). Color art should be in the CMYK color space.
Guidelines for Electronically Produced Illustrations For Print

Send figures separately from the text (i.e. files should not be integrated with text files). Always send hardcopy originals of all figures appropriately labeled and identified.


Vector graphics exported from a drawing program should be stored in EPS format. Suitable drawing program: Adobe Issustrator. For simple line art the following drawing programs are also acceptable: Corel Draw, Freehand, Canvas. No rules narrower than .25pt. No gray screens paler than 15% or darker than 60%. Screens meant to be differentiated from one another must differ by at least 15%.


Most presentation programs (Excel, Powerpoint, Freelance) produce data that cannot be stored in an EPS format. Therefore graphics produced by these programs cannot be used to print.


Black & white and color figures should be saved in TIFF and EPS formats. Figures should be created using Adobe Photoshop whenever possible.


Scanned reproductions of black and white photographs should be provided as 300 ppi TIFF files. Scanned color figures should be provided as TIFF files scanned at the minimum of 300 ppi with a 24-bit color depth. Line art should be provided as TIFF files at 600 ppi. We do prefer having the original art, as our printers have drum scanners, which allow for better reproductions of critical medical halftones.
Manuscript Style
Abstract & Key Words

A single-paragraph abstract is required, not to exceed 150 words. A list of 4� key words is to be provided directly below the abstract. Key words should express the precise content of the manuscript, as they are used for indexing purposes.


Abbreviations, symbols, and terms not commonly used by the medical community should be defined when first mentioned in the text.


References should be sequentially cited in the text by a superscript numeral in parentheses. The References section should be sequentially numbered and should include only those sources cited in the text.

Each reference should be arranged as follows:

surname and initials of author

title of article

journal name (Index Medicus abbreviations)

volume number

page range

and year of publication

A reference to a book should include the name of the editor, publisher, city of publication, and total number of pages. A reference to a contribution to a book should include the chapter title and page range.

The text of the article should follow the usual format for scientific articles:

there should be an Introduction section, which should not be an extensive review of the literature, but only of that portion which is pertinent to the purpose of the study and its relationship to work in the same field.

The Materials and Methods section should be written clearly and in such detail that the work can be duplicated by others.

The Results section must be concise, and may be illustrated with tables and figures.

The Discussion section should be restricted to significant findings and should not digress into peripheral issues.
Educational Papers
Since the subject of medical systems covers such a broad range of technical skills, articles describing fundamental tools and approaches related to health-care delivery are appropriate.

We will be most pleased to receive educational articles related to modern technology and its application to health care delivery systems. Such topics as systems analysis, operational research of systems, use of multiple modes of information handling such as computers, facsimile equipment, microfilm and fiche, and microprocessors, as well as administrative techniques and tools for advanced systems, are all areas of concern within the growing and expanding field of medical systems engineering.

We encourage those who wish to contribute educational papers to begin at the very foundation of the scientific discipline and to write in a very practical and readable style so that current sophisticated applications may be readily understood. As a journal, we represent a very broad spectrum of the health-care community and we must be aware of the constant need for education during the current period of technologic revolution.

The editorial board reserves the privilege of selecting those papers most consistent with both the articles to be published and the educational program of the journal. Letters of inquiry to the Editor regarding topics for publication would be most appropriate and would eliminate duplication of effort.
Status Reports
Any significant newsworthy changes in medical systems should be addressed to the Editor in a letter format with signature and affiliation. Vendors are encouraged to provide short (less than 100 words) descriptive material about new products or systems available to the health-care industry.
Letters to the Editor
Philosophical positions related to any of the articles or material published in Journal of Medical Systems should be submitted in a letter format with signature and affiliation. Such communications should be succinct presentations with objective data for verification and comparison.
The journal makes no page charges. Reprints are available to authors, and order forms with the current price schedule are sent with proofs.

Editorial Board


Ralph R. Grams
Gainesville, FL, USA; Email: kqinc@aol.com

Editorial Board:

Daniel M. Bloch, The Toledo Hospital, OH;
Paul Buchanan, Biomedical Office, Kennedy Space Center, Titusville, FL;
Robert W. Chambers, Suburban Hospital, Bethesda, MD;
Morris F. Collen, The Permanente Medical Group, Oakland, CA;
Richard H. Eckhouse Jr., MOCO, Inc., Scituate, MA;
Louis F. Freund, San Jose State University, CA;
E.R. Gabrieli, Gabrieli Medical Information Systems, Buffalo, NY;
Daniel K Harris, American Medical Association, Chicago, IL;
Edward L. Hinman, PruCare, St. Leonard, MD;
Michael A. Jenkin, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Jacksonville, FL;
H. Allan Knappenberger, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI;
Neal Koss, Torrance, CA;
Dennis C. Lezotte, University of Colorado Health Science Center, Denver;
Gwilym S. Lodwick, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston;
Ross M. Mullner, University of Illinois, Chicago;
Justin A. Myrick, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta;
John G. Nackel, Ernst & Young LLP, Los Angeles, CA;
Judith M.S. Prewitt, Medimatics, Inc., Bethesda, MD;
Roger H Shannon, Veterans Administration. Washington, DC;
Warner V. Slack, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA;
Ben T. Williams, University Park Pathology Association, Urbana, IL;
Harvey Wolfe, University of Pittsburgh, PA


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