

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

"ITS integrate telecommunications, electronics and information technologies - in short, 'telematics' - with transport engineering in order to plan, design, operate, maintain and manage transport systems.

This integration aims to improve safety, security, quality and efficiency of the transport systems for passengers and freight, optimising the use of natural resources and respecting the environment.

To achieve such aims, ITS require procedures, systems and devices to allow the collection, communication, analysis and distribution of information and data among moving subjects, the transport infrastructure and information technology applications."

(Source: ITS-EduNet)

IET Intelligent Transport Systems is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to research into the practical applications of ITS and infrastructures. The scope of the journal includes the following:

Information Collection and Processing; In-Vehicle ITS, Safety and Vulnerable Road User Aspects; Public Transport; Demand Management and Electronic Payment Systems; Traffic Management; Fleet and Public Transport Logistics; Emergency and Incident Management; Policy and Institutional Issues; Interoperability, Standards and Architectures; Deployment and Evaluation; Sustainability and Environmental Issues; Funding Scenarios; Enforcement; Human Machine Interaction; Education, Training and Outreach; Deployments with Enabling Technologies.

For specific examples of the areas of interest listed above, please consult the detailed journal scope. Submitting authors should specify in their covering letter the area into which their paper falls.

Instructions to Authors

This guide is intended to give you the information you need to submit your paper to the IET Research Journals (formerly IEE Proceedings), and to present it in accordance with our requirements.


All papers are pre-screened to ensure that only the most significant are sent for review. Please ensure that your manuscript satisfies the following points:

  • Originality: is the work scientifically rigorous, accurate and novel? Does the work contain significant additional material to that already published? Has its value been demonstrated?
  • Relevance: is the material appropriate to the scope of the journal to which it is submitted?
  • Motivation: does the problem considered have a sound motivation? Does the paper clearly demonstrate the scientific interest of the results?
  • Referencing: has reference been made to the most recent and most appropriate work? Is the present work set in the context of the previous work?
  • Clarity: is the English clear and well written? Poorly written English may obscure the scientific merit of your paper. Are the ideas expressed clearly and concisely? Are the concepts understandable?
  • Length: unless previously agreed with the journal's Managing Editor, all submissions must conform with the IET Research Journals Length Policy document.

Manuscript submission - general information

All submissions to the IET Research Journals should be uploaded using Manuscript Central.

Original papers should be submitted as a single PDF file that includes all figures and tables. The following formats are acceptable for original papers: .pdf, .ps, .doc, and .rtf.

Revised papers should be submitted in their source file format (.doc, .rtf or .tex files for text and .eps or .tif files for figures). If your paper has been prepared using LaTeX however, please also upload a single .pdf or .ps file of paper together with the LaTeX source file and the figures.

If the paper is intended for a specific Special Issue, please make this clear when uploading your paper.

Your manuscript must not be under consideration for any other publication while it is being considered by the IET. Please read the IET Research Journals multiple submission policy carefully, or contact the relevant Managing Editor if you are in any doubt.

Manuscript submission - further information for IET Control Theory & Applications

IET Control Theory & Applications publishes both 'Brief' and 'Regular' papers:

  • Regular Papers - detailed discussion involving new research, applications or developments
  • Brief Papers - brief presentations of new technical concepts and developments

The distinction between regular papers and brief papers is not one of quality, but of nature. Normally, a brief paper will have one main point to make, which can be done succinctly and clearly, whereas a regular paper will be a more detailed and in-depth treatment of a problem area.

Manuscript submission - further information for IET Systems Biology

For papers that contain a mathematical model (described in ordinary differential equations), IET Systems Biology offers the opportunity for specialist refereeing of such articles plus online publication of live versions of the models for accepted manuscripts.

In parallel to their manuscript file, authors are requested to submit their model description either in SBML format or as an ASCII text file. If a text file is used then reaction stoichiometries, rate equations, parameter values and initial conditions, i.e. everything that is needed to program the model must be specified, following the instructions given at http://jjj.biochem.sun.ac.za/journals/ietsysbiol/submit.html. The model file should be sent as an email attachment to Prof. Jacky Snoep at: jls@sun.ac.za and cc'd to: iet_syb@theiet.org, quoting the manuscript ID number. At this stage the model will be converted to a replica that can be run over the Internet only by the reviewers of the paper. If the paper is accepted for publication in IET Systems Biology, the model will subsequently be made freely accessible online.

Colour reproduction

IET Research Journals encourage the use of colour for the online version of its articles. Authors supplying colour figures enjoy the benefit of their work being presented online in full colour, free of charge.

The IET is also able to reproduce articles in full colour in the printed issue of a journal, but the significant costs incurred necessitate that a charge is made to the author (or the author's institution).

Charges are made on a "per page" basis and are as follows:

No. of pages requiring colour Cost (£)
1-2 300
3-4 500
5-6 750
7-8 1000
9-10 1250

Please note that authors should specify their colour printing requirements as part of the proof correction stage of the production process by completing this form.

Payment can be made using a credit/debit card or by submitting a company purchase order.

Once the paper has been typeset, no further changes (that could affect the number of colour pages) can be made.

If you have any questions with regard to colour printing, please email the journal directly. The relevant journal contact email addresses can be found towards the end of this Author Guide.

Pre- and postprint policy

The author(s) and/or the organisations for whom the work was performed shall be entitled to post preprints of their work (but not the published PDF) on repositories, servers and websites of any sort, provided that these servers are operated by the author's institution or designated by the funding body contributing to the research. The conditions attached to this are as follows:

  1. Access to such servers is not for commercial use and does not depend on payment of access, subscription, or membership fees and
  2. The following wording clearly appears on the front page of the preprint:
    "This paper is a preprint of a paper submitted to [journal] and is subject to Institution of Engineering and Technology Copyright. If accepted, the copy of record will be available at IET Digital Library"
    On acceptance, this may be changed to:
    "This paper is a preprint of a paper accepted by [journal] and is subject to Institution of Engineering and Technology Copyright. When the final version is published, the copy of record will be available at IET Digital Library"
  3. If the paper is rejected, then all mention of the journal should be removed.
  4. The preprint should be removed if a subsequent postprint is posted.

The author may also post postprints of their work (reviewed, revised and accepted for publication by the IET, but not the published PDF) on repositories, servers and websites of any sort, provided that these servers are operated by the author's institution or the funding body contributing to the research. To comply with funding requirements, authors may also deposit their work (reviewed, revised and accepted for publication by the IET, but not the published PDF) in repositories (or mirror sites) designated by the funding body. The conditions attached to this are as follows:

  1. Access to such servers is not for commercial use and does not depend on payment of access, subscription, or membership fees
  2. The following wording clearly appears on the front page of the postprint:
    "This paper is a postprint of a paper submitted to and accepted for publication in [journal] and is subject to Institution of Engineering and Technology Copyright. The copy of record is available at IET Digital Library"
  3. The postprint must be the author's version and not the IET version/PDF.
  4. The postprint must not be posted prior to publication of the paper by the IET and when posted any preprint version should be removed.

Any questions should be addressed to the publisher (journals@theiet.org)

Manuscript presentation


Original research papers submitted to the IET Research Journals should conform to the IET Research Journals Length Policy. Review articles should not, generally, exceed 10,000 words.


Papers must be typed in a font size no smaller than 10 pt, and presented in single column format with double line spacing on one side A4 paper. All pages should be numbered.

Authors should not copy the format of the published journal. All accepted papers will be edited into the IET Research Journals house-style.

Language, spelling and grammar

All papers must be written in UK English. If English is not your first language, you should ask an English-speaking colleague to proofread your paper. Papers that fail to meet basic standards of literacy are likely to be declined immediately by the editors.

Acronyms and abbreviations

Acronyms and abbreviations should be clearly defined on their first occurrence in the text by writing the term out in full and following it with the abbreviation in round brackets.


This should be concise but informative and should not include a subtitle. Titles should not begin with words such as "a", "novel", "new" or "the".

Author affiliations

These should immediately follow the title. For multiple-authored articles, list the names of all the authors, followed by the full postal and email addresses, using identifiers to link an author with an address where necessary. If an author's present address is different from the address at which the work was carried out, this should be given as a footnote.


This should be informative and suitable for direct inclusion in abstracting services as a self-contained article.  It should not exceed 250 words.

It should indicate the general scope and also state the main results obtained, methods used, the value of the work and the conclusions drawn. No figure numbers, table numbers, references or displayed mathematical expressions should be included.


Papers should be divided into numbered sections, subsections and, if necessary, subsubsections (e.g. 3, 3.1, 3.1.1, etc.).


Vectors and matrices should be displayed in bold and variables in italic. Italics should not be used for emphasis.

Figures and figure captions

Figures will be reproduced exactly as supplied, with no redrawing or relabelling. It is therefore imperative that the supplied figures are of the highest possible quality. The preferred format is encapsulated postscript (.eps) for line figures and .tif for halftone figures with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch). Figures and a list of figure captions should be provided in a separate section at the end of the manuscript. Each figure should be explicitly referred to in the text. Figures should be referred to in numerical order. Colour should be used only where absolutely necessary for an understanding of the paper. We reserve the right to make a charge for colour printing in certain cases. Colour should not be used for distinguishing data in line diagrams.

Figure captions should be as concise as possible.

Figure keys should appear in boxes within the figure itself.

Figures with multiple sections should be labelled (a), (b), (c), etc.

Use a comma to separate quantities from units on figure axes, e.g. "time, ms".

Characters, subscripts and superscripts used in figures should be consistent with those in the text.


Each table should be referred to explicitly in the text. Tables should be referred to in numerical order.

Avoid the use of unusual mathematical characters or graphical material in tables, since the markup language may not be able to reproduce this. If your table contains such material, it will be set as a figure.


Algorithms should not be boxed and should be set as normal text, not as a figure or a table.

Computer code

Computer code will be set in two columns. This means that a long line of computer code that fits on to one single-column page may have to be separated into two lines when typeset. Please take this into account when writing any code. Code may be typeset in the form of a figure to enable full-page-width.

Mathematics and equations

When writing mathematics, avoid confusion between characters that could be mistaken for one another, e.g. the letter 'l' and the figure one.

Equations should be capable of fitting into a two-column print format. Vectors and matrices should be in bold and variables in italic.

If your paper contains superscripts or subscripts, take special care to ensure that the positioning of the characters is unambiguous.

Exponential expressions should be written using superscript notation, i.e. 5x103 not 5E03. A multiplication sign should be used, not a dot.

Refer to equations using round brackets, e.g. (1)


Acknowledgments should appear as a separate section between the Conclusions and References sections.


The IET Research Journals use the Vancouver (numerical) system for references. You should number your references sequentially through the text, and each reference should be individually numbered and enclosed in square brackets (e.g. [1]).

Please ensure that all references in the Reference list are cited in the text and vice versa. Failure to do so may cause delays in the production of your article.

Please also ensure that you provide as much information as possible to allow the reader to locate the article concerned. This is particularly important for articles appearing in conferences, workshops and books that may not appear in journal databases.

Please provide all author name(s) and initials, title of the paper, date published, title of the journal or book, volume number, editors (if any), and finally the page range. For books and conferences, the town of publication and publisher (in parentheses) should also be given.

Examples of the ways in which references should be cited are given below:

Journal article
  • Smith, T., and Jones, M.: ‘The title of the paperâ€? IET Syst. Biol., 2007, 1, (2), pp. 1â€?
Conference paper
  • Jones, L., and Brown, D.: ‘The title of the conference paperâ€? Proc. Int. Conf. Systems Biology, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2006, pp. 1â€?
Book, book chapter and manual
  • Hodges, A., and Smith, N.: ‘The title of the book chapterâ€? in Brown, S. (Ed.): ‘Handbook of Systems Biologyâ€?(IEE Press, 2004, 1st edn.), pp. 1â€?
  • Harrison, E.A., and Abbott, C.: ‘The title of the bookâ€?(XYZ Press, 2005, 2nd edn. 2006)
  • Brown, F.: ‘The title of the patent (if available)â€? British Patent 123456, July 2004
  • Smith, D., and Hodges, J.: British Patent Application 98765, 1925
  • Abbott, N.L.: ‘The title of the thesisâ€? PhD thesis, XYZ University, 2005
  • BS1234: ‘The title of the standardâ€? 2006
  • http://www.theiet.org, accessed April 2006

Appendices & supplementary material

Additional material, e.g. mathematical derivations that may interrupt the flow of your paper's argument should form a separate Appendix section.

(However, authors are encouraged to submit additional material as online supplementary material. This should be uploaded as an additional PDF during submission.)

Do not use appendices to lengthen your article unnecessarily. If the material can be found in another work, cite this work rather than reproduce it.


Completed 'Publication Agreement and Assessment of Copyright' and 'Statement of Originality' forms are required for all papers. These should be emailed, posted or faxed to the Editorial Office (address given on the form) once you have uploaded your paper.

The forms should be signed by all authors. If this is not practical, the corresponding author may sign on behalf of all authors (please see note 2.7 on page 1 of the copyright documentation "Guide to journals originality/copyright specifications").

If you wish to make use of previously published illustrations, diagrams or photographs in your paper, you must first obtain the written permission of the copyright holder concerned (usually the publisher) before incorporating the work in your article. The source of the material must also be acknowledged in full.

Editorial Board


Editorial Board


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