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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Basic information

The Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical (RSBMT) is the official organ of the Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical (Brazilian Society for Tropical Medicine - SBMT).

The Society was founded in 1962 aiming to bring together  physicians and researchers working on tropical deseases. Since then, SBMT has organized annual congresses and meetings, which provide forums for the discussion of different aspects of tropical diseases, specially the endemic diseases in Brazil and Latin America, and mainly the Chagas disease and leishmaniasis.

One of the characteristics of the SBMT's and its congresses is to put together specialists and researchers from distinct study areas related to Tropical Medicine, including ecologists, sanitary engineers, sociologists, entomologists, physicians, pathologists, immunologists and the ones working with molecular biology. Such multidisciplinary aspects of the SBMT and of its congresses have make possible a deep discussion of themes related to the control and new therapeutical approaches of the main Brazilian endemic diseases. In recent years, these forums have promoted an effective impact on the quality of life and on medical assistance which is provided to the exposed populations and risk groups.

In 1968, SBMT published the first issue of the Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, planned to be bimonthly. In 1983, the journal became quarterly. But since 1996, it has been published bimonthly.

The journal publishes scientific papers related to infectious and parasitic diseases, preventive medicine, public health and related subjects.

The journal publishes as supplements papers and reports on the Chagas desease and leishmaniasis presented at the SBMT annual congresses. The Society also publishes reports from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and from Fundação Nacional de Saúde (National Foundation for Health - FNS) of the Ministério de Saúde (Ministry of Health - MS).

The abbreviated title of the journal is Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, bibliographical references and legends.


Indexing sources

The journal is indexed by:

  • Bibliografia Brasileira de Medicina

  • Biosis

  • Excerpta Medica

  • Helmintological Abstract

  • Index Medicus

  • Lilacs

  • Medline

  • Protozoological Abstracts

  • Review of Medical and Veterinary Mycology

  • Tropical Diseases Bulletin

  • Zoological Record

  • Sociedade Iberoamericana de Información Cientifica (SIIC) Data Bases



The publication of the journal is sponsored by:
  • Programa de Apoio a Publicações Científicas of the Ministério da Ci阯cia e Tecnologia (MCT), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), and Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP)

  • Faculdade de Medicina do Tri鈔gulo Mineiro (FMTM)

  • Fundação de Ensino e Pesquisa de Uberaba (FUNEPU)

  • Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

Instructions to Authors


The Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical is a world multidisciplinary journal which publishes original researches related tropical diseases, preventive medicine, public health, infectious disease and related subjects. Preference for publication will be given to articles reporting original observations or researches. The journal has a peer-review system for articles acceptance and its periodicity is bimonthly. Nowadays, the printed version of the journal is published in Portuguese and English but the electronic version, only in English (open access). In accordance with the majority decision at the last general assembly of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine, on March 17th of 2010 in Foz do Iguaçu, the Journal of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine, from the 22nd of September of 2010, will start to publish all its articles (online and press versions) in English. However, even with all the articles being published in English, they will still be required to have title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese


Review policy

The manuscripts submitted for publication on the Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical are initially evaluated by the secretary regarding the adequacy of the text. Then the paper will be sent to at least two reviewers for evaluation and emission of a reasoned report (peer review), which will be used by the editors to decide whether the work will be accepted or not. In case of difference of opinion amongst the reviewers, the manuscript will be sent to a third reviewer to validate a final decision.


Types of manuscript

The journal invites Original Articles, Editorials, Review Articles, Short Communications, Case Reports, Technical Reports, Images in Infectious Diseases, Letters to the Editor, Obituaries, Notifications of meetings, Courses and Congresses.

Original Articles: should report original research not previous published or being considered for publication elsewhere. In case of Clinical Trials the manuscript should be followed by the number and organ of register of the clinical trial. This requirement is in according to BIREME/OPAS/OMS and International Committee of medical Journal Editors (www.icmje.org) and to Workshop ICTPR.

Review Articles: should be a critical review of recent developments and not only a literature review, with a structured abstract up to 250 words, same layout as the original article, maximum 8,000 words, five illustrations and will undergo per review.

Letters to the Editor: readers are encouraged to write about any topic related to infectious diseases and tropical medicine according to the scope of the journal. Should be no longer than 1,200 words, without abstract and keywords, with only one insertion (figure or table) and may discuss on material previously printed in the journal with up to 12 references.

Editorials: usually written on invitation, considering the topics in the scope of the journal, with maximum 1,500 words, without abstract and keywords.

Short communications: should be reports on exciting new results within the scope of the journal. Should not exceed four pages in print, with up to 2,000 words, same layout of the original article including abstract and up to 15 references. A maximum of 3 illustrations is allowed. An abstract with no more than 100 words and up to 3 keywords below the abstract should be provided.

Case Reports: must be brief reports, with maximum length of 1,500 words with a maximum of 3 illustrations (tables and figures) and up to 10 references.

Technical reports: should be concise and report the results and recommendations of a meeting of experts. Will be considered if, formatted as an editorial.

Images in Infectious Diseases: up to three photographs with the best quality as possible. Only three authors and three references (not cited in the text) without acknowledgements is allowed. The maximum length is 250 words with emphasis on figure description. The themes should involve some clinical lesson.

Obituaries: should be written by a close colleague and highlight the scientific profile and contribution of the dead professional.


Manuscript preparation

All manuscript must be submitted through the online system at (http://submission.scielo.br/index.php/rsbmt/login). The cover letter must contain a statement assuring that the material has not been published or is under consideration by another scientific journal. The author must choose on the item Author Guidelines (3.7 Document Type) one manuscript category (Original Articles, Editorials, Review Articles, Short Communications, Case Reports, Technical Reports, Images in Infectious Diseases, Obituaries, Letters to the Editor, or Other, when it does not fit in any other category). The responsibility for the contents of the manuscript is entirely of the authors and co-authors.

Layout of Original Article

The manuscript should be prepared using standard word processing software and should be printed (font times new roman size 12) double-spaced throughout the text, figures captions and references, with margins of at least 3cm. The maximum of word count is 6,000 words with up to 5 insertions (figures and tables). Divide the manuscript into the following sections: Title page addressed to the chief editor, Structured abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References. Abbreviations should be used sparingly.

Title page: should include authors' names in direct order and without abbreviations, highest earned degrees, institutional affiliations with academic addresses of the corresponding author and all co-authors and grant support.

Title: should be as concise, clear and as informative as possible, it should not contain abbreviations and not exceed 200 characters, including spaces.

Running title: with up to 70 characters.

Structured Abstract: should summarize the results obtained and the major conclusions in such way that a reader not familiarized with the particular topic of the paper can understand the implications of the article. The abstract should not exceed 250 words (100 words in case of short communications) and the abbreviations should be avoided. Should be divided in: Background, Methods, Results and Conclusions.

Key words: 3-6 items should be listed immediately below the structured abstract.

Introduction: should be brief and set out the purposes for which the study has been performed. Any relevant previous studies should only be cited when essential.

Methods: should be sufficiently detailed so that readers and reviewers can understand precisely what has been done and permit to be repeated by others. Standard techniques need only be referenced.

Ethics: in case of reporting experiments on human beings, indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional, regional or national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1964, as revised in 1975, 1983, 1989, 1996 e 2000. When reporting experiments on animals indicate whether a national research council's guide for, or any law on the care and use of laboratory animals was followed.

Results: should be a concise and impersonal account of the new information. Avoid repeating in the text the data presented in the tables and illustrations.

Discussion: should directly relate to the study being reported. Do not include a general review of the topic, avoiding that it becomes too long.

Acknowledgements: should be short, concise and restricted to those absolutely necessary. In case of sponsoring institutions, do not use acronyms.

Conflict of Interest: all authors should disclosure any type of conflict of interest during the development of the study.

References: should be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text. List all authors when there are up to six. For seven or more, list the first six, followed by "et al." Type the reference list with double spacing on separate sheet.
Numbered references to personal communications, unpublished data or manuscripts either "in preparation" or "submitted for publication" should not be listed on the references. If essential, such material can be incorporated at the appropriate place in the text following the examples: (AB Figueiredo: Personal Communication, 1980); (CD Dias, EF Oliveira: Unpublished Data). Citations in the text should be given by the respective reference number upon the correspondent word, separated by comma (Ex.: World,1,3,5 ; Life.30,42,44-50.
The references as at the end of the manuscript should accord with the system used in Uniform requirements for manuscript submitted to biomedical journals (Consult: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/citingmedicine).

The titles of the journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in the Index Medicus. Consult: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=journals&TabCmd=Limits

The following are sample references:

1. Russell FD, Coppell AL, Davenport AP. In vitro enzymatic processing of radiolabelled big ET-1 in human kidney as a food ingredient. Biochem Pharmacol 1998;55:697-701.

2. Porter RJ, Meldrum BS. Antiepileptic drugs. In: Katzung BG, editor. Basic and clinical pharmacology. 6th ed. Norwalk (CN): Appeleton and Lange; 1995. p. 361-80.

3. Blenkinsopp A, Paxton P. Symptoms in the pharmacy: a guide to the management of common illness. 3rd ed. Oxford: Blackwell Science; 1998.

Figures: should ideally be submitted in high-resolution TIFF format. The figures should be placed in separate files, named only with the figure numbers (e.g. "Figure 1." ; "Fugure 2."). Please ensure figures have a minimum resolution of 300dpi.

Photographs should be sent with good resolution (minimum of 300dpi) in the TIFF format, preferably prepared using Adobe Photoshop.

Graphs created using Microsoft Word or Excel should be saved with the original file extension (.doc or .xls). They should not be copied or pasted from one program to another.

Maps and illustrations should be vectorized (drawn) professionally using the CorelDraw or Illustrator software at high resolution, and their dimensions should not be more than 21.5 x 28.0cm.

Images produced in statistics software should be converted to Excel or PowerPoint format. If this is not possible, convert the file into TIFF format with a resolution of 300 dpi and send together with the file in the original format.

Legends: the legends for figures should be typed together with double-spacing on separate sheet.

Colour illustrations: must be approved by the editors and the extra costs of the colour offsets reproduction will be of the author's responsibility.

Tables: should be typed with double spacing, with a short descriptive title and submitted online on separate file. Legends for each table should appear on the footer of the same page as the table. All tables must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and be cited in the text. Tables should not have vertical lines, and horizontal lines must be limited to a minimum, with footnotes underneath. Tables should have up to 17cm of width.

Process of Submission: from October 21st of 2009 on, Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical will be a fully electronic journal. All manuscripts should be submitted via the Internet to http://submission.scielo.br/index.php/rsbmt/login and follow the instructions at the top of each screen. From this date on the peer review process will also be completely online.

On resubmissions and revisions: the journal differentiates between: a) manuscripts that have been rejected and b) manuscripts that will undergo further consideration after requested changes have been made.

Resubmissions: if you have received a letter or rejection and wish the editors to reconsider their decision, you may resubmit your work. In this case, your file will be considered a new submission and you will receive a new manuscript number.

Revision: if it is necessary to make changes to your manuscript according to the recommendations of the reviewers, when sending it back for a second analysis, please forward the revised manuscript and inform the same manuscript number.

After acceptance: once a paper is accepted for publication, the authors must provide:

a) A copyright assignment form, provided by the Journal's Secretary, signed by the corresponding author.

b) Proofs: will be sent to the corresponding author to be carefully checked for typesetting accuracy. Changes or additions to the edited manuscript cannot be allowed at this stage of the editing process. The corrected proofs should be returned to the journal within 4 days after received.

c) The accepted articles will appear on the printed issues obeying the order that they were submitted, revised and accepted.

d) The remaining accepted articles at each journal issue will be made available online, while they wait the priority to be published on the printed version.

Reprints: the journal provides free PDF offprint's file of the article for authors via e-mail.

Page charges: there will be no page charges, except the costs that Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical has with the translation of articles from Portuguese to English. In this case, these costs will be paid by the authors.


Editorial Board


  • Aluízio Prata


Associate editors

  • Carlos Eduardo Tosta
  • Dalmo Correia Filho
  • Edgar M. Carvalho
  • Jose Roberto Lambertucci
  • João Carlos Pinto Dias


Advisory board

  • Alejandro Llanos-Cuentas (PE)
  • Allain Dessein (FR)
  • Allen Cheever (USA)
  • Angela Restrepo (CO)
  • Antônio Carlos C. Pignatari (BR)
  • Antônio R.L. Teixeira (BR)
  • Arnaldo Lopes Colombo (BR)
  • Carlos Mauricio Figueiredo Antunes (BR)
  • Christopher John Schofield (UK)
  • Domingos Alves Meira (BR)
  • Edmundo Chapadeiro (BR)
  • Eduardo Gotuzzo (PE)
  • Euclides Ayres Castilho (BR)
  • Jacob K. Frenkel (USA)
  • James Maguire (USA)
  • João Carlos Pinto Dias (BR)
  • João Silva de Mendonça (BR)
  • Joffre M. Rezende (BR)
  • José Rodrigues Coura (BR)
  • Léa Camillo-Coura (BR)
  • Nicola Montano (ITA)
  • Pedro Luiz Tauil (BR)
  • Philippe Desjeux (FRA)
  • Ricardo Negroni (AR)
  • Roberto Martinez (BR)
  • Roberto Salvatella (URU)
  • Rodolfo Teixeira (BR)
  • Rodrigo Zeledon (CR)
  • Sônia G. Andrade (BR)
  • Vicente Amato Neto (BR)
  • Washington Luiz Tafuri (BR)
  • Zilton Araújo Andrade (BR)


Editorial production

  • Secretary
    Edna Terezinha de Souza
    Sueli de Melo-Bueno
  • Layout (printed version)
    Cristiano Augusto Silva
    Dalva Pereira da Silva
  • Impressão e Fotolito
    Gráfica FMTM/FUNEPU


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