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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Cover of Health Psychology (medium)

Journal Description

Health Psychology is a scholarly journal devoted to furthering an understanding of scientific relationships between behavioral principles on the one hand and physical health and illness on the other. The readership has a broad range of backgrounds, interests, and specializations, often interdisciplinary in nature.

The major type of paper being solicited for Health Psychology is the report of empirical research. Such papers should have significant theoretical or practical import for an understanding of relationships between behavior and physical health. Integrative papers that address themselves to a broad constituency are particularly welcome.

Suitable topics for submission include, but are not restricted to, the role of environmental, psychosocial, or sociocultural factors that may contribute to disease or its prevention; behavioral methods used in the diagnosis, treatment, or rehabilitation of individuals having physical disorders; and techniques that could reduce disease risk by modifying health beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors including decisions about using professional services. Interventions used may be at the individual, group, multicenter, or community level.

Abstracting and indexing

  • A S S I A (Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts)
  • Abstracts in Anthropology
  • Academic OneFile
  • Addiction Abstracts
  • AgeLine
  • Book Review Digest Plus
  • Current Abstracts
  • Current Contents
  • Educational Research Abstracts Online
  • Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management
  • Excerpta Medica. Abstract Journals
  • Expanded Academic ASAP
  • F R A N C I S
  • Family Index
  • Health & Wellness Resource Center
  • Health and Safety Science Abstracts
  • Health Reference Center Academic
  • InfoTrac OneFile
  • Journals@Ovid
  • Multicultural Education Abstracts
  • Nursing Resource Center
  • Nutrition Research Newsletter
  • Physical Education Index
  • PsycINFO
  • PubMed
  • Reactions Weekly
  • Risk Abstracts
  • Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies
  • Science Citation Index
  • Social Sciences Citation Index
  • Social Sciences Index/Abstracts
  • Social Work Abstracts
  • Special Educational Needs Abstracts
  • Student Resource Center College
  • Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts
  • TOC Premier
  • Wilson OmniFile Full Text Mega Edition

  • Instructions to Authors

    Submit manuscripts electronically (.rtf, PDF, or .doc) to

    Anne E. Kazak
    The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
    34th and Civic Center Blvd.
    Room 1486 CHOP North
    Philadelphia, PA 19104-4399

    General correspondence may be directed to the Editor's Office.

    Keep a copy of the manuscript to guard against loss.

    The main emphasis of Health Psychology is on original research. Analytical reviews of research and brief scientific reports are also considered for publication. Submissions are welcomed from authors in psychology and other health-related disciplines.


    The page limit for research manuscripts is 25–30 pages. The page limit is inclusive of all parts of the manuscript, including the cover page, abstract, text, references, tables and figures.

    Authors may request consideration of longer papers, in advance of submission, when there is clear justification for additional length (e.g., the paper reports on two or more studies or has an unusual or complex methodology).

    Scholarly reviews and meta-analyses should not exceed 25 pages, but tables and references may be outside this page limit.

    Brief reports are encouraged for innovative work that may be premature for publication as a full research report because of small sample size, novel methodologies, etc. Brief reports should be designated as such and should not exceed a total of 12 pages, inclusive of all parts of the manuscript, including the cover page, abstract, text, references, tables and figures.

    All manuscripts should be double-spaced, with margins of at least 1 inch on all sides and a standard font (e.g., Times New Roman) of 12 points (no smaller).

    Health Psychology considers letters concerning previously published articles. Letters should be no more than 500 words and have a maximum of five references.

    Authors also have the option of placing supplemental materials online.

    Submissions that exceed the page limits will be returned to the author for shortening prior to the initiation of peer review.

    Submission Letter

    The cover letter should include a statement indicating that the paper has been seen and approved by all authors. The full mailing address, telephone, fax, and e-mail address for the corresponding author should be included in the cover letter.

    The cover letter should also confirm that the manuscript has not been published, is not currently submitted elsewhere, and that it does not contain data that is currently submitted or published elsewhere.

    When a manuscript contains data that is part of a larger study, authors should describe the larger study and provide references for other study papers. Authors should clarify the relationship between their paper and others from the study and indicate the value-added scientific contribution of their study.

    Authors of brief reports should indicate in the cover letter that the full report is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.


    The manuscript title should be accurate, fully explanatory, and preferably no longer then 12 words. The title should reflect the content and population studied. If the paper reports a randomized clinical trial, this should be indicated in the title. The title of brief reports should start with the words "Brief Report".

    The title page should include the names of all authors and their affiliations at the time the research was done.

    All manuscripts must include a structured abstract containing a maximum of 250 words with the following sections:

    • Objective (brief statement of the purpose of the study);
    • Methods (summary of the participants, design, measures, procedure);
    • Results (primary findings); and
    • Conclusions (specific statement of the implications of the data).

    Please supply up to five keywords or brief phrases after the abstract.

    All research involving human participants must describe oversight of the research process by the relevant Institutional Review Boards and should describe consent and assent procedures briefly in the Methods section.

    All statistical tests should include effect size whenever possible.

    Terminology should be sensitive to the individual who has a disease or disability. The journal endorses the concept of "people first, not their disability." Terminology should reflect the "person with a disability" (e.g., children with diabetes, persons with HIV infection, families of people with cancer) rather than the condition as an adjective (e.g., diabetic children, HIV patients, cancer families). Nonsexist language should be used.

    It is important to highlight the significance and novel contribution of the work. The translation of research into practice must be evidenced in all manuscripts. Authors should incorporate a meaningful discussion of the clinical and/or policy implications of their work throughout the manuscript, rather than simply providing a separate section for this material.

    Masked Review Policy

    Masked review is used. Do not include author information (addresses, phone numbers, electronic mail addresses, and fax numbers) in the manuscript.

    Use of CONSORT Reporting Standards

    All randomized controlled trials must include a diagram indicating participant flow into the study and a completed CONSORT checklist. CONSORT diagrams (and adaptations) should be included whenever possible to clarify the flow of participants through a study.

    Editorial Board

    Incoming Editor

    Anne E. Kazak
    The University of Pennsylvania and The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

    Incoming Associate Editors

    Belinda Borrelli
    Brown University Medical School

    Annmarie Cano
    Wayne State University

    Edith Chen
    University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

    Paul A. Estabrooks
    Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

    Elizabeth A. Klonoff
    San Diego State University

    Paul J. Mills
    University of California, San Diego

    Frank J. Penedo
    University of Miami

    Keith J. Petrie
    University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

    Lee M. Ritterband
    University of Virginia

    Ric G. Steele
    University of Kansas

    Incoming Consulting Editors

    Leona Aiken
    Arizona State University

    Melissa A. Alderfer
    The University of Pennsylvania and The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

    Catherine M. Alfano
    National Cancer Institute

    Mark Aloia
    National Jewish Health

    Wayne A. Bardwell
    University of California, San Diego

    Maru Barrera
    The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Gary G. Bennett
    Duke University

    Maureen M. Black
    University of Maryland

    Beth Bock
    Brown University

    Jos A. Bosch
    University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom

    Thomas H. Brandon
    University of South Florida Moffitt Cancer Center

    Bethany C. Bray
    Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

    Ronald T. Brown
    Temple University

    Marianne Celano
    Emory University

    James C. Coyne
    The University of Pennsylvania

    Janet A. Deatrick
    The University of Pennsylvania

    Sally S. Dickerson
    University of California, Irvine

    David A. Dzewaltowski
    Kansas State University

    Angela Fagerlin
    University of Michigan

    Carolyn Y. Fang
    Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Barbara Fiese
    University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

    Eric Finkelstein
    Duke University

    Melissa M. Franks
    Purdue University

    Dominick L. Frosch
    Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Palo Alto, California

    Linda C. Gallo
    San Diego State University

    Liesbet Goubert
    University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium

    Martha A. Grootenhuis
    Academic Medical Centre, University Hospital of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Mariët Hagedoorn
    University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands

    Yaniv Hanoch
    University of Plymouth, Plymouth, United Kingdom

    Grayson N. Holmbeck
    Loyola University Chicago

    Suzi Hong
    University of California, San Diego

    Christiane Hopmann
    University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

    Wei-Ting Hwang
    The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

    Richard F. Ittenbach
    Cincinnati Children's Medical Center

    Elissa Jelalian
    Brown Medical School

    Christopher W. Kahler
    Brown University

    Justin A. Kenardy
    University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia

    Robert D. Kerns
    VA Connecticut Healthcare System

    Britt Klein
    Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia

    Annette M. La Greca
    University of Miami

    Kevin T. Larkin
    West Virginia University

    Rebecca Lee
    University of Houston

    Marci Lobel
    Stony Brook University

    Linda J. Luecken
    Arizona State University

    Mark A. Lumley
    Wayne State University

    Susan K. Lutgendorf
    University of Iowa

    Traci Mann
    University of Minnesota

    Anna L. Marsland
    University of Pittsburgh

    Kathleen A. Martin Ginis
    McMasterUniversity, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

    Lynn M. Martire
    The Pennsylvania State University

    Lance M. McCracken
    Royal National Hospital, Bath, United Kingdom

    Susan H. McDaniel
    University of Rochester Medical Center

    Elizabeth L. McQuaid
    Brown Medical School

    Lisa J. Meltzer
    National Jewish Health, Denver, Colorado

    Claudio R. Nigg
    University of Hawaii at Manoa

    Scott Novak
    RTI International, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

    Ronan O'Carroll
    University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland, United Kingdom

    Tonya M. Palermo
    Oregon Health & Science University

    George Dennis Papandonatos
    Brown University

    Kenneth A. Perkins
    University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

    Sarah Pressman
    University of Kansas

    Tracey A. Revenson
    Graduate Center, City University of New York

    Ryan E. Rhodes
    University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

    Michael C. Roberts
    University of Kansas

    Ted Robles
    University of California, Los Angeles

    Thomas R. Rutledge
    Psychology Service, VA San Diego

    Steven A. Safren
    Massachusetts General Hospital

    David B. Sarwer
    The University of Pennsylvania

    Ralf Schwarzer
    Free University Berlin, Berlin, Germany

    Suzanne C. Segerstrom
    University of Kentucky

    Paschal Sheeran
    University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom

    Tamara Goldman Sher
    Illinois Institute of Technology

    Timothy W. Smith
    University of Utah

    Joshua M. Smyth
    Syracuse University

    Annette L. Stanton
    University of California, Los Angeles

    Randi Streisand
    Children's National Medical Center

    Kenneth P. Tercyak
    Georgetown University Medical Center

    Beverly E. Thorn
    University of Alabama

    Deborah J. Toobert
    Oregon Research Institute

    Kavita Vedhara
    University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom

    Johan W. S. Vlaeyen
    University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

    Ken Wallston
    Vanderbilt University

    John A. Weinman
    Kings College London, London, United Kingdom

    Dawn K. Wilson
    University of South Carolina

    Richard A. Winett
    Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

    Petra H. Wirtz
    University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

    Brian T. Yates
    American University

    Incoming Manuscript Coordinator

    Jessica Karp
    American Psychological Association


    Outgoing Editorial Board

    (handling invited revisions only after June 30, 2010)

    Outgoing Editor

    Robert M. Kaplan
    University of California, Los Angeles

    Outgoing Associate Editors

    Christine Dunkel Schetter
    University of California, Los Angeles

    Dominick L. Frosch
    University of California, Los Angeles

    Vanessa L. Malcarne
    San Diego State University

    Paul J. Mills
    University of California, San Diego

    Thomas L. Patterson
    University of California, San Diego

    Alexandra L. Quittner
    University of Miami

    Scott C. Roesch
    San Diego State University

    Dawn K. Wilson
    University of South Carolina

    Outgoing Consulting Editors

    Catherine M. Alfano
    National Cancer Institute and National Institutes of Health

    Tom Baranowski
    Baylor College of Medicine

    Wayne Bardwell
    University of California, San Diego

    Nicholas J.S. Christenfeld
    University of California, San Diego

    Angela Fagerlin
    University of Michigan

    Linda Luecken
    Arizona State University

    Traci Mann
    University of Minnesota

    Brent Mausbach
    University of California, San Diego

    Jeff Neiderdeppe
    Cornell University

    Tim Smith
    University of Utah

    Andrew Steptoe
    University College London, London, England

    Beverly Thorn
    University of Alabama

    Ken Wallston
    Vanderbilt University

    Deborah Wiebe
    University of Utah

    Sarah Wilcox
    University of South Carolina

    Outgoing Internal Review Group (Past & Present)

  • Cleopatra Abdou
  • Joanna Arch
  • Sue Babey
  • Kathryn Brooks
  • Kristen Carpenter
  • Lauren Ellman
  • Emily Falk
  • Beth Glenn
  • Jerry Grenard
  • Yaniv Hanoch
  • Clayton Hilmert
  • Kathleen Hoffman Lambird
  • Michael Hoyt
  • Johanna Jarcho
  • Barbara Lehman
  • Carissa Low
  • Traci Mann
  • Sarah Master
  • Daniela Meeker
  • Sarosh Motivala
  • Perry Nicassio
  • Maria Nordin
  • Rich Olmstead
  • Ted Robles
  • Rich Slatcher
  • Sarah Sullivan
  • Janet Tomiyama
  • Patricia Voege
  • Betina Yanez
  • Sean Young
  • Outgoing Principal Reviewers

    • Toni Abbey
    • Charles Abraham
    • Chris Armitage
    • J.H. Atkinson
    • Sylvia Bigatti
    • Noel Brewer
    • Esther Cerin
    • Edith Chen
    • Won Choi
    • Sheldon Cohen
    • Mark Conner
    • James Coyne
    • Lynnda Dahlquist
    • Alan Delamater
    • Robin DiMatteo
    • Peter Ditto
    • Angela Celio Doyle
    • Patricia Dubbert
    • Dawn Ehde
    • Carolyn Fang
    • Barbara Fiese
    • Brian Flay
    • Susan Folkman
    • Bernard Fuemmeler
    • Linda Gallo
    • Gaston Godin
    • Erik Groessl
    • Tara Gruenewald
    • Chad Gwaltney
    • Martin Hagger
    • Peter Hall
    • Nancy Hamilton
    • Sarah Hampson
    • Michael Harris
    • Kelly Haskard
    • Heather Hausenblas
    • Suzi Hong
    • Ad Kaptein
    • Heather Kitzman-Ulrich
    • William Klein
    • Cheryl Koopman
    • Jim Kulik
    • Marci Lobel
    • Richard Lucas
    • Mark Lumley
    • Bill McCarthy
    • Ritesh Mistry
    • Greg Norman
    • Sherry Pagoto
    • Crystal Park
    • Sarah Pressman
    • Nina Rieckmann
    • Chris Rini
    • Courtney Rocheleau
    • Alex Rothman
    • Carol Ryff
    • Patrice Saab
    • Steve Safren
    • Saskia Sanderson
    • Ralf Schwarzer
    • Suzanne Segerstrom
    • Paschal Sheeran
    • David Sherman
    • Saul Shiffman
    • Jane Simoni
    • Richard Sloan
    • Joshua Smyth
    • Bonnie Spring
    • Jerry Suls
    • David Trafimow
    • Dennis Trinidad
    • Joan Tucker
    • John Updegraff
    • Lee Van Horn
    • Kavita Vedhara
    • David Williams
    • Tom Wills
    • Tim Wysocki

    Outgoing Managing Editor

    Jackie McBride



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