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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and Scope

International Nursing Review (INR) is a growing, currently quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on original articles that help to forward the International Council of Nurses' (ICN) mission world-wide by representing nursing, advancing the profession and shaping health policy. INR encourages nurses to describe their work and to document their experience and research, and to submit articles that reflect the ICN values of flexibility, inclusiveness, partnership, achievement and visionary leadership.  The diverse international readership of INR is located in more than 125 countries.  Authors are encouraged to explore beyond local or national interests to the more general, global application of the principles underlying their work. Regulation of the profession, workplace issues, innovations in practice, patient safety, education, ethics, and the impact of globalisation and technology on nursing and health and social policy are prominent concerns of this journal.  ICN will also continue to contribute to the ongoing development of nursing internationally with its regular section on International Perspectives.  This journal is a key resource for nurses worldwide.


Instructions to Authors

TopAuthor Guidelines

The International Nursing Review encourages nurses to descibe their work and document their experience and research. Unsolicited original manuscripts are welcomed that reflect the ICN values of flexibility, inclusiveness, partnership, achievement and visionary leadership. Authors are encouraged to explore beyond local or national interests to the more general, global application of the principles underlying their work. Regulation of the profession, workplace issues, innovations in practice, patient safety, education, ethics, and the impact of globalisation and technology on nursing and health and social policy are important topics for submission. Authors reporting studies conducted in countries other than their own should, wherever possible, involve indigenous authors when writing their articles. All locally contributed assistance should be acknowledged.
Both the initial and final manuscript should be submitted electronically to the Editorial Assistant, marie.lomax@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com.  All communication with authors is by electronic mail. 

Authors without electronic access may submit on disc with two print copies to:

Marie Lomax, Editorial Assistant
Blackwell Publishing Ltd
9600 Garsington Road
Oxford OX4 2DQ
Tel: +44 (0)1865 476527
Fax: +44 (0)1865 471527
Email: marie.lomax@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com

Submission implies that the work has not been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

Manuscript Style and Content
The manuscript (including all charts, figures and tables) must be double-spaced with 2.3cm margins. Pages must be numbered consecutively. Disks must be DOS formatted. We prefer Microsoft Word.

Authors should indicate the data sources for their articles. For example:

  • a description of innovative practice based on ICN or other guidelines;
  • a human-interest piece;
  • an audit of best practice;
  • an empirical research study;
  • a theoretical critique;
  • an opinion piece of international interest; or
  • a literature review.
  • A Short Communication consists of reports up to 1500 words. Subjects may include single case studies and service innovations that do not aim to be comprehensive or necessarily research-oriented. A short abstract of up to 100 words is required and up to 10 references may be given.Up to five key policy messages and three implications for practice should be included. Nurses' 'Experiences from the field' are included in this category. 
  • The title page must be  a separate file on the disk; do not include it in the manuscript file. It must include a title of no more than 10 words; names, credentials, job title, department and institution for each author; and the name, address, telephone, fax and e-mail for the corresponding author. NOTE: Include only the title at the top of the manuscript. The author's name should appear only on the title page, not in the abstract or manuscript.
  • Manuscripts must be in English, between 3000 and 5000 words in length inclusive of a 250-word abstract and no more than 40 references. Structured under appropriate headings, the abstract should accompany the manuscript on a separate page. It should normally include the article's Aim, Background and Conclusion. Abstracts for reports of empirical studies should also include the Methods, Discussion and Results or Findings. It helps the 'flow' of the article if the abstract headings are used to structure the main text, where appropriate references in support of research methods should be cited.
  • Up to 3 tables and/or figures may be included.
  • Up to ten keywords in alphabetical order should follow the abstract including, if appropriate, the countries that are the subject of the article.
  • Articles involving statistical methods should state the source of research subjects, selection methods, sample size, response rate and main results with confidence intervals and actual P values. 

Harvard style must be used. Information on the Harvard style can be found here. References are cited in the text using the author names followed by year of publication, e.g. (Campbell 1995), (Jones 1999). When there are three or more authors, the first author's name followed by et al. should be used, e.g. (Williams et al. 1996). If there is more than one reference per year from an author, distinguish with a letter, e.g. (Jones 1997a), Jones (1997b). A reference list including all citations must be supplied on a separate page. References are listed in alphabetical order by first author names. References must include sufficient information to retrieve source material. When a web page is cited, please provide the date it was last accessed. The following are examples of style:
Lesley, D. (1995) What Makes Women Sick: Gender and the Political Economy of Health. Macmillan Press Ltd, London
Ehlers, V.J. (2000) Nursing and politics: a South African perspective. International Nursing Review, 47 (2), 74-82.
Lynaugh, J.E. (1997) The International Council of Nurses is Almost 100 years Old. University of Pennsylvania, PA. Available here. (accessed 12 December 2002).

Units, Spelling and Measurement
System International (SI) units should be used. Spelling should conform to The Concise Oxford Dictionary.

Electronic Artwork
On final submission of an accepted manuscript always enclose reproduction-quality hard copies of your figures and label with the figure number. Computer-generated artwork should be saved in EPS or TIFF format, ensuring that the appropriate resolution is used. Our electronic artwork information pages at http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/authors/digill.asp. contain full details and should be read carefully to ensure that your figures comply with our requirements.

Illustrations must be professionally prepared, submitted in a form suitable for reproduction, and supplied on separate pages. Avoid using tints if possible, but if they are essential to the understanding of the illustration, use coarse tints. Always enclose a hard copy of a digitally supplied illustration. Computer-generated hard copy illustrations are acceptable only if they have been printed with a good quality laser printer.

The first 100 characters of any caption should describe key aspects of the illustration. The captions should be typed on a separate page at the end of the manuscript rather than in the text or under the illustrations.

Illustrations should be provided to either single (83 mm) or double column (175mm) width. Lettering should be sans serif and of 2-3 mm height. Lines should be at least 0.33 mm wide in final size and symbols should be 2-3 mm across.

All illustrations including photographs should be referred to in the text as figures using Arabic numerals, e.g., Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc. in order of appearance. Any hard copy figures should be lightly marked on the back in pencil with its assigned number, together with the names of the author(s) and the title of the paper. These should be sent to the editorial office at the above address.

Colour Illustrations
It is the policy of the International Nursing Review for authors to pay the full cost for the reproduction of their colour artwork.
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Authors' Original Materials
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August 2005

Editorial Board

Editorial Information

Dr. Jane Robinson, Staffordshire, UK

Editorial Office
Marie Lomax
Blackwell Publishing Ltd
9600 Garsington Road
Oxford OX4 2DQ
Tel: +44 (0)1865 476527
Fax: +44 (0)1865 471527
Email: marie.lomax@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com

Editorial Board
James Buchan - Queen Margaret University College, UK
Linda Carrier-Walker - International Council of Nurses, Switzerland
Eri Furuyama - Japanese Nursing Association Publishing Company
Maaly Kamal Guimei - University of Alexandria, Egypt
Megan-Jane Johnstone - RMIT University, Australia
Laetitia King - Aga Khan University, Kenya
Noriko Katada - College of Nursing Art & Science, Japan
Ellan Murphy, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Una Reid - HRD Consultant, Jamaica
Alina Souza - Spanish General Council of Nursing, Madrid, Spain
Asta Thoroddsen - University of Iceland, Iceland
Lis Wagner - Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Jean Yan - World Health Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland


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