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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

About The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine


Published since 1988, the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine ( JABFM ) is the official peer-reviewed journal of the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM). Believing that the public and scientific communities are best served by open access to information, JABFM makes its articles available free of charge and without registration at www.jabfm.org. JABFM is indexed by Medline, Index Medicus, and other services.

JABFM publishes six bimontly issues per year, comprising original material from authors with new knowledge to contribute to the understanding and advancement of family medicine research and clinical practice. JABFM also serves as an important forum for the specialty of family medicine, and as a source of news from the ABFM. Types of articles published by the JABFM are listed at Information for Authors.

Approximately 900 print copies of each issue are in circulation. Online hits (access events) per month average 14,000 (home page) and 161,000(total). Our impact factor for 2007 is 1.410.

JABFM uses the online Rapid Review system for editorial management, accessible at www.jabfm.org via the author or reviewer portal. Rapid Review expedites the submission and peer review of manuscripts and provides easy, up-to-date manuscript status information for users.

Manuscript Invitation

The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine welcomes high-quality manuscripts that contribute to family medicine as a clinical scientific discipline. High priority is given to clinically relevant studies that have practical implications for improved patient care.

Manuscripts are evaluated considering the extent to which they:

  • represent original work
  • are significant to the advancement of family medicine
  • are of interest to the practicing family physician

Peer Review

Peer reviewers provide an invaluable service to the JABFM and the discipline of family medicine. Over 85% of manuscripts submitted to the JABFM receive external peer review. Reviewer identities are blinded from authors, and author identities are withheld from peer reviewers by requesting that title pages be submitted in a separate file and that authors remove, where feasible, information in the body of the manuscript that might identify the authors. External statistical review is done as needed.

Invitation to Review

We welcome new peer reviewers. To join the JABFM reviewer database, please complete the peer reviewer volunteer form available at www.jabfm.org and fax to (313) 577-9828 or email to jabfm@med.wayne.edu .

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Evaluation

The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine welcomes high-quality manuscripts that contribute to family medicine as a clinical scientific discipline. High priority is given to clinically relevant studies that have practical implications for improved patient care.

Manuscripts are evaluated considering the extent to which they:

  • represent original work
  • are significant to the advancement of family medicine
  • are of interest to the practicing family physician


  • Original Research on evidence-based clinical care, primary care research, or health services.
  • Clinical Reviews with in-depth, critical analysis of the literature on clinical problems, disease entities, or treatment modalities. Systematic reviews are preferred.
  • Evidence-based Clinical Medicine papers on the diagnosis and management of common clinical problems in primary care, as well as cost-and-outcome studies.
  • Clinical Guidelines and Primary Care proposals by various specialty, governmental, or healthcare organizations, with critical commentary from a primary care perspective.
  • Ethics Features comprising research, commentary, or case-focused questions.
  • Family Medicine and the Health Care System papers that study or comment on patterns of care.
  • Health Policy issues from a national perspective.
  • Reflections on Family Medicine comprising essays, creative prose, or poetry on humanistic concerns, professional experiences, or personal perspectives.
  • Special Communications on a variety of topics, including the role of the family physician or research methods.
  • Brief Reports with teaching points of significant clinical relevance.
  • Family Medicine ?World Perspective reports on the practice or education of family physicians around the world.
  • Research Letters provide a synopsis of the research at hand.
  • Commentaries, Editorials on issues in family medicine.
  • Letters to the Editor on current topics or recent articles, paired with the author's reply whenever possible.
  • Rapid Responses to recent articles on the JABFM website at www.jabfm.org.
  • Board News from the American Board of Family Medicine.

Duplicate Publication

Manuscripts are considered only if they have not been previously published in print or electronic format, and with the understanding that they are not under consideration elsewhere. If there is any doubt about what might constitute duplicate publication, authors should include with their submission copies of possibly duplicative materials that have been previously published, or that are under consideration elsewhere. This restriction does not apply to abstracts or press reports published in connection with scientific meetings. Exceptions for unusual circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Editorial Policies


  1. The JABFM adheres to the authorship criteria outlined in the “Uniform Requirements,?available at www.icmje.org.
  2. Authorship should be limited to no more than 8 authors.
  3. Each author should meet all three of these criteria:
    • Substantial contributions to the conception and design, acquisition, or analysis and interpretation of data;
    • Drafting the paper or revising it critically for important intellectual content;
    • Final approval of the version to be published.
  4. All authors should take public responsibility for their manuscripts.
  5. Corresponding authors
    • will be identified as such in the published article.
    • must be willing to submit the actual data for editorial review with the manuscript, if asked by the editor.
    • should be prepared to explain the order of the authors?names.
  6. Contributors should be named in the Acknowledgments, noting what they did; for example, leading organizations, acquiring funding, collecting data, contributing patients, preparing the manuscript, etc.
  7. Authors of papers from research groups, practice-based research networks, or multi-site collaborations should see: Flanagin A, Fontanarosa PB, DeAngelis CD. Authorship for research groups. JAMA, 2002; 288 (24): 3166-3168; available at jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/reprint/288/24/3166.pdf.

Competing Interests

JABFM adheres to policies that increase disclosure and transparency related to competing interests or conflicts of interest, including:

JABFM expects authors to disclose any commercial associations that pose, or have the appearance of posing, a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article, including but not limited to:

  • employment
  • consultancies
  • stock ownership or other equity interests
  • patent-licensing arrangements

Any potential conflicts of interest or competing interests must be disclosed upon submission. This applies to all types of manuscripts, including letters to the editor. Failure to include this information will delay the manuscript at check-in.

Ethics in Research and Biomedical Publication

Responsible Conduct of Research

  • Authors must indicate that Institutional Review Board approval was obtained for the research protocol.
  • JABFM adheres to the “Uniform Requirements?statement on the “Protection of Patients?Rights to Privacy,?available at www.icmje.org.

Informed Consent

  • Patients and research participants must give full, informed consent to participate in research studies, case studies, and other projects leading to publication.


  • Materials taken from other sources must be accompanied by a written statement from both author and publisher giving JABFM permission for reproduction.
  • For papers still “in press,?written permission must be submitted from at least one author.

Peer Reviewer Confidentiality

  • Peer reviewers agree to treat all information in manuscripts as confidential.
  • Peer reviewers must disclose any competing interests or conflicts of interest before accepting a request.

Basic guidelines

ICMJE Guidelines

Authors should adhere to guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) in the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals,?available at www.icmje.org.


JABFM prefers to blind peer reviewers to the names of authors, while recognizing that this is not always completely possible. Title page(s) should be submitted in a separate file. Authors should consider, where feasible, removing other obvious references to authors?names in the body of the manuscript.

Copyright Transfer

Upon acceptance, transfer of copyright to the JABFM is required of all authors of the manuscript. This form is available at www.JABFM.org/misc/cta.shtml.

NIH-funded Research

Authors of accepted papers based on NIH-funded research may visit http://publicaccess.nih.gov/ for guidelines on the submission of their articles in order to promote public access. Both accepted and published articles are protected by JABFM copyright. The final, published version is the JABFM article of record; JABFM assumes no responsibility for earlier versions, which may not incorporate substantive post-acceptance editing.

Manuscript Preparation


Full-length articles (e.g., original research, review articles) are generally 3500 words or less, not counting the abstract or data displays.

Brief reports, special communications, editorials, should be 1500 words or less.

Research letters should run approximately 600 words or less, should have a brief structured abstract, may have one table and/or figure, and should have no more than five references.

Letters to the Editor should be less than 600 words and have no more than a few references.

Content and Organization

Research Reports

Research reports should be organized using the IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion) format. Refer to the “Uniform Requirements?at www.icmje.org for details.

Randomized Controlled Trials

Randomized controlled trials should be organized according to CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) guidelines, available at www.annals.org/cgi/reprint/134/8/657.pdf [Moher D, Schulz KF, Altman, DG. The CONSORT Statement: Revised Recommendations for Improving the Quality of Reports of Parallel-Group Randomized Trials. Ann Int Med, 2001; 134 (8): 657-662.] Please also see Piaggio et al. Reporting of Noninferiority and Equivalence Randomized Trials: An Extension of the CONSORT Statement. JAMA, 2006;295:1152-1160; available at http://jama.ama-assn.org/.

Review Articles

Review articles should use SORT (Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy) to grade diagnostic and treatment recommendations, available at http://www.JABFM.org/cgi/reprint/17/1/59.pdf and in the JABFM, 2004; 17 (1): 59-67.


Meta-analyses should follow the QUOROM statement: Moher D, Cook DJ, Eastwood S Olkin I, Rennie D, Stroup DF. Improving the quality of reports of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials: the QUOROM statement. Lancet, 1999; 354: 1896-1900.

Case Series

Case series are preferred over the report of a single patient. For guidance in preparing a case series, refer to: McCarthy et al. How to write a case report. Fam Med, 2000; 32 (3): 190-195; available at www.stfm.org/fmhub/Fullpdf/march00/fd2.pdf.

Patient Consent for Case Reports

Case reports always require written consent from patients, following this text adapted from BMJ Journals (www.bmjjournals.com): “I understand that the material will be published without my name attached and every attempt will be made to ensure my anonymity. I understand, however, that complete anonymity cannot be guaranteed. It is possible that somebody somewhere ?perhaps, for example, somebody who looked after me if I was in the hospital, or perhaps a relative ?may identify me."

Signed patient consent agreements may be faxed to the JABFM editorial offices at 313-577-9828 or mailed to 101 East Alexandrine, Detroit, MI 48201. A signed pdf may be emailed to JABFM@med.wayne.edu .

Title Page Separation

  1. In order to facilitate double-blinding during the peer review process, we ask that the title page be submitted in a separate file, named with the corresponding author's last name and the word "title."
  2. Title page file(s) must contain:
    • Title
    • Author names and affiliations
    • Conflict of interest statements: Include for each author a statement of all potential, perceived, or real competing and/or conflicts of interest. If an author has no potential conflicts, please state this.
    • Funding sources (all)
    • Acknowledgements (for all contributors, except authors)
    • Word count

    Body of Manuscript, First Page

    1. The body of the manuscript, submitted in a separate file from the title page, must begin with the same information found on the title page, but with all author names and affiliations removed or masked. Terms such as "author 1" or underscoring (___) or other masking devices may be used.
    2. Authors should also consider removing other obvious references to author names in the body of the manuscript, where feasible.


    1. The word count for the abstract is separate from that of the body of the paper.
    2. Whenever possible, the abstract should have a structured format, using section headers appropriate to the text, such as background or introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, etc.

    Formatting / Style

    1. Manuscripts should be double spaced throughout, including references.
    2. Page numbers should appear on all pages.
    3. Word (or similar word-processing) files are best for submission. If PDFs are submitted, the author will need to submit a Word version post-acceptance.
    4. Auto-formatting, text boxes, graphics boxes, or drawings may prevent file conversion and should not be used in the body of the ms.
    5. Abbreviations are discouraged, except for units of measurement. The first time an abbreviation appears, it should be in parentheses after the words for which it stands.
    6. Generic names of drugs should be used, rather than brand names.
    7. Gender bias should be avoided and gender-inclusive language used whenever possible.


    1. The reference list should not include manuscripts in preparation, manuscripts submitted for publication but not yet accepted, observations, or personal communications. References to unpublished material may include material accepted for publication but not yet published (e.g. “in press?, and presentations made at scientific or professional meetings.
    2. List all authors when there are 6 or fewer; when there are 7 or more, list the first 3, then “et al.? For examples refer to:
      • Iverson C, Flanagin A, Fontanarosa PB, et al. American Medical Association Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors (9th Edition). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1998
      • “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals?at www.icmje.org.
    3. References should be double-spaced using in-line numerals, and should start on a separate page.
    4. Use in-line parentheses in the body of the manuscript to indicate references. Please do not use superscripts.
    5. References first cited in tables or figure legends must be numbered so that they are in sequence with references cited in the text.
    6. Authors are responsible for checking the accuracy of their reference citations.


    JABFM follows AMA style for tables. The AMA style guide may be consulted for detail beyond these notes:

    1. Please use Microsoft Word’s table feature. Excel files may not be submitted, although the cells may be copied and pasted into Word.
    2. Excessive tabular data are discouraged.
    3. Auto-formatting, text boxes, graphics boxes, and drawings may prevent file conversion and should not be used.
    4. Tables should appear at the end of the manuscript, double spaced and placed on separate sheets. Insert in the body of the manuscript a bracketed note as to the approximate placement of each table; e.g., [Insert Table 1].
    5. Table titles, labels, and explanatory notes should have sufficient detail to permit interpretation without referring to the text.
    6. Footnotes should use the following symbols, in this sequence: * (asterisk), ?dagger), ?(double dagger), ?(section mark), || (parallel mark), ?(paragraph symbol), # (number sign), ** (asterisk, repeated), †† (dagger, repeated), ‡‡ (double dagger, repeated), etc.

    Figures / Illustrations

    1. Figures and illustrations should be of professional quality.
    2. Symbols, lettering, and numbering should be clear, and these elements should be large enough to remain legible after the figure has been reduced.
    3. Figures should have legends descriptive enough to permit interpretation without referring to the text. Submit figure legends on a separate page.
    4. Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, authors must provide separate files for all illustrations and figures (including charts and graphs) in high-quality, camera-ready, reproducible form. Lists of acceptable file types and instructions are available at cpc.cadmus.com/da/. JABFM strongly encourages authors to submit figures in separate digital files at the outset. However, if necessary, for review purposes figures may be embedded in the manuscript, after the tables.
    5. Original photos or artwork in hard copy are not encouraged, but may be used if necessary. Each should list on the back the sequence number, the name of the author, and the proper orientation (e.g., “top?. Do not mount the figure on cardboard. Photomicrographs should be cropped to a width of 8 cm; and electron photomicrographs should have internal scale markers.

    Manuscript Submission

    Rapid Review Access

    The Rapid Review online system may be accessed at www.JABFM.org by clicking on the author or reviewer portal. For assistance with the submission process, please email JABFM at JABFM@med.wayne.edu or phone 313-577-5205. For technical assistance during evenings or weekends, authors may contact the Rapid Review helpdesk at rrhelp@cadmus.com .

    Submission Tips

    1. Navigation: To move forward in Rapid Review, you must hit “Go?or “Continue.? The “Enter?(or “Back? command does not work.
    2. Saving: Remember to save your work frequently to avoid losing it.
    3. Hard copies: Do not send hard copies to the JABFM office, even if Rapid Review seems to offer the option. This feature is one that RR offers as an option to other journals it hosts.
    4. Revisions: When submitting a revision of your manuscript, access the current version in your inbox and hit the Resubmit button. If the Resubmit button doesn't appear on your screen, contact the editorial offices for assistance. Please do not submit a later version as a new manuscript.
    5. Instructions: A copy of these instructions is available on the website, either at the Information for Authors tab on the left navigation bar of the home page, or via the Author’s Guide tab on the left navbar of the author’s account home page.

    Log On / Create Account

    1. Access Rapid Review via our website at www.JABFM.org
    2. Hit “Authors: Click here to submit your paper?in the center area of the screen
    3. If you’re a first-time user, click the “Create Account?button to the left, and provide the requested information. You will choose a User Name and Password here.
    4. Insert your User Name and Password. These are case-sensitive.
    5. If you have difficulty accessing Rapid Review, it may be the result your firewall or pop-up blocker settings. For help in adjusting your settings see www.rapidreview.com/support/reviewer/ and click on "Getting Started." For further assistance, email JABFM@med.wayne.edu or phone 313-577-5205; after hours/weekends: rrhelp@cadmus.com . JABFM or the Rapid Review helpdesk (links above).

    Complete the Manuscript Submission Form

    1. Click on “Submit New MS?in the left navigation bar
    2. Select JABFM and click “Go?
    3. Complete the manuscript submission form
      • Required fields are asterisked
      • Your cover letter and abstract may be copied and pasted into their fields
      • Word count should include only the body of the manuscript
      • Authors are encouraged to suggest up to five peer reviewers (with contact information).
    4. Click on “Submit MS Online?when done.

    Attach Files / Approve Conversion

    1. After clicking Submit MS Online, click the Browse button, then select your manuscript file and click "Open." The file name will appear in the field. Click the “Attach?button
    2. File Submission screen: Click on “for reviewing purposes only?and Indicate if this is a zipped file, then click “Continue?
    3. File Type screen: Click on the appropriate file type; e.g., manuscripts will most likely be Word text files. Select the appropriate description for your file; e.g., "Full text of manuscript" for the body of your manuscript. For title page files, select "Other" and write in "Title Page." Then click “OK?to continue.
    4. You will be returned to the Attach Files screen. Repeat the above process for the rest of your files, selecting the appropriate file type for each. After all your files are attached, check to see that they’re numbered in the order in which they should appear. If not, you may re-number them.
    5. Click the Submit MS Online button. Your files will be converted to PDFs. Large files can take 10 minutes or more to upload, especially if you have a dial-up internet connection. Please do not interrupt this process. When the upload is complete, you’ll see a screen titled “File Submission,?with your file name in red letters. Print the Submission Summary for your records.
    6. You must approve the PDFs to complete your submission. Click on the View PDF icon to see the pages. You may get a message that the conversion is still in progress. You may “Click here to refresh your browser?every few minutes until the PDFs are ready. If your files are large and the conversion is taking more time than you have, you may “Log off and return later.?If you log off, you will receive an e-mail when the conversion is complete. You must return to Rapid Review within 2 weeks to complete your submission, or your files will be discarded.
    7. Upon successful conversion, you will see the message, “Your manuscript has been converted to a PDF document.?Click on “View PDF?to view the document. Select the appropriate action from the list of options; e.g., if the PDFs are correct, select that option and click “Done.?You will receive an e-mail acknowledging your submission. If the PDFs are not correct, you may choose to re-upload your files.

Editorial Board


Editor: Marjorie A. Bowman, MD, MPA
Professor and Chair, Department of Family Practice and Community Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-4283
Deputy Editor: Anne Victoria Neale, PhD, MPH
Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48201
Associate Editor: Alfred O. Berg, MD
Department of Family Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
Associate Editor: Kendra Schwartz, MD, MSPH
Department of Family Medicine, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48201
Executive Editor: James C. Puffer, MD
President and CEO, American Board of Family Medicine, Lexington, KY 40505

Editorial Office

The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine
Phil Lupo, MLIS
Sr. Editorial Assistant
Department of Family Medicine
Wayne State University
101 East Alexandrine, Room 249
Detroit, MI 48201

E-mail: jabfm@med.wayne.edu
Phone: 313-577-5205
Fax: 313-577-9828

Editorial Board

William A. Alto, MD
Maine-Dartmouth Family Practice, Fairfield, ME 04937
Alfred O. Berg, MD
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-0001
Richard D. Clover, MD
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40202
Larry Culpepper, MD, MPH
Boston University, Boston, MA 02118
L. Miriam Dickinson, PhD, MS
University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, CO 80045-0508
John W. Ely, MD, MSPH
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
Edgar Figueroa, MD, MPH
Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY 10021
Kenneth S. Fink, MD, MGA, MPH
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Region X, Seattle, WA 98112
James M. Gill, MD, MPH
Delaware Valley Outcomes Research, Newark, DE 19711
Dwenda Gjerdingen, MD, MS
University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55103
Beverly Green, MD, MPH
Group Health Cooperative, Seattle, WA 98101
Larry A. Green, MD
Robert Graham Center, Washington, DC 20036
Masahito Jimbo, MD, PhD, MPH
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Mark S. Johnson, MD, MPH
UMDNJ ?New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ 07103
Joseph C. Konen, MD, MSPH
Pfizer Global Pharmaceuticals, Charlotte, NC 28277
Helen E. McIlvain, PhD
University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198-3075
James W. Mold, MD, MPH
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Donald Pathman, MD, MPH
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7595
James C. Puffer, MD
American Board of Family Medicine, Lexington, KY 40505
Howard Rabinowitz, MD
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Maryjean Schenk, MD, MPH, MS
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48201
Kendra Schwartz, MD, MSPH
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48201
Dean A. Seehusen, MD, MPH
Dwight David Eisenhower Army Medical Center, Augusta, GA 30905
Peter C. Smith, MD
University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, CO 80045
Eric M. Wall, MD, MPH
LifeWise Health Plan of Oregon, Portland, OR 97201
Therese Zink, MD, MPH
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455


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