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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Translational Research delivers original investigations in the broad fields of laboratory, clinical, and public health research. Interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary in scope, it keeps readers up-to-date on significant biomedical research from all subspecialties of medicine. Aiming to expedite the translation of scientific discovery into new or improved standards of care, it promotes a wide-ranging exchange between basic, preclinical, clinical, epidemiologic, and health outcomes research. It encourages submission of studies describing preclinical research with potential for application to human disease, and studies describing research obtained from preliminary human experimentation with potential to refine the understanding of biological principles underpinning human disease. Also encouraged are studies describing public health research with potential for application to the clinic, disease prevention, or healthcare policy.

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Instructions to Authors

Guide for Authors

Translational Research
Department of Medicine
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
411 East 69th Street
New York, NY 10021

Editorial Scope and Policy

Translational Research publishes original investigations in the broad fields of laboratory and clinical medicine. It aims to expedite the translation of scientific discovery into new or improved standards of care by promoting a wide-ranging exchange between basic, preclinical, clinical, epidemiologic, and health outcomes research. Reports of purely laboratory or animal investigations should have the potential for application to human disease, and reports of preliminary human investigations should have the potential for advancing our understanding of the biology of human disease. Reports of public health research should have the potential for application to the clinic, disease prevention, or healthcare policy. Case reports/series are encouraged, especially if they provide important mechanistic insight or illuminate a novel therapeutic principle. Manuscripts that are primarily methodologic will only be considered if the method is novel, if its development poses or answers important biologic questions, or if its description includes data applying it to a study of potential interest to our readership. Papers describing refinements of routine clinical laboratory tests are not encouraged.

Review manuscripts are welcomed for both state-of-the-art comprehensive reviews, directed at research scientists in specific fields, and more general informative reviews, directed at the broader community of clinical investigators. Originality is critical in order to contribute to the medical literature, and the perspective should be fresh and the synthesis unique. Authors of reviews should realize that the Journal is multidisciplinary and that review articles for such a journal require appropriate interpretive material. Clarity of presentation is a major criterion for acceptance.

Scientific commentary about published articles may be submitted as a Letter to the Editor. These comments should be directed at confirming the results (from a different approach), extending the original report, or refuting results or the authors' interpretation. Reports describing preliminary findings that offer hypothesis-gathering insight into recognized problems may also be submitted as a Letters to the Editor. Maximum length is 1000 words; maximum number of references is 15. The Editor reserves the right to decide on publication of letters, shorten them, remove objectionable comments, and make other changes in accord with the style of Translational Research.

Original research of limited scope may be submitted as a Brief Report, and should contain concise accounts of the purpose of the study, methods used, results, and discussion. Maximum length is 1500 words; maximum number of references is 15.

Papers involving studies in human subjects must be accompanied by statements that the research was carried out according to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, that informed consent was obtained, and that the author's institutional review board has approved the study. This statement must be included in the Methods section. The Journal encourages authors to discuss the ethical concerns in research that involves significant risk to participants.

The publisher and editors of Translational Research subscribe to the definitions of authorship as set forth in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals; accordingly, we expect each listed author to accept full responsibility for the paper. Manuscripts submitted to Translational Research are reviewed (and ultimately published) with the understanding that all potential copyright conflicts have been addressed by the author(s) and that all overlap with other publications ¨C by the authors or by others ¨C have been disclosed. Moreover, in the event that fraud or other irregularity is alleged within 5 years of the appearance of a paper in Translational Research, it is our expectation that the authors will at our request produce both the actual data on which the paper was based and documentation of adequate resources to have carried out the work in question. It is understood that statements and opinions expressed in articles and communications are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the editor(s) or publisher, and the editor(s) and publisher disclaim any responsibility or liability for such material. If the manuscript receives favorable consideration, a form transferring copyright and confirming authorship will be sent to the corresponding author. It must be signed by all authors. If US Government jurisdiction precludes copyright transfer, provide a specific statement of exemption.

Review and selection

All articles are evaluated by the Editor for suitability for consideration for publication in Translational Research. Potentially acceptable submissions will also be reviewed in detail by two additional referees with expertise in the specific area. All revised manuscripts are carefully re-examined with no guarantee of acceptance, and authors will only have two opportunities to make revisions to the same manuscript. Final acceptance is based on originality, significance, documentation of conclusions, and form of presentation.

Manuscript preparation and organization

Manuscripts should be submitted online at
http://ees.elsevier.com/transres . The website guides authors stepwise through the submission process. Submission items include a cover letter (save as a separate file for upload), the manuscript (including title page, abstract, main text, references, and figure legends), tables, and figures. Revised manuscripts should also be accompanied by a unique file (separate from the cover letter) with responses to reviewers' comments. The preferred order of files is as follows: cover letter, response to reviews (revised manuscripts only), manuscript file(s), table(s), figure(s). Text, tables and figures are uploaded separately. Do not import figures or tables into the text of the article. Original source files (not PDF files) are required for online submission. Files should be labeled with appropriate and descriptive file names (e.g., SmithText.doc, Fig1.tiff, Table3.doc). The manuscript must be written in English and typed double-spaced.

Please send queries concerning the submission or review process to the Managing Editor, Michael Franklin, at

Authors who are unable to use the online submission system must contact the Managing Editor prior to submission to discuss alternate options.

The main sections of all manuscripts should be indicated with capitalized head set flush with the left margin. The organization of review articles should be appropriate to the content of the review. The following organization is expected for manuscripts describing original investigations.

Title page. Include affiliations of the author(s) and the sources of support for the investigation, when appropriate. Also indicate the address of the author to whom correspondence and reprint requests should be directed; include business and fax numbers. Include a brief statement (2-3 sentences) describing the key findings of your study and their translational significance.

Abstract. An abstract of 250 words or less should orient the reader to the problem, describe the major observations, and state the principal conclusions, all in one paragraph without subheadings. It should be easily understood without reference to the text.

Running head and abbreviations. Include an abbreviated title (45 characters or less) and a list of definitions of any abbreviations used in the manuscript. Because this is a multidisciplinary journal, abbreviations should be kept to a minimum. It is preferable to use only universally understood abbreviations. Only standard chemical or nonproprietary pharmaceutical nomenclature should be used. All abbreviations must be defined separately in the title, abstract, and text of the manuscript.

Introduction. This should be organized and expressed in a way that will introduce and orient the general scientific reader to the topic.

Methods. The Methods section should include a description of the statistical methods used.

Results. These may be presented in tables or figures that should not duplicate the text. All tables and figures must be numbered in the order of their mention in the text.

Tables should be typed double-spaced as separate documents from the text of the manuscript. Do not use ditto marks. Center the table number at the top of the page and the title of the table beneath it.

A reasonable number of black-and-white illustrations are permitted without extra charge to the author. Figures must be of suitable quality for publication. Resolution for halftone images should be 300 dots per inch (dpi) at the size it will appear in print. Resolution for line art should be 1200 dpi at the size it will appear in print. All images should be at least 5 inches wide. Preferably, format for digital files should be TIFF (Tagged image file format). JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format can be used for halftone photographs if the image is saved with minimum compression. Do not save digital files in GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) format. Do not embed figures in the manuscript's word processing file. Images submitted in software-specific proprietary formats (e.g., PowerPoint, Harvard Graphics, Visio, etc.) must meet specific conditions. Instructions for preparing artwork for online submission can be found at

Consistency in size of illustrations within the article is stronglypreferred. Any special instructions regarding sizing should be clearly noted. Arrangements for the use of figures requiring special handling may be made with the Editor at an additional charge.

Legends for figures should be typed double-spaced on a separate page after the References.

Avoid duplicating previously published material. If it is necessary to use a copyrighted table, figure, or data, the figure legend or table footnote should give full credit to the original source and should state that the material is reprinted with permission.

Discussion. The discussion should set the results in context and set forth the major conclusions of the authors. Information from the Introduction or Results section should not be repeated unless necessary for clarity. The authors' speculations concerning the possible implications of the findings may be presented in this section but should be clearly separated from the direct inferences. As the Journal and its audience are multidisciplinary, we encourage the inclusion of a short concluding paragraph, under the subheading "Speculations," which would point out and clearly denote such broader possibilities for the general readership.


In addition to the customary recognition of nonauthors who have been helpful to the work described, this section must disclose any substantive conflicts of interest.

References. All references must be cited in the text. These should be numbered serially in the text and listed, in the order cited, after any personal acknowledgments. Reference format should follow the style outlined in ?Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals? (Vancouver style). Journal abbreviations should conform to the style of the Cumulated Index Medicus. If not listed in the CIM, journal titles should not be abbreviated. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their references. Note: Unpublished results and personal communications do not belong in the reference list; they should be cited parenthetically in the text.

EXAMPLES (if six or fewer authors, list all; if seven or more, list first six and add et al.):Journal articles:
You CH, Lee KY, Chey WY, Menguy R. Electrogastrographic study of patients with unexplained nausea, bloating and vomiting. Gastroenterology 1980;79:311-4.

Langer M, Chiandussi L, Chopra IJ, Martini L, editors. The endocrines and the liver. London: Academic Press, 1984:9-34.

Chapters in books:
Gustafsson JA, Eneroth P, Hokfelt T, Mode A, Norstedt G. Studies on the hypothalamo-pituitary axis: a novel concept in regulation of steroid and drug metabolism. In: Langer M, Chiandussi L, Chapra IJ, Martini L, editors. The endocrines and the liver. London: Academic Press, 1984:9-34.

Permissions and patient consent forms

Direct quotations, tables, or illustrations that have appeared in copyrighted material must be accompanied by written permission for their use from the copyright owner and original author, along with complete information as to source. Photographs of identifiable persons must be accompanied by signed releases showing informed consent.

Authorship statement

At the time of submission, the Journal requires an explicit statement by the senior corresponding author warranting that the manuscript, as submitted, has been reviewed by and approved by all named authors; that the corresponding author is empowered by all of the authors to act on their behalf with respect to the submission of the manuscript; that the article is original; that thearticle does not infringe upon any copyright or other proprietary right of any third party; that neither the text nor the data reported have been published previously (abstracts excepted); and that the article or a substantially similar article is not under consideration by another journal at this time. Include this author agreement in the cover letter to be submitted online.

Patricia L. Hogan
Publisher, US Health Sciences Journals
360 Park Ave. South
New York, NY 10010

Editorial Board

Editorial Board


Jeffrey Laurence MD

Professor of Medicine, Division of Hematology-Oncology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY

Associate Editors:

Rose S. Fife MD

Associate Dean for Research/Barbara F. Kampen Professor of Women's Health/Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, Email: rfife@iupui.edu

Lawrence A. Frohman MD

Section of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, Email: frohman@uic.edu

Jose G.N. Garcia MD

Chairman, Department of Medicine (Pulmonary), University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, Email: jgarcia@medicine.bsd.uchicago.edu

David W. Kamp MD

Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, Email: d-kamp@northwestern.edu

Robert F. Todd, III MD, PhD

Chief of Hematology/Oncology, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, MI, Email: robtodd@umich.edu

Editorial Advisory Board:

M.F. Arnsdorf MD

Chicago, IL

J.P. Atkinson MD

St. Louis, MO

R.J. Bache MD

Minneapolis, MN

G. Bakris MD

Chicago, IL

M.P. Cohen MD

Philadelphia, PA

N.O. Davidson MD

St. Louis, MO

B.S. Edwards MD

Rochester, MN

G.S. Francis MD

Cleveland, OH

R.P. Hebbel MD

Minneapolis, MN

J. Imperato-McGinley MD

New York, NY

E.N. Janoff MD

Denver, CO

J.A. Kern MD

Cleveland, OH

A.I. Mushlin MD

New York, NY

M.M. Rasenick PhD

Chicago, IL

A. Talal

New York, NY

E.K. Weir MD

Minneapolis, MN

Managing Editor:

Michael J. Franklin

Email: frank061@umn.edu

Issue Manager:

Andrew P. O'Brien



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