

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Aims and Scope

The Economic Journal is among the foremost of the learned journals in economics, and is invaluable to anyone with an active interest in economic issues.  It is a key source for professional economists in higher education, business, government service and the financial sector, and represents unbeatable value for those who want to keep abreast in current thinking in economics.

Articles- More than forty high-quality refereed articles are published each year offering some of the best new work in theoretical, applied and empirical research from across the entire field of economics.

Features- Symposia, special articles and regular features on data and technology covering topical, policy-relevant questions in contemporary economics. Whilst maintaining high academic standards the symposia and special articles are accessible to a wide readership.

Extensive Book Reviews- by specialist economists.

Conference Papers- The Annual Conference issue is published in March each year and includes the best papers presented at the Annual Royal Economic Society Conference

Instructions to Authors
Author Guidelines

Submissions should be addressed to:

The Managing Editor     
Professor Andrew Scott   
The Economic Journal   
London Business School   
Sussex Place     
Regent's Park     
London NW1 4SA

For enquiries regarding submissions, please contact:

Publishing Editor
Heather Daly
The Economic Journal
London Business School
Sussex Place
Regent's Park
London NW1 4SA

Email: econjournal@london.edu
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7000 8413
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7000 8401

Proposals for Economic Journal Features should be submitted via email to:

Professor Stephen Machin
Features Editor
Department of Economics
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
Email: ejfeatures@ucl.ac.uk

On-line submission is now available for The Economic Journal, and is the preferred form for receiving submissions. Submission is free to members of the Royal Economic Society. Non-members who wish to submit a paper must join the Society: for details on joining, click on "Membership" and see information.

For more details and instructions on submitting a paper, see our on-line submission page.  If you are unable to access this link, please contact the editorial office at the email address provided above.  Submission of an article is taken as an implicit agreement that the work will not be submitted simultaneously to any other publication.

See our Editorial Policy Statement

To assist the general reader the Editors require that authors take care to motivate their work and to communicate their contribution in a clear manner. Please note that, in general, articles should not exceed 7,500 words. Overlong papers will be returned without consideration. 

In order to optimize your article for search engines, please consult the guidelines and examples prepared by Blackwell. These can be found on www.blackwellpublishing.com/optimize.

Guide to preparing manuscripts for submission

1. When setting out mathematical equations, contributors are asked to conform to the conventions adopted in recent articles published in The Economic Journal. The full mathematical workings necessary for justifying each step of the argument should accompany all articles of a mathematical character, in order to assist the referee. These workings will not be published. 

2. Statistical tables should be clearly headed and the reader should be able to understand the meaning of each row or column without hunting in the text for explanations of symbols, etc. Units of measurement, base-dates for index numbers, geographical area covered and sources should be clearly stated. Authors are fully responsible for the accuracy of the data and for checking their proofs; whenever they feel that the referee would have difficulty in testing the derivation of their statistics, they should provide supplementary notes on the methods used. These will not be published.

3. Diagrams should be clearly drawn and accompanied by the basic statistics that were required for the preparation; the axes must be clearly labelled; the reader must be able to understand the diagrams without hunting in the text for explanations.

4. Bibliographical references should be carefully checked, and complete in respect of the year and the place of publication. If a bibliographical list is given, it should follow the style used in the current issue of The Economic Journal.

Exclusive Licence Form

Authors will be required to sign an Exclusive Licence Form (ELF) for all papers accepted for publication. Signature of the ELF is a condition of publication and papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless a signed form has been received. Please note that signature of the Exclusive Licence Form does not affect ownership of copyright in the material.  (Government employees need to complete the Author Warranty sections, although copyright  in such cases does not need to  be assigned).  After submission authors will retain the right to publish their paper in various medium/circumstances (please see the form for further details).  To assist authors an appropriate form will be supplied by the editorial office. Alternatively, authors may like to download a copy of the form here.

Preparation of the final typescript for The Economic Journal

Editorial Board

Editorial Information

Antonio Ciccone, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Leonardo Felli, London School of Economics
Steve Machin, University College London
Email: s.machin@ucl.ac.uk; Fax: + 44 0 171 916 2775
Jörn-Steffen Pischke, London School of Economics

Managing Editor
Andrew Scott, London Business School
Email: econjournal@london.edu

Conference Editors
Carlo Perroni, University of Warwick, UK (2006, 2007 issues)
Email: c.perroni@warwick.ac.uk

Steve Machin, University College, London, UK (2007 issue)
Email: s.machin@ucl.ac.uk

Andrew Scott, London Business School, UK (2007 issue)
Email: ejajs@london.edu

Publishing Editor
Heather Daly, London Business School, UK
Email: Econjournal@london.edu

Production Editor
David G. Mayes, Bank of Finland, Helsinki, Finland
Email: David.Mayes@bof.fi

Associate Editors
Daron Acemoglu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Luca Anderlini, Georgetown University
George-Marios Angeletos, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Marianne Bertrand, University of Chicago Business School
Robin Burgess, London School of Economics
Christian Dustmann, University College London
Jean Imbs, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Universit?de Lausanne
Guido Lorenzoni, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ulrike Malmendier, Stanford University
Albert Marcet, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Marc Melitz, Harvard University
Enrico Moretti, University of California Berkeley
A. Abigail Payne, McMaster University
Monika Piazzesi, University of Chicago Business School
Ben Polak, Yale University
Morten Ravn, IUE (European University Institute)
Ronny Razin, London School of Economics
Helene Rey, Princeton University
Jonathan Temple, University of Bristol
Leeat Yariv, California Institute of Technology
Luigi Zingales, University of Chicago Business School


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